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Measurements of 8-hour time-weighted average NO(2) concentrations are reported at 7 different locations in the region of Dunkirk over 5 consecutive days using PiezOptic monitoring badges previously calibrated for the range 0-70 ppb together with data from chemiluminescent analysers in 5 sites (4 fixed and one mobile). The latter facilities also provided data on ozone and NO concentrations and meteorological conditions. Daily averages from the two pairs of badges in different types of sampling cover in each site have been compared with data from the chemiluminescent analysers, and found largely to agree within error margins of +/-30%. Although NO(2) and ozone concentrations were low, rendering detailed discussion impossible, the general features followed expected patterns.  相似文献   

The disruption of the endocrine systems of gastropod molluscs and consequential physiological changes (imposex and intersex) are used as biomarkers for environmental contamination by tributyltin compounds. The first international laboratory performance study on the determination of imposex and intersex in neogastropod molluscs, Nucella lapillus and Littorina littorea has been undertaken by the QUASIMEME (Quality Assurance of Information for Marine Environmental Monitoring in Europe) project. Samples of live gastropods were distributed and participants were asked to record shell height and sex, together with penis length and vas deferens sequence stage (VDS) in Nucella or the intersex stage (IS) and prostate length in Littorina. Calculations were made of vas deferens sequence index (VDSI) and the relative penis size index (RPSI) in Nucella and of intersex stage index (ISI) and the average female prostate length (FPrL) in Littorina. Thirteen (87%) of the 15 participating laboratories returned data. The remaining two laboratories asked to participate in later exercises. For Nucella, seven laboratories reported sex ratios significantly different from the reference laboratory data. Differences in penis length measurements between laboratories were largely random, although there were indications of systematic errors affecting the data from three laboratories. Seven laboratories reported satisfactory data (Z-score magnitude of Z < 2) for VDSI. The inclusion of a high proportion of sub-adults in the Nucella samples may have made separation of the sexes more difficult than in mature adults. The sub-adults will have had smaller pene than mature adults in the same population, and therefore any errors (random or systematic) in the measurement of penis length or observation of reproductive organs would have a potentially greater impact on the final reported values of the summary imposex indices. The Littorina sample did not show a high degree of intersex (ISI = 0.41). The laboratories could determine the sex of Littorina reliably and only one laboratory reported data significantly different from the reference laboratory. All except two laboratories reported satisfactory data for ISI.  相似文献   

The performance of two field probes (YSI 6600 and TriOS), used for the measurement of in vivo phycocyanin fluorescence, was compared and validated in the laboratory in 2008 and 2009 with cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa and field samples. The background noise of the two probes was low and the detection limits were estimated at 1500 cells mL(-1) for the YSI and 0.69 μg PC L(-1) for the TriOS. The linearity and repeatability of both probes have been excellent. Strong relationships were observed between the in vivo fluorescence and the total cyanobacterial biovolume (R(2) = 0.82 YSI; 0.83 TriOS) or the abundance (R(2) = 0.71 YSI; 0.75 TriOS) of cyanobacteria. However, the difference between cell densities determined by microscopy and measured by the YSI can be very large and has been associated to the variability of cell volume among cyanobacteria. This last observation makes the YSI a qualitative tool if a post-calibration is not done. The analysis of filtrated samples showed that dissolved phycocyanin (extracellular) may represent a significant fluorescence signal. No relationship could be established between the abundance, the total cyanobacterial biovolume or the in vivo fluorescence of phycocyanin and the concentrations of cyanotoxins (R(2) ≤ 0.22).  相似文献   

Effective ecological monitoring is imperative in a human-dominated world, as our ability to manage functioning ecosystems will depend on understanding biodiversity responses to anthropogenic impacts. Yet, most monitoring efforts have either been narrowly focused on particular sites, species and stressors — thus inadequately considering the cumulative effects of multiple, interacting impacts at scales of management relevance — or too unfocused to provide specific guidance. We propose a cumulative effects monitoring framework that integrates multi-scaled surveillance of trends in biodiversity and land cover with targeted evaluation of hypothesized drivers of change. The framework is grounded in a flexible conceptual model and uses monitoring to generate and test empirical models that relate the status of diverse taxonomic groups to the nature and extent of human “footprint” and other landscape attributes. An adaptive cycle of standardized sampling, model development, and model evaluation provides a means to learn about the system and guide management. Additional benefits of the framework include standardized data on status and trend for a wide variety of biodiversity elements, spatially explicit models for regional planning and scenario evaluation, and identification of knowledge gaps for complementary research. We describe efforts to implement the framework in Alberta, Canada, through the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, and identify key challenges to be addressed.  相似文献   

