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Atrazine, a widely used herbicide, is increasing the agricultural production effectively, while also causing great environmental concern. Efficient atrazine-degrading bacterium is necessary to removal atrazine rapidly to keep a safe environment. In the present study, a new atrazine-degrading strain ZXY-1, identified as Pseudomonas, was isolated. This new isolated strain has a strong ability to biodegrade atrazine with a high efficiency of 9.09 mg/L/hr.Temperature, p H, inoculum size and initial atrazine concentration were examined to further optimize the degradation of atrazine, and the synthetic effect of these factors were investigated by the response surface methodology. With a high quadratic polynomial mathematical model(R~2= 0.9821) being obtained, the highest biodegradation efficiency of 19.03 mg/L/hr was reached compared to previous reports under the optimal conditions(30.71°C, pH 7.14, 4.23%(V/V) inoculum size and 157.1 mg/L initial atrazine concentration).Overall, this study provided an efficient bacterium and approach that could be potentially useful for the bioremediation of wastewater containing atrazine.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the cumulative effects of exposure to a pathogenic bacteria and municipal effluent in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata. Mussels were exposed to increasing concentrations of an ozone-treated effluent at 15°C for 7 days. A sub-group of mussels was inoculated with Vibrio anguillarum and exposed to the same conditions as above.After the exposure period, mussels were collected to assess hemocyte count and viability,immunocompetence(phagocytosis and nitrite production), oxidative stress/inflammation(cyclooxygenase and lipid peroxidation) and oxygen radical/xenobiotic scavenging activity(metallothioniens, glutathione S-transferase). The results showed that mussels exposed to municipal effluent had increased hemocyte counts, phagocytosis, nitrites, lipid peroxidation and metallothioneins. In the inoculated mussels, the same responses were observed, in addition to cyclooxygenase and glutathione S-transferase activities. Multivariate analyses revealed that(1)the response pattern changed with effluent concentration, where increased responses observed at low effluent concentrations(10%, V/V) were attenuated at higher effluent concentrations,(2)the effluent produced more pronounced changes in lipid peroxidation, metallothionein and hemocyte viability, and(3) the simultaneous presence of V. anguillarum led to more important changes in hemocyte count and viability and nitrite levels. In conclusion, the presence of V.anguillarum could alter the response of mussels to municipal effluent, which could lead to increased inflammation in mussels.  相似文献   


以某废弃焦化厂的多环芳烃(PAHs)污染土壤为研究对象,通过耦合表活淋洗、生物降解、化学氧化等技术设计了4种修复工艺,并进行了试验验证。结果表明:针对该实际焦化污染土壤,单一的生物泥浆降解工艺21 d后PAHs可实现58.64%的降解率;采用表活增溶+化学氧化+生物泥浆的降解工艺,26 d降解率可达到65.68%,但前置的化学氧化会抑制生物降解效果;采用干筛分+表活分批淋洗+化学氧化的降解工艺降解率可达到85.36%,有效缩短降解时间到13 d内,但土壤中残留的PAHs与土壤颗粒结合紧密,化学氧化降解率仍难以满足大于90%的要求;采用湿筛分+表活分批淋洗+生物泥浆+化学氧化的生物强化协同降解工艺,29 d降解率可达到95.32%,实现了土壤的修复目标。生物强化协同降解工艺路线,综合了多种修复技术的优点,实现了修复技术组合优化,为焦化污染土壤中多环芳烃降解修复提供了可行的工艺路径。


