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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important constituent of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent. A novel combined tidal and subsurface flow constructed wetland (TF-SSF-CW) of 90 L was constructed for a ten-month trial of advanced treatment of the WWTP effluent. Excitation emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy, parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis and a two end-member mixing model were employed to characterize the composition and removal process of the effluent DOM (EfOM) from the WWTP. The results showed that the TF-SSF-CW performed an efficient EfOM removal with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal rate of 88% and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) removal rate of 91%. Further analysis demonstrated that the EfOM consisted mainly of two protein moieties and two humic-like groups; protein moieties (76%) constituted the main content of EfOM in raw water and humic-like groups (57%) became the dominating contributor after treatment. The EfOM from the WWTP was mainly of aquatic bacterial origin and evolved to a higher proportion of terrigenous origin with higher humification in the TF-SSF-CW effluent. A common controlling treatment-related factor for determining the concentrations of the same kind of substances (protein groups or humic-like groups) was revealed to exist, and the ratio of removal rates between the same substances in treatment was calculated. Our study demonstrates that the TF-SSF-CW can be a novel and effective treatment method for the EfOM from WWTPs, and is helpful for understanding of the character of EfOM in wetland treatment. 相似文献
Municipal wastewater reclamation is becoming of increasing importance in the world to solve the problem of water scarcity. A better understanding of the molecular composition of effluent organic matter(Ef OM) in the treated effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs) is crucial for ensuring the safety of water reuse. In this study, the molecular composition of Ef OM in the secondary effluent of a WWTP in Beijing and the reclaimed water further treated with a coagulation–sedimentation–ozonation process were characterized using a non-target Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR MS) method and compared to that of natural organic matter(NOM) in the local source water from a reservoir. It was found that the molecular composition of Ef OM in the secondary effluent and reclaimed water was dominated by CHOS formulas, while NOM in the source water was dominated by CHO formulas. The CHO formulas of the three samples had similar origins. Anthropogenic surfactants were responsible for the CHOS formulas in Ef OM of the secondary effluent and were not well removed by the coagulation-sedimentation-ozonation treatment process adopted. 相似文献
This research investigated the removal capacity of polymeric sub-micron ion-exchange resins(SMR) for removal of lead, copper, zinc, and nickel from natural waters in competition with natural organic matter(NOM). Polymeric SMR particles were created and tested to ensure that they were adequately dispersed in the solution. They removed little NOM(10%or less) from river water and wastewater, indicating that competition from NOM was not a major concern. SMR were able to remove 82% ± 0.2% of lead, 46% ± 0.6% of copper, 55% ±20% of zinc, and 17% ± 2% of nickel from river water spiked with 500 μg/L of each. Similarly,in wastewater, they were able to remove 86% ± 0.1% of lead, 38% ± 0.8% of copper, 28% ± 1%of zinc, and 11% ± 1% of nickel. 相似文献
