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ABSTRACT: Best management practices for irrigated agriculture are not restricted to the control of sediments in the return flow. Salts and nutrient loading and oxygen depletion are also of environmental concern. Since knowledge of waste loading returned from agricultural irrigation is limited, specific characterization of irrigatin and runoff water quality should precede corrective measures. In 1974, 1975 and 1976, four study sites with in a 50,000-acre irrigated area were monitored to characterize the quantity and quality of irrigation water and surface return flow. Simple correlatins among constituents showed strong relationships among BOD, TP, PO4,-P, and No3-N. Least significant difference tests among seasonal means of change-in-load per irrigation showed that only TDS and PO4-P were significant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A hybrid computer program was developed to predict the water and salt outflow from a river basin in which irrigation is the major user of water. The model combines a chemical model which predicts the quality of water percolated through a soil profile with a general hydrologic model. The chemical model considers the reactions that occur in the soil, including the exchange of calcium, magnesium, and sodium cations on the soil complex, and the dissolution and precipitation of gypsum and lime. The chemical composition of the outflow is a function of these chemical processes within the soil, plus the blending of undiverted inflows, evaporation, transpiration, and the mixing of sub surface return flows with groundwater. The six common ions of western waters, namely calcium (Ca++), magnesium (Mg++), sodium (Na+), sulfate (SO4=), chloride (Cl?), and bicarbonate (HCO3?) were considered in the study. Total dissolved solids (TDS) outflow was obtained by adding the individual ions. The overall model operates on a monthly time unit. The model was tested on a portion of the Little Bear River basin in northern Utah. The model successfully simulated measured outflows of water and each of the six ions for a 24-month period. The usefulness of the model was demonstrated by a management study of the prototype system. For example, preliminary results indicated that the available water supply could be used to irrigate additional land without unduly increasing the salt outflow from the basin. With minor adjustments the model can be applied to other hydrologic areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increasing block-rate prices for irrigation water were implemented during 1989 in a 10,000-acre irrigation district in California's San Joaquin Valley. The program motivated improvements in irrigation practices that reduced the volume of water delivered to farm fields and the volume of drain water collected in on-farm drainage systems. The ratio of net crop water requirements to field deliveries increased from 0.65 in 1988 to 0.73 in 1989. The volume of drain water collected at a subset of 20 drainage systems was reduced by 351.1 acre-feet (11.5 percent). Estimated loads of salt, boron, and selenium were reduced by 2,407 tons (11.0 percent), 3.33 tons (11.0 percent), and 0.07 tons (9.2 percent).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Over half of the water delivered from the canal system to the watercourses managed by the farmers is not made available to the farmers' crops in Pakistan. Most of this water loss is due to loss of water through the banks of the watercourses. Lack of maintaining these banks and lack of cleaning the watercourse is a result of inadequate organization of the 10 to 150 farmers who use the watercourse, and a deficiency of knowledge concerning the amount of their water which is being lost. Various methods of watercourse improvement have been evaluated including concrete and masonry linings and simple earthen improvements of the ditches with concrete control structures, junctions, and turnouts. With the cost of labor low in Pakistan, the earthen improvements with concrete structures appear to be the best investment. Farm water management improvement programs have been implemented in most of the provinces which include this type of watercourse improvement, land leveling and advice to the farmers on how and when to irrigate his crops to optimize his production. The rate at which personnel can be trained to help the farmers implement these improved water management practices is limiting the rate of implementation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The ground water quality of a shallow unconfined aquifer was monitored before and after implementation of a border strip irrigation scheme, by taking monthly samples from an array of 13 shallow wells. Two 30 m deep wells were sampled to obtain vertical concentration profiles. Marked vertical, temporal, and spatial variabilities were recorded. The monthly data were analyzed for step and linear trends using nonparametric tests that were adjusted for the effects of serial correlation. Average nitrate concentrations increased in the preirrigation period and decreased after irrigation began. This was attributed to wetter years in 1978–1979 than in 1976–1977 which increased leaching, and to disturbance of the topsoil during land contouring before irrigation, followed by excessive drainage after irrigation. Few significant trends were recorded for other determinants, possibly because of shorter data records. Nitrate, sulphate, and potassium concentrations decreased with depth, whereas sodium, calcium, bicarbonate, and chloride concentrations increased. These trends allowed an estimation to be made of the depth of ground water affected by percolating drainage. This depth increased during the irrigation season and after periods of winter recharge. Furthermore, an overall increase in the depth of drainage-affected ground water occurred with time, which paralleled the development of the irrigation scheme.