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介绍了一种基于无线传感器网络的高精度压力传感器数据采集系统的设计方法,将无线传感器网络的Zig Bee技术嵌入到系统的上位机和下位机中,实现了系统可在恶劣环境下的无线通信的需求,系统同时扩展了RS-485数字输出接口和4~20 m A模拟输出接口两种形式,增加了系统的适用性。在实际应用中该系统性能稳定可靠,传感器在常温情况下精度达到0.07%。  相似文献   

环境监测数据管理系统的开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谢振华 《环境技术》2004,22(2):30-34
在论述开发环境监测数据管理系统重要性的基础上,根据环境监测站的主要工作职能,确定了环境监测数据管理系统的功能,进行了系统总体设计和程序设计,开发出了操作方便、灵活实用的环境监测数据管理系统。  相似文献   

GIS在水污染控制中的研究与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地理信息系统(GIS)是专门用于地理空间信息处理和管理的计算机技术系统,造成城市水污染的污染源及其相关数据均具有空间分布特性,这决定了GIS可在该领域发挥重要作用。GIS能支持与水环境有关的地理空间数据的获取、管理、分析、模拟和显示,以解决复杂的水环境综合治理问题和水污染控制问题;同时,建立完善的空间数据库和属性数据库,为环境保护部门和科研部门提供研究与决策支持。本文就GIS在水污染控制这一领域的应用做一定探讨。  相似文献   

OPC的出现为基于Windows的应用程序和现场过程应用建立了桥梁,其规范了接口标准,使用户可以在不同的硬件设备间使用统一的方式去访问。由此,实现了一个完整的自动化集成方案,在面对不同厂商提供的子系统时,基于西门子工业以太网络SCALANCE X系列产品组建光纤冗余环网,通过OPC技术完成这种异构环境下网络互联和数据交换。同时构建具有工艺监控平台、数据集成、归档、发布和报警等功能为一体的中央监控系统。此方案摆脱了繁复的通信接口设计,且结构明了,实现简便,更具有强大的可扩展能力,为中央监控系统设计提供了可以依据的实例。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Environmental Display Manager, EDM, is a development system on an IBM 3090 mainframe at the U.S. EPA National Computer Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. EDM provides mapping, display, analysis support, and information management capabilities to workstations located across the United States, and connected to EPA through federal, state, academic, and private communications networks. Through interactive software, EDM can quickly support analyses, create maps and graphics, and generate reports that integrate millions of pieces of environmental data. The concept of EDM is to provide easy access to environmental information, to provide automated environmental analyses and reports, and then to provide data, graphics, images, text, and documents that can be used by numerous output devices, software packages, and computers. The mapping cumponent works with an electronic version of the 54,000 7.5 minute quad sheets of the U.S. Geological Survey. The software also works with a hydrographic data base of the surface waters of the United States. With the maps, a user can look at the rivers in any state, can zoom in on a small pond, and can overlay and identify particular features such as industrial waste dischargers and factories. The hydrography allows routing for modeling programs, identification of upstream and downstream components, and linkage of environmental features associated with surface waters. Alternatively, users can query data based on latitude/longitude, city name, EPA permit number, state agency and station code, river name or number, and river cataloging unit. The maps can be overlaid with roads and environmental sites such as: municipal and industrial dischargers, Superfund sites, public drinking water supplies, water quality monitoring stations, stream gages, and city locations. Retrievals from related systems can be performed for selected sites creating graphics showing water quality trends, discharge monitoring reports, and permit discharge limits.  相似文献   

The paper starts by assessing some of the needs for information management within the health service in Great Britain. Geographic Information Systems are introduced, and some of the functions such as database management, networking and overlying are described. Principally, it is argued that GIS can fill the role as a health information system, resource management system, and has the potential to assist in family practitioner monitoring and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

