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The destruction of coral reef habitats has occurred at unprecedented levels during the last three decades. Coral disease and bleaching in the Caribbean and South Florida have caused extensive coral mortality with limited recovery, often coral reefs are being replaced with turf algae. Acroporids were once dominant corals and have diminished to the state where they are being considered as endangered species. Our survey assessed the condition of reef corals throughout South Florida. A probability-based design produced unbiased estimates of the spatial extent of ecological condition, measured as the absence or presence and frequency or prevalence of coral diseases and bleaching intensity over large geographic regions. This approach allowed us to calculate a quantifiable level of uncertainty. Coral condition was estimated for 4100 hectares (ha) (or 41.0 km2) of coral reefs in South Florida, including reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), New Grounds, Dry Tortugas National Park (DTNP), and Biscayne National Park (BNP). The absence or presence of coral disease, causal coral bleaching, partial bleaching and coral paling were not good indicators of overall coral condition. It was more useful to report the prevalence of anomalies that indicated a compromised condition at both the population and community levels. For example, 79% of the area in South Florida had less than 6% of the coral colonies diseased, whereas only 2.2% (97.15 ha) of the sampled area had a maximum prevalence of 13% diseased coral colonies at any single location. The usefulness of causal bleaching might be more important when considering the prevalence of each of the three different states at a single location. For example, paling was observed over the entire area, whereas bleaching and partial bleaching occurred at 19 and 41% of the area, respectively. An index for coral reef condition might integrate the prevalence and species affected by each bleaching state at individual locations. By establishing these baselines, future surveys can examine changes and trends in the spatial distribution of coral conditions in South Florida and able to score the reefs as to their health status.  相似文献   

10th Anniversary Review: a changing climate for coral reefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tropical coral reefs are charismatic ecosystems that house a significant proportion of the world's marine biodiversity. Their valuable goods and services are fundamental to the livelihood of large coastal populations in the tropics. The health of many of the world's coral reefs, and the goods and services they provide, have already been severely compromised, largely due to over-exploitation by a range of human activities. These local-scale impacts, with the appropriate government instruments, support and management actions, can potentially be controlled and even ameliorated. Unfortunately, other human actions (largely in countries outside of the tropics), by changing global climate, have added additional global-scale threats to the continued survival of present-day coral reefs. Moderate warming of the tropical oceans has already resulted in an increase in mass coral bleaching events, affecting nearly all of the world's coral reef regions. The frequency of these events will only increase as global temperatures continue to rise. Weakening of coral reef structures will be a more insidious effect of changing ocean chemistry, as the oceans absorb part of the excess atmospheric carbon dioxide. More intense tropical cyclones, changed atmospheric and ocean circulation patterns will all affect coral reef ecosystems and the many associated plants and animals. Coral reefs will not disappear but their appearance, structure and community make-up will radically change. Drastic greenhouse gas mitigation strategies are necessary to prevent the full consequences of human activities causing such alterations to coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Environmental and biological reef monitoring was conducted in Almirante Bay (Bahía Almirante) in Bocas del Toro, Panama, to assess impacts from anthropogenic developments. An integrated monitoring investigated how seasonal temperature stress, turbidity, eutrophication and physical impacts threatened reef health and biodiversity throughout the region. Environmental parameters such as total suspended solids [TSS], carbon isotopes (δ13C), C/N ratios, chlorophyll a, irradiance, secchi depth, size fractions of the sediments and isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC] of the water were measured throughout the years 2010 and 2011 and were analysed in order to identify different impact sources. Compared to data from Collin et al. (Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences 38:324–334, 2009) chlorophyll a has doubled at sites close to the city and the port Almirante (from 0.46–0.49 to 0.78–0.97 μg l?1) and suspension load increased, visible by a decrease in secchi depth values. Visibility decreased from 9-13 m down to 4 m at the bay inlet Boca del Drago, which is strongly exposed to river run off and dredging for the shipping traffic. Eutrophication and turbidity levels seemed to be the determining factor for the loss of hard coral diversity, most significant at chlorophyll a levels higher than 0.5 μg l?1 and TSS levels higher than 4.7 mg l?1. Hard coral cover within the bay has also declined, at some sites down to <10 % with extremely low diversities (7 hard coral species). The hard coral species Porites furcata dominated the reefs in highly impacted areas and showed a strong recovery after bleaching and a higher tolerance to turbidity and eutrophication compared to other hard coral species in the bay. Serious overfishing was detected in the region by a lack of adult and carnivorous fish species, such as grunts, snappers and groupers. Study sites less impacted by anthropogenic activities and/or those with local protection showed a higher hard coral cover and fish abundance; however, an overall loss of hard coral diversity was observed.  相似文献   

