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H2O2/Fe^2+氧化偶合混凝法处理干膜废水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马前  李义久  李树平  倪亚明 《四川环境》2001,20(1):13-15,20
本文研究了H2O2/Fe^2+氧化偶合混凝法处理印刷电路板厂干膜废水。讨论了包括过氧化氢浓度、亚铁离子浓度、pH值、时间和混凝pH值等影响因素,试验结果表明,当过氧化氢浓度为457.0mg/L、铁离子浓度为400mg/L、氧化pH值4.0、反温度为40℃、反应时间180min时,COD去除率达84.7%,出水的水质达到排放标准。  相似文献   

O3/H2O2高级氧化技术具有氧化能力强和无选择性等优点,被广泛用于高浓度、难降解和有毒有害的有机废水处理。考察了O3/H2O2工艺在不同条件(H2O2投加量、pH、反应时间)下对脱硫废水中COD去除的影响。结果表明:H2O2为0.02 mg/L时去除效果最好,但随着用量的增加,效果逐渐变差;当废水pH为12时COD去除效果最好;当反应时间为1 min时,可达到COD低于90 mg/L的效果。  相似文献   

煤化工高盐废水中有机物的处理是废水零排放项目能否成功运行的关键性因素,制备了一种铁基活性炭催化剂,并采用O3/H2O2协同催化技术处理煤化工高盐废水,可以显著提高废水中有机物的处理效果。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、穆斯堡尔谱、X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)、X射线衍射(XRD)等手段对催化剂进行表征,考察处理工艺、氧化剂加入量和反应时间对废水中有机物去除效果的影响,评价催化剂的稳定性和催化性能。结果表明,本催化剂用于O3/H2O2协同催化处理煤化工高盐有机废水时,TOC去除率提高至54.41%;连续稳定运行1800 h后催化剂的催化活性基本保持不变。提供的催化剂及O3/H2O2协同催化工艺可以高效处理煤化工高盐废水中的有机物,解决废水零排放项目中的难点,具有广阔的市场应用前景。  相似文献   

本文介绍了复合氧化混凝法处理印染废水及其污泥资源化、减量化的研究。  相似文献   

针对风城油田生产废水高盐、高温、高矿化度、可生化性差等水质特性,现场采用“混凝沉降+高级催化氧化”工艺,处理后出水达到《污水综合排放标准》GB8978中二级排放标准。混凝沉降阶段COD去除率为36~49%,挥发酚去除率为11~21%,石油类去除率为42~69%;催化氧化阶段COD去除率为20%~40%,挥发酚去除率为69%~73%,石油类去除率为16%~20%。  相似文献   

根据牛仔服洗涤废水特性,提出了混凝一生物氧化法组合工艺流程,工程实践表明:废水COD由696~3401mg/L降至38~135mg/L,LAS由2.05~14.1mg/L降至未检出~3.12nag/L,色度由100~1600倍降至5~48倍,出水可达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)一级标准。该处理工艺具有结构紧凑简洁、运行控制灵活、抗冲击负荷、污泥量小等特点,为牛仔服洗涤企业废水处理探索了一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

为比较Ti/PbO2电极和Ti/IrO2+Ta2O5电极催化体系降解酸性大红(GR)染料废水的处理效果,并确定体系最佳工艺参数。分别对Ti/PbO2电极和Ti/IrO2+Ta2O5电极催化体系内初始pH、染料初始浓度、电流密度、电解质浓度对GR染料降解率的影响进行了探索,比较工艺参数优化后两催化体系的GR降解率、电极形貌及TOC去除率。结果表明,工艺参数优化后(初始pH 6.38,染料初始浓度100 mg/L,电流密度50 mA/cm2,电解质浓度0.1 mg/L),Ti/PbO2电极和Ti/IrO2+Ta2O5电极催化体系GR去除率分别可达98.3%和61.1%,TOC去除率为25.4%和13.5%;结合电极表面形貌分析,Ti/IrO2+Ta2O5<...  相似文献   