Knowing underlying practices for current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a necessary precursor for developing best management practices aimed at reducing N2O emissions. The effect of no-till management on nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, remains largely unclear, especially in perennial agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to compare direct N2O emissions associated with management events in a cover-cropped Mediterranean vineyard under conventional tillage (CT) versus no-till (NT) practices. This study took place in a wine grape vineyard over one full growing season, with a focus on the seven to ten days following vineyard floor management and precipitation events. Cumulative N2O emissions in the NT system were greater under both the vine and the tractor row compared to CT, with 0.15 ± 0.026 kg N2O-N ha−1 growing season−1 emitted from the CT vine compared to 0.22 ± 0.032 kg N2O-N ha−1 growing season−1 emitted from the NT vine and 0.13 ± 0.048 kg N2O-N ha−1growing season−1 emitted from the CT row compared to 0.19 ± 0.019 kg N2O-N ha−1 growing season−1 from the NT row. Yet these variations were not significant, indicating no differences in seasonal N2O emissions following conversion from CT to NT compared to long-term CT management. Individual management events such as fertilization and cover cropping, however, had a major impact on seasonal emissions, indicating that management events play a critical role in N2O emission patterns.  相似文献   

This study took advantage of resorufin cellobioside as a fluorescent substrate to determine the distribution of cellulase activity in cellulosic biomass fermentation systems. Cellulolytic biofilms were found to express nearly four orders greater cellulase activity compared to planktonic cultures of Clostridium thermocellum and Caldicellulosiruptor obsidiansis, which can be primarily attributed to the high cell concentration and surface attachment. The formation of biofilms results in cellulases being secreted close to their substrates, which appears to be an energetically favorable stategy for insoluble substrate utilization. For the same reason, cellulases should be closely associated with the surfaces of suspended cell in soluble substrate-fed culture, which has been verified with cellobiose-fed cultures of C. thermocellum and C. obsidiansis. This study addressed the importance of cellulase activity distribution in cellulosic biomass fermentation, and provided theoretical foundation for the leading role of biofilm in cellulose degradation. System optimization and reactor designs that promote biofilm formation in cellulosic biomass hydrolysis may promise an improved cellulosic biofuel process.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to compare the responses to ozone(O_3) in two common herbaceous plant species, Plantago major L. and Sonchus oleraceus L., by building open-top growth chambers in situ to simulate O_3stress(+ O_3, 85 ± 5 ppb, 9 hr/day for 30 days) in a lowland habitat in Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Responses to O_3 of gas exchange,chlorophyll a fluorescence, leaf pigment content, antioxidant capability, soluble protein content, membrane lipid peroxidation and dark respiration(R_d) were analyzed. Results showed that elevated O_3 exposure significantly reduced the light-saturated net photosynthesis(P_(Nsat)), stomatal conductance(g_s) and transpiration rate(E) in both species. Although non-significant interactive effect between species and O_3 on P_(Nsat) was analyzed, the reduction in P_(Nsat) in S. oleraceus might be due primarily to the higher fraction of close PSII reaction centers and impaired activities of plant mesophyll cells as evidences by decreased maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry after dark adapted state(F_v/F_m) and unchanged intercellular CO_2concentration(C_i). Besides, biochemical analysis showed that S. oleraceus had lower antioxidant ability compared to P. major. As a result, S. oleraceus was damaged to the larger extent in terms of lipid peroxidation and visible O_3 injury, indicating that S. oleraceus was more sensitive to O_3 than P. major. Our results indicated that wild herbaceous plant species growing in a lowland habitat in sandy grassland were sensitive to O_3 stress and S. oleraceus can be considered as one of the bio-indicators for high O_3 concentration in semi-arid grassland of northern China.  相似文献   

为筛选适合陇东黄土高原石油污染土壤修复植物,选取当地"适生"植物金盏菊(Calendula officinalis)联合微生物菌剂开展了为期5个月的原位修复实验.采用常规方法和PCR-DGGE技术分析了修复过程中土壤理化性质、酶活性及土壤微生物群落遗传多样性等15项土壤环境因子的动态变化情况及其对金盏菊生态修复的响应.结果表明,随着原位修复的进行,1土壤脲酶、多酚氧化酶、过氧化氢酶及脱氢酶活性均不同程度呈增加的趋势(p0.05).2土壤TPHs、p H、有机质、含盐率的变化情况不尽相同,但总体呈下降的趋势(p0.05);土壤碱解氮、速效磷及速效钾含量总体呈上升趋势(p0.05).3土壤微生物群落遗传多样性结果显示,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数整体呈逐步增加的趋势.4PCA分析结果显示,土壤脲酶、脱氢酶及碱解氮等环境因子对金盏菊修复表现为促进作用,而有机质含量过高将不利于金盏菊的植物修复.金盏菊和微生物菌剂联合修复过程中,土壤多酚氧化酶、速效磷、脱氢酶及速效钾发挥主要作用,而土壤TPHs和含盐率过高则影响了联合修复效果.本研究旨在分析金盏菊用于陇东地区油污土壤的生态响应,结果有助于筛选出适合陇东黄土高原土壤类别-适生植物-土著降解菌群的组合,利用乡土物种的适生性降低修复成本,为陇东地区油污土壤生态修复提供新的技术方案和背景资料.  相似文献   

