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We studied the susceptibility patterns to 15 different antibiotics and six heavy metals in Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. isolated from Iskenderun Bay, Turkey (northeast Mediterranean Sea). A high percentage of Aeromonas isolates showed resistance to cefazolin (66.6%) and trimethoprim–sulphamethoxazole (66.6%). Amongst the Pseudomonas isolates, there was a high incidence of resistance to nitrofurantoin (86.2%), cefazolin (84.8%) and cefuroxime (71.7%). Most isolates showed tolerance to different concentrations of heavy metals, and minimal inhibition concentrations ranged from 25 to >3,200 μg/ml. The Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. showed high resistance to copper of 98.3% and 75.4%, respectively, and low resistance to lead of 1.7% and 7.2%, respectively. Our results show that antibiotic and heavy metal resistant Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were widespread in Iskenderun Bay in 2007 and 2008. The increasing presence of antibiotic and heavy metal resistant Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. may become a potential human health hazard.  相似文献   

The distribution and potential bioaccumulation of dietary and waterborne cadmium and lead in tissues of sea bream (Sparus aurata), a major aquaculture species, was studied in relation to three different fish farming systems. Metallothionein levels in fish tissues were also evaluated. Results demonstrate that metal concentrations in various tissues significantly vary among fish culture systems. Different tissues show different capacity for accumulating heavy metals. The content of both cadmium and lead is not strictly correlated with that of metallothionein. Indeed, the marked accumulation of both metals in liver, as well as the high lead content found in gills and kidney, are not accompanied by a concomitant accumulation of metallothioneins in these tissues. No correlation is present between heavy metals and metallothionein content in muscle tissue. The results also demonstrate that cadmium accumulates mainly via dietary food, whereas lead accumulation is not of food origin. Noteworthy is that the concentration of the two metals found in muscle in all instances is lower than the limits established by European Union legislation for fish destined for human consumption.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Co were measured in gastropod mollusks Patella caerulea in the Mediterranean area. The organisms were collected at two coastal sites in Iskenderun Gulf during winter, spring, summer, and autumn 2008. Samples of the digestive gland, gill, and muscle were analyzed for heavy metals. The aim of study is to determine heavy metal levels in tissues of P. caerulea in different locations. Tissues of P. caerulea from the polluted site showed metal concentrations appreciably higher than unpolluted organisms. The highest metal levels were registered in the digestive gland of P. caerulea. Generally, digestive gland and gills showed higher metal concentrations than muscle. The average concentrations of heavy metals analyzed exhibited the following decreasing order: Fe > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cd > Pb > Co for both stations 1 and 2. Seasonal changes in metal concentrations were observed in the tissues of P. caerulea from a polluted and an unpolluted population.  相似文献   