混凝沉降法处理洗衣废水的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
夏俊方  高麒麟 《四川环境》2005,24(2):18-20,31
洗涤废水含有表面活性剂和磷酸盐物质,直接排入水体会造成水体的污染,增加给水处理厂的处理难度,甚至会引起水体富营养化。本实验是通过投加PAC和PAM絮凝沉降联合活性炭吸附来处理商业洗涤废水,以去除废水中的COD。实验表明:采用PAC PAM 活性炭工艺处理洗衣废水的效果较好,投药过程COD的去除率可以达到60%以上,经过活性炭过滤后,总的去除率可以达到86%。出水ODD可以降至在50mg/L左右。  相似文献   

混凝法处理混合化工废水的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李本玉  顾国维 《四川环境》2004,23(5):1-3,18
丁苯胶乳废水、SMA废水、苯丙基料废水和苯丙乳胶漆废水的浓度较高,毒性较大,可生化性低。采用混凝法进行预处理可去除其中大量有机物,从而极大降低废水的有机物浓度,并可提高废水的可生化性。本文重点讨论了不同参数条件对废水处理效果的影响,得出了最佳工艺路线。  相似文献   

肖玉  何雪连  彭月  刘建 《四川环境》2022,41(1):66-72
为了降低城市生活垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液膜浓缩液混凝出水中的有机物浓度,采用电化学氧化对渗滤液膜浓缩液混凝出水进行了处理.同时,考察了阳极材料、电流密度、初始pH值和电解时间对有机物的去除影响,使用三维荧光光谱分析了有机物的去除特性,并通过氯离子的转化探讨了有机物的降解机理.结果 表明,钌铱(Ru-Ir/Ti)阳极对有机物的去...  相似文献   

FeSO4·xH2O is generated in large amounts in galvanizing workshops. It can be reutilized by conversion to Fe2O3. In this study, the recovery of Fe2O3 from FeSO4·xH2O formed in the galvanizing process has been examined. The experimental work was carried out at various temperatures and times in the oxidizing medium. The reaction temperatures and times were selected as 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800 and 900°C, and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes, respectively. In order to determine the amount of Fe2O3, a titrimetric method was applied. The reaction products were characterized by means of IR and XRD techniques.The extent of conversion is low at temperatures below 650°C. Almost all of the iron (II) sulfate in the original sample was converted to iron(III) oxide at 650°C (120 min), 700°C (90 min), 800°C (60 min) and 900°C (45 min).  相似文献   

当前我国民航事业处于快速发展的关键时期,对空管系统建设提出了更高的要求,进一步加强空管工程前期工作和建设管理,提高空管综合保障能力迫在眉睫。文章以北京新机场为例,介绍了空管工程典型辐射源的电磁环境影响,对其电磁辐射环境管理存在的问题进行了探讨并提出了对策。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to find methodologies for removing a selection of impurities (H2O, O2, Ar, N2, SOx and NOx) from CO2 present in the flue gas of two oxy-combustion power plants fired with either natural gas (467 MW) or pulverized fuel (596 MW). The resulting purified stream, containing mainly CO2, is assumed to be stored in an aquifer or utilized for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) purposes. Focus has been given to power cycle efficiency i.e.: work and heat requirements for the purification process, CO2 purity and recovery factor (kg of CO2 that is sent to storage per kg of CO2 in the flue gas). Two different methodologies (here called Case I and Case II) for flue gas purification have been developed, both based on phase separation using simple flash units (Case I) or a distillation column (Case II). In both cases purified flue gas is liquefied and its pressure brought to 110 atm prior to storage.Case I: A simple flue gas separation takes place by means of two flash units integrated in the CO2 compression process. Heat in the process is removed by evaporating the purified liquid CO2 streams coming out from both flashes. Case I shows a good performance when dealing with flue gases with low concentration of impurities. CO2 fraction after purification is over 96% with a CO2 recovery factor of 96.2% for the NG-fired flue gas and 88.1% for the PF-fired flue gas. Impurities removal together with flue gas compression and liquefaction reduces power plant output of 4.8% for the NG-fired flue gas and 11.6% for the PF-fired flue gas. The total amount of work requirement per kg stored CO2 is 453 kJ for the NG-fired flue gas and 586 kJ for the PF-fired flue gas.Case II: Impurities are removed from the flue gas in a distillation column. Two refrigeration loops (ethane and propane) have been used in order to partially liquefy the flue gas and for heat removal from a partial condenser. Case II can remove higher amounts of impurities than Case I. CO2 purity prior to storage is over 99%; CO2 recovery factor is somewhat lower than in Case I: 95.4% for the NG-fired flue gas and 86.9% for the PF-fired flue gas, reduction in the power plant output is similar to Case I.Due to the lower CO2 recovery factor the total amount of work per kg stored CO2 is somewhat higher for Case II: 457 kJ for the NG-fired flue gas and 603 kJ for the PF-fired flue gas.  相似文献   