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Municipalities will be implementing structural best management practices at increasing rates in their effort to comply with Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). However, there is evidence that structural best management practices (BMPs) by themselves may be insufficient to attain desired water quality standards. This paper reports on an analysis of the median removal efficiencies of structural BMPs and compares them to removal efficiencies estimated as being necessary to attain water quality standards in the Rouge River in Detroit, Michigan. Eight water quality parameters are reviewed using data collected from 1994 to 1999 in the Rouge River. Currently, five of the eight parameters in the Rouge River including bacteria, biochemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids (TSS) exceed the required water quality standards. The reported analysis of structural BMP efficiencies reveals that structural BMPs appear capable of reducing only some of the pollutants of concern to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Growing interest in water quality has resulted in the development of monitoring networks and intensive sampling for various constituents. Common purposes are regulatory, source and sink understanding, and trend observations. Water quality monitoring involves monitoring system design; sampling site instrumentation; and sampling, analysis, quality control, and assurance. Sampling is a process to gather information with the least cost and least error. Various water quality sampling schemes have been applied for different sampling objectives and time frames. In this study, a flow proportional composite sampling scheme is applied to variable flow remote canals where the flow rate is not known a priori. In this scheme, historical weekly flow data are analyzed to develop high flow and low flow sampling trigger volumes for auto‐samplers. The median flow is used to estimate low flow sampling trigger volume and the five percent exceedence probability flow is used for high flow sampling trigger volume. A computer simulation of high resolution sampling is used to demonstrate the comparative bias in load estimation and operational cost among four sampling schemes. Weekly flow proportional composite auto‐sampling resulted in the least bias in load estimation with competitive operational cost compared to daily grab, weekly grab sampling and time proportional auto‐sampling.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The rate of return on invested capital can be used as a guide to resource allocation by municipal water departments (MWD's) in the same way it is used in the private sector. To achieve economic efficiency, the target rate of return for MWD's should be the market rate of return as an approximation to the opportunity cost of capital. The actual internal rate of return for a sample of 30 California MWD's for the period 1970-1982 is calculated for this study. The operating internal rate of return varies across the sample MWD's from less than 2 percent to 14 percent. If 10 percent is taken as the opportunity cost of capital, 25 of the 30 MWD's were inefficient; i.e., earned less than 10 percent. Half the sample earned less than 5 percent. An examination of potential causes of low rates of return shows that low average water prices are the primary reason for the low rates of return. For efficient operation, MWD's should set a target rate of return equal to the opportunity cost of capital and adjust water prices so as to achieve that target.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality trading is a voluntary economic process that provides an opportunity for dischargers to reduce the costs associated with meeting a discharge limitation. Trading can provide a cost effective solution for point sources (i.e., wastewater treatment plants) to meet strict effluent limitations set in response to total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). A successful trading program often depends on first determining the trading suitability of a pollutant for a particular watershed. A simple technical approach has been developed to identify sub‐watersheds within the Raritan River Basin, New Jersey, where water quality trading could provide a cost effective and scientifically feasible method for addressing total phosphorus impairments. The methodology presented will serve as a model to conduct similar analyses in other watersheds. The Raritan River Basin was divided into 12 subwatershed‐based study areas. Point‐nonpoint source trading opportunities were examined for each study area by examining the point and nonpoint source total phosphorus loading to impaired water bodies. Of the 12 subwatersheds examined, four had a high potential for implementing a successful trading program. Since instream phosphorus concentrations are closely related to soil