Solar irradiance has been increasingly recognized as an important determinant of bleaching in coral reefs, but measurements of solar radiation exposure within coral reefs have been relatively limited. Solar radiation dosimetry within multiple coral reef areas of South Florida was assessed using remote sensed, modeled, and measured values during a minor bleaching event during August 2005. Coral reefs in the Dry Tortugas and Upper Keys had similar diffuse downwelling attenuation coefficients (Kd, m(-1)), whereas Kd values were significantly greater in the Middle and Lower Keys. Mean 1% attenuation depths varied by reef region for ultraviolet B (UVB; 9.7 to 20 m), ultraviolet A (UVA; 22 to 40 m) and visible (27 to 43 m) solar radiation. Solar irradiances determined from remote sensed data were significantly correlated with measured values, but were generally overestimated at the depth of corals. Solar irradiances modeled using an atmospheric radiative transfer model parameterized with site specific approximations of cloud cover showed close agreement with measured values. Estimated daily doses (W h/m(2)) of UVB (0.01-19), UVA (2-360) and visible (29-1,653) solar radiation varied with coral depth (2 to 24 m) and meteorological conditions. These results indicate large variation in solar radiation dosimetry within coral reefs that may be estimated with reasonable accuracy using regional Kd measurements and radiative transfer modeling.  相似文献   

Tayrona National Natural Park (TNNP) is a hotspot of coral reef biodiversity in the Colombian Caribbean, located between the city of Santa Marta (>455,000 inhabitants) and several smaller river mouths (Rio Piedras, Mendihuaca, Guachaca). The region also experiences a strong seasonal variation in physical parameters (temperature, salinity, wind, and water currents) due to alternating dry seasons with coastal upwelling and rainy seasons. However, the spatial and temporal effects on water quality parameters relevant for coral reef functioning have not been investigated. Therefore, inorganic nutrient, chlorophyll a, and particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations along with biological O2 demand (BOD), pH, and water clarity directly above local coral reefs (~10 m water depth) were monitored for 25 months in four bays along a distance gradient (12–20 km) to Santa Marta in the southwest and to the first river mouth (17–27 km) in the east. This is by far the most comprehensive coral reefs water quality dataset for the region. Findings revealed that particularly during non-upwelling, chlorophyll a and POC concentrations along with BOD significantly increased with decreasing distance to the rivers in the east, suggesting that the observed spatial water quality decline was triggered by riverine runoff and not by the countercurrent-located Santa Marta. Nitrate, nitrite, and chlorophyll a concentrations significantly increased during upwelling, while pH and water clarity decreased. Generally, water quality in TNNP was close to oligotrophic conditions adequate for coral reef growth during non-upwelling, but exceeded critical threshold values during upwelling and in relation to riverine discharge.  相似文献   