During 1970 the Geological Survey conducted a study to evaluate the surface-water data collection program. Objectives were formulated, specific goals were set, a massive analysis of available data was made to determine the extent to which the present system enables the goals to be met, alternatives were considered for meeting the remaining goals, and finally, specific elements were identified for inclusion in the future program. The results of the evaluation will be used in planning the future streamflow data program. Less productive elements in the present program can be weeded out, and the effort devoted to more critically needed water data. The study provides the groundwork for redirection of efforts towards a more efficient system for satisfying present and future needs.  相似文献   

本文针对政府环境治理面临政府失灵、市场失灵和社会低效三个困境,提出运用大数据方法创新治理路径。政府应用大数据提高环境治理过程中的事前、事中和事后监管效能,创新监管模式提升环境治理能力,改善政府失灵困境;依托大数据完善市场化调节机制,激励企业环境行为市场化,构建企业环境信用评价体系,改变企业环境信息披露模式,弥补市场失灵;利用大数据增进公众环境意识,建设公开、透明、平权化的环境信息交互体系,重视环境信息的舆情引导,促进环保价值理念传播,改变公众参与低效现状。进而提出完善大数据治理平台、技术和体系,构建政府、企业、公众共同参与的立体化环境治理模式,提高环境治理的精准化、精细化和智能化水平。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Routine data collection currently consumes a large amount of the total resources devoted to water quality management. All too often data collection becomes an end in itself, with little thought given to the purpose of the data collection. The problem generally stems from a lack of proper routine surveillance system design and a failure on the part of the designers to initially identify the data needs of the management program. This study attempts, in a general way, to delineate the data needs of a water quality management program. This first required an identification of the activities involved in water quality management. The activities were then discussed in terms of the types of information needed to successfully complete their assigned tasks. Several detailed examples are given. The results of the discussion are summarized and several strategies are proposed to relate the results to surveillance system design.  相似文献   

在环境监管中应用物联网技术是行业应用的发展趋势。实现基于物联网的环境自动监控,必须要采用安全可靠的智能数据采集与传输系统,对各类环境自动监测设备产生的数据进行智能采集与传输,提高环境自动监控的数据传输有效率和数据质量,为环境监管提供可靠的决策支持。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The visualization of water quality data in lakes was achieved by integrating the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) STORET water quality database, lake shoreline polygons from EPA's Reach File (version 3), and the UNIMAP 2-D and 3-D interactive mapping and modeling software. Based on lake name (and state abbreviation), a lake shoreline polygon can be accessed from the Reach File. The coordinates of the polygon are portrayed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale Digital Line Graph (DLG) hydrography layer. This polygon is passed, in turn, to the STORET water quality file. Monitoring stations located within the polygon boundary are extracted along with the complete sampling survey. Specific parameters, such as total phosphorus, pH, ammonia, and optional time and depth restrictions can be selected to build a file of x, y, z1, z1…, zn data which is imported to UNIMAP. Up to four parameters, including depth, can be selected at a time. Within UNIMAP, the data is gridded and then displayed as a 2-D color contour map, 3-D perspective contour map, or 2-D projected time or depth slices. This system operates on the EPA ES9000 mainframe computer located in Research Triangle Park (RIP), North Carolina. LAKEMAP is the culmination of an effort to bridge the gap between the vast array of environmental data collected by the EPA and the complex analytical and display software resident on the mainframe.  相似文献   

基于大数据的水环境风险业务化评估与预警研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着生态环境大数据的不断建设,国家级、流域级和行政区级别的大数据中心相继产生。快速、高效地分析和利用实时产生、类型多样的环境大数据,提取环境大数据在风险评估与预警的价值,具有重要的意义,也充满挑战。本文基于环境大数据的数据特点和不同层次的组织管理特征以及环境风险评估预警的业务化需求,构建基于大数据的流域环境风险评估与预警技术及其业务化系统的体系、分析环境风险智能识别模式、研究环境风险高效模拟预测和评估的方法,并提出一套满足各级管理部门需求,高效利用环境大数据的多中心业务化系统。  相似文献   

