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Vellend M 《Ecology》2006,87(2):304-311
Several lines of evidence suggest that the species diversity and composition of communities should depend on genetic diversity within component species, but there has been very little effort to directly assess this possibility. Here I use models of competition among genotypes and species to demonstrate a strong positive effect of the number of genotypes per species on species diversity across a range of conditions. Genetic diversity allows species to respond to selection imposed by competition, resulting in both functional convergence and divergence among species depending on their initial niche positions. This ability to respond to selection promotes species coexistence and contributes to a reduction in variation in species composition among communities. These models suggest that whenever individual fitness depends on the degree of functional similarity between a focal individual and its competitors, genetic diversity should promote species coexistence; this prediction is consistent with the few relevant empirical data collected to date. The results point to the importance of considering the genetic origin and diversity of material used in ecological experiments and in restoration efforts, in addition to highlighting potentially important community consequences of the loss of genetic diversity in natural populations.  相似文献   

Gas platforms can exert relevant effects on various ecosystem properties of the hosting area, modifying patterns of productivity and particle sedimentation. We hypothesised that the presence of gas platforms is associated with higher organic matter (OM) contents and we tested the null hypothesis by which benthic trophic conditions do not vary significantly among gas structures with different architectural characteristics. To test these hypotheses, we investigated sedimentary OM contents and biochemical composition at increasing distance from two distinct structures: one subsea well-site and one four-leg platform (FLP). We found that sediments surrounding the structures were characterised by similar OM contents, but different biochemical compositions, and that sedimentary OM compositional change with increasing distance from the structure is confirmed only at the FLP. These results suggest that: (i) benthic eutrophication is not consistent among different structures; (ii) OM biochemical composition changes are more evident than those in OM quantity; and (iii) the effect, wherever present, disappears at a very narrow distance from the platform. As biochemical composition of OM reflects food availability for benthic organisms, our results suggest that the enrichment of macrozoobenthic communities around these structures could be the consequence of increased nutritional quality of resources.  相似文献   

The pressure for more energy demand is a strong driver for the construction of offshore oil and gas platforms. This also applies to the Adriatic Sea where, since 1960, several gas fields have been commissioned. The continuous expansion of the gas industry may potentially have detrimental effects on marine communities. This may become particularly clear in such a peculiar semi-enclosed basin as the Adriatic Sea, which contains ecosystems that are subject to intensive anthropic pressures, such as unsustainable fishing and inputs of environmental pollutants. To date, still scant information is available on the environmental effects of gas platforms. Thus, to comply with the national Italian legislation and to support the development of protocols for the monitoring of offshore activities, multidisciplinary studies have been conducted and performed by CNR-ISMAR in cooperation with some private and public research institutes. A multidisciplinary approach based on chemical, biological and ecological investigations was performed to evaluate both the water column and the sediment quality near a gas platform. The overall results indicate moderate effects of platform-related environmental stress.  相似文献   

Protected-area systems should conserve intraspecific genetic diversity. Because genetic data require resources to obtain, several approaches have been proposed for generating plans for protected-area systems (prioritizations) when genetic data are not available. Yet such surrogate-based approaches remain poorly tested. We evaluated the effectiveness of potential surrogate-based approaches based on microsatellite genetic data collected across the Iberian Peninsula for 7 amphibian and 3 reptilian species. Long-term environmental suitability did not effectively represent sites containing high genetic diversity (allelic richness). Prioritizations based on long-term environmental suitability had similar performance to random prioritizations. Geographic distances and resistance distances based on contemporary environmental suitability were not always effective surrogates for identification of combinations of sites that contain individuals with different genetic compositions. Our results demonstrate that population genetic data based on commonly used neutral markers can inform prioritizations, and we could not find an adequate substitute. Conservation planners need to weigh the potential benefits of genetic data against their acquisition costs.  相似文献   

Petra Souter 《Marine Biology》2010,157(4):875-885
A total of 43 colonies of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis from lagoonal and reef slope sites in the western Indian Ocean (WIO) region were genetically characterised at one nuclear and two mitochondrial sequence markers and six microsatellite loci. Both mitochondrial and microsatellite data support the existence of two reciprocally monophyletic clusters (F- and NF-types) and provide evidence of the existence of two cryptic species of P. damicornis on reefs in WIO region and put current morphological delineation and geographical boundaries of P. damicornis and Pocillopora molokensis into question. The results add to ongoing studies on the phylogeny and phylogeography within the genus Pocillopora, which all point towards a range of unresolved morphological and molecular species boundaries. Nuclear phylogenies derived from the present and previously published sequences show evidence for incomplete lineage sorting and/or introgressive hybridisation between Pocillopora morphospecies. However, the two WIO types largely remain in separate clusters, further supporting the theory that these represent two different species.  相似文献   