This article provides a comparison of health impact assessment (HIA) guidelines from around the world and for multiple geographic scales. We identify commonalities and differences within HIA guides to discuss the plausibility of consensus guidelines and to inform guideline development. The practice of HIA has grown over the last two decades with a concurrent growth of HIA guides. This study expands on earlier review work and includes guides published since 2007 (Mindell, Boltong and Forde, 2008). From April 2010 to October 2011, 45 HIA guides were identified through an internet search and review of previous research. Common characteristics, key features, and the HIA process were analyzed. The 45 documents recommended similar but not identical processes for conducting HIAs. These analyses suggest that guidelines for HIAs are similar in many areas of the world and that new HIA practitioners can use these findings to inform their approach. Further discussion is needed to determine if the approaches established in these guidelines are followed and if one set of common guidelines could be written for use in numerous countries and regions.  相似文献   

In order to encourage more exposure measurements to be performed, a formic acid gas-phase biosensor has been developed for this purpose. In the present paper, an enzyme based biosensor has been validated with respect to analyte selectivity and on-site use. To ensure that the sampler developed measures the compound of interest the biosensor was exposed to three near structural homologues to formic acid, i.e. acetic acid, methanol and formaldehyde. These vapours were generated with and without formic acid and the only compound that was found to have an effect on the performance of the biosensor, albeit a small one, was acetic acid. The field test was performed in a factory using formic acid-containing glue for glulam products. In parallel to the measurements with the biosensor a well defined reference method was used for sampling and analysing formic acid. It was found that the biosensor worked satisfactorily in this environment when used in a stationary position. It was also shown that the biosensor could determine formic acid vapour concentrations down to 0.03 mg m(-3).  相似文献   

The option of reusing greywater is proving to be increasingly attractive to address the water shortage issue in many arid and semiarid countries. Greywater represents a constant resource, since an approximately constant amount of greywater is generated from kitchen, laundries, bathroom in every household daily, independent of the weather. However, the use of greywater for irrigation in particular for household gardening may pose major hazards that have not been studied thoroughly. In this study, a 1-year monitoring was conducted in four selected households in Perth, Western Australia. The aim of the monitoring works is to investigate the variability in the greywater flow and quality, and to understand its impact in the surrounding environments. Case studies were selected based on different family structure including number, ages of the occupants, and greywater system they used. Samples of greywater effluent (showers, laundries, bathtub, and sinks), leachate, soil, and plants at each case study were collected between October 2008 and December 2009 which covered the high (spring/summer) and low (autumn/winter) production of greywater. Physical and chemical tests were based on the literature and expected components of laundry and bathroom greywater particularly on greywater components likely to have detrimental impacts on soils, plants, and other water bodies. Monitoring results showed the greywater quality values for BOD, TSS, and pH which sometimes fell outside the range as stipulated in the guidelines. The soil analyses results showed that salinity, SAR, and the organic content of the soil increased as a function of time and affected the plant growth. Nutrient leaching or losses from soil irrigated with greywater shows the movement of nutrients and the sole impact from greywater in uncontrolled plots in case studies is difficult to predicted due to the influence of land dynamics and activities. Investigative and research monitoring was used to understand greywater irrigation in households. Greywater quality is very site specific and difficult to predetermine or control except for the use of some recommended household products when using greywater. Investigative and research monitoring was indicated that greywater quality is very site specific and difficult to predetermine or control except for the use of some recommended household products when using greywater.  相似文献   

We describe the design and performance of two replicate field exposure systems for evaluating the ecological effects of chronic SO2 exposure on 0.5 ha plots of native Montana grassland. The SO2 was supplied at a constant rate to each plot through a network of 2.5-cm inside diameter aluminum pipes set parallel to and approximately 0.7 m above the ground with 0.8-mm SO2 release holes at 3-m intervals. The resulting SO2 concentrations on the plots varied with micrometeorological conditions. Fumigations were essentially continuous from April through October for 5 yr on one set of four plots and for 4 yr on another set of four plots. Frequency distributions of SO2 concentrations were approximately log-normal and qualitatively similar to those from various area and point sources. The diurnal pattern of SO2 concentrations was strongly correlated with the reciprocal of windspeed. Nighttime concentrations averaged almost double daytime concentrations. The diurnal concentration pattern resembled an area source more closely than a point source, a direct result of using constant SO2 source strength. Plume strikes could be simulated by turning the system on only during pre-specified meteorological conditions. Similarly, seasonal variations in area source concentrations could be simulated by varying source strength on the plots. The data from 5 years use of the system indicate that the fine-scale behavior of SO2 concentrations would be realistic.  相似文献   