在室内用ANDERSEN生物粒子采样器进行了不同采样时间对采集空气细菌和真菌粒子浓度,粒数中值直径效果的研究,结果表明,在1-12min内,采集的空气细菌和真菌粒子浓度随采样时间的增加而减少,呈明显的负相关关系,相关系数分别为-0.903和-0.688,P值均大于0.05,另外,在采样过程中,空气真菌比细菌耐受采样空气冲击力的能力强,采样时间对空气细菌和真菌粒子的粒度分布和粒数中值直径的影响不明显。  相似文献   

介绍了沉降法、撞击法和静电场吸附法等3种常见生物气溶胶采样技术的基本原理及各自的优缺点,指出其发展趋势为建立复合式、大流量联合采样技术及小活性粒子的采样技术,实现生物气溶胶的快速自动化采样.  相似文献   

We developed a systematic process to evaluate state/tribal bioassessment programs to provide information about the rigor of the technical approach. This is accomplished via on-site interviews to produce an evaluation that assigns one of four levels of rigor as an outcome. Level 4 is the most rigorous and reflects a technical capacity to accurately determine incremental condition and support management programs. The remaining three levels are less able to assess incremental condition and are appropriate for only some management support needs. Accurately determining impairment and diagnosing pollution-specific stressors are fundamental tasks that states/tribes must accomplish to provide management support. This goal is fulfilled to varying degrees by most states/tribes. The evaluation employs a checklist and a sliding scale of rigor for 13 technical elements. Feedback is provided to each state/tribe via a technical memorandum that describes the technical components of the monitoring program, highlights strengths, and recommends improvements for specific technical issues. This can be used to refine the bioassessment and monitoring programs to better support management programs. The results of 14 state/tribal evaluations are included here. The majority (nine states, one tribe) revealed that most operate at level 2 with developmental activities that will elevate the level of program rigor already underway. Two states operate level 4 programs and each have numeric biocriteria and refined designated uses in their water quality standards. This is the ultimate goal of the process of engaging states in the development of bioassessment programs in the U.S.  相似文献   

大气连续采样质量保证初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了建立大气连续采样质量保证考核办法的必要性,介绍了大气连续采样质量保证考核办法的建立依据、考核内容、组织实施、应用举例及取得的成效,对如何做好大气连续采样的质量保证工作进行了初步探讨  相似文献   

双排气管汽油车进行尾气检测时,环保监管部门的监管要求与环保尾气检测机构的实际操作常存在分歧。对于双排气管汽油车究竟插入几个取样探头测试,才能准确、科学地检测出尾气中的含量浓度,从而对尾气检测结果做出公正准确的判断,从检测标准要求、比对实验方法验证、排气管构造图解析3个方面对该问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Coral reef ecosystem management benefits from continual quantitative assessment of the resources being managed, plus assessment of factors that affect distribution patterns of organisms in the ecosystem. In this study, we investigate the relationships among physical, benthic, and fish variables in an effort to help explain the distribution patterns of organisms on patch reefs within Biscayne National Park, FL, USA. We visited a total of 196 randomly selected sampling stations on 12 shallow (<10 m) patch reefs and measured physical variables (e.g., substratum rugosity, substratum type) and benthic and fish community variables. We also incorporated data on substratum rugosity collected remotely via airborne laser surveying (Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar—EAARL). Across all stations, only weak relationships were found between physical, benthic cover, and fish assemblage variables. Much of the variance was attributable to a “reef effect,” meaning that community structure and organism abundances were more variable at stations among reefs than within reefs. However, when the reef effect was accounted for and removed statistically, patterns were detected. Within reefs, juvenile scarids were most abundant at stations with high coverage of the fleshy macroalgae Dictyota spp., and the calcified alga Halimeda tuna was most abundant at stations with low EAARL rugosity. Explanations for the overwhelming importance of “reef” in explaining variance in our dataset could include the stochastic arrangement of organisms on patch reefs related to variable larval recruitment in space and time and/or strong historical effects due to patchy disturbances (e.g., hurricanes, fishing), as well as legacy effects of prior residents (“priority” effects).  相似文献   