水环境健康风险评价就是把水环境污染与人体健康定量联系起来的一种新的评价方法。应用美国环保局推荐的健康风险评价模型对上海某地区4个主要饮用水源地经饮水途径所致的健康风险进行评价。结果显示,2007年至2011年,化学致癌物所致的健康风险远大于非致癌污染物,主要风险因子为化学致癌物中的六价铬,应将其作为首要的环境健康风险管理控制指标。 相似文献
FDOM(荧光有机物)在线荧光探头是采用激发波长370 nm和发射波长460 nm下荧光强度来计算水体CDOM(有色可溶性有机物)丰度的传感器,为探究该传感器在内陆水体水质监测中的应用和适用性,以水源供给水库千岛湖为案例,通过FDOM荧光探头监测该湖泊不同季节CDOM丰度,结合CDOM光谱吸收、ρ(DOC)(DOC表示溶解性有机碳)、ρ(TN)、ρ(TP)、ρ(CODMn)、ρ(DTN)(DTN表示溶解性总氮)、ρ(DTP)(DTP表示溶解性总磷)和ρ(Chla)等水质参数数据,揭示FDOM荧光强度与其他水质参数的耦合关系,检验FDOM荧光探头对有机物的监测能力.结果表明:①2014年5月千岛湖TLI平均值(38.4±4.4)显著高于2018年10月TLI平均值34.9±3.0(t-test,P < 0.001),根据TLI及各水质参数平均值判定该湖处于中贫营养状态.②大部分水质参数呈现出由西北入湖河口向下游大坝出水口方向递减的趋势,表明上游新安江对该湖有机物具有较大的贡献.③FDOM荧光强度与CDOM吸收系数a(254)(R2=0.91,P < 0.01)、a(350)(R2=0.90,P < 0.01)均呈极显著正相关且具有较高的线性拟合优度,这意味着FDOM荧光强度可以很好地表征CDOM丰度.④FDOM荧光强度与ρ(DOC)(R2=0.49,P < 0.01)、ρ(TN)(R2=0.61,P < 0.01)、ρ(TP)(R2=0.75,P < 0.01)、ρ(CODMn)(R2=0.35,P < 0.01)、ρ(DTN)(R2=0.59,P < 0.01)、ρ(DTP)(R2=0.56,P < 0.01)、ρ(Chla)(R2=0.68,P < 0.01)均呈极显著正相关且与大多数水质参数具有相似的分布特征,并且能很好地识别潜在污染物高值区.研究显示,荧光探头在可见波长下所得陆源类腐殖酸FDOM荧光强度能很好地成为潜在污染物替代指标,并能有效呈现有机物分布特征,因而该技术在饮用水湖泊水质监测中具有潜在广阔的应用前景. 相似文献
洞庭湖水质因子的多元分析 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9
年1—12月在洞庭湖湖区采集360个水样,测定pH、ρ(DO)、ρ(BOD5)、ρ(TP)、ρ(CODMn)、ρ(CODCr)、ρ(NH3-N)、ρ(TN)、粪大肠菌群及ρ(Chla). 采用主成分分析法对采样断面水质因子进行分析. 结果表明:虞公庙、鹿角断面水质主要影响因子为ρ(DO)、ρ(BOD5)、ρ(TP)、ρ(CODMn)、ρ(CODCr)、ρ(TN)、ρ(NH3-N)及ρ(Chla);南嘴、目平湖、横岭湖和万子湖断面水质主要影响因子为ρ(TP);小河嘴断面水质主要影响因子为ρ(TP)、ρ(BOD5)和ρ(Chla);东洞庭湖断面水质主要影响因子为ρ(BOD5)和ρ(Chla);岳阳楼和洞庭湖出口断面水质主要影响因子为ρ(DO)、ρ(CODMn)、ρ(CODCr)、ρ(NH3-N)和ρ(TN). 主成分综合得分对各断面水体受污染程度排序为虞公庙>鹿角>东洞庭湖>岳阳楼>洞庭湖出口>南嘴>横岭湖>目平湖>小河嘴>万子湖. 相似文献
湖泊是青藏高原地区重要的水资源和生物栖息地,由于气候和地形等自然因素及人为因素的双重影响,湖泊水环境面临着愈加严峻的问题与挑战.为明确青藏高原湖泊水质现状、分布规律、水质主要特征因子和影响水质的重要因素,于2020年夏季(7~8月)和秋季(10~11月)对青藏高原12个典型湖泊水环境进行调查研究,根据野外采样实测和室内实验检测数据综合分析显示:①青藏高原典型湖泊两个季节的多项理化参数在时空分布上均有差异,基本呈现出夏季高于秋季,西藏地区湖泊高于青海地区湖泊的规律;②盐度(salinity)为青藏高原典型湖泊水质的主要特征因子;③湖泊富营养化指数时空分布差异较小,基本分布在贫营养到中营养等级之间.湖泊水质综合指数时空分布差异较大,湖泊水质等级随盐度分区的升高由\"中等\"下降至\"极差\",秋季湖泊水质优于夏季;④青藏高原湖泊水质的时空差异主要受控于降雨、蒸发浓缩和人类活动等因素影响.本研究可为青藏高原水环境保护和改善高原水生态系统的相关研究提供科学依据. 相似文献
文章对美国明尼苏达州水环境质量监测策略进行了介绍,并归纳总结了其水环境管理的技术思路,在对其分析消化的基础上,结合中国的水环境质量监测中的问题,对水环境质量监测工作的立法、数据的管理和利用、指标的确定、监测队伍建设四个方面提出了一些建议。 相似文献
海水水质评价的物元分析法 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
为了探索物元分析方法用于海水水质综合评价的可能性,通过计算海不水质对各评论评价等级的综合关联度,进行海水水质综合评价。用物元分析法对5个监测站位的海水水质进行评价,结果表明它用于海水水质综合评价是可行的。 相似文献
小康居住区的水环境与水质净化工程 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了小康居住区水环境的含义,组成,并对居住区水质净化工程中3个热点问题(优质饮水,污水处理和中水回用等)进行了较深入的分析,建议小康居住区优质饮水供应以小区纯水站净化,管理输送至用户方式为主;不居住区的污水处理应分3种情况区别对待,在居住区污水处理达到排放标准的基础上,进一步处理回用,是经济合理的。 相似文献
This work investigated the application of several fluorescence excitation-emission matrix analysis methods as natural organic matter (NOM) indicators for use in predicting the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Waters from four different sources (two rivers and two lakes) were subjected to jar testing followed by 24 hr disinfection by-product formation tests using chlorine. NOM was quantified using three common measures: dissolved organic carbon, ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm, and specific ultraviolet absorbance as well as by principal component analysis, peak picking, and parallel factor analysis of fluorescence spectra. Based on