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Guidance concerning recommended storage times for sediments to be used in toxicity tests generally has not been based upon systematically collected experimental data. The objective of this study was to better define the effects of storage time on toxicity of a series of freshwater sediments. Sixteen sediments with varying types of contaminants were collected, homogenized and stored at 4 degrees C in 1 liter aliquots, which were periodically tested for toxicity to the amphipod Hyalella azteca and the midge Chironomus tentans after storage times of up to 101 weeks. The sediments ranged from non-toxic to extremely toxic (100% mortality) in 10-day assays, with several of the samples displaying an intermediate degree of toxicity (e.g. partial mortality, reduced growth). Biological responses in most of the samples did not vary with time relative to their statistical relationship to control values; samples identified initially as toxic (or non-toxic) tended to remain toxic (or non-toxic) regardless of when they were tested. The variations that were observed in biological responses over time generally were not systematic; that is, there were no apparent trends in samples becoming more (or less) toxic in the 10-day assays. This suggests that the source of at least some of the temporal changes in toxicity were due to inherent biological variability of the assays used to assess the sediments, rather than the effects of storage. In C. tentans tests with the least toxic sediments, among-replicate variability tended to be greater in initial assays than in tests with samples that had been stored for some period of time. This may have been due to the presence of indigenous competitive or predatory organisms that did not survive during prolonged storage.  相似文献   

- In current biotest approaches, intact organisms or in vitro systems are exposed to sediments using different exposure scenarios. The most important issue in sediment toxicity testing protocols is the question which test phase (solid or liquid) should be used. Whole-sediment exposure protocols represent the most realistic scenario to simulate in situ exposure conditions in the laboratory. However, until now there is no agreement in how to acquire and to evaluate the data of the various available sediment contact assays. The SeKT joint research project was initiated with the aim to compare recently developed sediment contact assays by addressing reference conditions, control sediments and toxicity thresholds for limnic sediment contact tests.  相似文献   

Specifically designed benthic chambers have been used to test whether the exposure for 48 hrs to polluted Lake Orta sediments could affect survival and reproduction behaviour of Daphnia obtusa and Echinogammarus stammeri. In situ results have been coupled to lab testing with Microtox, seed germination and root elongation (Lactuca sativa, Cucunris sativus, Lepidium sativum), and invertebrates (Daphnia obtusa, D. magna, E,. stammeri) acute toxicity tests.The technique and results here reported indicate the utility of in situ testing and suggest that under certain conditions this kind of test may be more realistic (avoiding sample manipulation in the lab) than traditional laboratory toxicity tests.  相似文献   

A toxicological evaluation was conducted on wetland habitats created as a result of run-off from agricultural areas. These temporary wetlands were created by using drop pipes as a means of reducing erosional cutting in agricultural fields. Toxicity bioassays utilizing bacterial bioluminescence and Hyalella azteca were used to assess sediment pore water and whole sediment, respectively. Inhibition of bacterial bioluminescence was initially used to determine relative toxicities of pore water from ten wetland sites. Constructed wetland sites were compared to the University of Mississippi Biological Field Station, a relatively pristine reference site. The H. azteca ten day sediment toxicity test was utilized to assess sediment from four selected sites using survival and growth as toxicological endpoints. Results from the toxicological evaluation, along with extensive ecological evaluations, were used to assess the best approach for implementation of temporary wetland habitats with existing agricultural practices.  相似文献   