The total and fraction concentrations of heavy metals (Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Co, and Cd) were analyzed in some sediment fractions (Φ2, Φ3, Φ4, Φ5) of selected mangrove ecosystems collected from the Egyptian Red Sea shoreline. The results revealed that manganese had the highest mean value (133?±?97 mg/kg) followed by copper (49.9?±?46.0 mg/kg), nickel (28.1?±?11.8 mg/kg), lead (19?±?13 mg/kg), cobalt (6.7?±?4.0 mg/kg), and cadmium (3.327?±?1.280 mg/kg). The concentrations of heavy metals in the different sediment fractions showed that there was a preferential accumulation of Cu, Co, Mn, and to a lesser degree Cd in the silt and clay fractions rather than in the sand-sized. The sediment quality was performed by using some sediment quality guidelines. Additionally, the contamination and the risk assessment of these heavy metals were achieved by different methods including, potential ecological risk index, contamination factor, pollution load index, and geoaccumulation index. According to the Sediment Quality Guidelines comparisons, the concentrations of Mn and Pb were low and showed no possibility of detrimental effects on the local environment. The levels of Cu and Ni were high, however, could not be considered to present serious threat to the mangrove ecosystem. The data showed that the mangrove ecosystems were affected by the Cd risk.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cu, Co, Zn, Mn and Fe were determined in biota and sediment samples collected from the Eastern Harbour and El-Mex Bay in the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt. The levels of Cu, Co, Zn, Mn and Fe in the macroalgae, Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha compressa (green algae) and Jania rubens (red algae), recorded high concentrations except for Cd. Moreover, Fe was the most predominant metal in the seaweed. The two species of bivalves, Donax trunculus and Paphia textile, showed different amounts of metals in their tissue. The abundance of heavy metal concentrations in the mussel samples was found in the order Fe> Zn> Mn> Cu> Co> Cd and Fe> Zn> Mn> Cu> Cd> Co, respectively for the two species. The metals concentrations were generally higher compared with the previous studies in mussels from the same area. The levels of metals accumulated in the investigated fish samples, Saurida undosquamis, Siganus rivulatus, Lithognathus mormyrus and Sphyraena sphyraena, were higher than those of Marmara Sea (Turkey), for Co and Cd and lower for Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe. El-Mex Bay having the highest metals concentration in sediments as their order of abundance were Fe> Zn> Mn> Cu> Cd> Co. Nevertheless, a high variability in the metal levels occurs among the studied algae and biota and also between the investigated Harbour. A significant correlations (p < 0.05) were found for each of Zn and Fe in P. textile and of Co in D. trunculus relative to their concentrations in surficial sediments.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) in surface water (including total recoverable, dissolved, suspended solids) and in aufwuchs encrusted on Moerella iridescens Benson from seven selected sites and two reference sites in Maluan Bay were investigated in order to understand current metal contamination due to industrialization and urbanization in Xiamen, China. The muscle tissues of the study species (Penceus penicillatus, Scylla serrata Forskal, Harengula zunasi Bleeker, Tillapia nilotica) from a trawling area within Maluan Bay were also analyzed in order to evaluate its safety as seafood. Based on the obtained data, metal concentrations in surface water were compared with Marine Seawater Quality Standards of China and the US EPA acute and chronic criteria, which showed that Maluan Bay may be subjected to different levels of contamination by the metals. Metal concentrations under study in the edible parts (muscle) of the investigated biota species were within the safety permissible levels for human consumption. Through Pearson??s correlation analysis, the relationships between metal concentrations in surface water and in M. iridescens were evaluated. Copper concentrations in M. iridescens were more strongly positively correlated with particulate copper in suspended solids and total recoverable copper in water rather than with dissolved copper at the sampling sites. The data suggested that copper-rich suspended solids contributed substantially to copper accumulation by M. iridescens and played a critical role in the pathway of copper into the food chain. The conclusions of this investigation are likely to be applicable to other relevant scenarios.  相似文献   

Selected toxic and essential metals (mercury, Hg; cadmium, Cd; and zinc, Zn) were determined in the liver and in the kidney collected from 13 dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba and Tursiops truncatus) stranded along the southern coasts of Italy from 1991 to 1999. Liver samples were also analysed for their methyl mercury (MeHg) and selenium (Se) contents. For subcellular fractionation, liver and kidney samples were homogenized in Tris-HCl buffer; after centrifugation, the supernatant (cytosol) was separated from pellets (insoluble fraction), heated at 80 degrees C for 10 min and centrifuged in order to separate the precipitate containing the thermolabile high molecular weight proteins. The cytosol heat-stable fraction, including metallothionein-like proteins (MTLPs), was then purified by gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G-75 column. The three subcellular fractions collected (insoluble fraction, thermolabile fraction and purified heat-stable fraction) were analysed for their Hg, Cd and Zn contents. The analytical results confirm previous similar studies on toothed whales in showing that: (1) in the liver, as well as in the kidney, Hg was mainly found in the insoluble fraction, therefore, metallothioneins seem to have no role in the Hg detoxification; (2) in the liver, the molar ratio between Se and inorganic Hg was very close to 1; this suggests that the final compound of MeHg detoxification could be HgSe (tiemannite); (3) in almost all the samples, Cd and Zn were detected in the purified heat-stable fraction (including MTLPs). The mechanism of Cd detoxification and Zn homeostasis is also discussed.  相似文献   

Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) and sediments were collected bimonthly during 2007 at five locations in Jiaozhou Bay near Qingdao, China, to determine heavy metal concentrations and to assess the validation of R. philippinarum as a metal biomonitor. Concentrations of heavy metals in clam soft tissues ranged between 0.75 and 3.31, 0.89 and 15.20, 5.70 and 26.03, 52.12 and 110.33, 10.30 and 72.34, 9.64 and 28.60, and 3.15 and 52.75 μg g???1 dry weight for Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, and Ni, respectively. Most of the highest values occurred at the northeast bay and the lowest values occurred at the western part. Regarding seasonal variation, relatively high tissue metal concentrations were observed during October or December. A similar pattern was also found in habitat sediments. There was a strong correlation between the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cr, and Ni in soft tissues and surrounding sediments. It is indicated that R. philippinarum could be used as a biomonitor for heavy metal contamination in Jiaozhou Bay.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cu, Pb, and As were determined in seawater, surface sediment, Sargassum pallidum collected from the Daya Bay, China. The influence of metal contamination on the marine alga was investigated at chemical and ultrastructural level. Mean concentrations of Cu (19.44 mg kg?1) and Pb (33.99 mg kg?1) were found to be high in sediment, whereas concentration of As (122.29 mg kg?1) in S. pallidum was higher than that in water and sediment. The ultrastructure of S. pallidum cells was anomalous and aberrant. Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopic analysis revealed that the nanometal particles in the form of comparatively high-electron density substance diffused in the cell structures constituted by Cu, Pb, As, etc. There is a remarkable similarity or correspondence in the anomalous elements between the geochemistry and the botanic cell, and the heavy metals have potential hazardous effect on the ocean ecology system in Daya Bay.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples (n = 18) were collected from the Algerian Mediterranean coasts and analyzed for seven metals using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry in order to asses the distribution and bioavailability of metals and to study the anthropogenic factors affecting their concentrations. Sediment samples were size-fractionated into three sizes: 1,080–500 (coarse), 500–250 (medium), and <250 mm (fine). Bulk sediments were subjected to both sequential extraction and total digestion to evaluate the reliability of the sequential extraction procedure (SEP), while the fractions have been only sequentially extracted for metals speciation. The metals were sequentially extracted into five phases namely exchangeable (P1), carbonates (P2), Fe–Mn oxides (P3), organic (P4) and residual (P5). Metal recoveries in sequential extractions were ±20% of the independently measured total metal concentrations; the high recovery rates indicate the good reliability of the SEP used in this study. Correlation coefficients indicated that the grain size has an effect on the distribution of metals in the investigated samples. The order of metal levels in the fractions was medium > fine > coarse for all the metals. The average total extractable metal concentrations for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn were 1.1, 8.8, 4.7, 1,291.3, 13.9, 5.7 and 20.4 μg/g, respectively. The northeastern shelf had the lowest metal levels while the highest were in northwestern part mainly due to the significant tourism activities in the northwestern part. Comparison of our results to Earth’s crust values and to previous studies points out that our samples were relatively unpolluted with respect to the heavy metals investigated; most of the metals are not from anthropogenic sources. Enrichment factors as the criteria for examining the impact of the anthropogenic sources of heavy metals were calculated, and it was observed that the investigated samples were not contaminated with Cr, Cu, and Fe, moderately contaminated with Ni, Pb, and Cd, and contaminated with Cd in some sites. The P5 phase had the highest percents of Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn. Cadmium and lead were predominant in the P4 phase, while Cu, Fe and Zn were distributed in the order P5 > P3 > P4 > P2 > P1. The following order of bioavailability was found with the heavy metals Pb > Cr > Cd > Ni > Zn > Cu > Fe.  相似文献   

