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During its 25 years of reform China has made impressive progress in the transition to a market economy. Much of the production and distribution in China is managed through the market, and the efficiency of this mechanism is evident in the country's sustained rapid growth. While the market is good at many things, however, it is not good at everything. One place in particular where the market breaks down concerns the use of natural resources and the environment, particularly where some important resource is freely available. While China's record of production and GDP growth is fantastic, its record of  相似文献   

Shanghai is the biggest industrial city in China, and the problem of environmental pollution is rather serious. This article, taking Shanghai as an example, is to discuss: a general view of Shanghai's environment; the present situation and characteristics of cancer in Shanghai; analyses of the environmental factors of some kinds of cancers. The paper emphasizes the relationship between the environment and cancer in Shanghai, especially the environmental pollution and cancer. The aim of the article is not only to call people's concern to the pollution , but also to study the causes of some cancers.  相似文献   

In Japan, Environment and Pollution Control Agreements (EPCAs) have been an important local environmental policy tool. This paper aims to define the current functions of EPCAs in Japan based on the author's empirical research. The most important characteristic of EPCAs is that they can set up particular environmental policies according to the locality. The eight functions of EPCAs are: (1) to regulate some activity while national regulations are in preparation, (2) to set standards to protect the area's environment, (3) to regulate major ‘point source polluters’, (4) to regulate substances and issues about which it is difficult to make rules, (5) to regulate activities over which the local governments do not have authority, (6) to reinforce administrative guidance, (7) conflict resolution, and (8) to follow up the Environmental Impact Assessment.The paper contains many case studies to prove the different functions of EPCAs. The paper also examines the environmental effectiveness of the EPCAs.  相似文献   

ResearchCenterforEco EnvironmentalSciences,ChineseAcademyofSciences (RCEES CAS ) ,formerlyInstituteofEnvironmentalChemistry ,ChineseAcademyofSciences ,wasfoundedin 1975 .In 1986,itwasamalgamatedwithResearchCenterofEcology ,CAS ,andwasrenamedasResearchCenterforEco E…  相似文献   

1. CERP The Cooperative Ecological Research Programme (CERP) is a joint plan to study the Man and Biosphere (MAB) ecosystem in our country, founded by Germany through UNESCO. The second-stage projects of CERP had been undertaken in 1991, including: (1) Study on the Ecological Strategy for the Urban Development of Tianjin City Exemplifying the large industrial city, it is to study the succession mechanism, cybernetic characteristics, and systems analytic methods of identification, simulation and planning, of the Social-Economic-Natural Com-  相似文献   

The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was set up in Oct. 1986. It was composed of the former Institute of Environmental Chemi-stry, which was founded in 1975, and the Ecology Center. The purpose of setting up the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences is to promote the cooperation of environmen- tal chemists, ecologists and geoscientists so as to solve ecological and environmental issues at regional, national and global levels through interdisciplinary studies.  相似文献   

ResearchFields :AquaticEnvironmentalQualityItistodevelopadvancedsciencesofwaterqualityprocessandhightechnology ,studythemechanismsofwaterqualityprocessofnaturalwatersandwatertreatment.Aswellastodevelophightechnologyandtechniquesforwatertreatment,soastop…  相似文献   

Three industries and wastewater and COD discharge of Beijing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently,withtheswiftdevelopmentofeconomyandtheimprovementofpeople′slivingstandard ,thewateruseamountandwastewaterdischargebecomebiggerandbigger,andthewaterqualityisgettingworseandworse .Soilandagriculturalproductshavebeenpollutedbythewastewater,andpeop…  相似文献   

<正>To control land surface subsidence caused the underground mineral exploitation and the catastrophic phenomena such as serious damage of buildings, waterbodies, cultivated lands, railways, bridges caused by land subsidence, bed separation grouting technology of overburden is put forward. To provide theoretical support for the technology, the characteristics and the mechanics mechanism of mining overburden from layer-split to formation of bed separation are studied. On the basis of elastic sheet board theory, calculation formula of rock sheet deflection is presented, and the mechanics criteria of the separation formation and the calculation formula of bed separation volume are set up. Finally, the applications and technics of bed separation grout technology of mining overburden to control land subsidence in china are introduced.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial characteristics of urban river bacterial communities help us understand the feedback mechanism of bacteria to changes in the aquatic environment.The Fuhe River plays an important role in determining the water ecological environment of Baiyangdian Lake.16S rRNA gene sequencing was used to study the microbial distribution characteristics in the Fuhe River in different seasons.The results showed that some environmental factors of the surface water (ammonia nitrogen (NH...  相似文献   

