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Increased anaerobic selector hydraulic retention times (HRTs) in a high-purity oxygen activated sludge process resulted in an increase in soluble orthophosphate release and biodegradable chemical oxygen demand removal, confirming that enhanced biological phosphorus removal occurs at aeration solids retention times (SRTs) below 1.7 days. Under operating conditions that included biological foam trapping and recycling, an anaerobic selector with HRTs higher than 55 minutes resulted in a decrease in filament counts and effective foam control. Effective norcardioform control is achieved through the combination of metabolic selective pressure and increased soluble organic substrate removal in the anaerobic selector and low aeration SRT.  相似文献   

高颖  袁林江  吕景花 《环境工程学报》2016,10(10):5366-5372
在小型处理系统中生物除磷同步化学除磷简便易行,但加入的除磷剂本身和形成的化学沉淀物的积累可能会对生物系统造成影响。采用序批式生物反应器,对铁盐的2种投加剂量下对活性污泥系统的影响进行了研究。结果表明,向SBR系统中连续投加15 mg·L-1三氯化铁,表观上系统总体的除磷效率较未投加前有一定幅度的提高,活性污泥的沉降性能得到改善,但这削弱了系统的内在生物除磷效力。随着化学除磷的进行,系统污泥胞内PHA含量减少、糖原含量增加;污泥中PAOs相对数量下降而GAOs的相对数量显著增加,优势菌发生演替。结束投加后,污泥的活性可以缓慢恢复。说明该浓度下长时间连续进行同步化学与生物除磷,会对系统造成一定的损害,但这种损害在停止化学除磷后具有一定的可恢复性。而连续投加3 mg·L-1三氯化铁的SBR系统总体除磷效率较未投加前有所提高,且没有对生物除磷系统产生明显抑制作用,能够较好实现化学除磷和生物除磷的协同。  相似文献   

以厌氧/好氧交替运行的序批式反应器(SBR)为对象,利用荧光原位杂交技术(FISH),研究了温度(20、25和30℃)对强化生物除磷(EBPR)的影响。结果表明,温度为20℃时,系统的磷去除率高于98%,厌氧释磷速率和好氧吸磷速率分别为55.70 mg P·(g VSS·h)-1和45.16 mg P·(g VSS·h)-1,聚磷菌(PAOs)占总细菌(EUB)的比例达到90%,而聚糖菌(GAO)的比例只有1%;温度升高到25℃后,除磷效果不断降低,释磷速率和吸磷速率逐渐下降,PAOs的比例下降,而聚糖菌(GAOs)的比例不断增加;温度为30℃时,出水水质恶化,磷去除率仅为67%,释磷速率和吸磷速率分别为33.66 mg P·(g VSS·h)-1和17.55 mg P·(g VSS·h)-1,GAOs的比例高达87%,而PAOs的比例仅为5%,在与PAOs的竞争中,GAOs处于优势,导致除磷效果降低。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的脱氮除磷工艺——回流污泥分离工艺(return sludge separate process),及其运行情况。该工艺在传统的厌氧缺氧好氧(A2/O)的模式下,针对硝酸盐对厌氧释磷的抑制问题进行改进,提出回流污泥的气浮浓缩分离方案,以提高系统的脱氮除磷效果。研究结果表明,在进水COD为250~400 mg/L,NH+4-N为30~45 mg/L,PO3-4-P为8~10 mg/L左右时,该工艺对NH+4-N和PO3-4-P的去除率分别可达79.3%和95%。该系统与A2/O的平行比较数据表明,该系统能够提高氮磷综合处理效率,解决A2/O处理工艺中存在无效释磷和硝酸根抑制问题。  相似文献   

温度和pH值对活性污泥法脱氮除磷的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
温度和pH值是影响污水脱氮除磷效果的2个重要因素.试验采用连续搅拌槽式反应器(continuous stirred tank reactor,CSTR),通过对不同温度和pH值条件下的硝化、反硝化、释磷和吸磷反应速率的测定,总结出温度和pH值对活性污泥生化反应速率的影响规律.试验表明,硝化和反硝化速率随温度的升高而加快.在5℃和33℃时,硝化速率分别为0.01 kg NH4 -N/(kg VSS·d)和0.28 kg NH4 -N/(kg VSS·d);在5℃和30℃时,反硝化速率分别为0.097 kg NO3--N/(kg VSS·d)和0.476 kg NO3--N/(kg VSS·d);但温度对吸磷和释磷速率的影响不大.pH值对硝化、反硝化、吸磷和释磷速率均有显著影响,在pH值为7.74时,硝化速率为0.095 kg NO3--N/(kg VSS·d);而在pH值为4.9和10.08时,硝化速率仅为0.005 kg NO3--N/(kg VSS·d)和0.006 kg NO3--N/(kg VSS·d).在pH值为7.85时,反硝化速率达到最大值0.36 kg NO3--N/(kg VSS·d);而在偏酸性和碱性条件下,反硝化速率显著下降.  相似文献   

