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从溢油应急管理体系、溢油应急物资、溢油应急处置技术、溢油综合评估、溢油预测预警和应急决策支持系统等方面,系统梳理了国内外海上溢油应急处置的研究现状,并对溢油应急管理作出展望。提出未来我国应在溢油风险防控、溢油综合应急平台、溢油应急处置和溢油生物修复等方面加强管理和技术研发工作,不断提升我国溢油应急综合能力。  相似文献   

根据中国石油天然气集团有限公司油气主业溢油污染风险防控需求,在总结分析溢油风险重点设施、敏感区域的基础上,确立了潜在重大溢油事故区域,优选应急物资布点分析模型,优化应急物资储备方案,在覆盖主要溢油风险应急需要条件下,力求做到溢油应急物资储备维护费用最小,对合理配置溢油应急物资和快速应对重大溢油事故具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章分析了海上/岸边油品储运设施的溢油特点,并从溢油流入附近水体后产生的环境风险角度出发,探讨国内外针对溢油事故的法律框架、环境应急反应体系、环境应急响应和应急处置措施。分析在环境应急反应方面国内应对溢油事故存在的问题,为今后在溢油事故环境应急反应方面提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

船舶漏油事故等导致海洋环境污染的案例推动了船舶污染海洋环境应急管理和立法的发展。2011年交通运输部颁布的《船舶污染海洋环境应急防备和应急处置管理规定》及最高人民法院发布的《关于船舶油污损害赔偿纠纷案件若干问题的规定》等确立了以下机制:行政主体依民事侵权程序向责任人请求返还应急费用;应急产业经营者依强制缔约合同请求支付应急处置费用;以责任社会化的方式保障应急费用的资金来源。为应对海洋石油开发等其他类型的海洋环境污染事故,我国应借鉴船舶污染海洋应急管理中的强制清污协议制度、强制保险制度、油污基金制度等,建立环境损害赔偿制度。  相似文献   

溢油分散剂通过降低油水界面张力,促进溢油分散于水体,在溢油事故应急处理中被广泛使用。文章介绍了视觉评估观察法、油水界面张力测量法、水体分散油滴浓度分析法、分散油滴的粒径分布测试法和量化模拟波浪能量的能量耗散率评估法等5项常用的分散剂效果测试指标,总结了基于这些指标国内外进行的分散剂效果测试和溢油模拟研究,并对各项指标的考察视角进行评述,为分散剂的研发和效果评价提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

投资243.9万元的宜宾市环境监测应急监测车的正式交付使用,是宜宾市为加强城市环境管理、提高突发环境污染事故处理能力,确保辖区安全的重要举措。为预防突发性环境污染事故,2004年,宜宾市环境监测站专门制定了《宜宾市环境监测站突发性环境污染事件应急预案》,建立了突发性环境污染事故应急处理的制度和程序。  相似文献   

海上石油设施溢油风险管理与防控研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对海上溢油风险进行了分析,介绍了海上石油设施溢油风险管理方法与溢油防控技术。提出综合考虑设施本身情况、海域特点、天气海况以及人员素质等多方面因素及其各因素之间的相互关系,建立溢油风险源数据库和风险评价体系,加强溢油风险分析和管理,是预防海上石油设施溢油事故的有效措施;提高溢油监控技术、溢油预测预警技术和溢油清除技术是降低溢油污染损害的关键。  相似文献   

一旦发生海上溢油事故,溢油事故应急反应系统将有效地组织溢油事故的各种应急处理,以确保海洋生态系统的安全和减少经济损失。文章对海上溢油事故应急反应系统的总体框架进行了分析,并详细介绍了以溢油信息收集子系统、溢油模拟子系统、环境与资源信息数据库、溢油应急指挥中心及溢油应急处理系统五大部分为主体的框架及其主要功能。该框架可作为建立海上溢油事故应急反应系统的基础。  相似文献   

环境损害鉴定评估领域难点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,随着原环境保护部《关于开展环境污染损害鉴定评估工作的若干意见》以及中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《生态环境损害赔偿制度改革方案》的陆续发布,环境损害鉴定评估已经成为环境科学、技术经济、环境法、环境经济等相关学科领域的研究热点。本文对环境损害鉴定评估的环境损害调查、环境损害基线确定、环境损害因果关系判定、环境价值评估等所面临的难点进行了探讨,提出了初步解决思路,以期为环境损害鉴定评估的政策制定者和鉴定评估人员提供参考。  相似文献   

2007年,德国制定《环境损害预防及恢复法》,扩大了自然环境损害赔偿的适用范围,强化了义务人的预防责任,完善了公民参与制度。通过建立公益诉讼程序,赋予了环保组织针对行政机关不作为提起诉讼的权利。我国破坏和污染自然环境的现象非常严重,在完善自然环境损害赔偿制度时,确有必要借鉴德国的相关立法经验,通过立法建立自然环境损害赔偿制度与环境行政公益诉讼制度。  相似文献   

