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Amphipod crustaceans belong to the most successful invaders of aquatic environments. The work provides information concerning the spatial and temporal scales of expansion of four alien gammarid amphipods (three of them of Ponto-Caspian and one of North American origin): Pontogammarus robustoides (G.O. Sars, 1894), Obesogammarus crassus (G.O. Sars, 1894), Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841), and Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939 in the Vistula Lagoon (VL) and the Vistula Delta (VD) in 2008–2010. The mean abundance of these gammarids in nearshore zones was 382 ind?m?2 in VL and 89 ind?m?2 in VD. Their mean biomasses were likewise greater in VL (0.91 g?m?2) than in VD (0.49 g?m?2). G. tigrinus was the most dominant species in both nearshore zones of VL and VD and attained the highest frequency in these areas. The study gives evidence of total extinction of native gammarid species.  相似文献   

The article presents the course of meteorological droughts in Vistula subcatchments in years 1981–2010 and their influence on the occurrence of hydrological droughts. Using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) as an indicator of meteorological drought on the one hand and the Standardized Water-level Index (SWI) and Standardized Runoff Index (SRI) as indicators of hydrological drought on the other, the mutual relationships between precipitation conditions and hydrological conditions were evaluated, as well as the relationships between the two drought types. Studies were conducted for three cumulative periods of these indices, of 12, 24, and 48 months. It was determined that meteorological droughts occurred earliest in the north-western and central part of the basin, and latest in areas lying above 300 m a.s.l. and in the south of Poland. Total duration, depending on the cumulative period, for SPI comprised from 38 to 41% of the analyzed period and for SWI (35–47%) and SRI (24–51%). The strongest relationships were identified in the central part of the Vistula (0.8?<?r?<?0.85), while the weakest relationships were recorded in the foothill region (r?<?0.5). There were also indicated non-climate-related factors influencing those relationships (underground reservoirs, diverse Vistula water resource usage for municipal and industrial intake).  相似文献   

The presented results include decade of monitoring of the Vistula Lagoon waters and have been supplemented by the determination of chlorinated compounds, as well as on concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in the sedimentation zone. Monitoring of river waters entering the Polish part of the lagoon and the lagoon waters confirmed the presence of plant protection chemical; the largest contributors has lindane (34%) and DDTtotal (21%); the same as for sediments were dominate lindane (19%) and DDTtotal (14%) within pp-DDT isomer dominate (13%). In the lagoon water, PCDD/Fs were determined within a range of 1.5–5.6 ng dm?3, leading to average toxicity of 0.18?±?0.13 ng TEQ·dm?3. In sediments, their concentrations fell within a range of 22.7–405.7 ng kg?1 dw and the average toxicity of the lagoon sediments was set at 5.00?±?1.98 ng TEQ·kg?1 dw. Both in water and sediments, the greatest share among PCDD/Fs has octa-chlorodibenzodioxin. Due to the hydromorphological conditions of the lagoon, the waters are mixed to the bottom causing the surface layer of sediment to become remobilized—this is suggested as the key factor when it comes to water recontamination and increased access of POPs to marine organisms.  相似文献   

