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Characteristics of organic matter may affect the residual aluminum after the coagulation process. This study reported the results of a survey for one drinking water treatment plant and measured the concentration of residual aluminum species with different molecular weights.Survey results indicated that humic acid or organic matter whose molecular weight was smaller than 1500 Da had significant effects on residual aluminum. All the treatment processes were ineffective in removing dissolved organic matter whose molecular weight was smaller than1500 Da. These results also indicated that the addition of sand or polyacrylamide in the coagulation process could greatly decrease the concentration of humic acid, and the concentration of residual aluminum also decreased. These results revealed that for all water samples after filtration, the majority of total residual aluminum existed in the form of total dissolved aluminum, accounting for 70%–90%. The concentration of residual aluminum produced in bovine serum albumin solutions indicated that when the DOC was larger than4.0 mg/L, there were still significant differences when the solution p H value varied from 4.0 to 9.0.  相似文献   

Characteristics of organic matter may affect the residual aluminum after the coagulation process. This study reported the results of a survey for one drinking water treatment plant and measured the concentration of residual aluminum species with different molecular weights. Survey results indicated that humic acid or organic matter whose molecular weight was smaller than 1500 Da had significant effects on residual aluminum. All the treatment processes were ineffective in removing dissolved organic matter whose molecular weight was smaller than 1500 Da. These results also indicated that the addition of sand or polyacrylamide in the coagulation process could greatly decrease the concentration of humic acid, and the concentration of residual aluminum also decreased. These results revealed that for all water samples after filtration, the majority of total residual aluminum existed in the form of total dissolved aluminum, accounting for 70%–90%. The concentration of residual aluminum produced in bovine serum albumin solutions indicated that when the DOC was larger than 4.0 mg/L, there were still significant differences when the solution pH value varied from 4.0 to 9.0.  相似文献   

The removal of algal organic matter(AOM) is a growing concern for the water treatment industry worldwide. The current study investigates coagulation of non-proteinaceous AOM(AOM after protein separation), which has been minimally explored compared with proteinaceous fractions. Jar tests with either aluminum sulphate(alum) or polyaluminium chloride(PACl) were performed at doses of 0.2–3.0 mg Al per 1 mg of dissolved organic carbon in the p H range 3.0–10.5. Additionally, non-proteinaceous matter was characterized in terms of charge, molecular weight and carbohydrate content to assess the treatability of its different fractions. Results showed that only up to 25% of non-proteinaceous AOM can be removed by coagulation under optimized conditions. The optimal coagulation p H(6.6–8.0 for alum and 7.5–9.0 for PACl) and low surface charge of the removed fraction indicated that the prevailing coagulation mechanism was adsorption of non-proteinaceous matter onto aluminum hydroxide precipitates. The lowest residual Al concentrations were achieved in very narrow p H ranges, especially in the case of PACl. High-molecular weight saccharidelike organics were amenable to coagulation compared to low-molecular weight( 3 k Da)substances. Their high content in non-proteinaceous matter(about 67%) was the reason for its low removal. Comparison with our previous studies implies that proteinaceous and nonproteinaceous matter is coagulated under different conditions due to the employment of diverse coagulation mechanisms. The study suggests that further research should focus on the removal of low-molecular weight AOM, reluctant to coagulate, with other treatment processes to minimize its detrimental effect on water safety.  相似文献   

