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This study presents a large-eddy simulation (LES) study of the convective boundary layer on August 1, 1999 over Philadelphia, PA during a summer ozone episode. The study is an evaluation of the Colorado State University's Regional Atmospheric Modeling System Version 4.3 (RAMS4.3) with the LES option using Northeast Oxidant and Particulate Study (NE-OPS) data. Simulations were performed with different imposed sensible heat fluxes at the ground surface. The model was initialized with the atmospheric sounding data collected at Philadelphia at 1230 UTC and model integrations continued till 2130 UTC. The resulting mean profiles of temperature and humidity obtained from the LES model were compared with atmospheric soundings, tethered balloon and aircraft data collected during the NE-OPS 1999 field campaign. Also the model-derived vertical profiles of virtual temperature were compared with NE-OPS Radio Acoustic Sounder System (RASS) data while the humidity profiles were compared with NE-OPS lidar data. The comparison of the radiosonde data with the LES model predictions suggests that the growth of the mixing layer is reasonably well simulated by the model. Overall, the agreement of temperature predictions of the LES model with the radiosonde observations is good. The model appears to underestimate humidity values for the case of higher imposed sensible heat flux. However, the humidity values in the mixing layer agree quite well with radiosonde observations for the case of lower imposed sensible heat flux. The model-predicted temperature and humidity profiles are in reasonable agreement with the tethered balloon data except for some small overestimation of temperature at lower layers and some underestimation of humidity values. However, the humidity profiles as simulated by the model agree quite well with the tethered balloon data for the case of lower imposed sensible heat flux. The model-predicted virtual temperature profile is also in better agreement with RASS data for the case of lower imposed sensible heat flux. The model-predicted temperature profile further agrees quite well with aircraft data for the case of lower imposed heat flux. However, the relative humidity values predicted by the model are lower compared with the aircraft data. The model-predicted humidity profiles are only in partial agreement with the lidar data. The results of this study suggest that the explicitly resolved energetic eddies seem to provide the correct forcing necessary to produce good agreement with observations for the case of an imposed sensible heat flux of 0.1 K m s–1 at the surface.  相似文献   

Transport of atmospheric trace gases during a blocking event in the troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) in August 1997 is studied. Considering the frequency of such events it is obvious that they play a significant role for climate and air chemistry and thus the atmospheric environment. The event has been selected because a unique set of composition observations carried out by the CRISTA (Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere) instrument in the UTLS was available for the period of blocking. The regional European Atmospheric Dispersion (EURAD) model system was used for a detailed analysis focusing on ozone and CFC 11 (CFCl3, Freon) distributions and their temporal and spatial variability. The combination of the CRISTA data and a regional transport chemistry model enabled a unique analysis of transport behaviour of a blocking. This developed an Ω-structure with a deep cut-off low at the western flank of the blocking high and a trough with highly perturbed trace gas fields on the eastern side. Tropopause heights varied intensively and were bended down to rather low levels in the cut-off low and folds appearing in the eastern trough. Results of artificial tracer experiments are presented which show that polluted air from lower tropospheric levels and – in this case – lower latitudes as well as the North American continent may be lifted up to the UTLS in the anticyclonic part of the Ω-block and transported from there over large distances in streamers. Quasi-periodic variations of CFC 11 flux divergence indicate dynamical coupling of the different domains of the block.  相似文献   

近17年鄱阳湖区景观格局动态变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周云凯  白秀玲 《生态环境》2011,20(11):1653-1658
通过对1989、1999和2006年3期遥感影像进行解译,借助ARCGIS、FRAGSTATS等软件对鄱阳湖区近17年景观格局动态变化进行分析。结果表明:近17年湖区景观空间结构在自然因素和人类活动的影响下发生显著变化。从景观水平上看,湖区整体景观的破碎化程度不断增大,各斑块类型在空间上的分布趋于均匀和分散,景观中斑块的形状渐趋不规则,复杂程度加大。在斑块类型水平上,研究区水体的破碎化程度增加,斑块向着小型化方向发展,斑块之间的结合度降低,形状逐渐变得复杂,水体斑块之间的水力联系减弱;草地和林地的空间结构相对稳定,变化并不显著;耕地虽然是研究区的优势景观类型,但在近17年间,其优势地位被逐渐削弱,破碎化程度也在逐渐加大,斑块形状的规则性降低,各斑块之间的分离性加大;滩地的变化主要受水文情势和泥沙淤积的影响,破碎化程度经历了先加大、后降低的过程,最大斑块面积有所增大;建设用地的变化最为明显,其破碎化程度也有所加大,但斑块间的连接程度相对研究初期有所增加;未利用地是研究区面积最小的景观类型,其景观破碎化程度则有所降低,斑块形状也渐趋简单。  相似文献   

