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张家界体验旅游产品设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着体验经济时代的到来,旅游消费者消费理念日趋成熟,人们寻求个性化的服务,追求灵活性、冒险性与多样性,追求真实与差异,对旅游产品提出了更高的要求.在分析张家界旅游产品现状的基础上,提出开发体验旅游产品的设想以及整体设计方案,并从加强体验意识、明确市场定位等方面提出全面开发体验旅游产品的具体建议.  相似文献   

贵州湄潭茶文化旅游资源优势突出,但茶文化旅游产品的开发深度却不够。当前旅游产业已由观光、休闲向体验旅游方向发展。体验经济时代旅游者的需求发生了很大变化,趋向于深层参与的体验式旅游,体验旅游产品有着较大的发展市场。本文通过对湄潭茶文化旅游资源现状的调查,基于生态旅游资源保护开发性十大原则,提出体验旅游产品的开发,以及产品可行性开发模式研究。  相似文献   

体育旅游产品消费的文化背景   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
人们的消费具有社会性,因而具有很强的时代性。在国内外兴起并迅速发展的体育旅游产品是时代的产物,它是休闲时代人们消费的主体产品,是体验经济时代旅游产品的升级换代产品。人们通过消费体育旅游产品,不但能休闲、娱乐、健身、交际,还能发展自己、完善自己、实现自我价值,从而迎合了知识经济时代人们消费的价值观。我国有极其丰富优越的体育旅游资源,关注并开发体育旅游市场是我国旅游业可持续发展的重要战略。  相似文献   

体验经济时代下诸葛八卦村古村落旅游产品的创新设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在体验经济时代,旅游及其产品被赋予了更深的内涵和更高的期待,而在现实旅游开发中却存在很大的不足.在旅游与体验的内在关系分析基础上,根据发生学的序曲、发展、高潮和结尾四部曲方法,结合诸葛八卦村的旅游资源特色,创新设计了诸葛八卦村古村落旅游的行程和活动安排,进行了深度体验型的古村落旅游产品的开发.  相似文献   

基于体验和认知层次的庐山生态旅游产品设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着国际旅游市场由传统观光型旅游产品向多元化旅游产品的转化,生态旅游产品为人们所认同,并正向深层次即体验和认知层次发展。在分析庐山生态旅游资源及其开发现状的基础上,从体验和认知两个层次上对庐山生态旅游产品进行了设计,对庐山的旅游业发展提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

虚拟旅游体验是旅游元宇宙的重要内容和发展方向。通过对2016—2022年虚拟旅游体验英文文献进行梳理,总结虚拟旅游体验的内涵、前因、过程及后效研究。研究发现:(1)虚拟旅游体验是游客虚拟旅游过程中,受虚拟现实技术、内容、感官等刺激所引发的认知、情感反应。(2)虚拟旅游体验产生的前因包括:内容质量、技术支持质量、感官刺激和个体特征等方面。(3)虚拟旅游体验的过程主要分为认知反应和情感反应两阶段,其中,认知反应包括技术体验、心理意象和价值体验,情感反应包括心流体验和情感体验。(4)虚拟旅游体验的后效主要关注对虚拟旅游及旅游目的地的态度和行为意愿方面。  相似文献   

以北京、西安、重庆、苏州、广州5个城市为样本,依据具身理论,从游客体验的角度探究了这5个城市夜间旅游的发展情况。结果表明:①游客对5个城市的情感倾向于中性和正向,说明游客对这5个城市夜间旅游的整体感知是基本满意的。②游客在这5个城市开展夜间旅游活动时,社会人文类的旅游目的地比自然禀赋类的旅游目的地更吸引游客。③集食、游、娱多功能于一体的旅游目的地对夜间旅游游客的吸引力大。④旅游体验感知包括景观体验感知、身体体验感知和环境体验感知,旅游体验感知对游客的夜间旅游地选择与价值内化具有较大影响。  相似文献   

钟洁  沈兴菊 《资源开发与市场》2010,26(4):362-364,371
目前国内对旅游体验和体验旅游的研究大多停留在理论研究层面。针对这一情况,以西双版纳傣族园游客为对象进行了实地问卷调查,采用社会统计学基本原理探索性地对游客的旅游体验质量进行了定量评价。结果表明,加强民族村寨的个性化体验旅游产品开发和民族文化旅游资源保护对少数民族地区旅游业的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

基于旅游体验理论为指导,在福建省湄洲岛旅游资源评价的基础上,运用ASEB栅格分析法对湄洲岛旅游产品开发进行了深度分析,提出产品谱系研究、创新旅游活动、联动开发文化旅游产品以及重点开发湄洲岛中部爱情旅游产品等对策.  相似文献   