The levels of heavy metals were determined in the water of Bendimahi River Basin, statistically analysed and compared to natural gross radioactivity concentration. Fifteen samples of water were collected from Bendimahi River and Van Lake for two seasons in 2005. Water samples were analyzed for eight trace elements and concluded together with gross-alpha and gross-beta radioactivity concentrations. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) was used to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in water samples collected from Bendimahi River basin. Correlation analysis was made for radioactivity and heavy metal concentrations and the Pearson correlation coefficients between gross-alpha and gross-beta radioactivity and heavy metal were determined. The concentrations of all metals were found to be higher than WHO, EC, EPA and TSE-266 guidelines for drinking water, except for Zn and Cu. Generally, the heavy metal concentrations in water samples obtained in May and in August were found to be in sequence of Fe>Zn>Pb>Cr>Cu>Mn>Co>Cd and Fe>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr>Mn>Co>Cd, respectively. The gross-alpha and gross-beta activity concentration varies between 0.063 and 0.782, 0.021 and 0.816 Bq l(-1) in samples collected in May, and 0.009 and 0.037, 0.081 and 3.116 Bq l(-1) in samples collected in August.  相似文献   

The article presents the distribution and enrichment of acid-leachable heavy metals (ALHMs) Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Mn, and Fe in the intertidal sediments collected from Quanzhou Bay, southeast coast of China. The contents of ALHMs along with sediment texture, total organic carbon, S2???, and CaCO3 in surface sediments were analyzed to identify the input of heavy metals from various sources. The enrichment of ALHMs in the sediments is mainly attributed to the intense industrial activities around Quanzhou Bay and to the serried activities of intertidal breed aquatics along the seacoast. The results also illustrate the association between the ALHMs with the finer fractions, organic matter, and Fe oxyhydroxides in the sediments. The above results were very supported by the multivariate statistical analyses, including correlation, principal component analysis, and hierarchical clustering analysis. Comparative results of ALHMs in the intertidal sediments from Quanzhou Bay with those in other domestic bays and estuaries indicate that the study area has been enriched with heavy metals, especially with Zn, Cu, and Pb, during the past few decades. The results of the present study suggest that the authorities should pay attention to the current status and take some measures to control the heavy metal pollution in the study area.  相似文献   

Marine mussels Mytilus sp. were transplanted on a monthly basis in cages over one year to oyster farms and harbours in the Arcachon Bay (France) in order to assess the water quality of the bay. Contaminant levels (organotin compounds, trace metals, PCBs and PAHs) were measured in tissues of transplanted mussels and mussels from a reference station, along with physiological parameters of the mussels (condition indexes, lipid content and dry weight). Four biomarkers (AChE: acetylcholinesterase activity, GST: gluthathione S-transferase activity, CAT: catalase activity and TBARS: thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance content) were also monitored. The remote stations monitored (oyster parks) exhibited no accumulation pattern of pollutants. Their respective concentrations therefore constitute a background level of the contamination in the bay ([TBT]= 30 ng Sn g(-1) dw, [SigmaHAPs]= 100 ng g(-1) dw, [SigmaPCBs]= 35 ng g(-1) dw). The elevated chemical contamination of the largest harbour of the bay, the Arcachon harbour, can be interpreted in terms of persistence of organotin compounds ([SigmaOTs]= 1500-2000 ng Sn g(-1) dw) and PAHs ([SigmaHAPs]= 4500-5000 ng g(-1) dw) in sediments and, to a lesser extent, of direct inputs of copper ([Cu]= 20 microg g(-1) dw in harbours versus 7 in oyster parks) and petrogenic PAHs ([methylphenanthrenes]= 1600 ng g(-1) dw in the dockyard versus 170 at the gas stations), related to the use of copper-based antifouling paints and to dockyard activity, respectively. However, the Arcachon Bay presents a low contamination level by PCBs and metals, including harbour stations. Furthermore, higher levels of other PAHs (particularly alkyl PAHs such as methylphenanthrenes/1600 ng g(-1) dw) not included in the 16 PAHs from the EPA priority list (usually studied in biomonitoring programmes/1500 ng g(-1) dw) in the Arcachon harbour underline the need to integrate these compounds in biomonitoring of highly PAH-polluted areas such as harbours in order to avoid misinterpretation of the biological responses observed. Biomarker responses were not able to discriminate the different chemical contamination levels recorded in the Arcachon Bay and rather reflected changes in environmental factors. Furthermore, the strong intraspecies variability of biological responses could be due to genetic differences of mussels from the Arcachon Bay. It is the first time that such an integrated monitoring is performed in the Arcachon Bay, also taking into account seasonal variations of chemical contents and biomarkers levels in mussel tissues.  相似文献   