为了提高低碳源污水脱氮除磷的效率,在传统SBR的基础上,通过改变SBR的运行方式和结构,构建了厌氧、好氧和缺氧在同一反应器中不同部位同时进行的反硝化除磷双泥系统。探究SBR工艺新的运行方式下的反硝化除磷脱氮效能,实验表明,在最佳运行工况下,即厌氧(进出水)30 min→上部好氧90 min(下部厌氧90 min)→缺氧50 min→沉淀10 min,系统对COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷的去除率分别达到94%、82.08%、76.78%和95.47%,出水能达到国家污水综合排放一级A标准(GB18918-2002)。  相似文献   

A sequencing batch reactor was used to study the possibility of harvesting polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) processes without compromising treatment quality. Because, in EBPR, the highest PHA concentrations are observed after exposure of the sludge to anaerobic conditions, PHA accumulation was evaluated with collection of waste activated sludge (WAS) at the end of the anaerobic stage, in addition to the traditional removal after the aerobic stage. The system achieved good phosphorus removal, regardless of the point of WAS collection. When sludge was harvested at the end of the anaerobic stage, the PHA content of the sludge ranged from 7 to 16 mg PHA/100 mg mixed liquor volatile suspended solids. Although this level of PHA production is below levels obtained with pure cultures, the demonstrated ability to harvest PHA, while simultaneously satisfying phosphorus removal in an EBPR process, is a key initial step towards of the use of wastewater treatment plants for PHA production.  相似文献   

Wu CY  Peng YZ  Wang RD  Zhou YX 《Chemosphere》2012,86(8):767-773
The granulation of activated sludge was investigated using two parallel sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) operated in biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal conditions though the reactor configuration and operating parameters did not favor the granulation. Granules were not observed when the SBR was operated in biological nitrogen removal period for 30 d. However, aerobic granules were formed naturally without the increase of aeration intensity when enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) was achieved. It can be detected that plenty of positive charged particles were formed with the release of phosphorus during the anaerobic period of EBPR. The size of the particles was about 5-20 μm and their highest positive ζ potential was about 73 mV. These positive charged particles can stimulate the granulation. Based on the experimental results, a hypothesis was proposed to interpret the granulation process of activated sludge in the EBPR process in SBR. Dense and compact subgranules were formed stimulated by the positive charged particles. The subgranules grew gradually by collision, adhesion and attached growth of bacteria. Finally, the extrusion and shear of hydrodynamic shear force would help the maturation of granules. Aerobic granular SBR showed excellent biological phosphorus removal ability. The average phosphorus removal efficiency was over 95% and the phosphorus in the effluent was below 0.50 mg L−1 during the operation.  相似文献   

NaCl盐度对耐盐活性污泥沉降性能及脱氮的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
针对海水冲厕工程的实施,采用序批式活性污泥反应器(SBR)处理实际含盐生活污水,考察了盐度对耐盐活性污泥沉降性能及脱氮效能的影响。研究发现,经过长期盐度驯化后的污泥系统也会出现丝状菌污泥膨胀。在经过10 g/L盐度长期驯化的污泥系统中,污泥容积指数(SVI)随着盐度的升高而降低,盐度升高使丝状菌减少,污泥絮体变小变密实。但是,盐度降低时会引发更严重的污泥膨胀,导致污泥流失。对脱氮性能的研究表明,硝化菌的耐盐能力较强。当盐度由10 g/L改变为0、5、15、20 g/L时,氨氮去除率依然可以维持在99%以上。但亚硝酸盐积累率无论是盐度升高或降低时都升高,这表明驯化后污泥中的亚硝酸氧化菌(NOB)对盐度变化的耐受能力比氨氧化菌(AOB)弱,无论盐度升高或降低都会对其产生较大的影响。  相似文献   

针对传统的"厌氧+氧化沟"运行模式对低碳源污水除磷能力不佳的问题,采用耦合回流污泥预浓缩系统的新型氧化沟工艺对其强化除磷进行了中试实验研究。通过采用回流污泥预浓缩系统,调试回流污泥浓缩比,提高系统的除磷能力。研究结果表明,在控制最佳回流污泥浓缩比为55%的情况下,出水TP浓度和去除率分别为0.92 mg/L和67.5%,相比于浓缩比为100%、70%、50%和30%的工况,其去除率分别增加了24.3%、27.3%、8.2%和28.6%,强化了系统的除磷效果。另外,ORP可以预示预缺氧池内无效释磷和反硝化程度,以此作为自动调整最佳回流污泥浓缩比的控制参数。  相似文献   

