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研究表明:护耳器现场使用实际声衰减值低于实验室值,其原因是护耳器的实验室测量条件较为严格。工人在现场实际使用护耳器时,未能同实验室中的受试者一样佩戴护耳器,因而获得的护耳器声衰减比实验室所测得的值低。另一方面,在8小时强噪声环境中工作期间,未自始至终佩戴护耳器,则也达不到预期的保护听力的效果。笔者还综合分析和评述了护耳器现场使用时实际声衰减值降低的原因,并提出了一些有益的建议  相似文献   

探讨了国内外20种护耳器对石油钻井噪声的防护效果。首先在隔声室内模拟石油钻井工人接触的噪声环境,声级达103dB(A)。采用护耳器主观测量方法对每种护耳器进行噪声防护效果测量,并筛选出噪声防护效果明显的几种护耳器。  相似文献   

护耳器及其使用常识吴卫彬护耳器是保护人耳、使其避免噪声过度刺激的设备。这种设备也可叫做护听器。护耳器的分类常用的护耳器有两类:耳塞和耳罩。耳塞是一种插入外耳道的护耳器,而耳罩是由压紧耳廓或围住耳廓四周而紧贴在头上遮住耳道的壳体所组成的一种护耳器。由于...  相似文献   

简要介绍了最新护耳器声衰减性能评价方法和评价量,利用其方法对美国现今使用的耳塞进行了计算。对本文所涉及的3种评价方法进行分析、比较和评述,并提出建议  相似文献   

我国目前尚未确立护耳器声衰减性能单值评价参数和评价方法。在美国目前则广泛采用NRR值(噪声降低评价数)来评价护耳器的声衰减性能。至今由美国进口的护耳器,商标上仍一律标明各种护耳器的NRR值。国际标准化组织,在1994年9月1日才正式颁布了ISO4869—2文件,提出用OB法(倍频程法)或HML法(高、中、低频法)或SNR法(单值噪声级降低法)来评价佩戴护耳器时的A计权声压级,并采用PNR值(预测的噪声级降低)或SNR值(单值噪声级降低)来评价护耳器的声衰减性能。下面分别介绍这些方法和评价量,并加以分析比较。  相似文献   

护耳器是一种防止噪声危害的个人防护用品。根据结构特点和使用范围,护耳器可分为耳塞、民用耳罩和军用防噪声通话耳罩。如何选择、使用、维护护耳器,是广大使用者关心的问题。 一、耳塞的选用与维护 耳塞在护耳器中是结构简单、体积小、重量轻、携带方便、价格便宜的一种产品。其制作材料主要是塑料和橡胶,还有防声棉及外包塑料薄膜等。无论哪种材料,都要求达到有关的卫生标准,保证对皮肤无毒无害。 选择耳塞,还要注意根据耳道大小选择不同规格型号。塑料和橡胶耳塞一般都分为大、中、小三种规格,有的分五种规格。选用时,要先试戴。工厂的…  相似文献   

以煤矿洗选车间为调查对象,使用噪声仪、温湿度仪、粉尘仪等设备对工人的作业环境进行现场测量评价,采用问卷法对作业人员劳动防护用品的佩戴和使用行为进行了调查,分析了劳动防护用品使用中存在的主要问题,应用工业工程改善设计原则,设计出一种集耳塞、口罩、安全帽于一体的多功能安全帽,并进行了佩戴测试。结果表明,该安全帽对煤矿安全行为管理和工人的职业健康改善都具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

孙凤卿 《安全》1994,(6):1-3
1、前言 通常对护耳器声衰减量的描述是采用每个频带声压级,或用频带声压级的平均值,而不是用一个简单的单值来衡量的。这种方法,从理论上讲,是符合戴护耳器时所处的噪声频谱状态。但是,由于近年来,对护耳器的测量所使用声源(测量信号)与过去不同,现已发展用1/3倍频程滤波器后的粉红噪声为声源。这样就接近了实际佩带护耳器  相似文献   

刘宗义 《安全》2013,(11):5-8
本文通过对护耳器声音衰减量的分析,结果显示护耳器声衰减量只与护耳器的质量、材料、构造和佩戴状态有关。  相似文献   

护耳器(包括耳塞、耳罩等)在控制职业噪声危害、保护听力和防止环境噪声干扰等方面,目前仍在发挥着重要的作用。许多工业噪声问题,由于技术原因或经济原因,更主要由于经济原因,不可能花很多财力采用工程措施去解决,这时借助护耳器可获得比较经济而有效的结果。在日常生活中,为了防止或减轻环境噪声对学习或睡眠的干扰,护耳器也可大派用场。  相似文献   

为了解听力防护用品使用过程中的问题,提高我国噪声暴露工人听力防护用品的使用率和有效率,选择噪声危害较大的某飞机维修公司的员工,进行听力防护用品使用情况的问卷调查。结果显示:该公司为员工提供耳塞和耳罩两种听力防护用品;员工的听力保护意识、使用情况较好,使用率达95%,但对听力防护用品相关知识的了解不够全面;能够在工作中一直坚持使用的工人较少,仅占11%,影响工人工作时间使用听力防护用品时间长短的因素主要是其舒适性。调查分析提示:在未来听力防护用品的生产过程中,需要进一步加强和改善舒适性的技术;政府、企业和个人3方面共同参与,降低职业性噪声暴露对工人听力的损伤。  相似文献   