In the carbon capture and storage (CCS) chain, transport and storage set different requirements for the composition of the gas stream mainly containing carbon dioxide (CO2). Currently, there is a lack of standards to define the required quality for CO2 pipelines. This study investigates and recommends likely maximum allowable concentrations of impurities in the CO2 for safe transportation in pipelines. The focus is on CO2 streams from pre-combustion processes. Among the issues addressed are safety and toxicity limits, compression work, hydrate formation, corrosion and free water formation, including the cross-effect of H2S and H2O and of H2O and CH4.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of multiphase flow is an essential tool to ensure the viability of long-term and safe CO2 storage in geological formations. Uncertainties arising from the heterogeneity of the formation and lack of knowledge of formation properties need to be assessed in order to create a model that can reproduce the data available from monitoring. In this study, we investigated the impact of unknown spatial variability in the petrophysical properties within a sandy channel facies of a fluviatile storage formation using stochastic methods in a Monte Carlo approach. The stochastic method has been applied to the Ketzin test site (CO2SINK), and demonstrates that the deterministic homogeneous model satisfactorily predicts the first CO2 arrival time at the Ketzin site. The equivalent permeability was adjusted to the injection pressure and is in good agreement with the hydraulic test. It has been shown that with increasing small-scale heterogeneity, the sharpness of the CO2 front decreases and a greater volume of the reservoir is affected, which is also seen in an increased amount of dissolved CO2. Increased anisotropy creates fingering effects, which result in higher probabilities for earlier arrival times. Generally, injectivity decreases with increasing heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The paper presents a methodology for CO2 chain analysis with particular focus on the impact of technology development on the total system economy. The methodology includes the whole CO2 chain; CO2 source, CO2 capture, transport and storage in aquifers or in oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery. It aims at supporting the identification of feasible solutions and assisting the selection of the most cost-effective options for carbon capture and storage. To demonstrate the applicability of the methodology a case study has been carried out to illustrate the possible impact of technology improvements and market development. The case study confirms that the CO2-quota price to a large extent influence the project economy and dominates over potential technology improvements. To be economic feasible, the studied chains injecting the CO2 in oil reservoirs for increased oil production require a CO2-quota price in the range of 20–27 €/tonne CO2, depending on the technology breakthrough. For the chains based on CO2 storage in saline aquifers, the corresponding CO2-quota price varies up to about 40 €/tonne CO2.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis/precipitation behaviors of Al3+, Al13 and Al30 under conditions typical for flocculation in water treatment were investigated by studying the particulates' size development, charge characteristics, chemical species and speciation transformation of coagulant hydrolysis precipitates. The optimal pH conditions for hydrolysis precipitates formation for AlCl3, PACAl13 and PACAl30 were 6.5–7.5, 8.5–9.5, and 7.5–9.5, respectively. The precipitates' formation rate increased with the increase in dosage, and the relative rates were AlCl3 ? PACAl30 > PACAl13. The precipitates' size increased when the dosage increased from 50 μM to 200 μM, but it decreased when the dosage increased to 800 μM. The Zeta potential of coagulant hydrolysis precipitates decreased with the increase in pH for the three coagulants. The iso-electric points of the freshly formed precipitates for AlCl3, PACAl13 and PACAl30 were 7.3, 9.6 and 9.2, respectively. The Zeta potentials of AlCl3 hydrolysis precipitates were lower than those of PACAl13 and PACAl30 when pH > 5.0. The Zeta potential of PACAl30 hydrolysis precipitates was higher than that of PACAl13 at the acidic side, but lower at the alkaline side. The dosage had no obvious effect on the Zeta potential of hydrolysis precipitates under fixed pH conditions. The increase in Zeta potential with the increase in dosage under uncontrolled pH conditions was due to the pH depression caused by coagulant addition. Al–Ferron research indicated that the hydrolysis precipitates of AlCl3 were composed of amorphous Al(OH)3 precipitates, but those of PACAl13 and PACAl30 were composed of aggregates of Al13 and Al30, respectively. Al3+ was the most un-stable species in coagulants, and its hydrolysis was remarkably influenced by solution pH. Al13 and Al30 species were very stable, and solution pH and aging had little effect on the chemical species of their hydrolysis products. The research method involving coagulant hydrolysis precipitates based on Al–Ferron reaction kinetics was studied in detail. The Al species classification based on complex reaction kinetic of hydrolysis precipitates and Ferron reagent was different from that measured in a conventional coagulant assay using the Al–Ferron method. The chemical composition of Ala, Alb and Alc depended on coagulant and solution pH. The Alb measured in the current case was different from Keggin Al13, and the high Alb content in the AlCl3 hydrolysis precipitates could not used as testimony that most of the Al3+ was converted to highly charged Al13 species during AlCl3 coagulation.  相似文献   