Monitoring is a crucial component of conservation in marine protected areas (MPAs) as it allows managers to detect changes to biodiversity and to infer cause of change. However, the complexities of sampling designs and associated statistical analyses can impede implementation of monitoring by managers. Two monitoring frameworks commonly used in marine environments are statistical testing and parameter estimation. For many managers these two approaches fail to help them detect change and infer causation for one or more reasons: the complexity of the statistical test, no decision-making structure and a sampling design that is suboptimal. In collaboration with marine park rangers in Egypt, we instigated a monitoring framework to detect impacts by snorkelers in a pragmatic but scientifically rigorous way. First, we used a literature review to define causal criteria to facilitate inference. This was essential because our sampling design was suboptimal due to a lack of baseline data and there was only one impact site. Second, we established a threshold level of coral damage that if exceeded would trigger management to reduce the impact of snorkelers. This provided a clear decision-making structure. Third, we estimated effect sizes with confidence intervals to detect change. For the field managers, this approach to detection was easier to understand than assessing a null hypothesis and provided critical information for decision making. At no stage during the short study period did snorkelers cause damage that exceeded the threshold and thus mitigation was not required. In situations of technical and financial constraints this framework will increase the implementation of effective impact monitoring for many activities in MPAs and enhance management of marine biodiversity.  相似文献   

The effect of altitude and water temperature on biomonitoring of freshwater quality was examined along an unpolluted area (36 km in length) of the upper Río Tajo (central Spain). The macrobenthic and fish communities were studied, and the Biological Monitoring Water Quality (BMWQ) method was applied. As expected, values of altitude and temperature respectively decreased and increased with increasing distance from the river source; these two physical parameters exhibited a negative and significant (P<0.05) correlation coefficient between them. However, despite evident changes in the functional structure of both aquatic communities along the study area, BMWQ scores were similar at all sampling sites. Pearson correlation coefficients between physical and biological parameters were not significant (P>0.05). The BMWQ index only exhibited significant (positive) correlation coefficients with macrobenthic and fish biomasses, indicating that freshwater quality could affect the biological production of fluvial ecosystems. It is concluded that biomonitoring of freshwater quality may be independent of the influence of altitude and water temperature at local spatial scales. Nonetheless, further investigations would be needed to clearly differentiate between the effects of anthropogenic and natural causes on biological monitoring at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

Before using macroinvertebrates in water quality assessment in the Chusovaya River (Russia, the Urals, 50°55N, 60° E), preliminary results of three sampling methods were compared: handnet, circular shovel and a standardized artificial substrate sampler. The artificial substrate consisted of glass marbles ( 20 mm). To compare the efficiency of these sampling methods the total numbers of taxa found at each location per sampling data were considered to be 100%. The highest efficiency was reached with the artificial substrate sampler. 75–100% of the taxa at the different locations were collected with this sampler. Only 5–19% and 10–20% of the taxa at each location per sampling date were collected with the circular shovel in the sand and gravel substrate respectively, being the lowest efficiency. Intermediate results were obtained with the hand net. 23–38% of the taxa were collected with this net. Based on these results and requirements placed upon sampling methods in general, the standardized artificial substrate sampler has been considered to be an optimal sampling device for macroinvertebrates in biological monitoring.  相似文献   

The applicability of a low resolution (8 cm-1) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) gas analyser with an absorption path length of 3 m was evaluated for the on-line monitoring of organic solvent mixture emissions in a flexographic ink manufacturing plant. The on-line monitoring revealed that the highest variations of solvent concentrations, up to three decades, occurred in the exhaust air. The FTIR analyser with a dynamic range of four decades covers well the concentration ranges typically found in the exhaust air and in the workroom air of ink manufacturing plants. The average emission rate of solvent mixture based on a sampling period of two days was 1.8 kg h-1 consisting of mainly ethanol (70%), ethyl acetate (15%) and propan-2-ol (11%). The detection limits of the analyser for the solvent compounds ranged from 0.3 to 4.3 mg m-3 and the measurement uncertainty was less than 10% in the concentration range of 8-15,000 mg m-3. These characteristics make the apparatus appropriate for most industrial hygiene applications. An FTIR spectrophotometer, equipped with an multipoint sampling unit, facilitates rapid identification of solvent components, real-time display of concentration data relevant to workroom air and environment monitoring as well as process control. Furthermore, the on-line concentration information enabled a rapid selection of representative sampling locations. The spectrophotometer is transportable, rugged and relatively simple to calibrate even in a hostile industrial environment.  相似文献   

黄浦江水环境生物监测指标研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对黄浦江进行了全面的生物监测及评价.通过相关性分析表明,底栖生物的Shnnon-Weaver指数和Coodnight指数与水质综合评价指数呈显著负相关;细菌总数和总大肠菌群数与水质综合评价指数呈显著正相关,R2值均>0.9,能较敏感地反映水质变化的生态效应,构成了黄浦江水环境生物监测核心指标.  相似文献   