Photodegradation ofpentachlorophenol (PCP) and p-nitrophenol (PNP) in soil was carried out in a designed rotary reactor, which can provide the soil particles with continually uniform irradiation, and on a series of thin soil layers. TiO2, as a kind of environmental friendly photocatalyst, was introduced to the soil to enhance the processes. Compared with that on the soil layers, photodegradation of PCP at initial concentration of 60 mg/kg was improved dramatically in the rotary reactor no matter whether TiO2 was added, with an increase of 3.0 times in the apparent first-order rate constants. The addition of 1 wt% TiO2 furthered the improvement by 1.4 times. Without addition of TiO2, PNP (initial concentration of 60 mg/kg) photodegradation rate in the rotary reactor was similar to that on the soil layers. When 1 wt% additional TiO2 was added, PNP photodegradation was enhanced obviously, and the enhancement in the rotary reactor was 2 times of that on the soil layers, which may be attributed to the higher frequency of the contact between PNP on soil particles and the photocatalyst. The effect of soil pH and initial concentrations of the target compounds on the photodegradation in the rotary reactor was investigated. The order of the degradation rate at different soil pH was relative to the aggregation of soil particles during mixing in the rotary reactor. Photodegradation of PCP and PNP at different initial concentrations showed that addition of TiO2 to enhance the photodegradation was more suitable for contaminated soil with higher concentration of PCP, while was effective for contaminated soil at each PNP concentration tested in our study.  相似文献   

以稻草为主要营养基质对平菇进行深层培养,研究了不同浓度(100、200、400、600、800 mg·L-1)直接湖蓝5B对平菇菌丝体产量的影响,以及平菇对不同浓度(100、150、200、250、300、400 mg·L-1)直接湖蓝5B的脱色率.此外,还研究了平菇分别与3种酵母菌(酿酒酵母、产朊假丝酵母和热带假丝酵母)混菌培养及用不同浓度(50、100、200、300、400 mg·L-1)直接湖蓝5B预适应培养的平菇菌种对木质素降解酶活性和直接湖蓝5B脱色率的影响.结果表明:100~400 mg·L-1的直接湖蓝5B均可显著提高了平菇菌丝体产量,而800 mg·L-1的染料对菌丝体的生长有显著抑制作用;染料浓度越高,平菇对其的脱色率越低,发酵时间越长,脱色效果越好.与平菇单菌发酵相比,平菇分别与酿酒酵母和产朊假丝酵母混菌培养可显著提高发酵体系漆酶的活性,平菇分别与所试3种酵母菌混菌培养时锰过氧化物酶活性均有显著增加,与产朊假丝酵母混菌培养时两种酶活性的增加量最大;用50、100、200 mg·L-1直接湖蓝5B预适应培养的菌种接种可显著提高平菇分泌的漆酶的活性,而50mg·L-1和100 mg·L-1的则显著提高锰过氧化物酶的活性.平菇分别与所试3种酵母混菌培养,以及用50 mg·L-1和100 mg·L-1直接湖蓝5B预培养的平菇菌种接种,发酵体系对直接湖蓝5B的脱色效果有显著促进作用,其中,平菇与产朊假丝酵母混菌培养时脱色率最高,达96.3%.通过比较直接湖蓝5B脱色率与漆酶、锰过氧化物酶活性之间的关系可以看出,漆酶、锰过氧化物酶活性与脱色率间基本呈正相关关系.  相似文献   