Structure properties of flocs (size, fractal dimension (Df), etc.) have a high impact on coagulation efficiency. In this work, the influences of three different additives (ferric salt (Fe), phosphate (P), and citric acid (CA)) on coagulation process/efficiency were investigated. Results showed that a small amount of extra Fe can facilitate the growth of Al flocs by providing more ‘active sites’. Although zeta potential and Df showed a limited change, the average floc size increased apparently and the increment was more obvious when Fe was added after the formation of the flocs. In contrast, P addition during the rapid mixing period will decrease the final average floc size, while the influence is less significant when P was added after the growth of the flocs. In terms of CA, a more striking negative effect on the growth ability of the flocs was observed compared to P. The strong complexing/coordination interactions between CA and aluminum hydroxide is the main reason behind the influence. CA also significantly decreased the Df value of the flocs compared to P, and Df showed a comparatively higher decrease when P or CA was added during the rapid mixing stage compared to the addition after the flocs formation. These results indicated that the addition of CA or P during the rapid mixing stage ‘inactivated’ or occupied more ‘active sites’ on the preliminarily formed Al NPs during the hydrolysis process, and therefore presented stronger impact on the morphology/size of the formed flocs.  相似文献   

Ozonation pretreatment is typically implemented to improve algal cell coagulation. However, knowledge on the effect of ozonation on the characteristics and coagulation of associated algal organic matter, particularly cellular organic matter (COM), which is extensively released during algal bloom decay, is limited. Hence, this study aimed to elucidate the impact of ozonation applied before the coagulation of dissolved COM from the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa. Additionally, the degradation of microcystins (MCs) naturally present in the COM matrix was investigated. A range of ozone doses (0.1–1.0 mg O3/mg of dissolved organic carbon – DOC) and ozonation pH values (pH 5, 7 and 9) were tested, while aluminium and ferric sulphate coagulants were used for subsequent coagulation. Despite negligible COM removal, ozonation itself eliminated MCs, and a lower ozone dose was required when performing ozonation at acidic or neutral pH (0.4 mg O3/mg DOC at pH 5 and 7 compared to 0.8 mg O3/mg DOC at pH 9). Enhanced MC degradation and a similar pattern of pH dependence were observed after preozonation-coagulation, whereas coagulation alone did not sufficiently remove MCs. In contrast to the benefits of MC depletion, preozonation using ≥ 0.4 mg O3/mg DOC decreased the coagulation efficiency (from 42%/48% to 28%–38%/41%–44% using Al/Fe-based coagulants), which was more severe with increasing ozone dosage. Coagulation was also influenced by the preozonation pH, where pH 9 caused the lowest reduction in COM removal. The results indicate that ozonation efficiently removes MCs, but its employment before COM coagulation is disputable due to the deterioration of coagulation.  相似文献   

The membrane fouling caused by extracellular organic matter (EOM) and algal cells and organic matter removal of two typical cyanobacteria (M. aeruginosa and Pseudoanabaena sp.) during ultrafiltration (UF) process were studied in this work. The results showed that EOM had a broad molecular weight (Mw) distribution and the irreversible membrane fouling was basically caused by EOM. Moreover, humic acid and microbial metabolites were major components of EOM of two typical cyanobacteria. Since EOM could fill the voids of cake layers formed by the algal cells, EOM and algal cells played synergistic roles in membrane fouling. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis indicated that the CH2 and CH3 chemical bonds may play an important role in membrane fouling caused by EOM. Interestingly, the cake layer formed by the algal cells could trap the organic matter produced by algae and alleviate some irreversible membrane fouling. The results also showed that although the cake layer formed by the algal cells cause severe permeate flux decline, it could play a double interception role with UF membrane and increase organic matter removal efficiency. Therefore, when using UF to treat algae-laden water, the balance of membrane fouling and organic matter removal should be considered to meet the needs of practical applications.  相似文献   

