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Effects of Land Use on Bird Species Richness in Sulawesi, Indonesia 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Abstract: There is still much debate over the potential value of land-use systems for the maintenance of tropical biodiversity. An increasing number of studies indicate that much forest biodiversity can also be found in the agricultural landscape matrix. Because there is little information on the potential value of land-use systems for tropical forest bird species, we conducted repeated point counts in near-primary forest, adjacent young secondary forest, modernized cacao agroforestry systems, and annual cultures at submontane elevations in central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Species richness decreased from natural forest and young secondary forest to agroforestry systems and annual cultures. Although species richness was similar between natural and young secondary forest, the number of endemic bird species was significantly lower in second-growth forest. Species composition gradually changed as the habitat changed from natural to secondary forest, agroforestry systems, and annual cultures. Despite close proximity to near-primary forest, the agroforestry systems studied supported only a few small frugivorous-nectarivorous species. Our results suggest that secondary forest could play an important role in the conservation of many Sulawesi bird species, but, although suitable for colonization, its potential to sustain populations over the long term is unknown. Improvement of the landscape matrix for biodiversity conservation through secondary habitats therefore seems desirable to enlarge the ranges of forest species, but the fight against land conversion within protected areas of the region should be of much higher importance, at least at present. 相似文献
NATHAN F. SAYRE 《Conservation biology》2005,19(3):783-792
Abstract: The contemporary southwestern United States is characterized by fire-adapted ecosystems; large numbers of federally listed threatened and endangered species; a patchwork of federal, state, and private landownership; and a long history of livestock grazing as the predominant land use. I compared eight sites in southern Arizona and New Mexico to assess the interacting effects of these characteristics on conservation practices and outcomes. There was widespread interest and private-sector leadership in restoring fire to southwestern rangelands, and there is a shortage of predictive scientific knowledge about the effects of fire and livestock grazing on threatened and endangered species. It was easier to restore fire to lands that were either privately owned or not grazed, in part because of obstacles created by threatened and endangered species on grazed public lands. Collaborative management facilitated conservation practices and outcomes, and periodic removal of livestock may be necessary for conservation, but permanent livestock exclusion may be counterproductive because of interactions with land-use and landownership patterns. 相似文献
Abstract: Scalar population models, commonly referred to as count-based models, are based on time-series data of population sizes and may be useful for screening-level ecological risk assessments when data for more complex models are not available. Appropriate use of such models for management purposes, however, requires understanding inherent biases that may exist in these models. Through a series of simulations, which compared predictions of risk of decline of scalar and matrix-based models, we examined whether discrepancies may arise from different dynamics displayed due to age structure and generation time. We also examined scalar and matrix-based population models of 18 real populations for potential patterns of bias in population viability estimates. In the simulation study, precautionary bias (i.e., overestimating risks of decline) of scalar models increased as a function of generation time. Models of real populations showed poor fit between scalar and matrix-based models, with scalar models predicting significantly higher risks of decline on average. The strength of this bias was not correlated with generation time, suggesting that additional sources of bias may be masking this relationship. Scalar models can be useful for screening-level assessments, which should in general be precautionary, but the potential shortfalls of these models should be considered before using them as a basis for management decisions. 相似文献
LIANA N. JOSEPH† SCOTT A. FIELD‡ CHRIS WILCOX§ HUGH P. POSSINGHAM 《Conservation biology》2006,20(6):1679-1687