利用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)生物标记法分析野生型牵牛花(Pharbitis nil (Linn.) Choisy)根际土壤微生物群落结构,探讨牵牛花生长对石油烃污染土壤微生物群落与石油烃降解的影响.结果表明,供试土壤微生物群落中,先后出现了24种PLFAs,包括标记细菌的饱和脂肪酸(SAT)、革兰氏阳性菌(G+)的末端支链饱和脂肪酸(TBSAT)、革兰氏阴性菌(G-)的单不饱和脂肪酸(MONO)和环丙脂肪酸(CYCLO)、真菌的多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)和放线菌的中间型支链饱和脂肪酸(MBSAT)等六大类型.PLFAs的主成分分析(PCA)表明,牵牛花根际与对照组(未种牵牛花,CK)土壤微生物群落具有明显的差异,微生物多样性在春季增加83%、夏季增加140%、秋季增加50%;微生物的生物量在春季增加97.6%,夏季增加116.3%,秋季增加60.3%.牵牛花根际与对照组相比土壤中石油烃降解率明显提高,在春、夏、秋季分别提高了7.5%、34.2%和19.7%;并且,在牵牛花生长的不同季节石油烃的降解率有明显的差异,春季为22.3%,夏季为51.8%,秋季为38.0%.相关性分析表明,石油烃降解与土壤微生物总生物量具有中等程度的相关性(|r|=0.75);与G+细菌、甲烷氧化菌的生物量具有高度相关性,相关系数|r|>0.8;与G-的生物量具有中度相关性,相关系数为|r|=0.74;与真菌的生物量具有低度相关性,相关系数为|r|=0.36,与放线菌没有相关性,相关系数为|r|<0.30.  相似文献   

Changes in metal concentrations in the litter of Potamogeton crispus were monitored during a consecutive 40-day in situ decomposition experiment using the litterbag method.The accumulation index was calculated and used to indicate the changes in the metals in litter.The results showed that the concentrations of Al,Cd,Cr,Fe,Mn,and Pb in litter increased significantly during the decomposition,while Cu and Zn concentrations decreased dramatically.Significant positive correlations were found between the concentrations of Al,Cr,Fe,and Mn and between Cu and Zn.Moreover,Cu and Zn both negatively correlated with Al and Fe.The remaining dry mass was negatively correlated with Al and Fe concentrations but positively correlated with Cu and Zn concentrations.Generally the accumulation index values of metals other than Al were less than one,indicating that the litter of P.crispus acted as a source of metals to the surrounding water body.Al was the only metal that showed continuous net accumulation in litter.The net accumulation of Fe and Mn in litter during the last 10 days of the experiment may indicate the precipitation of Feand Mn-oxides.It was estimated that 160 g/m~2(dry weight)P.crispus was decomposed in40 days.This was equivalent to releasing the following amounts of metals:0.01 mg Cd,0.03 mg Cr,0.71 mg Cu,0.55 mg Mn,0.02 mg Pb and 13.8 mg Zn into surrounding water,and accumulating 149 mg Al and 11 mg Fe,in a 1 m~2 area.  相似文献   

定量研究河床沉积物中的生物扰动对污染物的影响效应,对于维护河流健康具有重要的理论指导作用.基于室内实验模拟摇蚊和霍普水丝蚓对河床沉积物的扰动过程,研究两种生物扰动作用对沉积物中氮、磷释放以及生物扰动对上覆水中溶解氧的影响.在相同的沉积物环境中分别放入单一物种,实验结果显示,相对于空白组,摇蚊幼虫组的上覆水中氨氮、总氮、总磷平均净增量分别为2.32、0.787、0.105 mg · L-1,霍普水丝蚓组的氨氮、总氮、总磷平均净增量分别为0.72、0.462、0.063 mg · L-1,表明摇蚊幼虫和霍普水丝蚓的扰动作用均能促进沉积物中氨氮、总氮、总磷向上覆水中的释放,且摇蚊幼虫对污染物释放的作用效果比水丝蚓更明显;当摇蚊幼虫和水丝蚓混合放入后,摇蚊幼虫对沉积物中氨氮、总氮、总磷释放起主要促进作用;在混合实验组(摇蚊23条,霍普水丝蚓47条)中,氨氮、总氮、总磷的平均净增量均低于单一物种的摇蚊组和水丝蚓组,表明在该组中,摇蚊幼虫和霍普水丝蚓在沉积物中共同扰动作用对氮、磷释放的促进效果减弱;对上覆水中溶解氧浓度而言,摇蚊所占比例越高,溶解氧浓度就越低,且上覆水中的溶解氧浓度变化,会影响生物扰动对沉积物氮、磷释放的效果.  相似文献   

