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Since the introduction of catalytic converters for the control of vehicle emission, a controversial discussion has begun on platinum emission and its eventual consequences for the environment. This brief overview covers the main aspects of anthropogenic emission of platinum and its bioavailability. Modern analytical methods for Pt determination in different environmental samples are also presented.  相似文献   

Monitoring of cyclic organochlorines in the marine environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyclic organochlorines are highly hydrophobic chemicals which usually possess a high persistence to microbial breakdown. These behavioural aspects determine the suitability of each environmental compartment for monitoring purposes, which is discussed.It is concluded, that monitoring of (cyclic) organochlorines should only be executed for compounds about which solid information is available on their environmental behaviour in abiotic and biotic environmental compartments. Under these conditions benthic invertebrates which use glycogen as their main energy-depot, appear to be the most suitable tool for environmental monitoring of lipophilic compounds. Concentrations should be expressed on the basis of (total) extractable lipids.The organisms to be compared should be sampled at a time when they have a similar physiological condition. This does not automatically mean synoptic sampling.Multi-component mixtures, such as PCB's, should be monitored on the basis of (selected) individual components in order to account for differences in behaviour of each component between different environmental compartments and animal species.Some representatives of the compounds discussed are strong inducers of mixed function oxygenase (MFO) enzyme systems. Therefore it should be investigated, if monitoring of MFO activity in addition to concentrations can be regarded as an early warning system of additive effects.  相似文献   

As part of the monitoring program from Instituto Hidrográfico, since 1981 sediment and water samples have been collected from four different estuarine areas located along the continental coast of Portugal. The concentrations of different parameters were measured in the water and sediment samples. After normalization, the concentrations of chromium, mercury, lead and zinc in the sediments from the different areas were compared.  相似文献   

Examples are presented of different techniques which are in use, or could be used, to monitor the fate and effects of oil pollution in Dutch marine waters by oil spills and chronic contamination by rivers, processing water from the oil industry, etc.A number of techniques are presented to quantify the fate of oil in water, sediments and biota, and some readily available methods to monitor possible effects in the ecosystem.In Dutch coastal waters much effort is being given to airborne detection of oil at the sea surface in order to reduce pollution and to take rapid measures in cases of severe pollution. Oil concentrations in sediments and selected organisms can be monitored as a general quality control measure, and to check the functioning of licensed installations. If concentrations above background levels are found, research on possible effects should be initiated. In this context short term studies on stress-indicators are very useful. Laboratory based investigations, for example in model ecosystems, can be carried out to test hypotheses from such studies. Elevated oil concentrations and indications for ecological effects may result in changes in the management of the marine area in question. Monitoring of population dynamics and species composition, notably of benthic macrofauna, should be carried out to verify long-term effects on the ecosystem.  相似文献   

An area of 0.6 km(2) in the manganese nodule field of the Central Indian Basin was physically disturbed and sediments discharged in the near bottom waters to simulate seabed mining and study its impact on benthic ecosystem. An estimated 2 to 3 tonnes of sedimentary organic carbon (C(org)) was resuspended into the water column during a 9-day experiment. The majority of the sediment cores from within the disturbed area and areas towards the south showed a ~30% increase in C(org) content as well as an increase in carbon burial rates after disturbance, though with a reduction in carbon/phosphorus ratios. High specific surface area (SSA~25 m(2) g(-1)) and low C(org)/SSA ratios (mostly <0.5) are typical of deep-sea sediments. The increased C(org) values were probably due to the organic matter from dead biota and the migration and redeposition of fine-grained, organic-rich particles. Spatial distribution patterns of C(org) contents of cores taken before and after disturbance were used to infer the direction of plume migration and re-sedimentation. A positive relationship was observed between total and labile C(org) and macrobenthos density and total bacterial numbers prior to disturbance, whereas a negative relationship was seen after disturbance owing to drastic reduction in the density of macrofauna and bacteria. Overall decrease in labile organic matter, benthic biota and redistribution of organic matter suggest that the commercial mining of manganese nodules may have a significant immediate negative effect on the benthic ecosystem inducing changes in benthic community structure.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticide (OCP) cycling was studied in the area of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, over 3 days in summer with high temporal (4 h-means) and spatial (3 sites distanced 3-6 km) resolutions. Elevated levels of DDX compounds (i.e. o,p'- and p,p'-isomers of DDT, DDE and DDD, 44-74 pg m(-3) at the urban sites and 27 pg m(-3) as a background level), HCH (α-, β- and γ-isomers, 52-70 vs. 147 pg m(-3)), HCB (34-48 vs. <0.1 pg m(-3)) and pentachlorobenzene (6.8-9.9 vs. 6.0 pg m(-3)) were found. The variation of OCP levels at the two urban sites was not in phase, except for most DDX compounds. This was related to background levels, which for HCH were higher than in the urban area. Vertical profiles between samples collected from 1.1 and 2.3 m (part of the time 0.6 and 2.3 m) above a soil, which was only moderately contaminated by OCPs (0.12 ng g(-1) HCH, 0.11 ng g(-1) DDX, 0.44 ng g(-1) HCB) were analysed. Volatilisation from the ground caused negative vertical concentration gradients of HCH isomers (day and night), but not for HCB (except for 1 day-time sample) and DDX compounds (except p,p'-DDD, day-time, sporadically). The concentration in air and the vertical concentration gradient of the HCH isomers varied with air temperature (day-time maxima), while the variation of the HCB concentration was inversely related to air temperature and was determined by mixing (night-time maxima). α- and β-HCH were volatilised from soil throughout the three days, even during periods of cooling. Fugacity calculations, based on the absorption in soil organic matter as the process determining retention in soil, underestimated the volatilisation of β-HCH and p,p'-DDD. It is concluded that the representativeness of point measurements of OCPs in urban areas is limited by the spatial variability of soil contamination.  相似文献   