Response times (RT) in an audio-visual target acquisition task were collected from 3 participants while wearing either circumaural earmuffs, foam earplugs, or no hearing protection. Analyses revealed that participants took significantly longer to locate and identify an audio-visual target in both hearing protector conditions than they did in the unoccluded condition, suggesting a disturbance of the cues used by listeners to localize sounds in space. RTs were significantly faster in both hearing protector conditions than in a non-audio control condition, indicating that auditory localization was not completely disrupted. Results are discussed in terms of safety issues involved with wearing hearing protectors in an occupational environment.  相似文献   

本文介绍了关于护听器实际防护值的研究数据,和用于护听器个人防护效果验证的方法,以及3ME-A-RfitTM听力防护验证系统。研究表明,护听器的标称降噪值对其实际防护值的指示性非常差,目前也还没有一个可靠的方法来使用护听器的标称值。3ME-A-RfitTM听力防护验证系统是使用实地真耳内置麦克风(F-MIRE)方法,在实际工作现场中快速、定量地测定护听器在具体使用者身上取得的个人声衰减值(PAR),让安全管理人员对员工实际获得的防护水平有清晰的了解。  相似文献   

Determining the effectiveness of impulse noise attenuation with hearing protection devices (HPDs) is an important part of their selection. Measuring impulse noise parameters under an HPD would involve exposing subjects to impulses with a high peak sound pressure level. This paper presents a computational method of determining impulse noise parameters under the cups of earmuffs. Calculations are done using the transfer function of earmuffs, determined with Shaw’s electrical equivalent of an HPD, taking into account the design parameters of earmuffs. The developed method was used for calculations in the presence of impulse noise generated by gunshots. To verify the computational method, the results of these calculations were compared with the results of measurements.  相似文献   

The study aimed to conduct an ergonomic intervention on a conventional line (CL) in a semiconductor factory in Malaysia, an industrially developing country (IDC), to improve workers’ occupational health and safety (OHS). Low-cost and simple (LCS) ergonomics methods were used (suitable for IDCs), e.g., subjective assessment, direct observation, use of archival data and assessment of noise. It was found that workers were facing noise irritation, neck and back pains and headache in the various processes in the CL. LCS ergonomic interventions to rectify the problems included installing noise insulating covers, providing earplugs, installing elevated platforms, slanting visual display terminals and installing extra exhaust fans. The interventions cost less than 3 000 USD but they significantly improved workers’ OHS, which directly correlated with an improvement in working conditions and job satisfaction. The findings are useful in solving OHS problems in electronics industries in IDCs as they share similar manufacturing processes, problems and limitations.  相似文献   

战场噪声是造成单兵听力损伤的重要原因,通常要求单兵处于大于85dBA的噪声环境中需佩戴听力保护装置。听力保护装置通常包括耳罩式和耳塞式。新型单兵用耳塞式听力保护装置具有听力保护、环境声音的监听、持续及脉冲噪声抑制、通信接入等多种功能。  相似文献   

The effect of wearing hearing protectors on the audibility of warning signals has been evaluated for three specific railway-related jobs: track workers, train drivers and platform agents. Masked thresholds were measured in the laboratory, on railway agents with normal hearing, using warning signals and background noises typical of each job. Out of the 36 situations tested in total, statistical analyses showed that wearing earplugs improves the perception in 11 situations, deteriorates the perception in 10 situations and has no significant effect in 15 situations (as compared to no hearing protector). The deteriorations essentially concern signals which have no (or not enough) energy in the low-frequency range (ff相似文献   

防噪耳塞体积小、功能全、成本低,广泛应用于生活生产。本文记述了防噪耳塞的产生及发展现状,总结了其技术指标,归纳了不同的耳塞种类及其降噪原理。在进一步发挥防噪耳塞的作用,减轻噪声污染,创新防噪耳塞设计原理及结构上进行了探讨,为防噪耳塞的研究和改进提出了自己的思路。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate occupational noise exposure and hearing defects among sawmill workers in the south of Thailand. Seven hundred sawmill workers participated, of which 335 (47.9%) were male. The mean age of the sawmill workers was 33.5 years (SD 10.2), and more than 60% were <35 years old; 75.1% of the workers had less than 5 years of work experience. Only about one in four workers (25%) had been trained in use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and half of the participants never or rarely wore PPE while working. The prevalence rate of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) was 22.8% (N?=?42). Male workers had significantly higher risk than female workers (odds ratio [OR]?=?2.21). Workers aged older than 25 years had significantly higher risks for NIHL (OR?=?3.51–12.42) than workers younger than 25 years. Sawing workers had higher risk for NIHL than office workers (OR?=?3.07).  相似文献   

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