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Several essential steps of air quality assessment are described, including identification, prediction, and evaluation of critical variables and potential changes of air quality. A coal-reconversion power plant in New York was selected as an example to illustrate the assessment.  相似文献   

This paper is directed to those individuals concerned with preserving the local air quality in areas affected by power plant operations. A meteorological forecast and field measurement program has been developed by the Tennessee Valley Authority for limiting stack emissions at the Paradise Steam Plant to preserve the air quality during adverse atmospheric dispersion conditions. Meteorological and plume dispersion criteria, developed from analysis of prior experience, govern the program. The criteria values are designed for limiting surface sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations below an established threshold level.

Daily forecasts of vertical wind and temperature distribution, maximum surface temperature, and sky condition are issued each afternoon by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service, Knoxville, Tennessee. Through use of power plant computer facilities, the forecast data are processed to determine quantitative criteria values. If the values indicate that the threshold level may be exceeded, an Air Pollution Control Notice (APCN) is issued that afternoon for the period 0900–1400 CST the following day, which is the expected period of maximum SO2, surface concentrations. The APCN specifies the allowable SO2 emission rate, in terms of megawatt load generation, which should prevent surface SO2 concentrations from exceeding the established threshold level. Confirmation or cancellation of the APCN is made the following morning, based on plant-site meteorological field measurements taken at 0700–0730 CST. If confirmed, plant load generation is reduced to the designated level by 0900 CST and is continued no later than 1400 CST during the expected period of maximum SO2 surface concentrations.

The APCN conditions identified with the newer and larger TV A power plants with high stacks are associated with one principal regional weather pattern—a large surface high-pressure system, with weak-to-moderate anticyclonic circulation and pronounced stability throughout the lowest few thousand meters. With the limited mixing layer, or sometimes referred to as trapping- or capping-type dispersion associated with this weather condition, relatively high surface concentrations may persist 2–5 hours between 0900–1400 CST.  相似文献   

A flux estimate of PCDDs and PCDFs through a waste water treatment plant has been made on an annual basis. The samples were collected from different steps in the treatment procedure within the plant i.e. inlet and outlet water, different sludge types and air samples. From the surroundings of the plant were collected samples of urban air, storm sewer water (urban runoff), plant discharge water and settling particulates from a sediment trap downstream the plant discharge. Differences in congener profiles were found between the samples taken within the plant compared to those collected outside. The flux of PCDD and PCDF equivalents through the plant was found to be approximately 0.4 – 0.5 g/year and the major part was taken away as digested sludge.  相似文献   

This study assesses the air quality impacts of central power generation and compares them with the impacts of distributed generation (DG). The central power plant emissions factors used are from a newly installed combined cycle gas turbine system. Because location of power plants is a key parameter affecting air quality impacts, this study considers three potential locations for the installation of central power plants. Air quality impacts are evaluated for the South Coast Air Basin of California, in the year 2010, using a three-dimensional air quality model. Results are compared to air quality impacts from two potential DG scenarios to meet the same power demand as that of the central power plant case.Even though emissions from central generation are lower than emissions from the DG technology mix considered herein, central generation concentrates emissions in a small area, whereas DG spreads emissions throughout a larger cross-section of the air basin. As a result, air quality impacts from central generation are more significant than those from DG. The study also shows that assessment of air quality impacts from distributed and central generation should not only consider emissions levels, but also the spatial and temporal distribution of emissions and the air quality that results from atmospheric chemistry and transport – highly non-linear processes.Finally, analysis of population exposure to ozone and PM2.5 shows that central generation located in coastal areas upwind from populated areas would cause the highest population exposure and even though emissions from central generation are considerably lower than DG emissions spread throughout the basin, results show that central generation causes a higher pollutant exposure than DG.  相似文献   

The Public Health Service and the Bureau of Mines are conducting a joint study to evaluate a number of flue-gas-stream components from coal-burning power plants. Emissions of fly ash, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, polynuclear hydrocarbons, total gaseous hydrocarbons, formaldehyde, certain metals, and carbon dioxide are determined. A previous paper covered air pollutant emissions from vertical-fired and front-wall-fired power plant boilers. This paper includes a comparative evaluation of emissions from a tangential-fired and a turbo-fired power plant boiler.  相似文献   