CO2 capture and geological storage (CCS) is considered as a viable option to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions during the transition phase towards the use of clean and renewable energy. This paper concentrates on the transport of CO2 between source (CO2 capture at plants) and sink (geological storage reservoirs). In the cost estimation of CO2 transport, the pipeline diameter plays an important role. In this respect, the paper reviews equations that were used in several reports on CO2 pipeline transport. As some parameters are not taken into account in these equations, alternative formulas are proposed which calculate the proper inner diameter size based on flow rate, pressure drop per unit length, CO2 density, CO2 viscosity, pipeline material roughness and topographic height differences (the Darcy–Weisbach solution) and, in addition, on the amount and type of bends (the Manning solution). Comparison between calculated diameters using the reviewed and the proposed equations demonstrate the important influence of elevation difference (which is not considered in the reviewed equations) and pipeline material roughness-related factor on the calculated diameter. Concerning the latter, it is suggested that a Darcy–Weisbach roughness height of 0.045 mm better corresponds to a Manning factor of 0.009 than higher Manning values previously proposed in literature. Comparison with the actual diameter of the Weyburn pipeline confirms the accuracy of the proposed equations. Comparison with other existing CO2 pipelines (without pressure information) indicate that the pipelines are designed for lower pressure gradients than 25 Pa/m or for (future) higher flow rates. The proposed Manning equation is implemented in an economic least-cost route planner in order to obtain the best economic solution for pipeline trajectory and corresponding diameter.  相似文献   

A numerical study was conducted to predict pCO2 change in the ocean on a continental shelf by the leakage of CO2, which is originally stored in the aquifer under the seabed, in the case that a large fault connects the CO2 reservoir and the seabed by an earthquake or other diastrophism. The leakage rate was set to be 6.025 × 10−4 kg/m2/sec from 2 m × 100 m fault band, which corresponds to 3800 t-CO2/year, referring to the monitored seepage rate from an existing EOR field. The target space in this study was limited to the ocean above the seabed, the depth of which was 200 or 500 m. The computational domain was idealistically rectangular with the seabed fault-band perpendicular to the uniform flow. The CO2 takes a form of bubbles or droplets, depending on the depth of water, and their behaviour and dissolution were numerically simulated during their rise in seawater flow. The advection–diffusion of dissolved CO2 was also simulated. As a result, it was suggested that the leaked CO2 droplets/bubbles all dissolve in the seawater before spouting up to the atmosphere, and that the increase in pCO2 in the seawater was smaller than 500 μ atm.  相似文献   

文章探讨了通常用于水中H2S去除的方法,对比方法的优缺点,提出以NaClO为主要脱硫剂的处理方法。通过对采出水的脱硫氧化剂优选试验、NaClO连续脱硫试验,并将试验研究结果应用于普光高含硫气田水脱硫处理。试验证明:采用NaClO可以安全、高效地去除采出水中的H2S,处理后的气田水中硫化物的含量小于1mg/L。  相似文献   

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