Abstract: Effective detection of population trend is crucial for managing threatened species. Little theory exists, however, to assist managers in choosing the most cost-effective monitoring techniques for diagnosing trend. We present a framework for determining the optimal monitoring strategy by simulating a manager collecting data on a declining species, the Chestnut-rumped Hylacola ( Hylacola pyrrhopygia parkeri ), to determine whether the species should be listed under the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Red List. We compared the efficiencies of two strategies for detecting trend, abundance, and presence–absence surveys, under financial constraints. One might expect the abundance surveys to be superior under all circumstances because more information is collected at each site. Nevertheless, the presence–absence data can be collected at more sites because the surveyor is not obliged to spend a fixed amount of time at each site. The optimal strategy for monitoring was very dependent on the budget available. Under some circumstances, presence–absence surveys outperformed abundance surveys for diagnosing the IUCN Red List categories cost-effectively. Abundance surveys were best if the species was expected to be recorded more than 16 times/year; otherwise, presence–absence surveys were best. The relationship between the strategies we investigated is likely to be relevant for many comparisons of presence–absence or abundance data. Managers of any cryptic or low-density species who hope to maximize their success of estimating trend should find an application for our results. 相似文献
生态用地分类初步研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
中国现有的土地利用分类体系对土地的生态属性考虑不足,导致生态用地分类缺乏统一的标准,生态用地难以得到有效保护。基于此,该文尝试对生态用地分类体系进行初步研究,以期为生态用地的科学管护,国土空间格局的优化和生态文明建设的推进提供科技支撑。在总结借鉴国内外学者有关生态用地研究成果的基础上,首先对生态用地概念进行了界定,在剔除《第二次全国土地调查技术规程-土地利用现状分类》中的非生态用地基础上,采用“逆向递推”方法将生态用地合并归类:根据生态用地的概念、内涵和划分依据,将剔除非生态用地后的土地利用现状分类中的二级地类归为35个生态用地三级地类;根据人类活动对生态用地影响范围和程度的不同而导致发挥的生态功能强弱的差异,将生态用地三级地类合并归类为14个二级地类;基于“人类活动-生态用地”影响反馈机理,将生态用地分为原生生态用地、半人工生态用地和人工生态用地3个一级地类。随后,为使生态用地分类系统在生态用地管理与生态建设实践中发挥应有的作用,将土地利用现状分类与生态用地分类实现了有效衔接。最后,作者建议借鉴国内外对于生态系统服务功能的相关研究,考虑从生态系统服务价值等视角来建立相关定量化的系统科学的生态用地分类体系。 相似文献
坝上地区土地利用与覆被变化对土壤养分的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
坝上地区是典型的农牧交错带 ,生态环境十分脆弱。研究表明 ,解放后 ,该区土地利用与土地覆被状况经历了多次反复的变动。 2 0世纪 80年代以前 ,草地大规模改变为旱地 ,部分改为林地 ;90年代初 ,旱地又逐步被改为草地、林地和水田使用。土地利用与土地覆被的变化引起土壤中有机质、全N、全P、全K、碱解N以及有效态P、K、B、Mo、Mn、Zn、Cu和Fe等养分呈有规律的改变。当土地由草地变为林地、旱地变为林地、旱地变为水田时 ,总体养分增多。但也有例外 ,尤其是碱解N、速效P和速效K以及微量元素 ,有时出现与上述规律不一致的情况。 相似文献
针对老胶园普遍存在的严重土壤侵蚀、肥力下降、胶乳产量低等现象,本研究结合胶园更新布置了四种PEMLU模式。几年来的试验结果表明,PEMLU模式中的FEF模式比对照减少径流量66.7%,减少土壤冲刷量65.1%,有机质从原来的0.536%增加到1.34%。四种模式增加凋落物累积量83—288%,并促进了胶树生长,开割前年均每公顷可增产值2830—6650元。WRT模式具有较强的抗灾能力。本文用FWBG模型对四种PEMLU模式进行了定量分析。结果表明,FEF模式具有最优的综合效益。WRS模式具有投资少、效益高的特点,适于大面积推广。 相似文献
土地资源可持续利用的生态经济系统分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
论述了土地生态经济系统的特点和实现土地可持续利用的生态经济条件。土地生态经济系统是土地生态系统与土地经济系统耦合而成的复合系统 ,土地可持续利用与生态经济平衡存在着内在联系 ,生态经济平衡是实现土地可持续利用的前提条件 ;土地可持续利用目标是在土地开发利用过程中 ,实现生态、经济和社会三效益的协调统一 ;遵循生态经济规律是实现土地资源可持续利用的必要条件 相似文献
HANS VAN DYCK ARCO J. VAN STRIEN† DIRK MAES‡ CHRIS A. M. VAN SWAAY§ 《Conservation biology》2009,23(4):957-965
Abstract: Analyses of species' population losses typically show a dichotomy between strongly affected, rare, and localized species and apparently unaffected, common, and widespread species. We analyzed 16 years (1992–2007) of butterfly transect count data from The Netherlands in a reevaluation of the trends of common, widespread species. Fifty-five percent (11 of 20 species) of these species suffered severe declines in distribution and abundance. Overall, cumulative butterfly abundance declined by around 30%. Some of the species in decline used to be omnipresent in gardens and parks, and 2 of the species were previously considered agricultural pests. Based on their declines over the last 16 years, 2 of the 20 species ( Lasiommata megera and Gonepteryx rhamni ) reached endangered status in The Netherlands under the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) population-decline criterion, and 2 species ( Inachis io and Thymelicus lineola ) met vulnerable criterion. Butterflies in farmland, urban, and particularly woodland areas showed the largest decline in species abundance. The abundance of species associated with vegetation types found mainly in nature reserves (dunes, heathland, and, to a lesser extent, seminatural grassland) increased or remained stable. The decline of widespread species requires additional conservation strategies in the wider landscape. 相似文献
不同政策情景下农业土地利用效应模拟分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
农业土地利用政策的实施能够很大程度上影响区域农业生产方式和发展路径.构建了一个土地利用政策效应的多准则分析框架,并以上海市淀山湖地区作为案例区,从社会、经济和生态方面建立综合评价指标体系,应用情景分析方法,采用TechnoGIN模型作为评价工具,分别对基础情景、基准情景和3种不同政策干预情景下的农业土地利用效应进行了模拟和评价.结果显示,测土配方施肥政策使农民提高了施肥的钾氮比,同时对提高水稻产量起到了一定的作用,但对氮的总投入量及淋失量的降低作用较为微弱.而精细养分管理技术在使投入的钾氮比更为合理的同时,也降低了氮的总投入量及淋失量,但过多的劳动力投入需求限制了这一技术的推广和普及.适度规模经营政策的主要作用是减少劳动力使用量,为农民提供更多的外出就业机会.该研究的方法框架可为评估和预判不同农业政策的土地利用效应提供理论支撑. 相似文献