The tritium concentrations in 13 groundwater samples from boreholes throughout the Upper Devonian sandstone aquifer of Fife have been measured. Due to atmospheric variations in tritium concentrations over the last century, this radioactive tracer can be used as a groundwater age indicator. In this study, the groundwater tritium concentrations have allowed for the area to be divided into three zones, and the variable chemistry of the groundwater samples, including the problem of recent elevated nitrate levels in the Fife Aquifer, has been interpreted in terms of their relative ages.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲小流域地下水化学特征及演化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
珠江三角洲地下水环境日益恶化,已成为制约经济社会发展的重要因素。以珠海市具有典型特征的闭合小流域作为研究对象,分旱、雨两季采集地下水分析主要离子及D、18O同位素,全面系统地研究了地下水水化学的时空变异特征与演变规律。结果表明:研究区内地下水主要受大气降水及附近地表水体渗透补给,以蒸发及地下水径流排泄,季节变化对区域内水化学空间变异性影响较小。沿地下水流方向(补给区-径流区-排泄区),地下水化学类型主要从Ca-Na(Mg)-HCO3型向Na-Cl和Na-K-HCO3-CO3型演化,风化-溶滤、离子交换、海陆交互作用是控制当地地下水质演变的主要水文化学过程。  相似文献   

• The long-period groundwater evolution was identified by hydrochemical signatures. • The dominant processes in the groundwater evolution were verified. • Groundwater quality in the coastal areas was susceptible to deterioration due to SI. • Groundwater contamination arose from fertilizer, livestock manure & domestic sewage. The evolution of hydrochemical compositions influenced by long-period interactions between groundwater and the geo-environment is a fundamental issue for exploring groundwater quality and vulnerability. This study systematically investigated the hydrochemical processes and anthropogenic interference occurring in the river basin by bivariate plots, Gibbs diagrams, saturation index, and the major ions ratios. Apparent changes in groundwater hydrochemistry have been observed in the study area, illustrating the origins of major ions are affected by various internal and external factors. Results highlighted that TDS varied from freshwater to brackish water, ranging between 187.90 and 2294.81 mg/L. Ca2+ and HCO3 are the dominant ions in the studied samples. The results gained by Gibbs diagrams, bivariate plots, saturation index, and the major ions ratios demonstrated that minerals dissolution/precipitation, cation exchange, and human inputs play crucial roles in the unconfined aquifers. Moreover, the overuse of nitrogen fertilizer, livestock manure, and industrial/domestic sewage led to nitrate and nitrite contamination and brought significant challenges to the surrounding hydrogeo-environment. The present study could make an unambiguous identification of natural processes and anthropogenic interventions influencing groundwater hydrochemistry’s long-period evolution and create a preliminary strategy for groundwater resources management.  相似文献   

景观作为自然与人类相互作用的一个基本单位,目前正在发生剧烈的变化。许多传统的文化建筑和土地利用方式和格局正在走向衰亡,景观的多样性和丰富性受到前所未有的威胁,常常被千篇一律的大片单调的景色所代替。本文主要讨论下列三个问题:景观的基本含义及其保护,景观保护的主要任务;景观保护是区域发展的基础。  相似文献   

We describe a simulation model representing the most important human and natural factors driving land use and cover changes (LUCC) in southern Chile. We evaluate the model by examining its ability to simulate LUCC observed over the past three decades, conduct a sensitivity analysis of simulated trends to changes in important model parameters, and use the model to project likely landscape transformations over the next decade under “as usual,” “pessimistic,” and four “optimistic” scenarios. The model consists of five submodels representing LUCC on two distinct soil formations (volcanic ash and gleysols) and four major land use categories: native forest, agricultural land, shrubland, and urban land. Land use and cover sub-categories include old growth forests, secondary forests, and low and flooded shrubland. The model simulated well general historic trends in forest cover, agricultural land, shrubland, and urban land: from a forest-dominated landscape in 1976 to a landscape dominated by shrubland and agricultural land by 2007. Forest loss, forest degradation by logging and clearing for agriculture were the most important direct drivers of LUCC: forest logging and clearing were most important from 1976 to 1985, whereas after 1985 logging for firewood, driven by population growth, was most important. Sensitivity analysis indicated that model projections of general trends in the main land use and cover categories were not overly sensitive to changes in important model parameters, although further study is necessary to improve our estimates of the proportion of pasture requirements supplied by clearing low shrubland. Projections of LUCC suggested that a reduced amount of secondary forest would be left by 2017 if no actions are taken to reduce forest loss (“as usual”). Increasing population (“pessimistic scenario”) resulted in similar trajectories than those predicted by the as usual scenario, whereas reducing logging for firewood and increasing forest recruitment from shrubland could reduce loss of native forest by nearly one-third (“optimistic scenarios”). Surprisingly, shrubland exhibited the most complex and influential dynamics in all scenarios, being the immediate outcome of forest loss and the main long-term source of land for agriculture, urban expansion, and forest recovery. Few studies in Chile, or elsewhere, have considered the importance of this intermediate successional stage. Of the scenarios simulated, financial incentives targeted toward channeling shrubland into regenerated forest seemed most promising, although obstacles to such a management strategy exist.  相似文献   