Mussels (Mytilus californianus, M. galloprovincialis) and other organisms sloughed from offshore oil platforms provide a food subsidy to benthic consumers and alter underlying soft bottom habitat by creating hard substrate. The removal of overlying platforms eliminates this food subsidy, but large shell mounds remain. The distribution, abundance, and population characteristics of mobile macroinvertebrates differed among shell mounds beneath existing offshore oil platforms, shell mounds at the former sites of offshore oil platforms, and soft bottom. Predatory and omnivorous echinoderm and mollusk species were more abundant and generally larger on shell mounds under platforms than on shell mounds without platforms. Omnivorous and deposit feeding echinoderms were the most abundant macroinvertebrate taxa sampled on mound-only sites. The brown rock crab (Cancer antennarius), known to have a strong preference for hard substrate, was significantly more abundant on shell mounds, with or without platforms, than adjacent soft bottom sites. Results suggest that the effects of platform removal differed among benthic species according to trophic level, degree of mobility, and substrate preference. Although the shell mound habitat persists after removal of platform structures, species abundance and the composition of the associated benthic community is altered by removal of the platform structure.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Mating behaviour of four species of Tisbe (Tisbidae) and of Paramphiascella fulvofasciata (Diosaccidae) was filmed with a videocamera during 1992 and 1993 at the University of Oldenburg. This behaviour is complex and can be divided into different phases: grasping of the female; courtship; copula and postcopulatory mate guarding. During courtship both partners lie parallel in opposite directions with their ventral sides facing each other. The male strokes the abdomen of the female with his second to fourth peracopods. As a result the female becomes motionless. The copula is a quick process of only a few seconds during which spermatophore transfer takes place. When this has happened, males do not leave the females but become inactive and are carried around by them for varying lengths of time. This pattern and the fact that only adult partners are involved in these associations prove that this behaviour is very different from the precopulatory mate guarding presumed to be ubiquitous among Harpacticoida. Cases of postcopulatory mate guarding have never been explicitly demonstrated for Harpacticoida. The minimum duration of guarding was found to match the time necessary for spermatophore discharge. Guarding is, therefore, interpreted as a strategy to secure paternity. New definitions are given for courtship, copula and postcopulatory mate guarding in Harpacticoida to help avoiding misinterpretations of associations between adult partners. Such misinterpretations abound in the literature.  相似文献   

喀斯特地区白三叶形态和遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉  王元素  洪绂曾 《生态环境》2010,19(7):1532-1536
白三叶(Trifolium repens)的形态学特征随利用年限的增加而进化,单株叶数、生长点数、中叶长、中叶长宽比以及种群内个体之间变异性随着年限的增加而增加,而叶层高度、中叶宽则下降。三个不同年龄草地的平均单株叶质量、根质量、地上生物量、地上生物量与地下生物量的比值等指标数值接近,差异不显著。但是,与茎有关的指标如茎质量等差异显著,匍匐茎生物量随年限的增加而增加,以回避动物采食等干扰,并有利于占据动态空斑而增加种群的持久性。100年白三叶的等位基因数没有20年的高,意味着年限越长的种群以少数大克隆体占优势。  相似文献   

High relatedness and low genetic diversity among individuals in a group is generally considered crucial to the evolution of cooperative behaviour. However, in about a third of social insect species, intracolonial genetic diversity is increased because of derived polyandry (multiple mating by queens) and/or polygyny (multiple reproductive queens). Several studies have shown that increased intracolonial genetic diversity can enhance task performance in honey bees, but evidence of such effect in other social insects is still lacking. Why increased genetic diversity has evolved in some, but not all species, is a fundamental question in sociobiology. In this study, we investigated the effect of intracolonial genetic diversity on the task of nest migration, using the facultatively polyandrous and polygynous red ant Myrmica rubra. Genetic diversity significantly affected migration speed, but its effects were context dependent. Migration speed correlated positively with genetic diversity in one experiment in which migrations were into a known nest site, due to quicker transfer of brood into the new nest once consensus was reached. However, in a another experiment in which migration included scouting for new nest sites, migration speed correlated negatively with genetic diversity, due to slower discovery of new nest sites and slower transfer of brood into the new nest. Our results show for the first time that genetic diversity affects task performance in a social insect other than the honeybee, but that it can produce contrasting effects under different conditions.  相似文献   