The source water in one forest region of the Northeast China had very high natural organic matter (NOM) concentration and heavy color during snowmelt period. The efficiency of five combined treatment processes was compared to address the high concentration of NOM and the mechanisms were also analyzed. Conventional treatment can hardly remove dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the source water. KMnO4 pre-oxidization could improve the DOC removal to 22.0%. Post activated carbon adsorption improved the DOC removal of conventional treatment to 28.8%. The non-sufficient NOM removal could be attributed to the dominance of large molecular weight organic matters in raw water, which cannot be adsorbed by the micropore upon activated carbon. O3 + activated carbon treatment are another available technology for eliminating the color and UV254 in water. However, its performance of DOC removal was only 36.4%, which could not satisfy the requirement for organicmatter. The limited ozone dosage is not sufficient to mineralize the high concentration of NOM. Magnetic ion-exchange resin combined with conventional treatment could remove 96.2% of color, 96.0% of UV254 and 87.1% of DOC, enabling effluents to meet the drinking water quality standard. The high removal efficiency could be explained by the negative charge on the surface of NOM which benefits the static adsorption of NOM on the anion exchange resin. The results indicated that magnetic ion-exchange resin combined with conventional treatment is the best available technology to remove high concentration of NOM.  相似文献   

臭氧预氧化对芘在天然有机物中分配行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以疏水性有机物——芘为代表,考察了臭氧预氧化处理对高稳定性有机污染物在天然有机物(NOM)中分配行为的影响.结果表明,芘在不同性质NOM中分配系数(Koc)的大小与NOM中芳香结构和疏水基团含量有关,芘在液相、吸附相NOM中的分配行为受NOM自身特性、吸附性能及吸附剂表面有机碳覆盖率(foc)大小的影响.臭氧预氧化能够破坏NOM中的芳香结构和疏水结构,削弱NOM与芘之间的相互作用,降低芘的Koc,臭氧预氧化对吸附相NOM疏水结构的破坏是造成芘在吸附相NOM中分配能力降低的主要原因.  相似文献   

有机物的种类、含量、物化特性、分子量等性质直接影响废水处理工艺的处理效果。本文综述了近年来废水生化处理中有机物的分析方法及废水生化处理过程中有机物的转化规律。  相似文献   

The impact of effluent irrigation on the transformation and mobility of organic contaminants is poorly understood. The objectives of this review paper are: (i) to discuss the fundamental processes influencing the transformation and transport of pesticides in soil; (ii) to present a critical analysis of the impact of effluent irrigation on the transformation and transport of pesticides in soils; (iii) to suggest research areas that need attention. Effluent irrigation affects the fate of pesticides through its direct effect on the transformation and transport of pesticides that are already present at the irrigation sites, and its indirect effect on soil properties that are important in controlling the transformation and transport of organic contaminants. It has often been noticed that the effluent-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) facilitates the movement of soil-borne pesticides by forming soluble pesticide complexes, and enhances their biodegradation by providing energy sources for the microorganisms that are involved in pesticide degradation. However, the results of field and laboratory experiments that examined the effect of effluent irrigation on the fate of pesticides are inconsistent; in some cases reduced mobility resulting from enhanced pesticide sorption has been observed, but enhanced pesticide mobility has also been reported. The inconsistency may be related to the inherent spatial variability of soil properties and/or the heterogeneity of effluent quality. For example, effluents vary in the nature and concentration of DOM that play a vital role in the degradation, sorption and transport behaviour of pesticides. Similarly, they vary in the concentrations of solvents and surfactants that have been shown to impact sorption and transport of organic contaminants. Field-based investigations on the impact of effluent irrigation on pesticide fate coupled with an accurate characterisation of the effluent are urgently required to assess the long-term risk associated with effluent irrigation in relation to pesticide transformation and transport.  相似文献   