生物脱氮除磷活性污泥系统复合模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为避免繁琐的参数校核工作,提出了活性污泥2 d号模型(ASM2d)和人工神经网络(ANNs)相结合的复合模拟方法。考察了复合方法在某污水处理厂生物脱氮除磷工艺中的应用情况。研究表明,ANNs能够准确地模拟出水实测值与未经校核的ASM2d机理模型的估计值之间的差值。利用Levenberg-Marquardt算法,对出水氨氮、总氮和总磷分别建立网络结构为5-12-1、5-8-1和5-8-1的ANNs子模型,将这些子模型输出同ASM2d机理模型输出相加便得到复合模型输出。复合模型估计值对前10.4 d(ANNs子模型训练数据时段)出水氨氮、总氮和总磷浓度的拟合平均绝对百分比误差分别为0.267、0.055和0.048;其对后2.6 d(ANNs子模型测试数据时段)出水氨氮、总氮和总磷浓度的预测平均绝对百分比误差分别为0.332、0.083和0.069。均方根误差、平均绝对误差等评价指标也表明复合模型能够给出合理的模拟结果。  相似文献   

Anaerobic and aerobic (AnA) and completely aerobic (CA) sequencing-batch reactors (SBRs) were used to investigate the suitability of the AnA process for treating phosphorus (P)-deficient wastewaters with highly variable influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) loading. Both SBRs were subjected to influent COD loading patterns (LPs) that simulated (1) daily COD loading fluctuations, (2) weekend shutdowns, and (3) long weekend or holiday shutdowns. During LP 1, the AnA SBR produced lower average effluent soluble phosphorus concentrations than CA SBR (0.4 vs. 1.0 mgP/L). A similar result was observed during LP 2, but effluent acetate was detected after the first high COD loading cycle of the weekday loading period. During LP 3, the volatile suspended solids content of both reactors dropped sharply, and the effluent quality of both SBRs deteriorated. Model predictions suggest that the AnA process is stable when treating LP 1, but eventually fails when treating LP 2.  相似文献   

污水生物除磷研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水体富营养化是世界性难题,其中磷通常是主要限制因子.生物除磷工艺简单,污泥产量少,可节约能源,运行费用也较低,便于操作和磷的回收.在介绍水体中磷的来源、污染特点及其造成危害的基础上,着重综述了国内外生物除磷的研究进展,并对生物除磷存在的问题和发展趋势提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

从活性污泥的絮凝特点、有机物与 NH 4-N 的微生物代谢过程等方面探讨前处理残余铝对曝气池活性污泥的影响规律.结果显示,随着进水Al3 浓度的不断增加,污泥瞬时沉降速度明显增加,而对污泥沉降比影响不大.Al3 对COD去除率基本上没有影响,而对废水中 NH 4-N 氧化过程的影响却非常明显,随着活性污泥中Al3 的逐渐增加, NH 4-N 去除率出现了先升后降的变化趋势. NH 4-N 去除率下降的趋势与Al3 对微生物细胞膜电解质透性的影响规律呈负相关关系,说明Al3 对氨氧化微生物种群的干扰作用最强.  相似文献   

The immobilized cell augmented activated sludge (ICAAS) system combines a cell immobilization technique and an offline enricher-reactor for the bioaugmentation of the activated sludge system to improve treatment performances. In this study, enhanced nitrogen removal using ICAAS was investigated. Laboratory-scale, offline, batch enricher-reactors were used to maintain nitrification and denitrification activities of coimmobilized nitrifiers and denitrifiers used to augment a laboratory-scale completely mixed activated sludge system (CMAS) treating synthetic wastewater. Cellulose triacetate was the media used to entrap nitrifiers and denitrifiers at a 2:1 mass ratio. The ICAAS augmented with the coimmobilized cells between 5 and 20% by volume gained 24 +/- 5% higher nitrogen removal than a control CMAS, which provided nitrogen removal of 28 +/- 7%. The ICAAS scheme is a viable alternative for upgrading existing activated sludge systems to gain better nitrogen removal. .  相似文献   

Unlike wastewater, pulp and paper mill effluents are generally severely deficient in bioavailable nitrogen and phosphorus. The influence of nitrogen and phosphorus limitations on steady-state or typical pulp and paper mill activated sludge floc properties and performance was studied using a bioreactor-fed synthetic raw mill effluent and seeded with mill activated sludge. Limitation of either nitrogen or phosphorus decreased growth, five-day biochemical oxygen demand, and suspended solids removal. Nitrogen limitation greatly enhanced activated sludge floc poly-beta3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), but not carbohydrate or extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). In contrast, phosphorus limitation increased total floc carbohydrate and EPS, but not PHB. The flocs showed little ability to store either nitrogen or phosphorus. Nitrogen limitation, but not phosphorus limitation, produced much more negative net floc surface charge, increasing fines, while phosphorus limitation, but not nitrogen limitation, increased the floc bound water content and surface hydrophobicity and decreased fines.  相似文献   