erosion, an additional analysis was performed to examine soil erodibility. Recommendations are presented for conducting an economic analysis following the feasibility study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A two-stage simulation/mathematical programming model was developed to derive irrigation water values that reflect efficient response to reduced water supplies. The failure of many previous water valuation studies to represent the dynamic dimension of irrigation was shown to result in overestimation of derived water values. Water values are also shown to be dramatically influenced by both application system characteristics, as well as the relative costs of irrigation inputs. Finally, the marginal value of irrigation water was shown to vary considerably over the irrigation season, reaching its maximum when atmospheric demand is highest and crops are most susceptible to water stress. Results presented should be of interest to policymakers investigating the viability of alternative water reallocation mechanisms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Current water quality policies in California require disposal of saline blowdown waters from power plants in sealed evaporation ponds to avoid degradation of ground waters. This policy highlights the conflict between increased energy demands, increasing scarcity of water, and environmental priorities. Saline blowdown waters can be used for the irrigation of salt tolerant crops, albeit with some reduction in yields. The results of experiments intended to specify these yield reductions are reported. If such irrigation is carefully managed, the soil profile can be used to store residual salts and ground water degradation will be avoided, provided that irrigation ceases before the salts are leached to the ground water. An analysis of discharge below a carefully managed irrigation project shows that the downward movement of salts below the root zone is no worse than with conventional methods of disposal. Thus, irrigation reuse with blowdown water is shown to be a viable means of saline water disposal while maintaining existing standards of ground water quality protection. Further analysis demonstrates the economic feasibility of such irrigation reuse by showing that it is significantly less costly than the evaporation pond alternative.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Selective placement - under a rigorous statistical sampling design - of newly available monitoring equipment on irrigation systems may provide effective and economical estimates of total irrigation water use in areas where complete water use inventories are impractical. In 1979, a joint effort by the U.S. Geological Survey and Florida's Suwannee River Water Management District was launched to estimate the District's 1979 irrigation water use using a selective monitoring approach. Analysis of previous inventories of irrigation equipment and amounts of water applied in the District indicated that total 1979 water use estimates with six to nine percent sampling error could be obtained using selective monitoring, given the time and equipment limitations for the monitoring program. Restricting monitoring to a sample of farms can introduce systematic error to water use estimates if farmers' participation is related to their water use methods. Preliminary results of the 1979 study indicate tht declining participation rates, if unchecked, could lead to serious systematic eror in future North Florida selective monitoring studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The deliberate underwatering of a larger land area, as practiced in Southern Asia, has provided impetus for a systematic investigation into the effects of designing projects for crop water deficits on Benefit-Cost performance. The study began with the derivation, from published experimental results, of functions relating ultimate crop yield to the magnitude and timing of water deficits, i.e., of the productivity of irrigation water. To obtain the net benefit of the project, the relation between the harvested area and output and the on-farm production costs was then suggested. The cost of supplying the irrigation water to the proposed area and of distributing and applying it to the field was determined, thus completing the Benefit-Cost equation. A computer simulation model was then established to search for the irrigation project design capacity and area to maximize the net present value in the Benefit-Cost analysis for the development proposed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Visual Perception Test, consisting of photographic slides of water sites, was designed to examine laymen's water quality perceptions. The slides were taken at five water sites where the level of visual pollution was artifically altered by the investigator. Analysis of variance indicated that the water sites were evaluated differently for each of five pollution levels. Increases in water discoloration and the quality of litter were viewed as increases in level of pollution. Laymen not only evaluated visually polluted sites lower for uses such as picnicking, but they also evaluated the quality of the actual water lower. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that a combination of water color, scenic beauty appreciation, quality of the surrounding environment and industry as a pollution source explained 73 percent of the variance in predicting Overall Pollution. Application of factor analysis simplified the variables to an Overall Pollution Factor and a Boating Use Factor.  相似文献   