The levels of organochlorine contaminants (OCs) in the eggs of double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) from the Canadian Great Lakes, Lake Nipigon and Lake-of-the-Woods were monitored between 1970 and 1995. PCBs and p,p-DDE were present at the highest concentrations. Significant declines in OC concentrations on the Great Lakes were observed over this period for Lake Ontario, Lake Superior, Georgian Bay and North Channel but not Lake Erie where levels remained relatively stable. In the early 1970s, the greatest OC levels were generally observed in cormorant eggs from nesting sites in Georgian Bay and North Channel of Lake Huron. Between 1984 and 1995 mirex and PCB levels were consistently highest in samples from Lakes Ontario and Erie, respectively. Similar levels of PCDDs and PCDFs were observed from all regions of the Canadian Great Lakes in 1989. In general, OC levels in cormorant eggs between 1984-95 were ranked as follows: Lake Erie>Lake Ontario Lake Superior>Lake Huron. In 1995, eggshell thickness in Canadian Great Lakes cormorants, ranged from 0.423 to 0.440 mm and was on average only 2.3% thinner than pre-DDT era values. Between 1988 and 1996, 31 cormorant chicks with bill defects were observed at 16 different colonies (21% of all colonies surveyed) in Lakes Ontario and Superior, Georgian Bay and North Channel, and the main body of Lake Huron. No bill deformities were observed at reference sites in northwestern Ontario (Lake Nipigon and Lake-of-the-Woods). For the period 1988-96, the prevalence of bill defects in cormorant chicks (0.0 to 2.8/10,000 chicks) did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) among most regions in the Canadian Great Lakes. Georgian Bay was the only region to show a significant decrease in the prevalence of bill defects between the periods 1979-87 and 1988-95.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the metal concentrations in muscle, liver, gonad, and gill of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L., 1758), European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758), and keeled mullet (Liza carinata Valenciennes, 1836) from Yelkoma Lagoon, northeastern Mediterranean region. So, the levels of cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc in tissues of specimens from the lagoon were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer. Concentrations of metals in muscles of the examined species ranged from 0.10 to 0.47 mg kg???1 for cadmium, 0.10 to 0.43 mg kg???1 for cobalt, 0.17 to 0.72 mg kg???1 for chromium, 0.62 to 1.03 mg kg???1 for copper, 28.9 to 52.3 mg kg???1 for iron, 0.75 to 0.96 mg kg???1 for manganese, 0.11 to 0.57 mg kg???1 for nickel, 0.19 to 0.47 mg kg???1 for lead, and 6.01 to 13.9 mg kg???1 for zinc, respectively. Additionally, metal concentrations in muscles of fish were assessed for human uses according to provisional tolerable weekly intake and provisional tolerable daily intake.  相似文献   

The English-Wabigoon River system in Northwestern Ontario, Canada, was one of the most heavily mercury-contaminated waterways in the world due to historical discharges in the 1960s from a chlor-alkali plant. This study examines long-term (1970-2010) monitoring data to assess temporal trends in mercury contamination in Walleye, Northern Pike and Lake Whitefish, three species important for sport and subsistence fishing in this region, using dynamic linear modeling and piecewise regression. For all lakes and species, there is a significant decline (36-94%) in mercury concentrations through time; however, there is evidence that this decline is either slowing down or levelling off. Concentrations in the English-Wabigoon fish are elevated, and may still present a potential health risk to humans consuming fish from this system. Various biotic and abiotic factors are examined as possible explanations to slowing rates of decline in mercury concentrations observed in the mid-1980s.  相似文献   

Concentration of ten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds were determined in liver of four fish species from different trophic levels (Aurigequula fasciata, omnivore; Alepes djedaba, carnivore; Liza abu and Sardinella albella, phytoplanktivores). In all the species, similar distributions were observed in which pyrene predominated and followed by naphthalene and acenaphthylene. L. abu accumulated the highest concentration of ΣPAH, followed by S. albella, A. fasciata, and A. djedaba. No correlation between PAH content in fish liver and fish size has been found at the level of individual compounds, except for benzo[a]pyrene (p?r?=??0.704). Female fish exhibited significantly lower mean ΣPAH concentrations than male in all the species, except for L. abu.  相似文献   

This study presents concentrations of iron, manganese, zinc, and copper in selected tissues of two fish species: pike (Esox lucius L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.) living in lakes Ińsko and Wisola, Northwestern Poland. The lakes differ in their trophic status. The effect of gender and environmental conditions on metals accumulation was also investigated. Metal analyses were performed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Considering all studied fish species and tissues, the average metal concentrations (micrograms per gram wet weight) in both lakes occurred in the following ranges: Fe 0.8–240.6, Mn 0.2–8.4, Zn 3.0–185.9, and Cu 0.14–7.76. The lowest levels of the studied metals were always detected in the muscles. The spleen, kidneys, and liver were found to accumulate the highest amounts of Fe. In the case of the other metals, the highest levels were found, as follows: Mn in skin, gills, and gonads, Zn in digestive tract and gills, Cu in liver. Heavy metal content in fish gonads was observed to be sex dependent.  相似文献   