The Bilibino nuclear power plant (68°03′N, 166°20′E, 340 m asl) in northeastern Siberia is the closest Russian nuclear power plant to the USA. We used an isentropic trajectory model to estimate the probability that air in the Bilibino region would be transported to Alaska following a hypothetical accident. This estimate is based on the meteorological data from 1991 to 1995. Our calculations indicate that the probability that air in the Bilibino region will be transported to Alaska is approximately 6–16%, averaged over the entire year. This probability doubles in the summer and early fall with a maximum in August of 12–33%. For the entire year the mean, median, and minimum transport times from the plant to Alaska are 4, 3.5 and 1 d, respectively. Since rapid transport (1–2 d) could bring air parcels containing short-lived radionuclides, these events potentially represent the greatest risk to inhabitants of Alaska.  相似文献   

A procedure, based on the concept of game theory, for the optimum design of an air pollution control system in thermal power plants is described. The problem is formulated as a four-criteria optimisation problem, with the cost of the electrostatic precipitator, the cost of the stack, the maximum ground-level concentration of particulate matter and the maximum ground-level concentration of sulfur dioxide as the objectives. The efficiency of the precipitator and the height of the stack are treated as the design variables. Geometric constraints in the form of lower and upper bounds on the design variables are imposed on the problem. The design problem is formulated as a four-person game, and the Nash non-cooperative solution is evaluated for irrational play to determine the starting point of the game. For the cooperative game, a supercriterion is formulated for the overall benefit of the players. The game is terminated when the optimal trade-off between the objectives is reached with the maximisation of the supercriterion. The methodology is demonstrated by solving a practical problem related to the design of an air pollution control system for a 210 MW thermal power plant.  相似文献   

Load-shifting, a relatively inexpensive approach to air pollution control, involves transferring the generating load from one power plant to another according to meteorological conditions. In this paper, an atmospheric dispersion model is adapted to estimate the exposure of the urban population to sulfur dioxide from operating the power system in different ways. Then a mathematical model of the power system of a metropolitan area is constructed to determine the reduction in pollution exposure which could be achieved, and the costs involved. As a case study, the application of the model to St. Louis, Missouri, is simulated. Under favorable conditions, load shifting could reduce pollution exposure up to 95%, while increasing the costs of electric power generation by only 4%. The load-shifting model has use not only as an operational control strategy, but also as an analytical tool to evaluate alternative pollution control measures in the electric power industry.  相似文献   

This paper describes remote monitoring of air pollutant emissions by a mobile lidar (light detection and ranging)/ sodar (sound detection and ranging) system. First, measurements are carried out in the flue gas plume of a public power plant. The investigations focus mainly on quantifying SO2 emissions, but the uncertainties of such measurements are also emphasized. Furthermore, an example providing valuable data sets for the development and validation of plume dispersion models is outlined with measurements of the dilution of SO2 along the plume axis. Series of repeated determinations of SO2 emissions show a large variation in the obtained flux values, with moderate margins of error. Incomplete recording of the plume within the individual lidar scans, induced by strong looping movements of the flue gas plume, predominantly causes the variations of flux values. Therefore, the highest flux values determined are considered to be the most exact. This is verified by a comparison of measured fluxes with in situ measurements made by the plant operators. The results further indicate that lidar measurements illustrate the location and dimension of aerosol plumes better than the location and dimension of the plumes of gaseous compounds. The wind direction affecting the plume at any moment can be determined faster by lidar than by sodar because the latter requires much longer time intervals of signal averaging. Measurements show higher concentrations of SO2 compared with results from a Gaussian plume model for periods of less than 5 min after dispersion. The findings emphasize the suitability of remote sensing for detecting emissions and for investigating the propagation and dilution of air pollutant plumes.  相似文献   

Only few studies have been conducted as yet which focus on the effects of rising tropospheric ozone levels on semi-natural vegetation under free-air conditions. A new technical approach was used to examine the response of calcareous grassland to ozone employing a chamberless fumigation system. Four different ozone regimes were applied (1-, 1.33-, 1.66- and 2-fold ambient air levels) with five replicates each. Ozone enrichment was carried out on circular plots of 2 m in diameter by a computer controlled exposure system. Transparent windscreens encircling each plot accelerated the mixing of ambient air and ozone released. Thus, the use of blowers could be avoided. The exposure system presented here is regarded as an appropriate technique for free-air trace gas enrichment on short vegetation avoiding microclimatic alterations known to affect plant growth and pollutant uptake. Furthermore, the chosen technical set-up was rather cost-effective. Hence, it enabled the establishment of a larger number of replications providing the basis for results of higher statistical power.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comprehensive set of economic models developed to assess the air pollution control costs of alternative systems for generating electricity from coal. Models of individual system components were formulated based on engineering and statistical analyses of other detailed models and data reported in the literature for currently available technologies. The air pollution control options modeled include 4 levels of physical coal cleaning, 3 types of dry fly ash collectors, a wet limestone FGD system, and 2 options for solid waste disposal. In addition, the cost of a power plant with no air pollution controls was modeled to determine the total system cost, including energy needed to operate environmental control systems. The principal criteria guiding the development of these models were that they be (1) computationally simple and economical to use, with a minimum of detailed data requirements, (2) sensitive to variations in pollutant emission regulations, coal characteristics, and key plant design parameters, and (3) systematic, based on a specified amount of power production and the same constant dollars. Extensive sensitivity analyses and case studies performed with these models indicate excellent agreement with the results of other studies and models applicable only to individual environmental control options. Applications of these models are discussed and illustrative results presented.  相似文献   