The river Ganges has been one of the major recipients of industrial effluents in India. The present paper deals with the study related to occurrence and bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn) in the riverine water, sediment, and the muscles of two cat fish species, Channa punctatus (C. punctatus) and Aorichthys aor (A. aor) procured from the river Ganges at Allahabad. The data obtained after water analysis reflected the order of occurrence of heavy metals to be Zn > Pb > Cu > Cr > Cd, respectively. The analysis of heavy metals in sediment indicated that among the five heavy metals tested; Zn was maximally accumulated followed by Pb, Cr, Cu and Cd. The trend of heavy metals accumulation in fish muscles was found to be similar to that observed in sediment and water such as Zn > Pb > Cu > Cr > Cd. Data indicated that Zn accumulated maximally in the sediment as well as muscles of both of the fish species in comparison to other metals.  相似文献   

Arsenic(III), selenium(IV), copper(II), lead(II), cadmium(II),zinc(II) have been determined in sea water, sediments, algae andclams by differential pulse cathodic (DPCSV) and anodic (DPASV)stripping voltammetry. The voltammetric measurements are carriedout using a conventional three-electrode cell and the ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer pH 9.2 as supporting electrolyte.The analytical procedure has been verified by the analysisof the standard reference materials (Estuarine SedimentBCR-CRM 277, Ulva Lactuca BCR-CRM 279 and Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM278). The precision and the accuracy are less than 5%. Thisprocedure is utilized for the monitoring of heavy metals inthe Po river mouth area (Italy).  相似文献   