Current knowledge about the transformation of total mercury and methylmercury (MeHg) in aerobic composting process is limited. In this study, the composition and transformation of mercury and dissovled organic matter (DOM) in aerobic composting process of municipal sewage sludge were were comprehensively characterized, and the differences among the three C/N ratio (20, 26 and 30) were investigated. The main form of mercury in C/N 20 and 26 was organo-chelated Hg (F3, 46%-60%); while the main form of mercury in C/N 30 was mercuric sulfide (F5, 64%-70%). The main component of DOM in C/N 20 and 26 were tyrosine-like substance (C1, 53%-76%) while the main fractions in C/N 30 were tyrosine-like substance (C1, 28%-37%) and fulvic-like substance (C2, 17%-39%). The mercury and DOM varied significantly during the 9 days composting process. Compared to C/N 20 and 26, C/N 30 produced the less MeHg after aerobic composting process, with values of 658% (C/N 20), 1400% (C/N 26) and 139% (C/N 30) of the initial, respectively. Meanwhile, C/N 30 produced the best compost showed greater degree of DOM molecular condensation and humification. Hg fraction had been altered by DOM, as indicated by a significant correlation between mercury species and DOM components. Notably, C/N 30 should be used as an appropriate C/N ratio to control the methylation processes of mercury and degration of DOM.  相似文献   

采用腐殖酸(HA)作为溶解有机质的代表物,考察了HA浓度、p H、离子强度和溶解氧等环境因子对HA诱导双氯芬酸(DCF)光降解的影响。结果表明:DCF在纯水和HA溶液中的光化学降解过程均服从一级动力学规律。与DCF纯水溶液相比,当HA浓度由0增至5. 0 mg C/L时,DCF光降解速率增大,但当HA浓度高于5. 0 mg C/L时,DCF的光降解过程受到抑制。在环境浓度水平(5. 0 mg C/L)下,HA对DCF光降解的诱导作用随DCF初始浓度增大而逐渐减弱。同时,HA对DCF光降解的诱导作用还受到多种水环境因子的影响,其随p H增大先减弱后增强,随离子强度增大而增强,随溶解氧浓度增大而减弱。研究结果可为环境水体中药物的归趋预测及生态风险评价提供依据。  相似文献   

3种低分子量有机酸对紫色土吸附菲的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
谢黎  陈本寿  张进忠  卢松  江韬 《环境科学》2016,37(3):1032-1038
采用静态吸附实验,研究了3种低分子量有机酸(柠檬酸、苹果酸和草酸)对紫色土吸附菲的影响.结果表明紫色土吸附菲的动力学过程符合二级动力学模型,3种低分子量有机酸(LMWOAs)均能显著降低紫色土吸附菲的速率常数;线性吸附模型很好地描述了紫色土对菲的吸附热力学过程是以分配作用为主.当加入的3种LMWOAs浓度低于5 mmol·L~(-1)时,促进紫色土吸附菲;当LMWOAs浓度≥10 mmol·L~(-1)时,抑制紫色土吸附菲,抑制作用随LMWOAs浓度的增加而加强.当LMWOAs浓度为20 mmol·L~(-1)时,其抑制作用能力表现为柠檬酸草酸苹果酸,这与3种LMWOAs的分子结构和酸性强弱有关.与对照相比,随着LMWOAs浓度的增加,紫色土溶出的溶解性有机质(DOM)含量呈现先降低后升高的趋势,紫色土对菲的吸附量与土壤溶出的DOM含量呈负相关.  相似文献   

有机质对湖泊沉积物不同形态氮释放动力学影响研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
模拟研究了有机质对太湖贡湖和五里湖沉积物不同形态氮释放动力学的影响,并从沉积物有机质官能团、各形态可转化态氮含量以及离子释放量变化等方面对其机理进行了探讨.结果表明,随着沉积物有机质含量增加,其各形态氮释放平衡时间延长,释放量呈先快速增加后缓慢趋于平衡的趋势;氨氮最大释放量呈下降趋势,硝氮和溶解性有机态氮最大释放量呈先增加,后快速下降趋势;相比而言,污染严重的五里湖,有机质对沉积物各形态氮释放量的影响大于污染较轻的贡湖.随有机质含量增加,沉积物SOEF-N含量增加,IEF-N、SAEF-N和WAEF-N含量降低;HPO42-和SO42-释放量降低,溶解性有机碳释放量呈先增加后降低趋势.随着有机质含量增加,沉积物脂肪族官能团减少,极性官能团增加.沉积物有机质含量增加,通过改变其极性官能团,影响各种离子释放量和使可转化态氮向稳定态转化,抑制各形态氮释放.  相似文献   