SBR工艺由于处理上的高效性和操作上的灵活性在世界范围的污水处理领域得到广泛应用.采用国际水质协会1999年提出的ASM No.2d模型,利用matlab作为程序开发工具编制计算模型,并利用该模型对一实验室规模SBR系统进行模拟.模拟过程中动力学和化学计量参数采用ASM No.2d给出的典型参数值,并结合实际SBR系统进行了修正.结果表明,该模型能够较好模拟SBR工艺同步脱氮除磷效能,说明应用ASM No.2d进行SBR系统的模拟能够对SBR系统的优化和控制起辅助作用.  相似文献   

王元元  刘和  符波  王玲  刘宏波 《环境工程学报》2017,11(12):6276-6281
利用活性污泥源头吸附回收污水中的有机碳源,然后进行厌氧发酵产酸,可以改变污水碳源在传统工艺中的迁移与转化途径。研究结果表明,本工艺大大提高了有机碳源的利用率,降低了后续水解释碳成本。在30 min内,活性污泥对污水COD、氨氮和总磷的吸附去除率分别达到69%、57%和58.2%。热碱水解(t=90℃,pH=11)能够实现吸附碳源污泥(富碳污泥)中有机物的快速释放,水解污泥上清液中COD、溶解性蛋白质和溶解性多糖含量分别达到8 173.8、1 508.8和1 936.0 mg·L-1。将获得的有机物进行厌氧发酵产酸,挥发性有机酸总量达到6 025.4 mg·L-1,与普通活性污泥相比,提高了27.7%;但是有机酸的组成和发酵所需时间变化不大。本研究结果为污水处理厂节能降耗以及污泥资源化处理处置提供参考。  相似文献   

纳米银(silver nanoparticle,AgNPs)及所释放Ag+的毒性会对污水生物处理系统中的微生物造成影响,降低系统对污染物的去除效率。基于此,对表面包被聚乙烯吡咯烷酮的AgNPs在纯水和人工污水中的形貌、粒径分布、表面电位等进行了表征,以序批式反应器(sequencing batch reactor,SBR)模拟活性污泥污水处理系统,在进水中分别添加1 mg·L−1、10 mg·L−1 AgNPs和0.3 mg·L−1、3.0 mg·L−1 Ag+后,SBR连续运行50 d,考察了活性污泥系统污染物去除率的动态变化。结果表明:AgNPs在人工污水中易团聚,AgNPs浓度越高,团聚现象越明显;进水中添加10 mg·L−1 AgNPs可显著降低SBR对COD、${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + }$-N及${{\rm{PO}}_4^{3 - }}$的去除率,其抑制效应主要来自于AgNPs本身而不是其释放的Ag+;添加1 mg·L−1 AgNPs和0.3 mg·L−1、3.0 mg·L−1 Ag+对活性污泥系统去除COD有抑制效应,但COD去除率仍高于60%,可以满足城镇污水处理厂污染物排放一级A标准(GB 18918-2002);添加1 mg·L−1 AgNPs可显著抑制活性污泥系统对${{\rm{PO}}_4^{3 - }}$的去除;进水中分别添加1 mg·L−1、10 mg·L−1 AgNPs和0.3 mg·L−1、3.0 mg·L−1 Ag+对SBR出水中${{\rm{NO}}_2^ -} $-N和${{\rm{NO}}_3^ -} $-N去除率没有影响。鉴于目前进入城镇污水处理系统中AgNPs的浓度远低于1 mg·L−1,故AgNPs对活性污泥污水处理系统中污染物的去除没有显著抑制效应。  相似文献   

就转速对螺旋升流反应器系统厌氧区释磷效果、污泥的释磷代谢及动力学参数的影响进行试验研究,并确定较好释磷效果时的转速,为该技术即将进行的工程应用提供理论支撑。研究结果表明:随着转速的增加,厌氧释磷效果出现下降的趋势,转速为30 r/min时,厌氧释磷效果较佳;SUFR系统厌氧区污泥释磷的代谢模式遵循Smolders等人提出的生化模式,转速变化引起αPAO的不同,从而使得厌氧释磷的代谢水平出现了差异;转速对厌氧区污泥COD吸收的动力学参数qmaxKA值均产生了明显的影响。  相似文献   

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