ThreeIndustries and water consumption of Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ThreindustriesandwaterconsumptionofBeijingWangHongruiInstituteofEnvironmentalSciences,BeijingNormalUniversity,Beijing100875,...  相似文献   

IntroductionDuetotheformationofsomepotentiallyhazardousby productsfromchlorinedisinfectionindrinkingwater,chlorinedioxide(ClO2 ) ,asanalternativedisinfectantandaneffectiveoxidant,formedfewerhalogenatedDBPsthanchlorine(Richardson ,1 994;2 0 0 0 ;Bryant,1 992 ) .InvestigationsofthegenerationandstabilityofClO2 havealreadypromoteditsapplication .However,previousstudiespaynoattentiontothefactorofelectronactivity (pε)thatactuallyaffectsthegenerationandstabilityofClO2 Theignoranceofpεappearan…  相似文献   

IntroductionPolyaluminiumchloride(PAC) ,akindofinorganicpolymerflocculant,iswidelyusedinwaterandwastewatertreatment.InordertoincreasethecoagulationeffectofPACandimprovethequalityofPACproduct,itisnecessarytoraisethedegreeofpolymerizationofPAC .Generally ,t…  相似文献   

This article described the change of technological paradigm from environmentally unfriendly technology to environmentally sound technology(EST),and reported results from the investigation made in 1993-1995 of how China's small-medium enterprises(SMEs)have been innovating technology in response to environmental pressures and tried to identify factors affecting China' SMEs to innovate more environmentally sound products and processes.  相似文献   

Gas-particle partitioning is examined using a partitioning constant Kp = (F/TSP)/A, where F (ng m−3) and A (ng m−3) are the particulate-assiociated and and concentrations, respectively, and TSP is the total suspended particulate matter level (μg m−3). At a given temperature and for a given sample of particulate matter, compound-dependent values of Kp tend to be correlated with the sub-cooled liquid vapor pressure (pL0, toor according to log Kp = mr log pL0+bm. Theory predicts that br values should be somewhat similar, and that mr values should be near −1. This is supported by field and laboratory work. However, there is still noticeable variability in reported mr and br values, even when obtained by the same researchers sampling in the same location. Three possible thermodynamic sources of variability include variability in the compound-to-compound differences in the thermodynamics of adsorption, event-to-event variability in the specific surface area of the aerosol and event-to-event variability in the ambient temperature. Non-thermodynamic sources of variability include sorption of gaseous analytes to the filters used in differentiating between F and A, the presence of non-exchangeable component in the measured F values, within-event adsorption/desorption kinetics, within-event changes in contaminant levels, and within-event changes in temperature. Each of these sources of variability operate in their own way to cause variability in mr and br. In general, one can expect there to be a correlation in the obseved mr and br of the form br = msmr+bs. For the study of Yamasaki et al. (1982, Envir. Sci. Technol. 16, 189–194), one obtains ms = 5.77 and bs = −2.18, with r2 = 0.91. In the presence of such a correlation, one can expect that all log (F/TSP)/A vs log pL0 plot will tend to intersect at the same (x,y) poitn given by (−ms, bs. Exisiting field and laboratory data show this tendency.  相似文献   

Emergy evaluation of the environment and economy of Hong Kong   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
EmergyevaluationoftheenvironmentandeconomyofHongKongLanShengfangDepartmentofBiology,SouthChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Guangzho...  相似文献   

IntroductionThereisagrowingawarenesstotheimportanceofairpollutioninmajorcites.Anumberofstudieshaveshownthattheconcentrationsofcertaintraceelementsintheurbanatmospherehavebeenelevatedby pollution ,andtherefore ,thehighestconcentrationsofthesechemicalcont…  相似文献   

Side-effectsoforganicandinorganicpollutantsonsoilnitrificationandrespiration¥GongPing;SunTieheng(InstituteofAppliedEcology,Ch...  相似文献   

1IntroductionDuetotherapidglobalwarmingtrend,whichtookplaceinthe20thcentury,numerousunexpectedenvironmentalandecologicalisues...  相似文献   

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