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Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and tunneling electron microscopy (TEM) studies of two solid vehicle wastes (pollutants) from petrol- and diesel-fueled engines of Kolkata (India) have detected a significant amount of ultrafine particles in the nanometer scale in these wastes. Both powder XRD and selected area electron diffraction from TEM have confirmed the existence of inhomogeneous distribution of nanocrystallites in these pollutants. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry shows that these wastes contain mainly carbon and oxygen as the constituent components. These pollutants are magnetic in nature as seen with SQUID magnetometry, and the presence of a high amount of carbon presumably is likely the origin of the magnetic property.  相似文献   

The primary objective of the biological monitoring program of the ARRRI is to develop techniques and procedures to monitor and assess effects of the mining and processing of ores on aquatic ecosystems of the Region. Studies have been made in a seasonal tributary (Magela Creek) of the East Alligator River near the Ranger Uranium Mine, and in the upper South Alligator River (SAR) near the Coronation Hill gold, platinum and palladium prospect. Ranger and Coronation Hill are enclosed by Kakadu National Park, environmental safeguards for which require the minimization of impairment of water quality in the aquatic ecosystems. Present studies on Magela Creek are designed to verify the adequacy of release standards, based on biological tests, in protecting the aquatic environment during and after releases of waste-water from Ranger during the Wet season. Detection of short-term effects will be sought by either creekside orin situ monitoring methods. The detection and assessment of any longer-term impacts, however, will rely chiefly on comparisons of post-release data with those of historical baselines. Such baseline information is provided by studies on the structure of macroinvertebrate and fish communities and/or on concentrations of elements in organisms in those communities, in Magela Creek and SAR catchments.  相似文献   

Offshore geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), known as offshore carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), has been under active investigation as a safe, effective mitigation option for reducing CO2 levels from anthropogenic fossil fuel burning and climate change. Along with increasing trends in implementation plans and related logistics on offshore CCS, thorough risk assessment (i.e. environmental impact monitoring) needs to be conducted to evaluate potential risks, such as CO2 gas leakage at injection sites. Gas leaks from offshore CCS may affect the physiology of marine organisms and disrupt certain ecosystem functions, thereby posing an environmental risk. Here, we synthesize current knowledge on environmental impact monitoring of offshore CCS with an emphasis on biological aspects and provide suggestions for better practice. Based on our critical review of preexisting literatures, this paper: 1) discusses key variables sensitive to or indicative of gas leakage by summarizing physico-chemical and ecological variables measured from previous monitoring cruises on offshore CCS; 2) lists ecosystem and organism responses to a similar environmental condition to CO2 leakage and associated impacts, such as ocean acidification and hypercapnia, to predict how they serve as responsive indicators of short- and long-term gas exposure, and 3) discusses the designs of the artificial gas release experiments in fields and the best model simulation to produce realistic leakage scenarios in marine ecosystems. Based on our analysis, we suggest that proper incorporation of biological aspects will provide successful and robust long-term monitoring strategies with earlier detection of gas leakage, thus reducing the risks associated with offshore CCS.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impacts of asbestos wastes on soils in Emene-Enugu, southeastern Nigeria, generated by the activities of a major asbestos products manufacturing company in southeastern Nigeria. The methods of investigation included vertical electrical sounding (VES), 2-D horizontal resistivity profiling (HRP), induced polarization (IP) survey, chemical analysis of plant tissues and standard penetration tests of soil samples. The 2-D HRP and IP identified six closed waste pits alongside the two active pits. The VES revealed four geoelectrical layers in the area: from bottom to top; the inferred lithologies included dark shale, clay, gravel and recent sands. The geochemical data results revealed that Cd concentration of the soils of the waste pits is above the contaminated land exposure assessment soil guideline value for residential and allotment land uses. The geochemical pollution indices classified the soils as “unpolluted” to “extremely polluted”. Bioconcentration factor of Pb in plant tissues was found to be above recommended limits of 0.045. The geotechnical parameters indices revealed that the soils varied from “very soft” to “stiff” and “very loose” to “medium”. Soils of the active pits have very low strength and bearing capacity while closed pits have high strength and bearing capacity. It may be safe, therefore, to conclude that as the wastes are completely turned into soils, they will assume geotechnical properties similar to those of natural soils.  相似文献   