近地层臭氧(O_3)会对植物的生长和产量均产生一定的负效应。由于人类活动引起的不断升高的近地层O_3浓度已经威胁到世界粮食安全。O_3主要以干沉降的方式沉降到陆地生态系统,所以需要定量确定陆地生态系统中O_3通量、干沉降速率和不同沉降通道的沉降过程,预测其对植物的潜在影响。介绍了目前O_3干沉降的主要观测方法及其模拟模型,从4个方面(O_3通量和干沉降速率的季节变化、日变化、气象因子等对O_3干沉降的影响、不同O_3沉降通道的沉降过程)重点评述了不同陆地生态系统O_3干沉降观测和模拟的研究进展现状,并对未来的研究工作进行了展望,以期为我国未来开展相关研究工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近地层臭氧(O3)会对植物的生长和产量均产生一定的负效应。由于人类活动引起的不断升高的近地层O3浓度已经威胁到世界粮食安全。O3主要以干沉降的方式沉降到陆地生态系统,所以需要定量确定陆地生态系统中O3通量、干沉降速率和不同沉降通道的沉降过程,预测其对植物的潜在影响。介绍了目前O3干沉降的主要观测方法及其模拟模型,从4个方面(O3通量和干沉降速率的季节变化、日变化、气象因子等对O3干沉降的影响、不同O3沉降通道的沉降过程)重点评述了不同陆地生态系统O3干沉降观测和模拟的研究进展现状,并对未来的研究工作进行了展望,以期为我国未来开展相关研究工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A simulation (random process with a discrete control of time) of cyclical regeneration of the monospecific heathlands established on the volcanic Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France) after the general and sudden surrender of grazing in the middle of this century, is proposed. On the high sloping zones on the south and south-west, spontaneous regressive dynamics of the heathlands appears, causing intense erosion. In other cases, some mosaic structure (Calluna vulgaris-Brachypodium pinnatum) cover the volcanoes. This highly simplified model takes into account the following processes: (i) the senescence process and vegetative reproduction of Calluna, (ii) the reproduction and intraspecific competition of Pinus sylvestris, (iii) erosion. The main results demonstrate that such a system exhibits an oscillatory behaviour. This phenomenon is strongly dependent on the initial parameters of the Calluna populations and may or may not reach an interior equilibrium: a stationary phase. An activity state function, taking into account the average transformation rapidity and modifications with constant surfaces, allows following the whole activity of the system. The origin of the mosaics could lie in this behaviour and could be more clearly topologic than strictly ecological. The oscillatory behaviour induces a multiple-steps settlement by pines. The suspension of grazing in several times would favour the health colonization by multimodal age-population of Calluna and then lessen the oscillations as well as erosion and regularizes pine colonization. The optimal density of the initial pool of pines seems to be equivalent to 1 tree per 700 m2.  相似文献   