Reviews that summarize the genetic diversity of plant species in relation to their life history and ecological traits show that forest trees have more genetic diversity at population and species levels than annuals or herbaceous perennials. In addition, among-population genetic differentiation is significantly lower in trees than in most herbaceous perennials and annuals. Possible reasons for these differences between trees and herbaceous perennials and annuals have not been discussed critically. Several traits, such as high rates of outcrossing, long-distance pollen and seed dispersal, large effective population sizes (Ne), arborescent stature, low population density, longevity, overlapping generations, and occurrence in late successional communities, may make trees less sensitive to genetic bottlenecks and more resistant to habitat fragmentation or climate change. We recommend that guidelines for genetic conservation strategies be designed differently for tree species versus other types of plant species. Because most tree species fit an LH scenario (low [L] genetic differentiation and high [H] genetic diversity), tree seeds could be sourced from a few populations distributed across the species’ range. For the in situ conservation of trees, translocation is a viable option to increase Ne. In contrast, rare herbaceous understory species are frequently HL (high differentiation and low diversity) species. Under the HL scenario, seeds should be taken from many populations with high genetic diversity. In situ conservation efforts for herbaceous plants should focus on protecting habitats because the typically small populations of these species are vulnerable to the loss of genetic diversity. The robust allozyme genetic diversity databases could be used to develop conservation strategies for species lacking genetic information. As a case study of reforestation with several tree species in denuded areas on the Korean Peninsula, we recommend the selection of local genotypes as suitable sources to prevent adverse effects and to insure the successful restoration in the long term.  相似文献   

Tack AJ  Roslin T 《Ecology》2011,92(8):1594-1604
Recent studies suggest that intraspecific genetic diversity in one species may leave a substantial imprint on the surrounding community and ecosystem. Here, we test the hypothesis that genetic diversity within host-plant patches translates into consistent and ecologically important changes in the associated herbivore community. More specifically, we use potted, grafted oak saplings to construct 41 patches of four saplings each, with one, two, or four tree genotypes represented among the host plants. These patches were divided among two common gardens. Focusing first at the level of individual trees, we assess how tree-specific genotypic identity, patch-level genetic diversity, garden-level environmental variation, and their interactions affect the structure of the herbivore community. At the level of host-plant patches, we analyze whether the joint responses of herbivore species to environmental variation and genetic diversity result in differences in species diversity among tree quartets. Strikingly, both species-specific abundances and species diversity varied substantially among host-tree genotypes, among common gardens, and among specific locations within individual gardens. In contrast, the genetic diversity of the patch left a detectable imprint on local abundances of only two herbivore taxa. In both cases, the effect of genetic diversity was inconsistent among gardens and among host-plant genotypes. While the insect community differed significantly among individual host-plant genotypes, there were no interactive effects of the number of different genotypes within the patch. Overall, additive effects of intraspecific genetic diversity of the host plant explained a similar or lower proportion (7-10%) of variation in herbivore species diversity than did variation among common gardens. Combined with the few previous studies published to date, our study suggests that the impact of host-plant genetic diversity on the herbivore community can range from none to nonadditive, is generally low, and reaches its most pronounced impact at small spatial scales. Overall, our findings strengthen the emerging view that the impacts of genetic diversity are system, scale, and context dependent. As the next step in community genetics, we should then start asking not only whether genetic diversity matters, but under what circumstances its imprint is accentuated.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of chaetodontid and pomacentrid fishes in 8 habitats, ranging in depth from 0.5 to 17 m, was determined by visual counting of free-swimming fish in the field. Habitat widths and overlaps were determined using weighting factors, developed by Colwell and Futuyma (1971), which account for the different degree of uniqueness of each habitat. The average habitat widths and the average habitat overlaps were greater for the chaetodontids than the pomacentrids. This was due, in part, to the greater use of habitat structure by the pomacentrids, and it is hypothesized that this is because they are the more vulnerable to predation. The juveniles and adults reached peak abundance in different habitats for at least some of the species, and this may further reduce the habitat-overlap values for adults of some pairs of species. It is clear, however, that the ability of the species in these families to coexist is largely due to factors operating within habitats rather than to a large degree of habitat specialization.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within species represents a fundamental yet underappreciated level of biodiversity. Because genetic diversity can indicate species resilience to changing climate, its measurement is relevant to many national and global conservation policy targets. Many studies produce large amounts of genome-scale genetic diversity data for wild populations, but most (87%) do not include the associated spatial and temporal metadata necessary for them to be reused in monitoring programs or for acknowledging the sovereignty of nations or Indigenous peoples. We undertook a distributed datathon to quantify the availability of these missing metadata and to test the hypothesis that their availability decays with time. We also worked to remediate missing metadata by extracting them from associated published papers, online repositories, and direct communication with authors. Starting with 848 candidate genomic data sets (reduced representation and whole genome) from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration, we determined that 561 contained mostly samples from wild populations. We successfully restored spatiotemporal metadata for 78% of these 561 data sets (n = 440 data sets with data on 45,105 individuals from 762 species in 17 phyla). Examining papers and online repositories was much more fruitful than contacting 351 authors, who replied to our email requests 45% of the time. Overall, 23% of our email queries to authors unearthed useful metadata. The probability of retrieving spatiotemporal metadata declined significantly as age of the data set increased. There was a 13.5% yearly decrease in metadata associated with published papers or online repositories and up to a 22% yearly decrease in metadata that were only available from authors. This rapid decay in metadata availability, mirrored in studies of other types of biological data, should motivate swift updates to data-sharing policies and researcher practices to ensure that the valuable context provided by metadata is not lost to conservation science forever.  相似文献   