The future of the environment in China until the year 2050 has been forecasted through a heuristic approach. A questionnaire survey was given to a group of Japanese experts concerning 47 selected indices, including past data and reference data about other countries. The indices were related to aspects of the economy, population, food, energy, transportation, and the environment. The experts were requested to plot a graph for each index up to 2050 based on their intuition. The lines drawn by 60 experts were compiled along with their comments, and the characteristics of each index were analyzed. Different values for the indices regarding transportation and per capita GDP were forecasted by the experts, while rather similar values were obtained for those referencing population and food consumption. The respective fields of the experts were found to affect their perspectives on the future. Economists tended to show rather optimistic views, expressing a business-as-usual scenario, while engineers predicted limited growth but technological innovation.  相似文献   

Public participation is considered a distinguished feature of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), and the SEA literature has traditionally identified several benefits attached to it, from more open and transparent decision-making to greater acceptance of plans/programmes' output by the affected population. However, relatively little empirical evidence has been collected so far on the extent and outcomes of public engagement as it is being carried out in current SEA practice. In this article, we present the results of a study on this theme based on a direct survey of 47 SEA practitioners and scholars from different countries. Respondents were asked to report their experience about a number of items including: the frequency of SEA process featuring deep public participation; its overall influence on plan/programmme-making; the identification of the main factors impeding it; the correlation of public involvement with environmental outcomes; and the increase of costs. Results indicate that public engagement in current SEA practice is still relatively limited and with limited influence on decision-making. The main impeding factors seem to be: lack of political willingness by proponents; insufficient information on the SEA process by the public; and weakness of the legal frames. However, respondents also report that when effective public engagement takes place, benefits do arise and identify a positive correlation between the degree of public involvement and the environmental performance of plans and programmes. Overall, findings suggest that public involvement has indeed the potential to positively influence both SEA and decision-making, although this should be supported from the policy side by stronger legal frames, higher requirements and improved technical guidance.  相似文献   

The low degradation rate of two-phase olive mill wastes (TPOMW) during composting and after soil application is a characteristic feature of these materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the relationship between the lignocellulosic fraction of TPOMW and the organic matter (OM) degradation rate in three agricultural soils amended with four TPOMW composting mixtures at different degree of stabilisation and prepared with different bulking agents and N sources. The mineralisation kinetics of TPOMW composting mixtures in soil reflected a large amount of slowly mineralisable C even in the starting mixtures (I and T1) where this fraction represented up to 85% of the total potentially mineralisable C pool. The effect of rich lignocellulosic composition was confirmed by the study of the DTS (50% dry TPOMW + 50% sheep manure) mixtures prepared with dry TPOMW, which had undergone partial degradation in a storage pond for one year before composting. These DTS samples showed a more similar kinetic behaviour in soil than the more transformed composting mixtures as reflected in the principal component analysis (PCA) diagram, where they were grouped in the same quadrant dominated by the lignin/holocellulose ratio. Soils amended with mature composts evolved very low amounts of C (between 2 and 6% of the added C) after two months of incubation, which highlights the suitability of these materials as a suitable C source for the soil to promote long term soil C stabilisation.  相似文献   

The effect of altitude and water temperature on biomonitoring of freshwater quality was examined along an unpolluted area (36 km in length) of the upper Río Tajo (central Spain). The macrobenthic and fish communities were studied, and the Biological Monitoring Water Quality (BMWQ) method was applied. As expected, values of altitude and temperature respectively decreased and increased with increasing distance from the river source; these two physical parameters exhibited a negative and significant (P<0.05) correlation coefficient between them. However, despite evident changes in the functional structure of both aquatic communities along the study area, BMWQ scores were similar at all sampling sites. Pearson correlation coefficients between physical and biological parameters were not significant (P>0.05). The BMWQ index only exhibited significant (positive) correlation coefficients with macrobenthic and fish biomasses, indicating that freshwater quality could affect the biological production of fluvial ecosystems. It is concluded that biomonitoring of freshwater quality may be independent of the influence of altitude and water temperature at local spatial scales. Nonetheless, further investigations would be needed to clearly differentiate between the effects of anthropogenic and natural causes on biological monitoring at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