A method for the detection and confirmation of heavy metal toxicants in sediment elutriates based on a urease inhibition assay, ICP-AES analysis and EDTA chelation in the frame of toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) is presented. Zinc was identified as the major toxicant in pHstat elutriates of sediments of the river Saale (Germany). Implications of natural and anthropogenic chelating agents, which are frequently present in environmental samples, on toxicity confirmation of heavy metals based on the toxic unit approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy) is a semi-enclosed and strongly polluted basin. For decades, it has been subjected to different anthropogenic impacts. These stressors caused severe sediments contamination with high concentration of different pollutants (PAHs, PCB, heavy metals). In order to assess the current status of sediments contamination, an ecotoxicological investigation combined with chemical analysis (heavy metals, PAH, and PCB) has been performed. In order to derive ecologically relevant conclusions, a multiorganisms and multiend-points approach has been applied, exposing organisms from different trophic levels to elutriate and whole sediment. The battery of bioassays consists of a microalgal growth inhibition test (Dunaliella tertiolecta), acute and sublethal assays (end-points: mortality, immobilization and swimming speed alteration) on crustaceans larvae and juveniles, and rotifers (Amphibalanus amphitrite, Artemia salina, Corophium insidiosum and Brachionus plicatilis), and embryotoxicity test on echinoderms (Paracentrotus lividus). Considering the high levels of sediment contamination highlighted from chemical analysis, an unexpected very low toxic effect was observed, even considering the sublethal end-point (larval swimming speed alteration). The results of this study suggest a very complex contaminants dynamic in the Mar Piccolo sediments that, despite a strong level of contamination, seems to not affect in a proportional manner the biological compartment.  相似文献   

An automated water-renewal toxicity test system is described for exposing benthic invertebrates to whole sediments. The system will intermittently deliver laboratory or on-site water for overlying water replacement in sediment exposures. A range of cycle rates can be used to produce different volume additions of overlying water per day to exposure chambers. The system can be used with six different treatments and eight replicates per treatment producing 48 exposure chambers. Three formulated sediments with variable organic carbon (1.5%, 7.5%) and sand (14%, 63%) content were prepared to test the system exposing amphipods, Hyalella azteca and midges, Chironomus tentans in 10 day whole sediment tests. Intermittent water flow was used with a 90 min cycle time to create two volume additions of laboratory water per 24 h in exposure chambers (180 ml sediment, 320 ml water). Overlying water quality conditions, and survival and growth of both species were consistent and within acceptable limits for the testing requirements of the U.S. EPA guidelines for sediments with freshwater invertebrates.  相似文献   

The Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) Program within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) contained a component for demonstrating and evaluating sediment remediation technologies. Toward this end, bench-scale tests of solvent extraction, thermal desorption, and wet air oxidation technologies were conducted. Contaminated sediments were tested from the Grand Calumet River, Indiana; Buffalo River, New York; Saginaw River, Michigan; and Ashtabula River, Ohio. The primary contaminants of concern in these sediments were polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The solvent extraction tests were conducted with sediments from the Grand Calumet, Buffalo, and Saginaw rivers. The thermal desorption studies were conducted with sediments from the Grand Calumet, Buffalo, and Ashtabula rivers. The wet air oxidation testing was performed with the Grand Calumet River sediment. Raw sediment contaminant concentrations ranged from 0.32-21.9 mg/kg dry mass for PCBs and 2.70-266 mg/kg dry mass for PAHs. PCB removal or destruction efficiencies ranged from approximately 6-99%. PAH removal or destruction efficiencies ranged from 65-99%. Mass balance closures ranged from 40-99% for solids; 59-139% for water; 29-3500% for oil; 16-129% for PCBs; and 69-3170% for PAHs.  相似文献   

The objective of laboratory sediment bioassays is to estimate in situ toxicity. This goal is difficult to achieve, as one of the main limitations of sediment toxicity tests is disruption of sediment geochemistry during sampling, handling and preservation. The effects of storage on the estimation of marine sediment toxicity to Crassostrea gigas embryos and larvae were investigated. Three storage methods and four storage periods were compared with three different sediment types contaminated by heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and both contaminants. Freezing and freeze-drying considerably increased the toxicity of decanted sediments and their elutriates as compared to the toxicity obtained with fresh sediments. Concerning the elutriates, the toxicity found with frozen and freeze-dried sediments was correlated with DOC, ammonia and PAH contents. However, the toxicity of fresh sediments kept at 4 degrees C increased with increasing duration of storage and was also correlated with the amount of ammonia in the elutriates.  相似文献   