Water-dissolved oxygen was supplied into anaerobic aquifer , which oxidized Fe(II), Mn(II) and trivalent arsenic and changed them into undissolved solid matter through hydrolysis, precipitation, co-precipitation and adsorption processes. The experiment was carried out on the column imitated a bore core of anaerobic aquifer with water phase containing Fe(II), Mn(II), As(III) concentration of 45.12 mg/L, 14.52 mg/L, 219.4 μg/L, respectively and other ions similarly composition in groundwater. After 6 days of air supply, concentration of iron reduced to 0.38 mg/L, manganese to 0.4 mg/L, arsenic to 9.8 μg/L (equivalent 99.16% of iron, 97.25% of manganese and 95.53% of arsenic fixed), and for other ions, the concentration changed almost according to general principles. Ion phosphate and silicate strongly influenced on arsenic removal but supported iron and manganese precipitation from water phase. Based on the experimental results, new model of groundwater exploitation was proposed.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,200(1-2):45-58
Effective forest ecosystem-based management requires a thorough understanding of the interactions between anthropogenic and natural disturbance processes over larger spatial and temporal scales than stands and rotation ages. Because harvesting does not preclude fire, it is important to evaluate the combined effects of harvesting and fire on forest age structure, a coarse indicator of forest ecosystem state. We performed a sensitivity analysis of landscape scale effects of forest management (strategy, harvest rate and access cost) and fire regime (fire return interval and extent) in terms of combined impacts on forest stand age-class structure on a study area of 3.5 million hectares of boreal forest of Québec. A series of scenarios were simulated over 500 years and replicated 30 times using a previously reported spatially explicit landscape model. Within the parameter space of our sensitivity analysis, we found that harvest rate, fire return interval and management strategy were the most significant parameters affecting stand age-class distribution across the landscape. The former are not so surprising, given that they combine to produce an overall disturbance rate, but the latter shows that the resulting impact on age-class structure can be influenced to some degree through management objectives. A harvesting strategy of clearcutting for sustained timber supply, using a harvest rotation based on minimum merchantable age (approximately 100 years in this analysis), creates a trend for the stand age-class distribution away from the expected range of natural variation for the study area. Within the scope of our simulations, alternative management strategies with extended harvest rotation age proved the most robust forest management practice to absorb variations in fire regime.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,187(1):15-26
The GROWA model was applied to the entire Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ca. 34,000 km2) using a grid resolution of 100 m. It conceptually combines distributed meteorological data (winter and summer precipitation and potential evapotranspiration) with distributed site parameters (land use, soil properties, slope gradient, slope exposure, mean depth to groundwater) to facilitate the calculation of long-term annual averages of total runoff. In the GROWA model groundwater recharge is expressed as a constant proportion (baseflow indices) of the total runoff. This portion depends on certain characteristics of the investigated area, e.g. the slope gradient, soil and hydrogeological properties as well as the degree of surface sealing.In this paper special emphasis is put on the influence of geology on groundwater recharge. In this respect, a new calibration procedure for the parameterization of geology-related parameters is described. In previous applications of the GROWA model baseflow indices have been identified on the basis of observed mean monthly low-water runoff values (MoMLR). Since the MoMLR-values significantly overestimate groundwater recharge in solid rock regions due to high interflow proportions, a more sophisticated hydrograph separation method has been applied. In this study runoff data from about 125 gauging stations within the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia were used to derive baseflow indices. The raster-based simulation was carried out using a grid resolution of 100 m.The accuracy of the calculated groundwater recharge values for the period 1979–1999 was verified on the basis of data from gauging stations. A good agreement between observed runoff values from the sub-catchments and model results was achieved.  相似文献   

Arsenic and fluoride in the groundwater of Mexico   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Concentrations of arsenic and fluoride above Mexican drinking water standards have been detected in aquifers of various areas of Mexico. This contamination has been found to be mainly caused by natural sources. However, the specific processes releasing these toxic elements into groundwater have been determined in a few zones only. Many studies, focused on arsenic-related health effects, have been performed at Comarca Lagunera in northern México. High concentrations of fluoride in water were also found in this area. The origin of the arsenic there is still controversial. Groundwater in active mining areas has been polluted by both natural and anthropogenic sources. Arsenic-rich minerals contaminate the fractured limestone aquifer at Zimapán, Central México. Tailings and deposits smelter-rich fumes polluted the shallow granular aquifer. Arsenic contamination has also been reported in the San Antonio-El Triunfo mining zone, southern Baja California, and Santa María de la Paz, in San Luis Potosí state. Even in the absence of mining activities, hydrogeochemistry and statistical techniques showed that arsenopyrite oxidation may also contaminate water, as in the case of the Independencia aquifer in the Mexican Altiplano. High concentrations of arsenic have also been detected in geothermal areas like Los Azufres, Los Humeros, and Acoculco. Prevalence of dental fluorosis was revealed by epidemiological studies in Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí states. Presence of fluoride in water results from dissolution of acid-volcanic rocks. In Mexico, groundwater supplies most drinking water. Current knowledge and the geology of Mexico indicate the need to include arsenic and fluoride determinations in groundwater on a routine basis, and to develop interdisciplinary studies to assess the contaminant's sources in all enriched areas.  相似文献   