Environmental agencies across the United States have searched for adequate methods to assess anthropogenic impacts on the environment. Biological assessments, which compare the taxonomic composition of an aquatic assemblage to relevant biocriteria, have surfaced as an effective method to assess the ecological integrity of US waterbodies. In this study, bioassessment data were collected and analyzed in conjunction with physical habitat and chemical stressor data for streams and rivers within the San Diego basin from 1998 through 2005. Physical stressors such as sediment loading, riparian destruction, and in-stream habitat homogenization affect many locations in the region. However, physical habitat measures alone were found to frequently overestimate the biological integrity of streams in the region. Many sites within the San Diego Basin, although unaffected by physical stressors, continue to exhibit low biological integrity scores. Sites with low biological integrity tend to possess higher specific conductance and salinity compared to sites with high biological integrity. We suggest that one possible reason for these differences is the source water used for municipal purposes.  相似文献   

Solvent extraction is recommended as a suitable method for the removal of heavy metals from the waste waters of the chemical and electronic industries. Common extractants are organic compounds with molecular mass 200–450, almost insoluble in water (5–50 ppm), that selectively extract metals from aqueous solutions. On the basis of data from the literature, the extraction conditions are reviewed for the metals that cause problems in waste waters. The extraction conditions are understood to mean the type of extractant, anion present in the aqueous phase, and pH. As far as the data permit, the metals are ordered according to their extractability by given extractants. Special attention is paid to the main source of contamination of waste waters by heavy metals, namely electroplating plants. Two examples of the design of mixer-settler batteries are presented, which demonstrate continuous removal of heavy metals from the waste waters of electroplating plants to levels below the permissible limits. The first example illustrates removal of cadmium using triisooctylamine in a mixer-settler battery with the pertraction flow-arrangement; the second, removal of zinc and lead from rinse waters using the organophosphoric acid DEHPA (bis (2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid) in a battery with counter-current flow and reflux. The extraction equilibrium data were obtained in laboratory experiments using chloride solutions in concentrations close to those in the rinse waters of electroplating plants (erná and Volaufová, 1991).  相似文献   

Nowadays, substantial improvements in sustainable micro-manufacturing are explicitly addressed based on the triple bottom line (TBL) concept. However, strong criticisms are leveled for the applications of TBL as immense complexities of inner relationships of items and dimensional relationships within TBL, which they cause an inefficacy of accessing critical information in introducing the TBL concept to sustainable micro-manufacturing. In this study, social network analysis (SNA) is used for developing a TBL network of sustainable micro-manufacturing to find out precise meanings of individual items of various dimensions of TBL and the relationships between them. The main metrics of the dominant items of TBL such as in-degree, out-degree, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality are detailly discussed with 16 nodes for three dimensions in the TBL networks. The related findings are further analyzed to reveal the current situation, technical gaps and chances for the sustainable development of the micro-manufacturing sector. This study aims to reveal the relationship between the items of TBL of micro-manufacturing, and delivers the significant roles of the items of TBL according to the findings of metrics and visual analyses for sustainable micro-manufacturing, supporting micro-manufacturing sectors to implement effective sustainable strategies for production activities.  相似文献   

The Oslo and Paris Commission (OSPAR) Guidelines for monitoring the biological effects of tributyltin compounds (TBT) were evaluated using data collected for preparation of a Celtic Seas Quality Status Report. Two types of survey were undertaken: broad scale, to determine wide impacts in coastal waters; and localised, around representative harbours to establish ranges of effect from recognised input points. This evaluation indicates that results from the broad scale surveys can be used to compare different areas of coastline. Nucella is widespread away from point sources although many individuals show some degree of imposex. Populations are generally not at risk. The localised surveys indicate that, in certain situations, the monitoring objectives can be met in the OSPAR Guidelines (subject to minor amendment). Criteria are identified for the selection of point sources suitable for monitoring under OSPAR Guidelines.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method involving on-line preconcentration with cloud point extraction for the determination of cadmium in biological samples is presented. The procedure is based on the sorption of micelles containing Cd(II) ions and the reagent 4-(5'-bromo-2'-thiazolylazo)orcinol (Br-TAO) in a minicolumn packed with polyester. The surfactant Triton X-114 was used in the formation of micelles. After sorption, the Cd(II) ions were desorbed from the minicolumn with acid eluent and determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Parameters influencing the cloud point extraction were studied. The method showed a detection limit of 0.5 μg l(-1) and an enhancement factor of 27. The accuracy was tested by determination of cadmium in certified reference materials (spinach leaves 1570a and tomato leaves 1573a) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  相似文献   