As all environmental programs also programs monitoring the biotic aspects of our environment (dealt with in this article) should contribute to a more effective and efficient environmental policy. These programs have to function therefore (as no other type of environmental information does, according to the authors) as cheap and efficient early warning and early control systems, providing decision makers with important and reliable monitoring results.How these monitoring programs should function in the decision making process is illustrated in abstract in this article by a simple control system with feedback (as shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3).The monitoring programs dealt with in this article should enable us to detect and forecast changes in the most important biotic aspects of our environment and-by continuous monitoring-to control whether the use of policy instruments has been effective or not in averting or diminishing unwanted changes (problems).Two options of decision makers with respect to monitoring results are shown (either to disregard unwanted changes as a problem or to accept these changes as a problem and to do something about them). To contribute to an effective and efficient environmental policy monitoring results therefore have to be important and reliable enough to react upon.The question is raised which biotic aspects in our environment are (or have to be considered as) important (because of their own value, as indicators and/or as biotic conditions) and how reliable monitoring results can (have to) be obtained.It is discussed how environmentalists could try to make it more difficult for decision makers to duck the problems (by monitoring only important aspects and by using only perfectly clear targets and standards) and how they could try at the same time to make it easier for them to take action (by setting up integrated environmental monitoring programs in order to find out how desired and undesired changes can be influenced). The role of active publicity is stressed in this connection.  相似文献   

The increasing application of pesticides in the uplands of northern Thailand has increased the transfer of pesticides to surface water. To assess the risk of pesticide use for stream water quality, we monitored the concentrations of seven pesticides (atrazine, dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, chlorothalonil, (α-, β-) endosulfan, cypermethrin) frequently used in the Mae Sa watershed (77 km2) in water and sediment samples over a period of one and a half years (2007–2008). All investigated pesticides were recorded in the river. Chlorpyrifos was detected most often in water samples (75 % at the headwater station), while cypermethrin was most often found in riverbed (86 %) and in all suspended sediment samples. The highest concentrations of the pesticides were detected during the rainy season. About 0.002 to 4.1 % by mass of the applied pesticides was lost to surface water. The risk assessment was based on the risk characterization ratio (RCR). The RCRs of dichlorvos in water, (α-, β-) endosulfan, and cypermethrin in water and sediments were higher than unity indicating that they are likely to pose a threat to aquatic ecosystem. Finally, we discuss the role of sampling design on ecotoxicological risk assessment. Our study shows that pesticide contamination of surface waters is an environmental issue in the Mae Sa watershed and that measures need to be undertaken to reduce the loss of pesticides from soil to surface waters.  相似文献   

The development of a monitoring network for chemical speciation of elements of aerosol and sediment samples collected at Lake Balaton has been carried out. Sequential leaching procedures for the determination of the distribution of elements in aerosols (3 steps) and sediments (4 steps) were used. These methods were recently successfully applied to describe environmentally mobile and stable fractions of toxic metals. In aerosol matrices the partition of elements was accomplished by particle size and chemical bonding. In sediments the distribution was performed by chemical bonding. The processes are called fractionation of elements. Particular attention was paid to distinguishing between environmentally mobile and environmentally immobile fractions because these represent the two extreme modes by which the metals are bound to solid matrices. The monitoring objectives were to assess pollution effects on man and his environment and to identify any possible cause and effect relationship between pollutant concentrations and health effects. The results of dry and wet deposition rates showed that most of the toxic metals were dissolved in an aqueous phase and the wet deposition played an important role. It has been found that, while the concentration of Cd and Pb in aerosols is low (0.7 and 29 ng m(-3), respectively), environmentally mobile fractions are considerable. Based upon the data it can be concluded that the effect of the anthropogenic sources on the quality of the lake is minor. This has been the first attempt to correlate speciation results between aerosols and sediments.  相似文献   