从浙江省台州市固体废弃物拆解场某污染土壤中分离得到一株克雷白氏杆菌(Klebsiellapneumoniae Tzyx1)具有较强的降解多环芳烃的能力.本研究利用c DNA文库构建和转录组测序的方法分别对纯培养和多环芳烃胁迫培养的克雷白氏杆菌进行分析和比较.比较转录组分析通过比较克雷白氏杆菌正常培养和多环芳烃胁迫培养条件下的2个样品,得到254个差异表达基因(FDR≤0.05).为了确定纯培养与多环芳烃胁迫状态下的克雷白氏菌的降解机制是否一致,本研究利用荧光定量的方法对差异基因表达进行验证.本研究为下一步克雷白氏杆菌对多环芳烃降解的研究提供有价值的数据支持,同时也会有助于降解基因的功能研究.  相似文献   

Inspired by iron fertilization experiments in HNLC (high-nitrate, low-chlorophyll) sea areas, we proposed the use of iron-rich engineered microalgae for microbial contaminant control in iron-free culture media. Based on the genome sequence and natural transformation system of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, ftnA (encoding ferritin) was selected as our target gene and was cloned into wild-type Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Tests at the molecular level confirmed the successful construction of the engineered Synechocystis sp. PCC6803-ftnA. After Fe3 +-EDTA pulsing, the intracellular iron content of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803-ftnA was significantly enhanced, and the algae was used in the microbial contamination control system. In the coupled Synechocystis sp. PCC6803-ftnA production and municipal wastewater (MW, including Scenedesmus obliquus and Bacillus) treatment, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803-ftnA accounted for all of the microbial activity and significantly increased from 70% of the microbial community to 95%. These results revealed that while the stored iron in the Synechocystis sp. PCC6803-ftnA cells was used for growth and reproduction of this microalga in the MW, the growth of other microbes was inhibited because of the iron limitation, and these results provide a new method for microbial contamination control during a coupling process.  相似文献   

为揭示生物脱氮反应器中微生物群落结构随时间变化的动态演替过程,以投加包埋固定化异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌Burkholderia sp.YX02建立的连续流反应器为研究对象,利用PCR-DGGE技术获得了不同阶段下微生物群落结构的DNA特征图谱并对图谱进行了多元统计分析,同时考察了微生物群落结构的变化与反应器中p H、NH+4-N、NO-2-N、NO-3-N及COD等环境因子的相关性.结果表明,反应器在18 d的运行期间微生物群落较为丰富,各阶段群落结构的相似性并不随着反应器的运行而有序递减,相邻阶段群落结构的相似性先下降后上升,反应器内的菌群经演替最终形成了稳定的菌群结构.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数变化与反应器的运行显著关联,不同阶段多样性指数差异明显,整体上呈先下降后上升的趋势,运行后期出现了新的菌群.UPGMA聚类分析大致将反应器的运行过程划分为3个时期,且不同时期存在一定的演变关系.对DGGE图谱进行主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)表明,随着反应器的运行,劣势菌被大量淘汰、优势菌株常驻,运行后期形成以包埋菌Burkholderia sp.YX02为代表的新的菌群结构.对微生物的群落结构与环境因子的相关性进行典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)表明,NO-2-N对微生物群落结构的影响最大,其次为NO-3-N、NH+4-N和COD,p H影响最小.  相似文献   

