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Emotional intelligence measures vary widely in both their content and in their method of assessment. In particular, emotional intelligence measures tend to use either a self‐report personality‐based approach, an informant approach, or an ability‐based assessment procedure. In this paper, the measurement and psychometric properties of four of the major emotional intelligence measures (Emotional Competence Inventory, Emotional Quotient Inventory, Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale, Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test) are reviewed, the comparability of these measures is examined, and some conclusions and suggestions for future research on emotional intelligence measures are provided. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction: Safety outcomes in the workplace require individual employees to perform (behave) safely in everyday duties. While the literature suggests that emotional management capabilities or traits can be positively related to individual performance in certain conditions, it is not clear how they can influence safety-related performance in high-risk work contexts. Drawing upon trait activation theory, this paper aims to examine when emotional intelligence (EI) benefits employees’ safety performance. We propose that when employees receive inadequate safety training, EI is more likely to trigger their situational awareness and consequently promote their safety performance. Method: We collected time-lagged data from 133 full-time airplane pilots working in commercial aviation industry. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis was conducted to test the moderating effect of safety training inadequacy on the EI–situational awareness relationship. The moderated mediation model, which involves conditional indirect effects of EI on safety performance via situational awareness across different levels of safety training inadequacy, was tested using the PROCESS-based bootstrap confidence interval. Results: Safety training inadequacy negatively moderated the relationship between EI and situational awareness, such that EI was significantly related to situational awareness only when safety training inadequacy was more salient. The more inadequate safety training was, the greater the indirect effect of EI on safety performance via situational awareness was. Conclusions: Inadequate safety training, as a negative situational cue, can activate individuals’ EI to drive their safety-related cognitions (e.g., situational awareness) and behaviors. Effective safety training may be able to complement employees’ low EI in shaping their situational awareness and safety behaviors. Practical Applications: Aviation managers should monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of safety training; this could make pilots’ situational awareness and safety performance depend less on personal attributes (e.g., EI), which organizations are less able to control. When training capacity is temporarily limited, priority might be given to those with low EI.  相似文献   

依据资本观、能力观等相关理论,构建了以情绪智力为中介变量的施工企业内社会资本与安全绩效关系的理论模型,并以156家施工企业为调查对象而获取的数据进行多元回归分析。研究结果表明:员工情绪智力在施工企业内社会资本的结构维度、关系维度与安全绩效之间起到完全中介作用,在认知维度与安全绩效之间起到部分中介作用。因此,施工企业应该重视企业内社会资本的积累,同时加强员工情绪智力的提升,提高安全绩效。  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis builds upon a previous meta‐analysis by (1) including 65 per cent more studies that have over twice the sample size to estimate the relationships between emotional intelligence (EI) and job performance; (2) using more current meta‐analytical studies for estimates of relationships among personality variables and for cognitive ability and job performance; (3) using the three‐stream approach for classifying EI research; (4) performing tests for differences among streams of EI research and their relationships with personality and cognitive intelligence; (5) using latest statistical procedures such as dominance analysis; and (6) testing for publication bias. We classified EI studies into three streams: (1) ability‐based models that use objective test items; (2) self‐report or peer‐report measures based on the four‐branch model of EI; and (3) “mixed models” of emotional competencies. The three streams have corrected correlations ranging from 0.24 to 0.30 with job performance. The three streams correlated differently with cognitive ability and with neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Streams 2 and 3 have the largest incremental validity beyond cognitive ability and the Five Factor Model (FFM). Dominance analysis demonstrated that all three streams of EI exhibited substantial relative importance in the presence of FFM and intelligence when predicting job performance. Publication bias had negligible influence on observed effect sizes. The results support the overall validity of EI. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Note: Correction added on 22 July 2010 after first publication online on 29 June 2010. The affiliations for Ronald H. Humphrey and Thomas H. Hawver have been corrected in this version of the article.  相似文献   

The relationships among manager's emotional intelligence, store cohesiveness, sales‐directed employee behavior, and objective store performance were investigated. Non‐managerial sales employees of a large retail electronics chain in South Korea (N = 1611) rated the emotional intelligence of their own store managers as well as the group cohesiveness within their stores. Store managers (N = 253) separately rated the sales‐directed behavior of their employees. Objective sales data were collected one month later for each store. No direct relationship between manager emotional intelligence and objective store performance was found. Instead, the results supported the hypothesized four‐variable, three‐path mediation model: store manager's emotional intelligence was related to store cohesiveness, which in turn was related to the sales‐directed behavior of the frontline employees, which ultimately predicted the objective performance of the stores. Manager emotional intelligence and store cohesiveness are seen as intangible organizing resources or socio‐psychological capital for non‐managerial store employees. Implications for future research and more effective management of retail firms are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