利用航空遥感影像结合野外调查方法 ,获取了研究区域 1 979年和 1 999年土地利用类型图 ,并分析了该时段土地利用变化情况。通过农户调查 ,探讨了土地利用变化的原因。分析表明 ,技术水平提高和投入增加是耕地产量提高的重要因素 ,提高土地经济收益是旱地土地利用结构变化的直接动力。 相似文献
洞庭湖区不同土地利用方式对土壤酶活性的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
对洞庭湖区不同土地利用方式下与主要营养元素循环相关的关键土壤酶(蔗糖酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶)进行分析研究,结果表明,在0-30 cm土层,土地利用方式对4种酶活性的影响极其显著,且随土层深度的增加,土壤酶活性受土地利用方式的影响逐渐减小.碱性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶与脲酶在整个土壤刮面中受到土地利用方式的影响都较大,而过氧化氢酶对土地利用方式的响应只限于0-30 cm土层.不同土地利用方式下土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性均随土层深度的增加呈下降趋势,表明土壤有机质的分解、土壤营养元素的循环与土壤剖面结构息息相关. 相似文献
An Evaluation of Threatened Species Categorization Systems Used on the American Continent 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Abstract: Endangered species lists are important tools in conservation. It is essential that these lists be prepared using categorization systems that objectively assess species extinction risk. To determine which threatened species categorization system is the most appropriate and the virtues and limitations of systems used on the American continent, we evaluated 25 categorization systems from 20 countries. These systems included examples of international lists, most national systems used on the American continent, and some systems independently proposed by academics. We based our assessment on 15 characteristics that categorization systems should have, in terms of categories, criteria, and other relevant issues, in order to evaluate species conservation status objectively. Of all evaluated systems, the current World Conservation Union system is the most suitable for assessing species extinction risk. Most categorization systems, but particularly national systems, have serious deficiencies and need to be improved substantially. We recommend governments use three types of lists: (1) threatened species lists constructed following a sound categorization system, (2) lists of species of conservation priority, and (3) lists that serve as normative tools (e.g., Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Additionally, the information used to categorize species should be explicit and available to the public. To make the most of threatened species lists in conservation, it is imperative that all countries use the same categorization system. 相似文献
利用1993、2000和2004年吴江市的遥感影像,在GIS和RS支持下,通过构建土地利用转移矩阵对土地利用变化进行分析,并对其产生的生态效应进行研究。结果表明,吴江市的耕地基底向建设用地基底转化,生态系统结构的多样性和均匀度降低,景观整体形状趋于规则;生态系统功能退化,耕地的减少以及建设用地面积的增加是导致总价值减少的主导力量,而水域生态服务价值的增加是阻止其显著减少的原因;水源涵养和废物处理功能贡献度最大,超过总价值的50%;汾湖镇所占生态服务价值比重最高,分别为24.2%、25.21%2、5.13%,桃源镇所占比重最低。 相似文献
区域土地资源优化配置及其可持续利用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从土地利用优化配置入手,介绍了其基本内涵和研究进展,阐述了土地资源可持续利用的途径与目标以及评价方法,建立了区域土地利用持续评价模式。 相似文献
根据资源可持续利用的一般定义,结合柳州市郊区土地利用的现状特点,全面分析了郊区土地资源可持续利用的影响因素和各因素间的相互作用机制,提出了实现该区土地资源可持续利用存在的问题和解决问题的途径 相似文献
Effects of Economic Prosperity on Numbers of Threatened Species 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Abstract: We used data from over 100 countries to investigate the link between numbers of threatened species and per-capita gross national product. We corrected for factors that might otherwise confound such a relationship. Our study was motivated by the continuing debate over the relationship between environmental degradation and per-capita income. Proponents of the environmental Kuznets-curve hypothesis argue that although environmental degradation may increase initially, increases in per-capita income will eventually result in greater environmental quality. Theoretical objections and the lack of widespread empirical evidence recently have thrown doubt on the existence of such a pattern. Treating threat to biodiversity as one potential indicator of environmental degradation, we divided threatened species into seven taxonomic groups ( plants, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fishes, and invertebrates) and analyzed each group separately. Count-data regression analysis indicated that the number of threatened species was related to per-capita gross national product in five of seven taxonomic groups. Birds were the only taxonomic group in which numbers of threatened species decreased throughout the range of developed countries' per-capita gross national product. Plants, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates showed increasing numbers of threatened species throughout this same range. If these relationships hold, increasing numbers of species from several taxonomic groups are likely to be threatened with extinction as countries increase in prosperity. A key challenge is to understand the interactions among consumer preferences, biology, and institutions that lead to the relationship observed for birds and to see whether this knowledge can be applied to conservation of other taxa. 相似文献