菹草对湖泊水质及浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沉水植物的季节性死亡分解会引起水体环境的巨大改变,如大量释放有机碳和氮磷等植物营养素,进而可能引起浮游植物群落结构的显著变化.本文以菹草为例,调查了我国江淮中下游平原14个浅水湖泊中该物种春季生长期和夏季衰亡期水环境物理化学指标和浮游植物相关参数,并量化了菹草衰亡对水质和浮游植物群落结构的影响.结果表明,在春季,菹草的生长显著抑制了沉积物的悬浮,提高了水体的透明度,同时菹草在生长过程中,吸收了水体中的营养元素并将其储存在植株体内或输送到沉积物中,菹草的光合作用还显著提高了水体的溶解氧和pH.然而,夏季菹草的衰亡使得湖水变得十分浑浊,水体有机质含量显著上升.此外,本研究还发现夏季有草区与无草区浮游植物组成和蓝藻生物量差异显著,对应的蓝藻占总藻生物量的比值分别为18.96%和34.05%.菹草衰亡区的蓝藻表现出更大生物量的原因如下:一是植株体的分解为蓝藻提供了充足的有机质和氮磷物质,为蓝藻的增殖提供了营养来源;二是夏季菹草衰亡导致水体浊度增加,使得蓝藻在竞争中占据了更好生态位,使其具备更大的氮、磷营养盐利用效率.  相似文献   

UV/chlorine process, as an emerging advanced oxidation process (AOP), was effective for removing micro-pollutants via various reactive radicals, but it also led to the changes of natural organic matter (NOM) and formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). By using negative ion electrospray ionization coupled with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS), the transformation of Suwannee River NOM (SRNOM) and the formation of chlorinated DBPs (Cl-DBPs) in the UV/chlorine AOP and subsequent post-chlorination were tracked and compared with dark chlorination. In comparison to dark chlorination, the involvement of ClO?, Cl?, and HO? in the UV/chlorine AOP promoted the transformation of NOM by removing the compounds owning higher aromaticity (AImod) value and DBE (double-bond equivalence)/C ratio and causing the decrease in the proportion of aromatic compounds. Meanwhile, more compounds which contained only C, H, O, N atoms (CHON) were observed after the UV/chlorine AOP compared with dark chlorination via photolysis of organic chloramines or radical reactions. A total of 833 compounds contained C, H, O, Cl atoms (CHOCl) were observed after the UV/chlorine AOP, higher than 789 CHOCl compounds in dark chlorination, and one-chlorine-containing components were the dominant species. The different products from chlorine substitution reactions (SR) and addition reactions (AR) suggested that SR often occurred in the precursors owning higher H/C ratio and AR often occurred in the precursors owning higher aromaticity. Post-chlorination further caused the cleavages of NOM structures into small molecular weight compounds, removed CHON compounds and enhanced the formation of Cl-DBPs. The results provide information about NOM transformation and Cl-DBPs formation at molecular levels in the UV/chlorine AOP.  相似文献   

基于希瓦氏金属还原菌(Shewanella decolorationis S12)和针铁矿相互作用,讨论了蒽醌类有机质(AQS)对该针铁矿异化还原过程的调控机制.结果表明:AQS作为电子运移载体,使得还原解离态铁总量(Fetot)和可溶态铁含量(Fedis)均快速增加;不同含量的AQS加入前后,针铁矿还原平均速率得到显著上升,速率比在2.4~4.0之间,且该比值和AQS含量呈显著的线性关系,可决系数为0.9947.Fedis/Fetot比值随AQS含量升高而降低,当AQS含量由0.05 mmol·L-1增加至0.3 mmol·L-1时,Fedis/Fetot比值由0.935减小至0.705.Feads含量随AQS含量增加而增加,当体系中无AQS时,Feads含量维持在较低的水平(0.05 mmol·L-1).AQS参与下的铁异化还原过程实际上是由两个独立的子过程组成,即微生物呼吸作用驱动了AQS和还原态蒽二酚(AH2QS)的循环转变过程以及AH2QS进一步还原解离针铁矿的非生物过程.  相似文献   