突发事件应急准备体系研究进展及关键科学问题   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6  
本文对应急准备体系相关的应急准备概念、战略规划方法、系统组成与结构、能力评估、应急组织架构与运行模式、应急预案及培训演练、应急准备文化等7个方面的国内外研究现状进行了简要分析,并提出了应急准备规划理论与方法、应急准备系统结构、任务和目标能力、应急准备评估理论与方法、应急准备文化的内涵与特征等应急准备体系理论研究方面的关键科学问题。  相似文献   

Non‐cognitive emotional intelligence could potentially contribute to a more holistic understanding of interpersonal influence and leadership; however, significant issues of definition, psychometric independence, and measurement must be conclusively resolved. Possible relationships between emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, and individual/organizational outcomes are described and further investigation is encouraged. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this theory-driven literature review we examine how leadership and emerging research in positive organizational behaviour (POB) may inform our understanding of human mechanisms that affect safety outcomes. According to authentic leadership theory, leader self-awareness and self-regulation processes are vital mechanisms in the leader-follower exchange. From emerging research on authentic leadership, we propose that production management values, attitudes, and behaviour are linked to safety climate and safety outcomes in safety critical organizations (SCOs). According to recent developments in management theory, “psychological capital” is comprised of four distinct aspects that can be linked to desirable organizational outcomes and sustained high quality performance in individual workers. From this we offer a research model and five research propositions implicating that authentic leadership directly affects safety outcomes via promoting positive safety climate perceptions. Furthermore, we propose a second path where psychological capital mediates the relationship between authentic leadership, safety climate and safety outcomes in SCOs.  相似文献   

The present work was focused on maintenance hazards related to vegetable oil refining. An incident occurred in an Italian vegetable oil refinery was presented to evidence this safety criticality. The incident took place during a maintenance shut down, and was associated to the ignition of the solid residual in a packed column. No fatalities or injuries were reported, but the column was strongly damaged and removed from the plant. A specific experimental characterization of the solid residues accumulated in the column, sampled both from the damaged and undamaged parts of the column, was carried out in order to determine the conditions leading to unwanted combustion of the residues. At the same time, samples taken from the damaged column steelwork were subjected to metallurgical analysis aimed at the thermal and mechanical characterization of the steel, obtaining information about the incident duration and temperature reached during the combustion phenomenon. The study evidenced the need of adequate maintenance procedures and safety management in the generic framework of food industry, identified as key lessons learned.  相似文献   

Cross-national management articles published in 24 major management-related journals from 1981 to 1987 are reviewed. The methods used in the quantitative articles are categorized according to the characteristics of the research sites, data, and analytical methods. The review indicates increasing methodological sensitivity, complexity, and sophistication as compared to that found in earlier reviews. Improvement in the field could occur through improved understanding of the inherent limitations in cross-cultural equivalence and through increased attention to qualitative analysis as a means to handle the ‘etic-emic’ dilemma.  相似文献   

重大危机事件应急关键科学问题及其研究进展   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
本文提出了重大危机事件应急的3个关键科学问题.即:重大危机事件综合风险评估理论、重大危机事件动力学演化机制、重大危机事件中的个体与组织行为特征.对突发事件风险评估与管理理论、动力学演化机理、应急管理体系及组织行为、大规模人群管理Lj疏散等方面的国内外研究现状进行了全面评述.指m综合利用系统科学、管理科学、社会科学、工程科学等领域的理论与方法,深入研究上述三个关键科学问题,可为重人危机事件的预防、准备、应急处置提供科学理论基础.  相似文献   

为了更全面、更准确地开展生产安全领域科研项目成果的评价工作,以国家对科技成果评价的相关法规与标准为指引,结合生产安全领域科研项目成果的自身特点,基于德尔菲法从学术与技术水平、成果效益和成果影响3个方面构建相应的多层次评价指标体系;结合生产安全领域科研项目成果特点,提出综合采用同行评议法、多维指数评价法、层次...  相似文献   