The paper describes an approach towards optimal allocation of surface and ground water resources to three agricultural areas in the Jordan Valley under conditions of scarce water supply. The optimizing model allocates water from three main rivers, each with reservoir storage, and from two ground water sources to three irrigation regions. Productivity of irrigation water, expressed as the net present value of the regional agricultural output, but allowing for crop water deficits, is first maximized using nonlinear programming. The allocation process then adopts techniques of linear programming to determine the least cost alternative based on the unit cost of water from each resource at each destination, as it varies with time.  相似文献   

The level of water demand for supplemental irrigation and the impact of such demand on water supplies were estimated, as a function of the price of corn (Zea Mays L.). The method of estimation was based on an economic analysis of irrigation practice which assumed constant irrigation costs, profit maximizing behavior on the part of irrigators, and which was deliberately structured to underestimate the level of irrigation water use. The analysis was applied to and used data from the Little Wabash basin in Illinois. No irrigation was predicted at a corn price below $3.50 per bushel. Between $3.50 and about $6.50 per bushel, irrigation was estimated to be profitable for a small region of the basin where acceptable groundwater was available. Above about $6.50 to $7.50, irrigation was found to be profitable in the remainder of the basin, where impoundment storage was required. The potential impact on the water resources of the basin is significant. For a corn price between $3.50 and about $6.50, the probability of a shortfall, defined as the event where the potential demand exceeds the supply, was estimated to be between 2 percent and 20 percent during the growing season. Above about $7.50, this probability was found to be about one-third. The development of policies to control withdrawals for irrigation and other uses is endorsed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper computes estimates of the demand for surface irrigation water directly from disaggregated profit functions for fields in the San Joaquin Valley of California. It finds that treating delivered surface water and pumped ground water as separate, imperfectly substitutable inputs to production matters a great deal. We find substantial ranges of inelastic demand for delivered water, and thresholds across which demand then becomes highly elastic. The results imply that moves toward freer water markets could lead to large quantities reallocated from agriculture to urban uses in the Western U.S., but would require large price increases and would induce extensive ground water mining and major changes in cropping patterns. While these results are dependent on our particular model and simplifying assumptions, evidence exists that they may be robust.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alternative combinations of water pricing and regulations are possible in allocating irrigation water. The best combination will depend on the value of water, ability to control deliveries, desire to subsidize agriculture, ownership traditions, crops grown, return flows, drainage problems, staff training, ability to collect fees, the number of farmers involved, etc. Marginal cost pricing is just one possible alternative and it is more a way of thinking about prices rather than a set system. The possibilities for achieving an equitable and efficient distribution of water are improved if some form of marginal cost pricing is included in the system of water charges.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Land, water, labor, and capital are optimally allocated to crops on a farm, using a procedure that also relates to irrigation frequency and level of improvement in the irrigation system. The procedure is based on formulating outputs and expenditures as well as the functions of irrigation frequency-water and yield. The Generalized Geometric Programming is used to solve the objective function as nonlinear equations are involved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A series of gravel terraces support a shallow aquifer that is the sole source of drinking water for three public water supplies and more than 400 private wells on the Greenfields Bench in west‐central Montana. Farming practices on the Greenfields Bench include irrigation of malting barley and the yearly application of herbicides for the control of weeds. The most commonly used herbicide (imazamethabenz‐methyl, U.S. trade name Assert®) has been found in the ground water on the Greenfields Bench. An experiment was conducted in 2000 and 2001 to characterize the transport of Assert and its acid metabolite to ground water under three irrigation methods: flood, wheel line sprinkler, and center pivot sprinkler. Results show that Assert concentrations in ground water are controlled by hydraulic loading rates of each irrigation method, Assert persistence in soil, hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer, and adsorption/desorption of Assert onto clay particles and organic matter.  相似文献   

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