污水中油的采样方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了污水中油的采样和结果计算方法。实验表明,污水中油主要以浮油形式存在。油含量的结果主要与所采污水水体表面积有关,结果计算应该考虑水体总体积。  相似文献   

There is great inconsistency in the use of the terms pulse and press when describing types of perturbations. This is due primarily to a failure to distinguish between the cause and the effect of the perturbation in question. The cause and effect may be either short- or long-term and clearly one may be short-term and the other long-term. Distinction between these two types of disturbance is crucial for management to prevent further impact. Thus, it is important to describe separately these two aspects of a perturbation. Here, we define a protocol for sampling perturbations which enables the cause and effect to be distinguished between short- or long-term. Existing (i.e., already established) assemblages and newly-established assemblages are sampled and compared among disturbed and control locations. Existing assemblages may have been affected by past (pulse) disturbances and/or ongoing (press) disturbances, whereas the establishment of new assemblages can only be influenced by ongoing disturbances. We describe the procedures for assessing impacts of estuarine marinas as an illustration of the issues to be considered in any habitat. Settlement plates and defaunated sediment are suggested for sampling the establishment of new assemblages in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

浮游动物是水生生态系统的重要组成部分,对环境因子敏感,是水生生态健康状况的重要指示生物.基于传统形态学的浮游动物调查方法无法鉴定桡足类幼体,难以准确了解浮游动物群落组成.DNA宏条形码技术基于DNA序列差异识别物种,为浮游动物群落组成的准确解析提供了新方法.比较了不同浮游动物采样方法(直接过滤法和网富集法)对浮游动物D...  相似文献   

参照美国EPA 30B方法,基于吸附原理,研制了用于燃煤燃烧源排放烟气中总气态汞的双路独立采样系统,结合热解析分析技术,现场测试结果符合30B方法的质控指标要求。建议加大国产吸附管的研制力度,开发适用于中国工况的汞采样器。  相似文献   

石河子市绿化适生树种的防尘作用研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对石河子市适生树种的滞尘能力分析,得到绿化对该市主要污染物(TSP)的影响作用效果。  相似文献   

解析废气中二噁英监测采样的现状及不足,针对生活垃圾焚烧炉(炉排炉)、蓄热式焚烧炉(RTO)和危险废物焚烧炉(回转窑)3种不同类型焚烧炉,考察了采样过程中烟道类型、采样时间和采样时间间隔不同对二噁英监测的影响。结果表明,在水平烟道和垂直烟道采样测得二噁英排放浓度水平相当,有垂直烟道时,优先在垂直烟道采样;间隔采样和连续采样二噁英测定结果基本一致,为了便于操作,建议均采用连续采样方式;采样时间上,生活垃圾焚烧炉应保证超过1 h,蓄热式焚烧炉以2 h左右为宜;间歇投料危险废物焚烧炉应尽量满足2 h以上,条件不许可时,可通过增加采样流量缩短采样时间保证采样量,并在危险废物完全燃烧前结束采样工作。  相似文献   

地下水有机污染调查采样精密度评估方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国际标准化组织(ISO)在《水样采集与处理的质量控制指南》中提出的采样精密度控制方法不完全适用于地下水有机污染调查评价工作的部分进行了分析。在华北平原地下水有机污染调查评价工作的基础上,探讨了一种改进的采样精密度控制与评估方法,提高相关工作的质量控制水平。  相似文献   

讨论了富集采样法监测空气和废气样品时确定采样体积的主要因素,给出了富集采样法监测空气和废气样品时采样体积的确定方法和实例。  相似文献   

恶臭排放规律及其采样和分析方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
恶臭作为一种环境污染,已经严重影响人们的生活质量和环境状况。文章综述了恶臭污染国内外相关标准、恶臭的排放规律、影响恶臭污染扩散的因素、恶臭样品的采集和分析等几方面进行了阐述,以促进对恶臭的了解和深入研究。  相似文献   

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