密码子的使用频率分布能够反映一定的生物特性,因而可作为一种基因签名。本文使用CGR方法来研究外来入侵物种不同组织序列的基因签名及遗传多样性聚类分析,首先得出了刺花莲子草(Alternanthera pungens),紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora),水葫芦(Eichhornia crassipes),微甘菊(Mikania micrantha),土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioides),一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)等6种外来入侵植物的31条序列核苷酸字串长k=1到k=6的情况,并选取k=3,即基因序列的密码子,作为生物特性的一个重要表达。并且构造序列间的CGR欧式距离,进而对外来入侵植物序列遗传多样性进行了聚类分析。通过对所获得的6种外来入侵植物的31条序列的基因签名,得出如下结果:CGR是一种简便且计算量小的方法,且基于CGR方法的基因签名,具有典型的生物特性;入侵植物的基因序列在密码子的使用上是非均衡的,且物种亲缘关系近的,则基因签名相似越高;而且基因签名也揭示出了密码子的第三位碱基偏好使用碱基T的现象,与一般物种密码子第三位碱基偏好G/C情况有强烈反差。此外,从获得的6个物种的31条序列聚类谱系图可以直观看出,入侵植物间存在着一定的亲缘关系,遗传多样性较丰富。由于我们所建立的基于CGR方法的基因签名,不仅能够反映植物特性和进化关系,而且能揭示序列中密码子和碱基的偏好使用情况,因而该方法有利于对外来入侵物种的遗传多样性分析、风险评估及预防控制等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Despite their ubiquity and importance to intertidal ecosystems, information is currently lacking regarding the genetic diversity of trematode parasites within coastal organisms and the distribution of their genetic variation among intertidal habitats. In this study, we quantified the clonal diversity of the coastal marine trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis within Zeacumantus subcarinatus snail hosts from three coastal bays in Otago Harbour, New Zealand, using five microsatellite loci to determine if differences exist in the frequency of occurrence of multi-clone infections. In addition, we examined gene flow among M. novaezealandensis collected from the three bays. The frequency of mixed-clone infections varied fourfold among bays and no genetic differentiation was detected among intertidal bays. Across the coastal bays studied, M. novaezealandensis comprises a single population that is potentially infecting multiple Z. subcarinatus populations with varying life history traits.  相似文献   

G. W. Lopez 《Marine Biology》1982,68(3):333-341
Population dynamics of a benthic harpacticoid copepod (Tisbe cucumariae) were studied in a seawater-system holding tank during fall-spring, 1979/1980, and January, 1981. These populations were opoortunistic scavengers, especially on the dead bodies of Ciona intestinalis, a solitary tunicate. Copepod population densities, life-history stage structures, sex ratio and percentages of females with egg sacs were determined in the absence or in the presence of dead tunicates (from death through dissolution to final disappearance). Taken together, all the data are consistent with a hypothesis for food-dependent cycling of populations of T. cucumariae through the following 4 density states: (1) a maintenance state of low density, which is the usual condition during the absence of a concentrated food source; (2) a colonization state of moderate density, which results from attraction and immigration to a new food source; (3) a bloom state at the food source, where a high density results from intensive reproduction combined with a tendency of all life stages to remain at the site; (4) a dispersal state of moderate density as the copepods emigrate from the site of the consumed food. Evidence is also presented for a facultative slowing of naupliar development in T. cucumariae in the absence of a concentrated food source such as a dead tunicate. Possible advantages afforded by delayed development are discussed in terms of risk-spreading in a stochastically hostile environment.  相似文献   

Drawing on the example of Argestidae Por, 1986b, community structure and large-scale distribution patterns of harpacticoid copepods at species level were examined in the three southeastern Atlantic deep-sea basins. The study was based on 30 multicorer deployments at depths from 5,035 to 5,655 m during the DIVA-2 expedition. The 1,176 adult and copepodid Argestidae from CIII onwards belong to 114 species. Some species occurred at all five stations; others appeared to be exclusive for single stations. Inclusion of copepodids revealed a higher similarity in species composition among the five stations than consideration of just adults and caused a slight shift toward dominance of single species in the sediments at most locations.  相似文献   

Of 10 species of the genus Tisbe, 9 were shown to possess the same haploid number of 12, whereas only 1 has a haploid number of 8. The hypothesis is advanced that n=12 is the primitive condition in the genus Tisbe and that T. biminiensis with n=8, is a recent form.  相似文献   

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