Titanium nanomaterials are likely to sink into sediments in substantial quantities due to their wide use in a number of applications for decades. To assess the potential environmental consequences, a better understanding is required of the occurrence and sources of titanium (Ti) nanomaterials in sediments. In this research, we provide the first report of the Ti concentrations and the morphology and composition of Ti-based solids in surface sediments from Xiamen Bay, China. Results indicated that the anthropogenic Ti concentrations in the surface sediments from Xiamen Bay reached approximately 2.74 g kg(-1). Ti nanomaterials could be found in sediments with elevated Ti concentrations, which were often aggregated to a few hundred nanometers (<300 nm) and were composed of several spherical particles, less than 50 nm in size, that were made solely of TiO(x). However, Ti particles (approx. 300-700 nm) could be also found in sediments with lower Ti concentrations, which were presumably components of the natural clay mineral kaolinite. Ti nanomaterials could be easily distributed in sediments associated with elevated levels of organic matter and preferentially attach to those sediments with elevated fine fractions. As a sentinel, or tracer, for other nanomaterials, the field-scale investigation of Ti nanomaterials would contribute to increasing our knowledge on the behavior of engineered nanomaterials in an aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Japanese stingfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus) and Bambooleaf wrasse (Pseudolabrus japonicas) are monitored annually for mercury pollution in Minamata Bay, Japan. The average total mercury concentration in the muscle of these two species in Minamata Bay was 0.36 mg?kg?1 wet weight and 0.20 kg?1 wet weigh, respectively, between 2008 and 2010. This is higher than levels elsewhere in Japan (0.125 mg?kg?1 wet weight and 0.038 mg?kg?1 wet weight, respectively). The FDA (2001) and EPA (2004) suggested that a proportion of mercury accumulated in fish is derived from seawater. We reared young red sea bream (Pagrus major) over a 2-year period in Minamata Bay and Nagashima (control) to evaluate the uptake of mercury from seawater and dietary sources. Fish were fed a synthesized diet that did not contain mercury. There was no difference in mercury accumulation in the muscle of red sea bream between Minamata Bay and Nagashima. Thus, our results suggest that the majority of mercury accumulated in fish muscle is not from seawater.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution was reported in commercially valuable freshwater edible fish in the Buriganga River, Bangladesh. The concentrations of As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, and Cu were investigated in the muscle, gill, stomach, intestine, and liver of Heteropneustes fossilis caught at three stations to assess the degree of fish pollution by heavy metals. Significant differences in concentrations of analyzed elements were observed among different tissues, but not among the stations. The ranges of the measured concentrations (μg/g dry weight) in the tissues of H. fossilis were as follows: arsenic concentration was (0.2–0.4), (0.82–0.90), (3.29–3.99), (2.20–2.80), and (2.41–2.90), that of lead was (1.79–2.20), (4.95–6.55), (10.36–13.38), (5.74–9.70), and (18.20–18.79), that of cadmium was (0.3–0.4), (2.87–4.27), (1.03–1.63), (1.55–4.59), and (2.25–5.50), that of chromium was (1.40–1.70), (3.52–3.72), (2.28–5.29), (2.77–3.79), and (4.25–8.65), that of zinc was (24.47–28.82), (16.82–18.80), (20.22–22.20), (22.86–26.68), and (60.82–67.80), and that of copper was (7.80–8.50), (6.22–6.81), (38.21–44.25), (17.07–21.03), and (43.24–47.30) in the muscle, gill, stomach, intestine, and liver, respectively. This research showed that the liver appeared to be the main heavy metal storage tissue, while the muscle had the lowest levels of analyzed metals. The concentrations of metal in the muscles not exceeded the acceptable levels for a food source for human consumption.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, surface waters, especially rivers and lagoons, have become deposition sites for all sorts of wastes. Three sampling sites located trigonally on Epe lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria were identified, and water, sediment, and commonly farmed shrimp, Peaneus notalis, were sampled and assessed for heavy metal concentrations. Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd, and Mn were determined in the aqua regia digests of the samples by means of Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 200 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Heavy metals occurred above detection limits at all sites. The highest load of these trace elements was found in sediment samples followed by the water samples. The levels observed in the shrimp samples, however, were much lower than WHO levels. In the distribution, zinc was the highest metal found in the samples ranging from 17.94 ± 2.60 mg/L in water to 37.85 ± 9.35 μg/g in sediments. The least was Cd 0.03 ± 0.01 mg/L in water and 0.28 ± 0.04 μg/g in sediments. Lead was the most widely varied metal in shrimp with a 84.38% coefficient of variation. Apart from Cr, the metals appeared to be fairly and evenly distributed in the sediment, with coefficient of variation ranging from 14.29% (Cd) to 24.76% (Mn) The variations were between 14.49% (Zn) and 66.67% (Cr) in the water samples. The paired t test carried out between water and sediment, water and shrimp, and shrimp and sediment was significant at p?=?0.05. Three-factor analysis of variance did not reveal any significant difference in metal burdens among the trigonally located sites under investigation. Shrimp samples showed evidence of bioaccumulation but are still below internationally established levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to compare the levels of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in samples of Dicentrarchus labrax living in the Straits of Messina with samples cultivated in cages in the Mediterranean Sea. Muscles and liver tissues sampled over the months, within the same year, were analyzed. The quantitative determination of the organochlorine compounds was performed by GC-ECD and confirmed with GC–MS. The results showed that the concentrations of DDTs in muscles and livers as such of reared sea bass were in the range 0.2–1.3 μg/kg and 9.6 –48.4 μg/kg, respectively. In wild fish the concentrations of DDTs were very much lower: 0.1 μg/kg in muscles, 5.1–9.0 μg/kg in livers. Total PCBs levels were higher in cultivated sea bass than in wild fish; the concentration ranges were 5.3–59.7 μg/kg and 74.4–267.4 μg/kg in muscle and liver of reared samples, respectively, and 1.1–1.5 μg/kg and 63.2–109.4 μg/kg in muscle and liver of wild samples, respectively.  相似文献   

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