The emission factors of mercury and calculation of annual emission into the atmosphere from different industrial sources in Poland are presented. The emission factors in turn depend on mercury concentration in raw materials, as well as on the character of a technological process. The combustion of hard coal and lignite was found to be the major emission source of mercury into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Concentration of heavy metals in aquatic animals mainly occurs due to industrial contamination. In this study, the concentrations of four heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic) in organs of two cyprinid fish and in water collected from three sections of the Kor River, Iran were determined using the inductively coupled plasma method. Pathological and hormonal changes due to metal contamination were also measured. The concentrations of heavy metals in tissue of fish from the middle sampling zone were significantly higher (p?<?0.05) than those from the other two sampling zones, whereas no significant differences (p?>?0.05) were detected between the two sexes and species. High levels of metals were found in the ovaries and testes; estradiol in females and progesterone and testosterone in males from the middle study site were significantly (p?<?0.05) lower than values from the other two sites. Pathological changes in blood cells, liver, and kidneys of fishes were significantly higher in highly polluted areas (middle sampling zone). These results show that industrial activities have polluted the river and that the maximum concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Hg were higher than the permissible levels for human consumption.  相似文献   

The presence of heavy metals in the environment could constitute a hazard to food security and public health. These can be accumulated in aquatic animals such as fish. In the present paper, three heavy metals (mercury, selenium, and tin) in canned products produced and sold in Iran were studied: longtail tuna, Kawakawa, Kilka, and yellowfin tuna were determined using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometer and a direct mercury analyzer. Analytical results were validated by spiking the samples with various concentrations of these metals to test recovery. The metal contents, expressed in micrograms per gram, wet weight, varied depending upon the species studied. The levels of Hg ranged from 0.0003 to 0.408 μg/g, the levels of Sn ranged from 0.036 to 0.480 μg/g, while the levels of Se ranged from 0.130 to 4.500 μg/g. Comparative evaluation of these metals in different brands of canned fish showed that the average concentrations of Hg, Sn, and Se of all species is significantly lower than adverse level for the species themselves and for human consumption when compared with FAO/WHO permissible limits. Therefore, their contribution to the total body burden of these heavy metals can be considered as negligibly small.  相似文献   

A migratory population of 78 pairs of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nesting along the Willamette River in westernOregon was studied in 1993. The study was designed to determinecontaminant concentrations in eggs, contaminant concentrationsin fish species predominant in the Ospreys diet, andBiomagnification Factors (BMFs) of contaminants from fish specieseaten to Osprey eggs. Ten Osprey eggs and 25 composite samplesof fish (3 species) were used to evaluate organochlorine (OC)pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinateddibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans(PCDFs). Mercury was also analyzed in fish. Geometric meanresidues in Osprey eggs were judged low, e.g., DDE 2.3 g g-1 wet weight (ww), PCBs 0.69 g g-1, 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2.3 ng kg-1, and generally well below known threshold values for adverse effects on productivity, and the population was increasing. Osprey egg residue data presentedby River Mile (RM) are discussed, e.g., higher PCDDs were generally found immediately downstream of paper mills and eggsfrom the Willamette River had significantly elevated PCBs and PCDDs compared to reference eggs collected nearby in the CascadeMountains. Prey remains at nest sites indicated that the Largescale Sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) and NorthernPikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) accounted for an estimated 90.1% of the biomass in the Osprey diet, and composite samples of these two species were collected from different sampling sites throughout the study area for contaminant analyses. With the large percentage of the fishbiomass in the Osprey diet sampled for contaminants (and fisheaten by Ospreys similar in size to those chemically analyzed),and fish contaminant concentrations weighted by biomass intake, a mean BMF was estimated from fish to Osprey eggs for the largeseries of contaminants. BMFs ranged from no biomagnification(0.42) for 2,3,7,8-TCDF to 174 for OCDD. Our findings for themigratory Osprey were compared to BMFs for the resident HerringGull (Larus argentatus), and differences are discussed. Webelieve a BMF approach provides some basic understanding ofrelationships between contaminant burdens in prey species offish-eating birds and contaminants incorporated into their eggs,and may prove useful in understanding sources of contaminants inmigratory species although additional studies are needed.  相似文献   

Mercury is a heavy metal which has garnered attention recently in India. Minamata Convention on mercury was established on October 2013 and was joined by India on September 30, 2014. India is seen as a major mercury pollution source after China according to many studies in the past. Various mercury pollution sites that are currently recognized in India are Kodai Lake, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, and Thane Creek, Mumbai. Since 1992, chlor-alkali plants have been regulated to eliminate mercury cell process of manufacturing. Also, medical and health care facilities are discarding mercury-containing equipment and processes. Various anthropogenic sources of mercury to the atmosphere include combustion of fossil fuels, processing and mining of primary metal ores, cement manufacturing units, chlor-alkali plants, and use of mercury in various products like paints, electric switches, and relays. The hazard associated with mercury pollution becomes extremely serious when we consider its ability to be transported over long-range distances. Various atmospheric transport models suggest India and other Asian countries to be a major source of long-range transport of mercury to North America. Considering the hazards of mercury and its widespread presence in our life, a study on mercury pollution in an urban water body is conducted. This study deals with Mithi River located in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (19.0760° N, 72.8777° E) to study the total mercury in water and derive its relationship with other pollution parameters.  相似文献   