Project-level impact assessment was originally conceived as a snapshot taken in advance of project implementation, contrasting current conditions with a likely future scenario involving a variety of predicted impacts. Current best practice guidance has encouraged a shift towards longitudinal assessments from the pre-project stage through the implementation and operating phases. Experience and study show, however, that assessment of infrastructure-intensive projects rarely endures past the project's construction phase. Negative consequences for environmental, social and health outcomes have been documented. Such consequences clarify the pressing need for longitudinal assessment in each of these domains, with human rights impact assessment (HRIA) as an umbrella over, and critical augmentation of, environmental, social and health assessments. Project impacts on human rights are more closely linked to political, economic and other factors beyond immediate effects of a company's policy and action throughout the project lifecycle. Delineating these processes requires an adequate framework, with strategies for collecting longitudinal data, protocols that provide core information for impact assessment and guidance for adaptive mitigation strategies as project-related effects change over time. This article presents general principles for the design and implementation of sustained, longitudinal HRIA, based on experience assessing and responding to human rights impact in a uranium mining project in Malawi. The case study demonstrates the value of longitudinal assessment both for limiting corporate risk and improving human welfare.  相似文献   

More cities in developing countries now consider mechanic village (MV) as superior to the city wide auto-workshop practice following the increasing influx of used or waste automobile from industrialized nations. This is because of the numerous advantages of the mechanic village concept as a capacity building, and in poverty alleviation. Nevertheless, mechanic villages are poorly developed with no waste management plan. They are now identified with severe to excessive heavy metal soil pollution, causing ecological and public health hazards. This paper has a wider explanation of what it takes for a mechanic village to be environmentally friendly based on spectroscopic analysis and physical measurements conducted in three MVs. Heavy metal concentrations (mg kg(?-1)) above background levels in the upper 100 cm soil profiles of the Okigwe, the Orji, and the Nekede MVs in the Imo River basin collectively range 748-70,606 for Fe; 99-1,090 for Pb; 186-600 for Mn; 102-1,001 for Cu; 8-23 for Cd; 4-27 for Cr; and 3-10 for Ni. The most abundant metals of environmental concerns are Pb, Mn, and Cu, in the order of Pb > Mn > Cu. Three-phase storm water treatment, emission testing, minimum safe farming distance (350 m), extended producer responsibility for disposal or recycling of used motor oil, phyto-remediation using local plants, groundwater monitoring wells, and continuous education of mechanics are recommended. Exporters of waste automobiles to developing countries and the United Nations may assist developing countries in establishing environmentally friendly MVs.  相似文献   

Numerical models that predict the fate of drilling discharges at sea constitute a valuable tool for both the oil industry and regulatory agencies. In order to provide reliable estimates, models must be validated through the comparison of predictions with field or laboratory observations. In this paper, we used the Offshore Operators Committee Model to simulate the discharges from two wells drilled at Campos Basin, offshore SE Brazil, and compared the results with field observations obtained 3 months after drilling. The comparison showed that the model provided reasonable predictions, considering that data about currents were reconstructed and theoretical data were used to characterize the classes of solids. The model proved to be a valuable tool to determine the degree of potential impact associated to drilling activities. However, since the accuracy of the model is directly dependent on the quality of input data, different possible scenarios should be considered when used for forecast modeling.  相似文献   