multi-linear modeling of THMs and HAAs, principle component (PC) scores resulted in the lowest mean squared prediction error of cross-folded test sets (THMs: 43.7 (μg/L)2, HAAs: 233.3 (μg/L)2). Inclusion of principle components representative of protein-like material significantly decreased prediction error for both THMs and HAAs. Parallel factor analysis did not identify a protein-like component and resulted in prediction errors similar to traditional NOM surrogates as well as fluorescence peak picking. These results support the value of fluorescence excitation-emission matrix-principal component analysis as a suitable NOM indicator in predicting the formation of THMs and HAAs for the water sources studied. 相似文献
为合理确定常熟氟化工项目排污口布置方案,针对长江常熟段水环境特征,尤其是复杂的水地下形和水流流场,建立为较为准确和实用的平面二维水流水质耦合数学模型,应用剖开算子法模拟计算了3套排污方案对重点保护水域影响程序度和范围,并从水流场,水质影响评价,技术经济多角度对方案进行了比较论证,最终推荐污水江中排放的方案,为项目的工程设计和环境管理提供了科学依据。 相似文献
对滇池外海藻量较为集中的区域,用塑料薄膜围一封闭的水体,避免水量交换。在水面下分3层(0.5m、1.0m、1.5m)进行不同采样点和不同水深的水质监测,得出藻类在水中的纵向分布规律。通过进行滤除藻前、后水样的分析,发现藻类的存在会导致水样监测结果偏高。在此基础上对富营养化水体监测应注意的问题进行了分析与讨论。 相似文献
A critical review of the influence of effluent irrigation on the fate of pesticides in soil 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The impact of effluent irrigation on the transformation and mobility of organic contaminants is poorly understood. The objectives of this review paper are: (i) to discuss the fundamental processes influencing the transformation and transport of pesticides in soil; (ii) to present a critical analysis of the impact of effluent irrigation on the transformation and transport of pesticides in soils; (iii) to suggest research areas that need attention. Effluent irrigation affects the fate of pesticides through its direct effect on the transformation and transport of pesticides that are already present at the irrigation sites, and its indirect effect on soil properties that are important in controlling the transformation and transport of organic contaminants. It has often been noticed that the effluent-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) facilitates the movement of soil-borne pesticides by forming soluble pesticide complexes, and enhances their biodegradation by providing energy sources for the microorganisms that are involved in pesticide degradation. However, the results of field and laboratory experiments that examined the effect of effluent irrigation on the fate of pesticides are inconsistent; in some cases reduced mobility resulting from enhanced pesticide sorption has been observed, but enhanced pesticide mobility has also been reported. The inconsistency may be related to the inherent spatial variability of soil properties and/or the heterogeneity of effluent quality. For example, effluents vary in the nature and concentration of DOM that play a vital role in the degradation, sorption and transport behaviour of pesticides. Similarly, they vary in the concentrations of solvents and surfactants that have been shown to impact sorption and transport of organic contaminants. Field-based investigations on the impact of effluent irrigation on pesticide fate coupled with an accurate characterisation of the effluent are urgently required to assess the long-term risk associated with effluent irrigation in relation to pesticide transformation and transport. 相似文献
应用单项组分评价法和综合评价法对清河干流傍河地下水进行了水质评价,综合分析了清河水库供水对清河干流傍河地下水水质的影响,为科学优化调度水库供水,合理开发利用水库水资源,实现对清河、开原区域水资源的有效利用和管理提供依据。 相似文献