Most persistent organic pollutants, due to their hydrophobic properties, accumulate in aquatic sediments and represent a high risk for sediment quality. To assess the toxicity of hydrophobic pollutants, a novel approach was recently proposed as an alternative to replace, refine and reduce animal experimentation: the medaka embryo–larval sediment contact assay (MELAc). This assay is performed with Japanese medaka embryos incubated on a natural sediment spiked with the compound being tested. With the aim of improving this assay, our study developed a reference exposure protocol with an artificial sediment specifically designed to limit natural sediment composition uncertainties and preparation variability. The optimum composition of the new artificial sediment was tested using a model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), fluoranthene. The sediment was then validated with two other model PAHs, benz[a]anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene. Various developmental end points were recorded, including survival, embryonic heartbeat, hatching delay, hatching success, larval biometry and abnormalities. The final artificial sediment composition was set at 2.5 % dry weight (dw) Sphagnum peat, 5 % dw kaolin clay and 92.5 % dw silica of 0.2- to 0.5-mm grain size. In contrast with natural sediments, the chemical components of this artificial matrix are fully defined and readily identifiable. It is totally safe for fish embryos and presents relatively high sorption capacities for hydrophobic compounds. Studies with other hydrophobic and metallic contaminants and mixtures should be performed to further validate this artificial sediment.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessments of pharmaceuticals are currently difficult because little-to-no aquatic hazard and exposure information exists in the peer-reviewed literature for most therapeutics. Recently several studies have identified fluoxetine, a widely prescribed antidepressant, in municipal effluents. To evaluate the potential aquatic toxicity of fluoxetine, single species laboratory toxicity tests were performed to assess hazard to aquatic biota. Average LC(50) values for Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia magna, and Pimephales promelas were 0.756 (234 microg/l), 2.65 (820 microg/l), and 2.28 microM (705 microg/l), respectively. Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth and C. dubia fecundity were decreased by 0.044 (14 microg/l) and 0.72 microM (223 microg/l) fluoxetine treatments, respectively. Oryias latipes survival was not affected by fluoxteine exposure up to a concentration of 28.9 microM (8.9 mg/l). An LC(50) of 15.2 mg/kg was estimated for Chironomus tentans. Hyalella azteca survival was not affected up to 43 mg/kg fluoxetine sediment exposure. Growth lowest observed effect concentrations for C. tentans and H. azteca were 1.3 and 5.6 mg/kg, respectively. Our findings indicate that lowest measured fluoxetine effect levels are an order of magnitude higher than highest reported municipal effluent concentrations.  相似文献   

Several factors can contribute to the ecological degradation of stream catchments following urbanization, but it is often difficult to separate their relative importance. We isolated the impact of polluted sediment on the condition of an urban stream in Melbourne, Australia, using two complementary approaches. Using a rapid bioassessment approach, indices of stream condition were calculated based on macroinvertebrate field surveys. Urban stream reaches supported impoverished macroinvertebrate communities, and contained potentially toxic concentrations of heavy metals and hydrocarbons. Using a field microcosm approach, a bioassay was carried out to assess sediment pollution effects on native macroinvertebrates. Sediment from urban sites substantially altered the microcosm macroinvertebrate community, most likely due to elevated heavy metal and hydrocarbon concentrations. Macroinvertebrate surveys combined with a bioassay approach based on field microcosms can help isolate the effect of stream pollutants in degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

Due to uncertainties as to appropriate procedures and dilution materials, most sediment tests are conducted only with undiluted, whole samples. Hence, it is not possible to use conventional concentration-response approaches to quantify toxicity of samples that elicit a 100% effect (e.g., mortality) at a preset test interval (typically 10 d). An alternative approach to quantifying the relative toxicity of test sediments is to determine time-to-effects. The objective of this study was to assess the utility of a time-to-effects approach for quantifying toxicity of freshwater sediments to the invertebrates Hyalella azteca and Chironomus tentans. Survival of both species and growth of C. tentans was determined using five sediments (four test samples and a control sediment) by destructively sampling replicate test chambers over the course of a "standard" 10-d assay. Studies with the control sediment and a non-toxic test sample indicated excellent recovery of test animals, even early in the test (e.g., <24 h) when individuals of both species are relatively small. Reasonable, typically monotonic, time-to-death relationships were observed for both H. azteca and C. tentans exposed to three comparatively toxic test sediments, all of which caused significant mortality by 10 d. Use of the time-to-effects approach allowed expression of toxicity of the three samples relative to one another, as well as documentation of decreases in toxicity of one of the sediments with increased storage time. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of use of time-to-effects as a basis for quantifying the relative toxicity of contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Clark J  Ortego LS  Fairbrother A 《Chemosphere》2004,57(11):1599-1612
Published literature is investigated regarding the response of plants to various substances to determine the sensitivity of agricultural plants versus other species, the similarity of effects seen at different taxonomic levels, sensitivity of plants growing outdoors versus in a greenhouse, and the sensitivity of different measurement endpoints. We find that agricultural species are not consistently more or less sensitive to the herbicides tested than non-crop species. Genus and family taxonomic groupings may show similar responses among species, but this similarity quickly decreases as the comparison progress between orders and classes. Results from field and greenhouse studies are less in agreement between studies than data from the other topics. Shoot length will be affected at concentrations lower than for other vegetative endpoints for most species tested for inorganic substances, but for organic substances root and shoot mass were more sensitive. Overall, there is no one species or endpoint that is consistently the most sensitive for all species or all chemicals in all soils, and differences in bioavailability among compounds may confound comparison of test results. Therefore, species sensitivity distributions, adjusted for bioavailability when possible, should be considered in order to better evaluate effects to non-target terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