Offshore geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2), known as offshore carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), has been under active investigation as a safe, effective mitigation option for reducing CO2 levels from anthropogenic fossil fuel burning and climate change. Along with increasing trends in implementation plans and related logistics on offshore CCS, thorough risk assessment (i.e. environmental impact monitoring) needs to be conducted to evaluate potential risks, such as CO2 gas leakage at injection sites. Gas leaks from offshore CCS may affect the physiology of marine organisms and disrupt certain ecosystem functions, thereby posing an environmental risk. Here, we synthesize current knowledge on environmental impact monitoring of offshore CCS with an emphasis on biological aspects and provide suggestions for better practice. Based on our critical review of preexisting literatures, this paper: 1) discusses key variables sensitive to or indicative of gas leakage by summarizing physico-chemical and ecological variables measured from previous monitoring cruises on offshore CCS; 2) lists ecosystem and organism responses to a similar environmental condition to CO2 leakage and associated impacts, such as ocean acidification and hypercapnia, to predict how they serve as responsive indicators of short- and long-term gas exposure, and 3) discusses the designs of the artificial gas release experiments in fields and the best model simulation to produce realistic leakage scenarios in marine ecosystems. Based on our analysis, we suggest that proper incorporation of biological aspects will provide successful and robust long-term monitoring strategies with earlier detection of gas leakage, thus reducing the risks associated with offshore CCS.  相似文献   

The primary objective of the biological monitoring program of the ARRRI is to develop techniques and procedures to monitor and assess effects of the mining and processing of ores on aquatic ecosystems of the Region. Studies have been made in a seasonal tributary (Magela Creek) of the East Alligator River near the Ranger Uranium Mine, and in the upper South Alligator River (SAR) near the Coronation Hill gold, platinum and palladium prospect. Ranger and Coronation Hill are enclosed by Kakadu National Park, environmental safeguards for which require the minimization of impairment of water quality in the aquatic ecosystems. Present studies on Magela Creek are designed to verify the adequacy of release standards, based on biological tests, in protecting the aquatic environment during and after releases of waste-water from Ranger during the Wet season. Detection of short-term effects will be sought by either creekside orin situ monitoring methods. The detection and assessment of any longer-term impacts, however, will rely chiefly on comparisons of post-release data with those of historical baselines. Such baseline information is provided by studies on the structure of macroinvertebrate and fish communities and/or on concentrations of elements in organisms in those communities, in Magela Creek and SAR catchments.  相似文献   

叙述了MicrosoftWordforWindows软件在编写环境质量报告书中的应用内容。  相似文献   

The Clean Water Act mandates that the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of our nation’s waters be maintained and restored. Physical integrity has often been defined as physical habitat integrity, and as such, data collected during biological monitoring programs focus primarily on habitat quality. However, we argue that channel stability is a more appropriate measure of physical integrity and that channel stability is a foundational element of physical habitat integrity in low-gradient alluvial streams. We highlight assessment tools that could supplement stream assessments and the Total Maximum Daily Load stressor identification process: field surveys of bankfull cross-sections; longitudinal thalweg profiles; particle size distribution; and regionally calibrated, visual, stream stability assessments. Benefits of measuring channel stability include a more informed selection of reference or best attainable stream condition for an Index of Biotic Integrity, establishment of a baseline for monitoring changes in present and future condition, and indication of channel stability for investigations of chemical and biological impairments associated with sediment discontinuity and loss of habitat quality.  相似文献   

Thermal imaging is a nondestructive testing method for monitoring internal material changes that are indicated by changes in an object’s surface temperature. In this study, field observation using thermographs was applied to monitor and analyze the breach process of large-scale earth dams. The earth dam test site was Landao Creek in Nantou County, Taiwan. Four field tests were performed to monitor and analyze a single earth dam and two successive earth dams. Ponding first occurred at the lowland of the riverbed upstream, and base seepage occurred at the base of the dam downstream; overtopping failure soon followed. Earth-dam failure mode is affected by the topographic characteristics of the riverbed; specifically, lowland areas are prone to ponding upstream, which causes piping and seepage downstream as well as subsequent breaches. Ponding and piping cause water seepage and soil wetting, which are reflected in lower surface temperatures recorded on thermographs. Thermographs can monitor changes in surface temperature to evaluate the potential failure modes of dams. Dam surfaces with large temperature variations may be potential failure areas. If confirmed, this fact may prove useful for failure-mode prediction. This paper proposes a monitoring index to reflect the temperature changes in a given period, and this study verified it empirically.  相似文献   

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