Potable and non-potable uses of roof-harvested rainwater (RHRW) are increasing due to water shortages. To protect human health risks, it is important to identify and quantify disease-causing pathogens in RHRW so that appropriate treatment options can be implemented. We used a microfluidic quantitative PCR (MFQPCR) system for the quantitative detection of a wide array of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and pathogens in RHRW tank samples along with culturable FIB and conventional qPCR analysis of selected pathogens. Among the nine pathogenic bacteria and their associated genes tested with the MFQPCR, 4.86 and 2.77% samples were positive for Legionella pneumophila and Shigella spp., respectively. The remaining seven pathogens were absent. MFQPCR and conventional qPCR results showed good agreement. Therefore, direct pathogen quantification by MFQPCR systems may be advantageous for circumstances where a thorough microbial analysis is required to assess the public health risks from multiple pathogens that occur simultaneously in the target water source.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on the hazard assessment and epidemiological health responses to burned ash have been reported. However, there is little information on the potential toxicity of unknown chemical complexes in burned ash. For an overall evaluation of the multiple toxicities of burned ash, a DNA microarray was used in this study, as a new attempt to assess these toxicities. Using the global gene expression on yeast DNA chip to reflect the changes in mRNA levels, our study discovered a lot of evidences for the action of cell homeostasis and stress response etc., against the toxic effects on yeast cells. On the genes of 5,117 open reading frames (ORFs), as valid spots in a microarray, 997 were up-regulated, 1,259 were down-regulated and 2,861 remained unchanged. A detailed analysis of the microarray revealed the genes that were dynamically correlated to the function of the subcellular localization, energy/metabolism, various stress responses/cell homeostasis and detoxification. Significantly, the toxicities, caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), metals and the other xenobiotics, were indicated in burned ash. Also, the possibility of mutagenicity of the burned ash was suggested on the basis of the DNA repair related genes.  相似文献   

In this investigation, concentrations of physico-chemical and bacteriological qualities of water samples from the major streams within the Owabi watershed in Kumasi, Ghana, were measured at five different locations. The streams were moderately soft and neutral, having a mean pH range of 7.08 ± 0.2 to 7.88 ± 0.6. Total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, grease and oil, alkalinity, and the major ion levels varied significantly at each sampling site. Nutrient levels were however low and did not show any clear variation at sample locations. The bacteriological quality of the water was poor, rendering it unsafe for domestic purposes without treatment. The poor bacteriological quality was due to direct contamination by animal and human wastes. The streams have an appreciable self-purification capacity which is stressed by persistent pollution overloads caused by expanding human activities within the catchment. Cluster analysis performed on the data to determine pollution patterns between the streams depicts that River Owabi was less polluted, Rivers Akyeampomene and Sukobri were moderately polluted, while River Pumpunase was highly polluted.  相似文献   

Based upon ecological data provided by a 6-year study of native species assemblage structure and function in near-pristine Limahuli Stream (Kauai), The Hawaii Stream Index of Biological Integrity (HS-IBI) incorporates 11 metrics covering five ecological categories (taxonomic richness, sensitive species, reproductive capacity, trophic–habitat capacity, and tolerance capacity). The HS-IBI was shown to effectively distinguish stream biological condition on a continuum from undisturbed (near-pristine) to severely impaired in sampling of 39 sites (6 estuarine reaches) on 18 Hawaiian streams located on all major islands. A significant relationship was validated between relative levels of human impact occurring within-watersheds (determined through use of a landscape indicator) and IBI ratings with metrics responding predictably to gradients of human influence. For management interpretation of HS-IBI results, a framework comprised of five “integrity classes” (excellent–good–fair–poor–impaired) is provided which can be used to operationalize HS-IBI results obtained through standardized sampling of stream sites that “…translates into a verbal and visual portrait of biological condition.” Through its focus on native species, the HS-IBI incorporates evolutionary and biogeographic variation for the region with biological expectations based upon reference condition benchmarks established in near-pristine stream environments where ecological functioning is naturally self-sustaining and resilient to normal environmental variation. The methods and tools described in this study are appropriate for application in all perennial streams in Hawaii and may be adapted for use in streams on other tropical Pacific islands where native species assemblages persist in near-pristine stream environments.  相似文献   

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