Dr. M. Sam Mannan is one of the true pioneers in the process safety area, spending almost his entire lifetime in process safety and risk research. He was dedicated to ‘make safety second nature’ and published an impressive body of work. An overview of his research helps understanding the process safety area and provides insight in the legacy of this process safety pioneer. In this paper, 327 publications authored by Dr. Mannan from 1999 to 2019 in Web of Science core collection were downloaded and visually analyzed from four perspectives: his publication outputs, collaboration networks, topic areas, and highly cited papers and cited references. The results show a rapidly increasing trend in his research activity, mostly through journal publications. He published in 53 different outlets, with Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries being most frequently selected. Dr. Mannan had a very active and diverse worldwide network, and collaborated with 18 different countries/regions, nearly 90 different institutions and 387 authors. His publications addressed process safety-related topics widely, including safety related to liquefied natural gas, explosions, runaway reactions, inherent safety, flammability and aerosol, and more recently resilience. Dr. Mannan's most cited paper focused on ‘fuzzy risk matrix’, whereas the most frequently cited reference in his work is ‘thermal hazard evaluation by an accelerating rate calorimeter’ by Townsend DI in 1980. Based on his most recent research activity, promising future directions for process safety research include resilience linked to risk assessment and management, for instance through the ‘safety triad’ concept he promoted shortly before passing away.  相似文献   

将SOR理论引入个体安全行为研究领域,探讨了情绪智力与具身认知对施工人员安全行为的影响机制和效应.分别从企业、组织及领导者3个层面选取安全氛围、非权变惩罚及道德领导作为外在刺激变量,以情绪智力及具身认知为中介变量,对来自建筑业施工人员的357份问卷进行分析.结果表明:安全氛围和道德领导对施工人员情绪智力与具身认知有显著的正向影响作用,非权变惩罚则有显著的负向影响作用;施工人员情绪智力与具身认知对其安全行为有显著的正向影响作用,两者在SOR模型中发挥着完全中介作用.研究结果不仅证实了 SOR理论是一种行之有效的行为预测理论,还弥补了以往研究中忽视个体情绪与认知双重作用对施工人员安全行为影响的缺陷,进而为施工企业提出了具有针对性的人员安全管理建议.  相似文献   

Prior to a relocation of a governmental organization in Israel, 155 workers responded to a questionnaire tapping three criteria: the intention to relocate, positive feelings, and stress reactions. The questionnaire also addressed potential correlates: biographical data, family-related variables, perceived attitudes of co-workers, job satisfaction and centrality, and anticipations regarding work and nonwork aspects. The intention to relocate was associated mainly with the perceived attitude of the spouse and the children. Stress experienced was most strongly related to the future job prospects, and the positive emotions were mostly correlated with the perceived favourability of the anticipated changes. The family-related variables were found to be significantly correlated with all the criteria. These results suggest that organization should direct efforts on spouse and children in order to influence employees' decisions and feelings regarding relocation. This and other implications are discussed.  相似文献   

安全科学管理是保障安全生产的重要支柱。安全管理理论的发展经历了事故学理论、技术危险理论、系统风险理论、本质安全理论四个发展阶段;安全管理学的进步形成了经验管理、制度管理、科学管理、文化管理四种模式;安全管理技术方法的发展建立了政治的、行政的、法制的、经济的、科学的、文化的六大方法体系。在当下和未来一定时期内,为了实现科学、全面、系统、高效的安全生产超前式及预防型管理,RBS/M-基于风险的管控将是安全生产管理必须和必然的发展趋势。从国外和国内双重视野,基于国际化和本土化结合的角度,总结探讨了安全管理理论和技术方法的发展和趋势。期望安全软科学得到进一步的重视和发展。  相似文献   

农村金融对农村经济社会发展具有重要的作用,随着我国农村金融机构的不断增加,涉农贷款呈现逐步增长的态势,金融产业和金融服务不断创新,农村金融的信用体系建设和支付体系建设需要进一步的改善,从根本上保证金融机构的可持续发展能力不断提升,为建设社会主义新农村创造良好的条件。针对农村金融改革过程中面临的新情况、新问题,需要采取有效的财税政策和金融政策,提升农村金融的现代化水平,通过完善机制、提升服务达到稳定农村金融市场的根本目标。  相似文献   

煤矿企业事故应急救援预案的编制与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
居于高风险行业之首的煤矿行业,生产条件十分差,工作场所又处于不断变化和移动之中,不安全因素多,容易发生事故。因此,需要制定事故发生后所应采取的紧急措施和应急方法。而研究煤矿企业事故应急救援预案的编制和应用,对指导煤矿重大事故预防就具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

为了让驾驶员更正确快速地理解交通标志,避免不当驾驶行为,探究驾驶员对交通标志的语义认知和情绪加工过程.采用刺激1-刺激2(S1-S2)试验范式,基于事件相关电位(ERPs)技术和脑电信号(EEG)时频(TF)分析方法,研究交通标志语义一致性和情绪唤醒的客观评价指标.结果 显示,交通标志和文字语义不一致条件下,同一时间窗...  相似文献   

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