为优化小球藻(Chlorella zofingiensis)连续模式下处理污水的条件,提高生活污水处理效率,研究了不同更新率(x)对小球藻连续处理生活污水的影响规律。设置了6组更新率分别为0.20、0.30、0.40、0.50、0.60和0.70 d -1的试验,在柱式光生物反应器中利用小球藻连续处理生活污水,建立了更新率与细胞产率和氮、磷消耗速率的抛物回归曲线,从中得出最佳更新率。结果表明:更新率对小球藻的生长及污染物处理效果影响显著,在连续处理过程中,随着更新率的不断增大,稳态时的藻细胞浓度逐渐下降,而污水营养物浓度则逐渐上升。更新率与细胞产率(P)、氮消耗速率(y1)和磷消耗速率(y2)间存在抛物回归关系:当P=-1.179(x-0.45) 2+0.026(x-0.45)+0.239(R 2=0.990 9),y1=-66.79(x-0.45) 2+2.55(x-0.45)+10.26(R 2=0.936 7),y2=-19(x-0.45) 2+1.963(x-0.45)+2.913(R 2=0.924 5)时,R 2较高。拟合得到的曲线极值均为0.45,可以得出最佳更新率为0.45 d -1。  相似文献   

河流底泥中DO和有机质对三氮释放的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过大型静态土柱模拟实验,研究氮在上覆水和孔隙水中的分布特性和释放特性,在控制氧气和底泥w(有机质)的条件下,连续观测氨态氮、亚硝态氮和硝态氮(简称三氮,三者之和为总无机氮)质量浓度变化,并对其垂向分布特性进行分析,发现水体底泥释放氨态氮与反硝化作用达到平衡的时间受通氧条件影响明显;总无机氮质量浓度(ρ(TIN))在各柱的孔隙水、水土界面处和上覆水中的变化各异;在w(有机质)高的底泥中,有机质是影响总无机氮释放的最大因子,而在w(有机质)低的条件下,DO是影响总无机氮释放的最大因子.   相似文献   

鸡粪堆肥有机物演化对重金属生物有效性影响研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
卜贵军  于静  邸慧慧  罗世家  周大寨  肖强 《环境科学》2014,35(11):4352-4358
采用离子色谱、三维荧光光谱、紫外-可见吸收光谱和多元统计分析,研究了鸡粪堆肥水溶性有机物(DOM)和重金属组成与演化特性,探究了有机物演化对重金属生物有效性的影响及其机理.结果显示,堆肥升温期和高温期有机物降解最为剧烈,产生了大量苹果酸、酒石酸、乙酸和草酸,其浓度分别在2097.55~2155.61、39.24~51.58、12.52~12.90及1.68~2.31 mg·L-1之间;堆肥降温期和二次发酵过程,蛋白类物质降解,腐殖质类物质合成,DOM的腐殖化率和缩合度增大,稳定性增强.堆肥过程中水溶态重金属中Fe的浓度(1.069~7.106 mg·L-1)最高,Al、As、Cr、Cu和Mn的浓度(0.1~1.008mg·L-1)其次,Pb的浓度(0.003~0.02 mg·L-1)最低,随着堆肥的进行水溶态重金属含量呈下降趋势(Al除外),相关性分析显示,水溶态重金属主要结合在腐殖质类物质上,生物可利用性低.分析结果表明,堆肥可通过降低水溶态重金属的含量和将水溶态重金属络合在腐殖质类物质上降低产品中重金属的生物有效性.  相似文献   

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