Photocatalytic degradation of Bisphenol A (BPA), a representative endocrine disruptor chemical, was carried out under irradiation of sunlight in the presence of CexZn1-xO nanophotocatalyst. Cerium (Ce) ions were successfully incorporated into the bulk lattice of ZnO by simple co-precipitation process. The CexZn1-xO composite nanostructures exhibited higher photocatalytic efficiency than pure ZnO in the degradation of BPA under sunlight irradiation and nearly complete mineralization of BPA was achieved. The degradation rate was strongly dependent on factors such as the size and structure of catalyst, doping material concentration, BPA concentration, catalyst load, irradiation time and pH levels. This work suggested that the CexZn1-xO assisted photocatalytic degradation is a versatile, economic, environmentally benign and efficient method for BPA removal in the aqueous environment.  相似文献   

镉致黑斑蛙肝脏中ROS生成及其蛋白质氧化损伤作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在实验条件下,将健康性成熟黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)暴露于0.005、0.010、0.050和0.100mg·L-1浓度的镉溶液中30d,采用2,4二硝基苯肼比色法测定肝组织蛋白质羰基含量,KCl-SDS沉淀法测定DNA-蛋白质交联含量,并测定了肝组织中活性氧自由基(ROS)的水平,以探讨镉对黑斑蛙肝组织蛋白质的氧化损伤作用及其作用机制.结果表明,随染镉浓度的增加,黑斑蛙肝线粒体中的ROS水平明显升高,各染毒组与对照组相比有显著性差异;肝蛋白质羰基(PCO)含量和DNA-蛋白质交联(DPC)也随镉暴露浓度的增加而升高,且均呈明显的浓度-效应关系,但这种升高仅在镉浓度为0.05、0.10mg.L-1时才具有显著意义.结果还显示,低浓度镉的长期暴露可引起黑斑蛙肝蛋白质氧化损伤和DNA损伤,诱导产生大量自由基可能是导致蛋白质和DNA产生损伤的主要机制之一.  相似文献   

本研究构建了以活性碳纤维(Activated Carbon Fiber,ACF)为阴极,TiO_2/Ti与Ru O_2/Ti为双阳极的光电催化体系.该体系中,Ru O_2/Ti电阳极和TiO_2/Ti光阳极均有氧化作用,可同时氧化降解污染物;且电阳极具有较强析氧作用,能产生大量O_2;ACF阴极具有还原作用,可将体系中产生的O_2原位还原为H_2O_2;H_2O_2在紫外光下产生·OH,进而强化光电催化与电催化氧化过程,实现对水中乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA)的高效去除.本论文详细考察了电流密度、pH、曝气等因素对EDTA降解效果的影响.结果表明,在EDTA初始浓度为300 mg·L~(-1)、溶液初始pH=4.84、电流密度为12 m A·cm~(-2)和光电流密度为0.012 m A·cm~(-2)的条件下,反应90 min后,EDTA降解率高于90%.该催化体系实现了EDTA的高效降解.  相似文献   

李蕊  仪慧兰 《环境科学学报》2016,36(10):3864-3869
以拟南芥为材料,研究了硝酸还原酶(NR)途径在植株响应SO_2过程中对含硫抗氧化物水平的影响.结果发现,野生型拟南芥植株中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)和谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)活性高于NR缺失突变体(nia1nia2);SO_2暴露后,野生型和突变体nia1nia2植株中半胱氨酸(Cys)和谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量显著增加,GPX和GST的活性诱导性增高,且野生型植株中上述4项指标的增幅高于突变体;拟南芥逆境响应基因GSTU24和GPX7在野生型和突变体nia1nia2中差异表达,且对SO_2的响应程度不同.研究表明,植株体内NR途径与拟南芥细胞中含硫抗氧化物水平有关,NR缺失影响逆境应答中含硫抗氧化物水平的提高及抗逆基因转录,说明NR途径参与调节了植株逆境响应中含硫抗氧化物的合成及相关氧化还原反应与解毒过程.  相似文献   

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