移动执法系统是近年来部分地区用于现场执法的信息化系统。它在为现场执法提供便利的同时,亦收集了大量的一线原始数据。利用大数据,对移动执法系统积累的数据进行汇总、分析和加工,有利于提高环境监管执法的精准度。本文简要介绍了全国环境监察移动执法系统建设现状,提出了目前利用大数据在移动执法中的典型应用,并展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

生态环境大数据建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国生态环境大数据建设前景广阔,挑战重重,在数据共享、数据开放、应用创新、技术落地等方面存在不同程度的困难.本文通过分析大数据的发展和特征,阐释了生态环境大数据建设的重要性和紧迫性,梳理了开展生态环境大数据建设的难点及其产生原因,提出了当前形势下开展生态环境大数据建设的思路和建议,包括树立全局性的生态环境大数据发展观,推动环保业务全流程数据管理,形成生态环境大数据的数据体系,以大数据为核心构建环境管理新业态、以创新精神做好大数据应用等.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The cost of water service to rural residents is very high compared to urban areas. This is true even after subsidization by Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) loans and grants. Capital cost data on 44 projects financed by the Ohio office of the FmHA during the period August 1968 to January 1977 are used to derive cost equations for 26 components of rural water distribution systems. These components represent 92 percent of the capital cost of the pipeline distribution systems studied. The data can be used to economically design rural water supply systems from a capital cost viewpoint. More data are needed on operation and maintenance costs as well as central and cluster well costs before totally economic system designs can be undertaken.  相似文献   

非金属材料自然环境贮存特性数据库设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对型号单位长期利用专业环境试验机构各典型环境试验站开展自然环境试验,数据量大,数据类型多,数据分散,不能被设计师系统利用的实际情况,由五九所与北京电子工程技术研究所共同开发了非金属材料自然环境贮存特性数据库。数据库采用J2ee的技术架构进行开发,实现了对非金属材料自然环境贮存特性数据的有效管理、网络共享,为数据资源的系统积累和深层次利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

活性污泥处理专家系统的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将活性污泥污水处理系统的预测知识、异常诊断知识及分析和控制知识进行整合,并利用基于Rough集的数据挖掘方法梳理、约简知识库,建立专家系统,实现对污水生物处理异常预测及专家诊断等功能。用VC.NET将CLIPS专家系统嵌入到基于网络的污水处理实时控制和数据采集实验平台系统中。通过多传感器的数据融合技术,经过对在线实时采集实验数据的分析,综合判断活性污泥的状态参数及其对系统的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The use of satellite telemetry is playing a major role in the collection of hydrologic data. Advancing technology and availability of government satellites have permitted many agencies to take advantage of new procedures for acquiring data from automated remote data collection stations. Experiments with Earth satellite technology started in the 1960's and 1970's, with the polar-orbiting National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nimbus and Landsat satellites. Subsequent advancements took place through the development phase to operational systems using the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This satellite system supports more than 2,500 active telemetry sites, of which approximately 1,200 are Geological Survey stream-gaging stations for the collection of hydrologic data. A satellite data collection system is made up of three primary components; a small battery-operated radio, and Earth-orbiting satellite, and an Earth receive and data processing station. The data relay satellites' vast aerial view of the Earth's surface gives satellite telemetry a large advantage over ground-based systems for the collection of real-time hydrologic data for flood warning, reservoir management, irrigation water control, hydropower generation, and the operation of hydrologic stations.  相似文献   

Low‐head dams can cause dangerous currents near the downstream face of the structure. Fatalities at low‐head dams with such currents, often referred to as “drowning machines,” are poorly documented. This technical note presents a new database of fatalities at low‐head dams in the United States together with an interactive map and web‐based user interface. The primary purpose of the system is to raise awareness, generate interest, and educate the general public and decision makers regarding these dangerous structures and the need for remediation. The database was designed as a normalized relational database of event dates, severity, location, reporter, and other circumstances. The open‐access user interface allows the general public to browse fatal incidents by geographic location and to read incident circumstances. The system allows submission of new contributions from users including all metadata needed to characterize the incident. The database is structured to include documentation verifying each entry. The site can be viewed at http://dams.byu.edu/ .  相似文献   

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