Keoladeo National Park (KNP) is an important wintering ground for thousands of birds that undertake a perilous journey over the Himalaya to make a seasonal home in a wetland ecosystem. However, this wetland is now getting polluted by various types of contaminants such as pesticides because of the agricultural practices in the catchment area from where the park receives water. Keeping this in mind, the present study has been undertaken to assess the organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in the sediments inside and around KNP. Samples were collected from the different blocks of the park. The concentrations of α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH, S-HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, hept.epoxide, endosulfan-I, endosulfan-II, endo.sulfate, S-endosulfan, endrin, 4,4'-DDE, 4,4'-DDD, and DDT were quantified using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Analysis showed that the samples were contaminated with the above mentioned pesticides and that the concentration of total OCPs in the sediments varied from 0.1173 (dieldrin) to 5.558 ppm (γ HCH) in the samples collected from inside the park, whereas a range of pesticides varying in concentration from 0.1245 (4,4'-DDD) to 7.54 ppm (γ HCH) was found in samples from outside the park. Residues of S-HCH and S-endosulfan were not detected in any of the sediment samples. The occurrence of pesticides inside the park is a major threat to the park's biodiversity. Eco-friendly agriculture practices with minimal use of inorganic chemicals are suggested to minimize the pesticide residue levels in the park.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in micromineral and macromineral concentrations in tissues of shrimp (Parapenaus longirostris) from Marmara Sea were measured for a 1-year period by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. The contents of investigated minerals in shrimp were found to be in the range of 0.374–0.716 mg/kg for Hg, 0.526–1.286 mg/kg for Se, 0.007–0.098 mg/kg for Cd, 0.197–0.230 mg/kg for Pb, 5.194–7.600 mg/kg for Cu, 11.090–17.707 mg/kg for Zn, 22.128–38.850 mg/kg for Al, 61.769–88.437 mg/kg for Fe, 0.262–0.368 mg/kg for As, 0.081–0.249 mg/kg for Co, 0.850–1.459 mg/kg for Mn, 0.316–0.507 mg/kg for Ni, 0.032–0.107 mg/kg for Sn, 1.262–1.502 mg/kg for Cr, 2,813.770–3,317.819 mg/kg for Na, 3,702.230–4,479.648 mg/kg for K, 495.782–650.280 mg/kg for Mg, 790.407–1,016.112 mg/kg for Ca, 2,685.873–3,657.658 mg/kg for P, and 0.454–0.942 mg/kg for I. The levels of Hg found in autumn were higher than maximum levels proposed by the European legislation.  相似文献   

项目建设前的环境质量(包括水环境质量)是环境影响评价的基础,预测项目建设后的环境质量是环境可行性评价结论的依据,环境质量的表征数据是通过环境监测工作取得,环境监测的规范性要求,开展监测要得到的数据必须具备"五性",才能表征某一监测地区的环境质量。由于环境评价的中介服务性,以及时间与经费的关系,对环境监测点位、频次进行压缩与省略,使得监测数据无法保障其代表性,影响建设项目环境影响报告书得出可信的结论。如何保障监测数据的质量,以最少的监测点、最恰当的监测时期、最少的监测频次,取得最有代表性的数据表征建设项目周围的环境质量,从而确保评价依靠的环境质量基础可靠,评价结论可信,是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

The vast coastal and marine resources that occur along the southern edge of Bangladesh make it one of the most productive areas of the world. However, due to growing anthropogenic impacts, this area is under considerable environmental pressure from both physical and chemical stress factors. Ship breaking, or the dismantling and demolition of out-of-service ocean-going vessels, has become increasingly common in many coastal areas. To investigate the extent of ship breaking activities in Bangladesh along the Sitakunda coast, various spatial and non-spatial data were obtained, including remote sensing imagery, statistical records and published reports. Impacts to coastal and marine life were documented. Available data show that ship breaking activities cause significant physical disturbance and release toxic materials into the environment, resulting in adverse effects to numerous marine taxonomic groups such as fish, mammals, birds, reptiles, plants, phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. Landsat imagery illustrates that the negatively impacted coastal area has grown 308.7 % from 367 ha in 1989 to 1,133 ha in 2010. Physicochemical and biological properties of coastal soil and water indicate substantially elevated pollution that poses a risk of local, regional and even global contamination through sea water and atmospheric transport. While damage to the coastal environment of Bangladesh is a recognized hazard that must be addressed, the economic benefits of ship breaking through job creation and fulfilling the domestic demand for recycled steel must be considered. Rather than an outright ban on beach breaking of ships, the enterprise must be recognized as a true and influential industry that should be held responsible for developing an economically viable and environmentally proactive growth strategy. Evolution of the industry toward a sustainable system can be aided through reasonable and enforceable legislative and judicial action that takes a balanced approach, but does not diminish the value of coastal conservation.  相似文献   