本文利用2011—2015年我国省际面板数据,通过主成分分析法构造区域环境污染指标以衡量区域环境治理绩效,进而建立面板数据模型,实证分析了三种公众环境参与方式(即投诉上访、献言建策和自媒体舆论)对区域环境治理绩效的直接和间接影响,以期为构建政府—企业—公众多元共治的环境治理体系提出建议。实证结果表明,我国公众环境参与对提升区域环境治理绩效有一定的积极作用,自媒体舆论对区域环境治理绩效的直接影响最大。同时,我国公众主要是通过参与并监督政府环境行政规制提升区域环境治理绩效,在参与地方政府环境法律政策的制定和实施,以及驱动地方政府环保资金投入方面尚有不足。因此,本文提出提升区域环境治理绩效的三点建议:创建公众环境参与政法平台,健全公众环境参与自媒体方式,增加环境治理的环保投资。  相似文献   

National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE) derived technologies and workflows will offer the ability to rapidly forecast flood damages. Address Points used by emergency management personnel approximate the locations of buildings, and they are a common operating picture for emergency responders. Most United States (U.S.) county tax assessment offices throughout the contiguous U.S. (CONUS) produce georeferenced cadastral data. To varying degrees, these parcel data describe building characteristics of structures within the parcel. Address Point data with cadastral data offers the ability to rapidly develop building inventories for flood damage estimation. Flood damage forecasts can expedite recovery and improve short‐term flood resilience. In this work the authors evaluate Flood Damage Wizard, a proposed open source platform independent methodology. Flood Damage Wizard uses point shapefile building information to estimate flood damage to buildings by finding the appropriate depth‐damage function using fuzzy‐text matching. The authors apply Flood Damage Wizard using Address Point and parcel datasets to demonstrate a method of estimating flood damage to buildings nearly anywhere within the CONUS. Results indicate using Address Point and cadastral datasets can generate total flood damage estimates approximate to those estimated using existing software solutions Hazus‐MH and HEC‐FIA with minimal manual processing of input data.  相似文献   

林煜 《中国环境管理》2019,11(4):124-131
关于环境公益诉讼赔偿资金的归属,我国实践中有环保部门主管、纳入国库、纳入法院指定账户、纳入专项账户等不同归属模式,但在其管理与使用方面,我国尚且存在诸如地方生态环境损害赔偿资金管理办法名称不统一、资金使用系统不透明、社会公众査询难、地方行政机关干预过多、资金监管机制不健全等问题。本文拟建议设立"全国生态环境损害赔偿基金",对环境公益诉讼产生的损害赔偿金以及各地方未统一管理的环境保护资金等相关资金进行统筹与规范,以期推进我国生态环境损害赔偿资金制度的完善。为此,需要明确生态环境损害赔偿基金的资金来源,规范生态环境损害赔偿基金的使用、监督机制,明确环保部门的监督职责,构建资金使用的信息公开制度,强化环保组织的监督权,在此基础上进一步对生态环境损害赔偿基金制定严格的管理办法,以规范并指导基金的有效运作。  相似文献   

本文立足于环境资源公共物品的属性,探讨构建生态环境损害赔偿制度的理论基础,提出行政主管部门应在生态环境损害赔偿中发挥主导作用。从落实《生态环境损害赔偿制度改革试点方案》的角度出发,从明确责任主体、细化磋商与诉讼程序、健全生态环境损害评估制度、加强资金保障、强化法律与公众监督等方面提出关于改革方案配套制度的八条具体建议。  相似文献   

国家《大气污染防治行动计划》健康效益评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高空气质量改善进程,2013 年国家发布了《大气污染防治行动计划》。本文基于空气污染与健康效益评估模型(BenMAP),对人口分布资料、大气污染与人体健康影响的暴露反应关系等进行了本土化修正,采用“支付意愿法”与“疾病成本法”相结合的方法,系统评估了《大气污染防治行动计划》实施后,PM2.5 污染变化引起的环境健康效益。研究结果表明,《大气污染防治行动计划》的实施将在一定程度上降低PM2.5 环境浓度,改善环境空气质量。如果《大气污染防治行动计划》空气质量目标全面实现,可以避免城镇8.9 万居民的过早死亡,减少12 万人次住院治疗以及941 万人次的门诊和急诊病例,实现的全国健康效益约为867 亿元/ 年,说明了《大气污染防治行动计划》实施的健康有益性。本文对政府部门开展污染损失评估及制定环境健康政策具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and the information and insights it offers to natural resource research and management have been given much attention in recent years. On the practical question of how TEK is accessed and used together with scientific knowledge, most work to date has examined documentation and methods of recording and disseminating information. Relatively little has been done regarding exchanges between scientific and traditional knowledge. This paper examines three workshop settings in which such exchanges were intended outcomes. The Barrow Symposium on Sea Ice, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Program Synthesis/Information Workshops, and the Alaska Beluga Whale Committee illuminate certain features of the preparation, format, and context of workshops or series of workshops and their eventual outcomes and influence. The examples show the importance of long-term relationships among participants and thorough preparation before the actual workshop. Further research should look more systematically at the factors that influence the success of a given workshop and the various ways in which participants perceive success.  相似文献   