Spirotox--a new tool for testing the toxicity of volatile compounds.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G Na?ecz-Jawecki  J Sawicki 《Chemosphere》1999,38(14):3211-3218
A new method for estimating the toxicity of volatile compounds was developed. The test was carried out in the disposable polystyrene multiwells. After the organisms, protozoa Spirostomum ambiguum, were added to the wells, microplate was tightly closed using silicone grease and polyethylene film. The toxicities of 21 organic compounds were estimated. No control mortality was observed in all cases. Transparent PE film enabled good observation of test response. The toxicity of tested compounds varied over 4 orders of magnitude. Deformations were 2-4 more sensitive toxic response then lethality. The toxicity of tested compounds in Spirotox test correlates well with the log Kow and toxicity results from other bioassays: Microtox, D. magna and T. pyriformis.  相似文献   

Lebo JA  Huckins JN  Petty JD  Ho KT  Stern EA 《Chemosphere》2000,40(8):811-819
Aqueous slurries of a test sediment spiked with dibenz[a,h]anthracene, 2,4,5,2',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl, p,p'-DDE, or phenanthrene were subjected to decontamination experimentation. The spiked sediments were agitated at elevated temperatures for at least 96 h in the presence of either of the two contaminant-absorbing media: clusters of polyethylene membrane or lipid-containing semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs). The effects of treatment temperature and surface area of media on the removal of contaminants were explored. This work is part of a larger methodology for whole-sediment toxicity identification evaluation (TIE). A method is being sought that is capable of detoxifying sediments with respect to organic contaminants while leaving toxicity attributable to inorganic contaminants unaffected.  相似文献   

水体沉积物毒性鉴别与评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了水体沉积物毒性鉴别与评价的主流方法以及研究进展,指出毒性测试和致毒因子鉴别方法是限制水体沉积物污染生态风险评价的关键因素,认为发展和应用以生物标记物和生物效应为导向,尤其是各种具有污染专一性指示作用的生物效应标志测试方法的建立和应用,并结合具有选择性的样品分级技术和先进的仪器进行定性定量分析,将是以生物效应为导向、以化学分析为基础的复杂水体沉积物毒性鉴别与评价的重要发展方向.  相似文献   

There is currently a lack of ecotoxicity tests adapted to earthworm species of higher ecological relevance and whose endpoints could be directly related to their ecological role in the soil. We propose a new and relatively simple ecotoxicity test based on the estimation of cast production (CP) by Lumbricus terrestris under laboratory conditions. CP was found to be linearly correlated to earthworm biomass and to be greatly influenced by soil water content. Azinphos-methyl had no effect on CP at all the concentrations tested. Significant decreases were observed at the normal application rate for other pesticides with (imidacloprid, carbaryl, methomyl) or without (ethyl-parathion and chlorpyrifos-ethyl) a clear concentration-effect response. For the highest concentration tested, reduction in CP varied between 35 and 67%. CP is straightforward and rapidly measured and ecologically meaningful. We thus believe it to be of great use as an endpoint in ecotoxicity testing.  相似文献   

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