The Canadian forest environment is characterized by high spatial and temporal variability, especially in the west. Our forests vary according to climate, landform, and surficial geology, and according to the type, intensity, extent of, and the time since the last disturbance. Most Canadian forests have had a history of repeated acute, episodic disturbance from fire, insects, wind, diseases and/or logging, with a frequency of disturbance varying from a few decades to many centuries. These sources of variability have resulted in a complex and continually changing mosaic of forest conditions and stages of successional development.Monitoring the quality of this dynamic forested landscape mosaic is extremely difficult, and in most cases the concept of a relatively simple index of forest ecosystem quality or condition (i.e. an ecological indicator) is probably inappropriate. Such ecological indicators are better suited for monitoring chronic anthropogenically induced disturbances that are continuous in their effect (e.g. acid rain, heavy metal pollution, air pollution, and the greenhouse effect) in ecosystems that, in the absence of such chronic disturbance, exhibit very slow directional change (e.g. lakes, higher order streams and rivers). Monitoring the effects of a chronic anthropogenic disturbance to forest ecosystems to determine if it is resulting in a sustained, directional alteration of environmental quality will require a definition of the expected pattern of episodic disturbance and recovery therefrom (i.e. patterns of secondary succession in the absence of the chronic disturbance). Only when we have such a temporal fingerprint of forest ecosystem condition for normal patterns of disturbance and recovery can we determine if the ecosystem condition is being degraded by chronic human-induced alteration of the environment. Thus, degradation is assessed in terms of deviations from the expected temporal pattern of conditions rather than in terms of an instantaneous assessment of any particular condition. The concept of ecological rotation (the time for a given ecosystem to recover from a given disturbance back to some defined successional condition) is useful in the definition of these temporal fingerprints. This requires information on the intensity of disturbance, the frequency of disturbance, and the rate of successional recovery. Only when all three of these are known or estimated can statements be made as to whether the ecosystem is in a longterm sustainable condition or not.The somewhat overwhelming complexity of this task has led forest ecologists to use ecosystem-level computer simulation models. Appropriately structured and calibrated models of this type can provide predictions of the overall temporal patterns of ecosystem structure and functions that can be expected to accompany a given frequency and character of episodic disturbance. Such models can also be used to examine the long-term consequences of chronic disturbances such as acid rain and climatic change. Predictive ecosystem-level models should be used in conjunction with some method of stratifying the inherent spatial biophysical variability of the forest environment, such as the biogeoclimatic classification system of British Columbia.  相似文献   

Characteristics and transport of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in urban multiple environments, including air, dust, rain, canopy throughfall, and runoff water, are explored in this study. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) dominated in both air and rain water, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) related substances showed a higher affinity to dust. Relatively high concentrations of DDT and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) in air, rain and dust imply that technical DDT in the environment has been degrading, and there may be unknown local or regional emission sources that contain DDTs in the study area. Source identification showed that DDTs in Beijing urban environments with a fresh signature may originate from the atmospheric transport from remote areas. The ratio of α-/γ-HCH in dust, rain, canopy throughfall and runoff were close to 1, indicating the possible use of lindane. OCPs in runoff were transported from various sources including rain, dust, and canopy throughfall. In runoff, DDTs and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were mainly transported from dust, and HCHs were mainly from rain and canopy throughfall.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to determine agricultural land loss and environmental pollution caused by industrialization and urban sprawl using the Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing technique (RS). Remotely sensed data is the most powerful tool for monitoring land use changes and GIS is the best way to store and reproduce various kinds of integrated data. Considering the rapid increase of population the loss of fertile agricultural soils is a very dangerous situation for the future of the country. Thus, people are living in the cities in (with adverse) conditions of insufficient drinking water, infrastructure problems, inadequate landscape and many unsolved (extreme) environmental problems. During the last 36 years, unplanned urbanization and industrialization have led to the use of agricultural areas for non-agricultural purposes in the Torbali (Izmir) region, which has the most fertile soils of the Aegean Region. Within this study, a database was created on the parameters of land loss and environmental pollution by means of field observation, interpretation of satellite images (ASTER), aerial photos(1/25.000 scale), topographic map ,soil map, and 1/5.000 scale cadastral map. Results of previous researches and the archives of Torbali municipality were used as ancillary data. In the research, urbanization and industrialization of the town was studied by (using) GIS and RS between 1965 and 2001. Since 1965, 4.742.357 m2 agricultural land, mostly of first and second land use capability classes, has been lost due to unplanned urban and industrial developments. Urbanization and industrialization involved an area of which 58% was being used as irrigated lands, 25 % rain feed (rain fed lands)and 17 % for olive growing.  相似文献   

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