旅游网络平台在"互联网+旅游业"背景下迅猛发展,平台服务质量提升势在必行。以云南大学在校生为研究对象,采用问卷调查获取数据,从用户体验视角,运用模糊综合评价法对云南大学在校生的旅游网络平台体验满意度进行量化研究,探讨体验满意度与使用意愿间的关系。结果表明:云南大学在校生对旅游网络平台的体验满意度U(1≤U≤5)为3.545,说明服务质量还有待提升;旅游网络平台体验满意度与使用意愿间成正相关,体验满意度越高,继续使用意愿更强,会力推该平台。基于研究,提出科学的可行性建议,以促进旅游网络平台健康与可持续发展。  相似文献   

健全全民所有自然资源资产管理体制,是实现自然资源资产合理使用和有效保护、发挥社会主义公有制优势、推动生态文明建设的重要举措.提炼三江源国家公园在自然资源资产管理体制改革过程中的典型实践,梳理其改革经验与启示,为探索建设以国家公园为代表的自然保护地体系内自然资源资产管理积累"青海经验"、做出"青海贡献".  相似文献   

日本政府高度重视环境保护,在环保机构设置、环境立法、治理公害、防治污染、废弃物综合利用、环境科学技术研发、环境宣传教育培训以及建立循环性社会体系等方面积累了丰富的经验,值得我们学习研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

With growing urban populations and climate change, urban flooding is an important global issue, even in dryland regions. Flood risk assessments are usually used to identify vulnerable locations and populations, flooding experience patterns, or levels of concern about flooding, but rarely are all of these approaches combined. Furthermore, the social dynamics of flood concerns, exposure, and experience are underexplored. We combined geographic and survey data on household‐level measures of flood experience, concern, and exposure in Utah's urbanizing Wasatch Front. We asked: (1) Are socially vulnerable groups more likely to be exposed to flood risk? (2) How common are flooding experiences among urban residents, and how are these experiences related to sociodemographic characteristics and exposure? and (3) How concerned are urban residents about flooding, and does concern vary by exposure, flood experience, and sociodemographic characteristics? Although floodplain residents were more likely to be White and have higher incomes, respondents who were of a racial/ethnic minority, were older, had less education, and were living in floodplains were more likely to report flood experiences and concern about flooding. Flood risk management approaches need to address social as well as physical sources of vulnerability to floods and recognize social sources of variation in flood experiences and concern.  相似文献   

基于中原经济区的特点,在全国20多个经济区中选择珠三角经济区、海西经济区、成渝经济区和武汉城市圈4个典型的经济区进行深入分析,通过总结、分析和对比它们各自的发展经验,得出对中原经济区建设和发展的重要启示。  相似文献   

Past on-site experience was linked to the crowding perceptions and use displacement of 383 on-site visitors to the peri-urban Danube Floodplains National Park, Austria. Three visitor groups were determined according to their area experience: local residents from Vienna and rural communities, having the highest level of experience; regional visitors from the city and eastern Austria; and tourists from Austria and abroad with the lowest degree of experience. Crowding perceptions were significantly different across the user groups. More than 50% of local residents perceived the national park as crowded, whereas only 27% of regional visitors and 19% of tourists reported such an evaluation. Even among local residents and regional visitors, respondents with more on-site experience expressed a greater impression of a crowded park. Differences in crowding evaluations between local rural and urban residents and between regional rural and urban visitors were not found. For 27% of local residents and 15% of regional visitors, use levels were so unacceptable that they displaced temporally and spatially, whereas use displacement was relatively irrelevant for tourists. The use displacement strategies involved differ among the three user groups. Management implications were discussed, taking the specific situation of the small national park on the urban-rural fringe into consideration.  相似文献   

九华山佛茶文化旅游开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程晓丽 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(12):1148-1150
九华山佛茶文化旅游既有历史优势,又有区位优势,开发九华山佛茶文化旅游是将九华山的佛教旅游资源与茶文化旅游资源中的寺院茶文化相结合。更新观念、重视特形象设计、丰富完善旅游产品、加大旅游商品开发和不断开拓旅游市场等是九华山佛茶文化旅游开发的重要举措。  相似文献   

作为中国旅游知名品牌的芜湖旅博会,由于集中展示了中国旅游的最新成果,在国内旅游业同类会展中极具影响力。芜湖市应当借助旅博会的品牌效应,推动芜湖市旅游业向专业化、国际化发展,同时加快建设旅游产业体系,全面提升芜湖市旅游业的品牌,加速芜湖市旅游业的发展。  相似文献   

The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-1) model was used to construct synthetic hydrographs for isolated interior urban floods. Flood peak and lag time were very well preserved in simulated flows. Total volume was not adequately expressed. Lag time varied inversely with both urban development and storm intensity. Peak discharge varied with storm intensity, but this variability was well defined only at very high urbanization levels. An 175% increase in storm intensity produced a change of about 15% in peak discharge. Claims for flood damage correlated well with estimates of peak flow and lag time combined. Other measures of flood experience also correlated with the two features. Within the range of storms utilized, urban development factors consistently outranked storm intensity as a determining factor in flood damage.  相似文献   

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