A method for sampling and investigating the aerosol participates and gaseous pollutants of the air is described. The pollutants were collected on silver (Ag), copper (Cu) and graphite surfaces placed in the neighbourhood of a coal-fired power plant. The study of the composition of the aerosol and gaseous pollutants was carried out by means of XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic) method, as a function of the distance from the power plant.  相似文献   

This paper is responsive to needs to describe and predict the environmental effects from power plant cooling ponds. A study was made to determine atmospheric and pond surface conditions required for steam fog to occur from power plant cooling ponds, to define the dimensions of the fog, and to collect data on deposition of ice. Data, collected principally at the 4-Corners Plant over a three-year period, included water surface temperature, ambient meteorological conditions and occurrence and magnitude of steam fog and ice deposition. With strong winds, the fog extended onshore without lifting. With light winds, the fog extended some distance onshore but then lifted to form stratus. With almost calm winds, the steam fog lifted over the pond and drifted downwind as stratus. Steam fog was observed in winds to 28 mph, air-water temperature differences from 21.5° to 68°F and in atmospheric stability categories C, D, E, and F. A fog index number, Ar/(es — ea)°F/mbs, was defined and used for data interpretation, where Ar is temperature of water less temperature of ambient air, es is the saturation vapor pressure of the ambient air and ea is the actual vapor pressure of the ambient air. The probability of occurrence of steam fog as a function of the fog index number varied from 0.04 for an index number less than 10 to 1.00 for an index number greater than 90. From the data, if fog occurred, its extent along the ground was ≥100 feet 88% of the time, ≥500 feet 35% of the time, ≥1000 feet 18% of the time, and ≥5000 feet 12% of the time. If stratus occurred its extent above ground was ≥1 mile 91% of the time, ≥5 miles 55% of the time and ≥10 miles 36% of the time. Measurements showed that steam fog droplet sizes predominate in the 10 micron diameter size. Values of liquid water content up to 0.20 g/m3 were reported. Ice accretion data show build-up rates from 0.23 to 13 mm/hr of rime.  相似文献   

Because of the increasing demand for energy, construction of a number of large power plants is planned, particularly in the southwestern U.S. Before construction of a plant can begin, however, it must be shown that its emissions will not degrade air quality beyond certain acceptable limits. A new plant must undergo not only a New Source Review1 to demonstrate compliance with New Source Performance Standards,2 but also an analysis to show that it will not produce significant deterioration of air quality in designated pristine areas (often these areas are state or federal parks.) Further, as a result of the 1977 amendments3 to the Clean Air Act, visibility must not be impaired where impairment is defined as a reduction in visual range or as atmospheric discoloration. Plume visual impact must thus be considered before permission for construction will be granted. Because of these requirements, it is important to be able to visualize the plume from a power plant as it travels through surrounding terrain.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect on the environment of electricity purchase from independent power producers (IPPs) in the case of Thailand. The environmental implication is evaluated in terms of the net change in emission of air pollutants with electricity purchase from IPPs by a utility. The main finding of the study is that electricity purchase from a non-dispatchable IPP plant based on coal-fired generation would increase the net emissions compared with that without the purchase from IPPs. The study also shows that the lower plant factor of the IPP plant would also increase the emission of air pollutants. Furthermore, with non-dispatchable IPP plants, the total emission of air pollutants would increase, whereas with dispatchable IPP plants the total emission would decrease with the level of electricity purchases.  相似文献   

Ozone prediction has become an important activity in many U.S. ozone nonattainment areas. In this study, we describe the ozone prediction program in the Atlanta metropolitan area and analyze the performance of this program during the 1999 ozone-forecasting season. From May to September, a team of 10 air quality regulators, meteorologists, and atmospheric scientists made a daily prediction of the next-day maximum 8-hr average ozone concentration. The daily forecast was made aided by two linear regression models, a 3-dimensional air quality model, and the no-skill ozone persistence model. The team's performance is compared with the numerical models using several numerical indicators. Our analysis indicated that (1) the team correctly predicted next-day peak ozone concentrations 84% of the time, (2) the two linear regression models had a better performance than a 3-dimensional air quality model, (3) persistence was a strong predictor of ozone concentrations with a performance of 78%, and (4) about half of the team's wrong predictions could be prevented with improved meteorological predictions.  相似文献   