Transplanted Mytilus galloprovincialis and native Ruditapes philippinarum were deployed in 10 sampling stations with different pollution impact within the Lagoon of Venice to evaluate the temporal variations and the suitability of the following cytochemical and histochemical biomarkers just as indicators of environmental stress: lysosomal membrane stability, lipofuscins, neutral lipids and lysosome to cytoplasm volume ratio. The physiological status of the organisms was also investigated by determining the survival in air capability and the reburrowing rate (clams). The biological parameters were assessed in June and October. Furthermore, for a better definition of the environmental aspects of the study sites, heavy metal, PAH and PCB concentrations were also evaluated in the sediments. As a whole, the biological responses examined in both species from all the sampling sites showed significant differences between the two seasonal campaigns, only lysosomal membrane stability exhibited less variability. Pollutants in sediments generally showed low-intermediate contamination levels, few hotspots persisting mostly in the inner areas of the lagoon, the most influenced by the industrial zone. Transplanted mussels were more responsive than native clams and the biological responses of both species varied temporally. The range of the spatial variability was always narrow and reflected only partially the broader variability shown by the chemical content in the sediments. In this sense, biological responses seemed to be particularly influenced by the high temporal and spatial heterogeneity that characterise the Lagoon of Venice, as well as most of the transitional environments.  相似文献   

The TRIX index used for the assessment of trophic status of coastal waters has been applied in many European seas (Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, Baltic, Black Sea, and North Sea). However, all these waters are characterized by high nutrient levels and phytoplankton biomass; index calibration based on systems that are principally eutrophic may introduce bias to the index scaling. In the present work the TRIX trophic index is evaluated using three standard sets of data characterizing oligotrophy, mesotrophy, and eutrophication in the Aegean (Eastern Mediterranean) marine environment. A natural eutrophication scale based on the TRIX index that is suitable to characterize trophic conditions in oligotrophic Mediterranean water bodies is proposed. This scale was developed into a five-grade water quality classification scheme describing different levels of eutrophication. It is questionable whether this index can form a universal index of eutrophication or the scaling of TRIX should be region specific.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of a commonly used preservation technique on mercury concentration in fish tissue. After fixing fish muscle tissue in formalin followed by preservation in isopropanol, we found that mercury concentration in fish muscle tissue increased by 18%, reaching an asymptote after 40 days. We used formalin–isopropanol-preserved longear sunfish (Lepomis megalotis) from the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History to examine historical changes and predict current mercury concentrations in fish from two rivers in southeastern Oklahoma. Glover River was free-flowing, while Mountain Fork River was impounded in 1970 and a coldwater trout fishery was established upstream from the collection site in 1989. Mercury concentrations in longear sunfish from Glover River showed no historical changes from 1963 to 2001. Mercury concentrations in longear sunfish from Mountain Fork River showed no change from 1925 to 1993 but declined significantly from 1993 to 2003. We also compared mercury concentrations of the most recently collected longear sunfish in the museum to mercury concentrations of unpreserved fish collected from the rivers in 2006. Concentrations of mercury in museum fish were not significantly different from mercury concentrations in unpreserved fish we collected from the rivers. Our study indicates that preserved museum fish specimens can be used to evaluate historical changes and predict current levels of mercury contamination in fish.  相似文献   

To assess the status of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in sediments from the Bizerte Lagoon (northern Tunisia), 18 surface sediment samples were collected in March 2011 and analyzed for 14 US Environmental Protection Agency priority PAHs by high-performance liquid chromatography. The total concentrations of the 14 PAHs (ΣPAHs) ranged from 16.9 to 394.1 ng g?1 dry weight (dw) with a mean concentration of 85.5 ng g?1 dw. Compared with other lagoons, coasts, and bays in the world, the concentrations of PAHs in surface sediments of the Bizerte Lagoon are low to moderate. The PAHs’ composition pattern was dominated by the presence of four-ring PAHs (45.8 %) followed by five-ring (26.8 %) and three-ring PAHs (12.7 %). The PAH source analysis suggested that the main origin of PAHs in the sediments of the lagoon was mainly from pyrolytic sources. According to the numerical effect-based sediment quality guidelines of the USA, the levels of PAHs in the Bizerte Lagoon should not exert adverse biological effects. The total benzo[a]pyrene toxicity equivalent values calculated for the samples varied from 3.1 to 53.7 ng g?1 dw with an average of 10.6 ng g?1 dw.  相似文献   