As one of the important elements of controlling the redox system within the hyporheic and hypolentic zone, sulfur is involved in a series of complex biogeochemical processes such as carbon cycle, water acidification, formation of iron and manganese minerals, redox processes of trace metal elements and a series of important ecological processes. Previous studies on biogeochemistry of the hyporheic and hypolentic zones mostly concentrated on nutrients of nitrogen and phosphorus, heavy metals and other pollutants. Systematic study of biogeochemical behavior of sulfur and its main controlling factors within the lake hypolentic zone is very urgent and important. In this paper, a typical desert plateau lake, Dakebo Lake in northwestern China, was taken for example within which redox zonation and biogeochemical characteristics of sulfur affected by hydrodynamic conditions were studied based on not only traditional hydrochemical analysis, but also environmental isotope evidence. In the lake hypolentic zone of the study area, due to the different hydrodynamic conditions, vertical profile of sulfur species and environmental parameters differ at the two sites of the lake (western side and center). Reduction of sulfate, deposition and oxidation of sulfide, dissolution and precipitation of sulfur-bearing minerals occurred are responded well to Eh, dissolved oxygen, pH, organic carbon and microorganism according to which the lake hypolentic zone can be divided into reduced zone containing H2S, reduced zone containing no H2S, transition zone and oxidized zone. The results of this study provide valuable insights for understanding sulfur conversion processes and sulfur biogeochemical zonation within a lake hypolentic zone in an extreme plateau arid environment and for protecting the lake–wetland ecosystem in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   

The objective of this research work is the evaluation of the impact of landuse pattern and intensity on landscape by means of an indicator. The method used to calculate a ‘landscape indicator’ (Iland) allows to take into account the objective as well as the subjective approach of landscape. Iland corresponds to the degree of agreement between landscape supply by farmers and landscape demand by the social groups. The supply and the demand are evaluated through four criteria: ‘diversity’, ‘upkeep’, ‘openness’ and ‘heritage’. The landscape supply is calculated from data of landscape objects (punctual, linear and spatial) for each criterion recorded at the field level. The values of the four criteria for the landscape demand are allocated by the user(s) of the indicator (decision makers, regional council, social groups…) into five classes (0–4). The value of the landscape indicator is the least favourable difference between supply and demand for the four criteria. An example of calculation of the ‘landscape indicator’ for an arable farm is given. The collection of data needs 2 h with the farmer and 2 h for a survey of the farm land.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the main source of drinking water for the urban and rural residents in the plain area of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The quality of groundwater has a direct relationship with human health. Thus, 386 groundwater samples collected from April to August in 2003 were analyzed. The samples were collected in basic evaluation units which are determined on the basis of watersheds. Total dissolved solids, total hardness, pH value, NH3-N, C6H5OH, Chemiluminescence detection of permanganate index (CODMn) and intestinal germ group were evaluated according to the guidelines of Groundwater Quality Standard (GB/T14848-93). The quality of the groundwater in each evaluation unit was classified by using the One Veto Method (a unified approach stipulated by the Ministry of Water Resources). The results indicate that the groundwater in the mainstream area of the Tarim Basin and the Yerqiang River Sub-basin belongs to Category V; the groundwater in the Wulungu River Sub-basin, the Kaidu-Kongque River Sub-basin, the Kashgar River Sub-basin, the Cherchen River Sub-basin and the Hotan River Subbasin belongs to Category IV; the groundwater in the Aibi Lake System belongs to Category II, and the groundwater of other evaluation units belongs to Category III. The causes of water quality formation were concisely analyzed. The results can be useful for the evaluation and management of water resources in the Xinjiang Plain Area.  相似文献   

The intent of this study was to develop an understanding of some of the factors that affect the concentration ol radon-222 (222Rn) in drinking water supplies derived from groundwater, with specific application to North Carolina. Data for this investigation were collected on a sample of 96 North Carolina public water supply wells. Water samples were collected and analyzed for222Rn content. Data on site geology and well characteristics (discharge, specific capacity, depth, and casing length) were obtained from existing sources. From a statistical examination of the data collected in this study, we conclude that there is a distinct and statistically significant difference in the mean222Rn concentrations of groundwater associated with different types of rocks. The data, however, also indicate that there is a great degree of variability in the222Rn concentrations of samples drawn from any giver rock type. The situation is made slightly better by introducing a second variable given as the geologic region of a water supply. A fairly surprising finding of this study is the relative insignificance of discharge, specific capacity, depth, and casing length of wells as predictors of222Rn concentration. The present study indicates that use of these variables as predictors does not significantly improve the likelihood of locating water supplies with elevatec222Rn concentrations.  相似文献   

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