The types and rates of pollutant emissions from a coal-fired power plant depend upon plant design, coal characteristics, and environmental control policy. In the past, air pollution regulations were often promulgated without rigorous analysis of the resulting energy penalties and secondary environmental impacts that occur in other environmental media (air, land, or water), which are counterproductive to overall environmental quality. This paper describes a Comparative Assessment Model that has been developed to consider systematically such tradeoffs for conventional and advanced coal-to-electric technologies. The model is applied to quantify the secondary (“cross-media”) environmental and resource impacts resulting from alternative air pollution control policies that reduce sulfur dioxide emissions from a 1000 MW power plant. Multimedia pollutant burdens are presented, together with the increased requirements for coal, limestone, and water that are incurred in generating a fixed net quantity of electricity. The development of sound public policy requires that environmental regulations be sensitive to adverse effects in all environmental media, and that tradeoffs involved in the regulation of specific pollutants to one medium be rigorously and systematically characterized.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of an Electric Power Research Institute funded research effort to determine the feasibility of using receptor models for the apportionment of power plant contributions to air quality, deposition quality, and light extinction on local and regional scales. Sufficient information currently exists (or was developed during the course of this study) to establish feasibility for the apportionment of power plant contributions to local-scale air quality and to strongly suggest the usefulness of receptor modeling for regional-scale air quality, light extinction, and dry deposition quality apportionment. Insufficient information existed to determine whether or not receptor modeling can be useful for the allocation of wet deposition quality.

A series of seven future research recommendations were prepared for the purpose of advancing receptor modeling from theoretical feasibility to practical utility. Two recommendations address model evaluation: (1) prepare a user-oriented receptor model application and testing package, and (2) perform computer simulation testing of past, current, and proposed receptor model applications. Two recommendations address model development: (1) develop a receptor model requiring minimal information about source profiles, and (2) develop a “hybrid” model (i.e., a model that combines source and receptor oriented methods). Finally, three recommendations address source characterization: (1) develop procedures for individual particle characterization, (2) develop sampling and analysis methods for source profile determination, and (3) measure source profiles of coal- and oil-fired power plants, and other sources that confound identification of emissions from coal- and oilfired power plants.  相似文献   


Ozone prediction has become an important activity in many U.S. ozone nonattainment areas. In this study, we describe the ozone prediction program in the Atlanta metropolitan area and analyze the performance of this program during the 1999 ozone-forecasting season. From May to September, a team of 10 air quality regulators, meteorologists, and atmospheric scientists made a daily prediction of the next-day maximum 8-hr average ozone concentration. The daily forecast was made aided by two linear regression models, a 3-dimensional air quality model, and the no-skill ozone persistence model. The team's performance is compared with the numerical models using several numerical indicators. Our analysis indicated that (1) the team correctly predicted next-day peak ozone concentrations 84% of the time, (2) the two linear regression models had a better performance than a 3-dimensional air quality model, (3) persistence was a strong predictor of ozone concentrations with a performance of 78%, and (4) about half of the team's wrong predictions could be prevented with improved meteorological predictions.  相似文献   

The waste seawater discharged in coastal areas from coal-fired power plants equipped with a seawater desulfurization system might carry pollutants such as mercury from the flue gas into the adjacent seas. However, only very limited impact studies have been carried out. Taking a typical plant in Xiamen as an example, the present study targeted the distribution and sea–air transfer flux of volatile mercury in seawater, in order to trace the fate of the discharged mercury other than into the sediments. Samples from 28 sampling sites were collected in the sea area around two discharge outlets of the plant, daily and seasonally. Total mercury, dissolved gaseous mercury and dissolved total mercury in the seawater, as well as gaseous elemental mercury above the sea surface, were investigated. Mean concentrations of dissolved gaseous mercury and gaseous elemental mercury in the area were 183 and 4.48 ng m?3 in summer and 116 and 3.92 ng m?3 in winter, which were significantly higher than those at a reference site. Based on the flux calculation, the transfer of volatile mercury was from the sea surface into the atmosphere, and more than 4.4 kg mercury, accounting for at least 2.2 % of the total discharge amount of the coal-fired power plant in the sampling area (1 km2), was emitted to the air annually. This study strongly suggested that besides being deposited into the sediment and diluted with seawater, emission into the atmosphere was an important fate for the mercury from the waste seawater from coal-fired power plants.  相似文献   

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