Total mercury (Hg) concentrations were determined in seven tissues (skeletal muscle, liver, blood, gonad, brain, gill, and heart) of 59 striped bass and four tissues (muscle, liver, blood, and gonad) of 69 largemouth bass, 76 channel catfish, 12 bluegill, and 22 blue tilapia collected from Lake Mead, USA. Mercury levels generally increased according to trophic level and fish length. For striped bass, mean Hg levels (ng g(-1), wet mass) were highest in the liver (531), followed by muscle (309), heart (186), gonad (136), brain (77), gill (52), and blood (36). Similarly, Hg levels in the catfish and tilapia were liver > muscle > gonad > blood. In contrast, largemouth bass and bluegill had the highest levels in muscle, followed by liver, gonad, and blood. Generally, Hg levels were strongly correlated among the tissues, especially for blood/muscle and blood/liver. As the body burden of Hg increased, the concentration in blood and organs increased relative to the concentration in muscle. The trend was most pronounced for the liver. These relationships could form the basis of a predictive model and suggest that blood and muscle (plugs) could be useful for a non-lethal measure of Hg concentration and exposure in fish. For the striped bass, elevated Hg levels in the tissues were also correlated with degree of emaciation. Liver-to-muscle ratios were similar to literature values, except for tilapia with an average ratio of approximately 1.7, which is higher than generally reported for non-piscivores. Finally, this study demonstrates the usefulness of a solid sampling approach in trace element monitoring, especially as pertaining to in vivo analysis, analysis of a large number of samples and reduction of contamination risk.  相似文献   

The Fusaro Lagoon is a shallow lagoon, located in SW Italy, largely influenced in the last decades by several anthropic impacts. The study examined the pollution status of the lagoon, during year 2011–2012 at nine sampling stations with the aim to find out proper measurements of water lagoon restoration. Concentrations of heavy metals (HMs) (aluminium [Al], barium [Ba], cadmium [Cd], copper [Cu], iron [Fe], manganese [Mn], vanadium [V] and zinc [Zn]) were examined in water, sediments and specimens of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Low levels of dissolved oxygen concentration were detected at many stations, with mean values of 5.2–6.4 mg L?1. The redox potential of surface waters was also low, ?2.7 to 50.7 mV. Sediments possessed high organic matter content, 17.7–29.4 %. In sediments, the mean Zn level, 251.4 mg kg?1, was about sixfold higher than that recorded in year 2000 (38.5 mg kg?1) and considerably higher than that recorded in 2007 (191 mg kg?1). The mean levels of Cd were outstandingly high, with a mean value of 70.5 mg kg?1, about 30- and 50-fold higher than those determined in 2000 and 2007, respectively. Cadmium (Cd), Cu and nickel (Ni) appeared in excess with respect to most current guidelines, reaching significant pollution levels. C. intestinalis sp. A was detected only at few stations, with metals accumulated preferentially in the body in respect to the tunic, from 1.2 times for Zn (178 mg kg?1) to 4.0 times for V (304 mg kg?1). Data suggests the necessity of an immediate action of eco-compatible interventions for environmental restoration.  相似文献   

A survey of the concentrations of heavy metals — cadmium, zinc and total mercury — in the tissues of fifteen fish species from Samborombón Bay, La Plata river estuary, in Argentina, has been carried out. Liver appeared to be the main organ accumulating cadmium and zinc, while both liver and muscle showed a similar ability for accumulating mercury. The bioaccumulation process was verified for the three metals analyzed, even though low concentrations have been determined. The biomagnification process of the metals studied was not verified in this environment. The highest metal concentrations were recorded in Mugil liza, and particulate matter and sediments — which are closely related to its trophic and ecological habits — seemed to be the main source of metals for this species. Both Micropogonias furnieri and Mugil liza were recognized as possible indicator species for future monitoring programmes for heavy metals in Samborombón Bay. Considering the present results, this area of La Plata river estuary is characterized as a non-polluted environment.Scientific Researcher from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Researches (CONICET), of Argentina  相似文献   

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