National Pollution Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES)-driven effluent toxicity tests using Ceriodaphnia dubia and fathead minnows were conducted for more than 20 years to assess and monitor the effects of wastewaters at the United States (U.S.) Department of Energy Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12 Complex) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Toxicity testing was also conducted on water samples from East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC), the wastewater receiving stream, as part of a comprehensive biological monitoring and assessment program. In this paper, we evaluate the roles of this long-term toxicity assessment and monitoring program in the management and ecological recovery of EFPC. Effluent toxicity testing, associated toxicant evaluation studies, and ambient toxicity monitoring were instrumental in identifying toxicant sources at the Y-12 Complex, guiding modifications to wastewater treatment procedures, and assessing the success of various pollution-abatement actions. The elimination of untreated wastewater discharges, the dechlorination of remaining wastewater streams, and the implementation of flow management at the stream headwaters were the primary actions associated with significant reductions in the toxicity of stream water in the upper reaches of EFPC from the late 1980s through mid 1990s. Through time, as regulatory requirements changed and water quality improved, emphasis shifted from comprehensive toxicity assessments to more focused toxicity monitoring efforts. Ambient toxicity testing with C. dubia and fathead minnows was supplemented with less-standardized but more sensitive alternative laboratory toxicity tests and in situ bioassays. The Y-12 Complex biological monitoring experience demonstrates the value of toxicity studies to the management of a wastewater receiving stream.  相似文献   

中国土壤修复与治理的投融资政策最新进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
中国目前的土壤污染修复资金主要来源于政府财政性投资,融资渠道较为单一。《土壤污染防治行动计划》实施后,如何满足实现土壤污染修复与治理目标的投资需求是一个迫切需要解决的问题,充分创新发挥市场力量,建立长效的融资政策机制是核心内容。本文评估了中国土壤污染修复与治理投融资政策现状,识别了投融资面临的关键问题和挑战,提出了"十三五"时期中国土壤修复与治理的投融资机制建设的政策建议,为"十三五"时期中国土壤修复投融资模式创新提供管理技术支撑。  相似文献   

Emergency actions to prepare for hurricanes often require more time than is available from official public warnings. This means that the preparedness official must decide not onlywhat to do butwhen to do it. The action decision system, described here, developed for use in the State of Florida, reformats the hurricane track forecast, a 72-h projection, prepared at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, to specify the probability of a strike at each of 12 vulnerable coastal communities, and then normalizes the value in terms of a composite of probabilities computed for historic hurricanes that struck the respective communities. The normalization, a ratio of the two probability values, current and historic, expressed as a percentage is defined as the level of risk. When this level reaches or exceeds 100% the risk level is defined as critical and the system recommends that emergency actions to prepare begin immediately.The system is founded upon individual hurricane climatologies and decision procedures that are tailored for use at each community. The action recommendations generated by the risk analyses with a 93% level of confidence relieve the preparedness official of the need to make meteorological decisions in timing evacuations and other critical measures, even when these must begin before official hurricane warnings are received.The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported by funding under a Cooperative Agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in the publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the government.  相似文献   

四川省2010~2019年突发环境事件时空分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东  范龙  王彬洁  石锦  胡鑫 《四川环境》2021,(2):204-207
近年来,四川省高度重视环境应急管理工作,环境应急处置能力不断提升,但环境风险形势依然严峻,突发环境事件时有发生。通过对2010~2019年四川省10年突发环境事件进行统计分析,浅析四川省突发环境事件的规律特点,以期为四川省生态环境风险防控提供科学依据。研究表明,四川省突发环境事件呈现多发高发态势,6~8月为突发环境事件高发期;安全生产事故和交通事故次生的突发环境事件是主要事件类型;成都市和广元市是突发环境事件的高发区域;油类污染物和酸碱类污染物是主要污染物类型;跨界流域突发环境事件发生频率较高。应从流域突发环境事件风险评估、企业环境安全主体责任、环境应急物质储备体系和突发环境事件联防联控等方面加强四川省环境应急管理。  相似文献   

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