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Self‐management has many potential benefits for organizations. However, application of self‐management to organizational settings has been hampered by lack of theoretical frameworks for self‐management specifically applied to work settings and by a corresponding dearth of psychometrically sound measures. This paper presents results of structural equations modeling of measures of self‐management anchored in a revised version of the Brief and Aldag (1981) model of the self in organizational behavior. Using confirmatory factor analysis procedures (CFA), two a priori measures of self‐management are examined. Results point to two relatively distinct facets of self‐management, each of them composed of four relatively independent subscales. Finally, a structural model evidencing a pervasive set of relationships between self‐management perceptions and self‐management practices is provided. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The negative effects of unemployment on psychological health are well documented, yet Kasl's ( 1982 ) reverse causation hypothesis is that positive psychological health, and in particular self‐esteem, facilitates re‐employment. The aim of this study was to investigate this proposal by assessing levels of self‐esteem, cognitive appraisals and coping efforts among unemployed persons and relating these factors to their employment status six months later. Two hundred and one unemployed (49 per cent female, 51 per cent male; mean age = 32.41 ± 10.18 years) and 128 employed respondents (59 per cent female, 41 per cent male; mean age = 35.0 ± 11.73 years) participated in the study. Participants completed the Adult Self‐Perception Profile, Access to Categories of Experience, Locus of Control, Deakin Coping Scale, and the Meaningful Leisure Activities Questionnaire at baseline and at six‐month follow‐up using a mail‐out survey. Comparison of baseline appraisals revealed that future re‐employed participants rated their latent deprivation lower and their internal locus of control higher than those continuously unemployed, and they also derived more internal meaning from leisure activities. Overall, the results provide support for Kasl's reverse causation hypothesis extended to these other domains of psychological health. Intervention strategies designed to incorporate the promotion of these factors are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cognitive evaluation theory, which explains the effects of extrinsic motivators on intrinsic motivation, received some initial attention in the organizational literature. However, the simple dichotomy between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation made the theory difficult to apply to work settings. Differentiating extrinsic motivation into types that differ in their degree of autonomy led to self‐determination theory, which has received widespread attention in the education, health care, and sport domains. This article describes self‐determination theory as a theory of work motivation and shows its relevance to theories of organizational behavior. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relationship between ratee self‐monitoring and performance appraisal in project teams using three appraisal sources: self, peer, and supervisor. Study 1, a laboratory study, found that high self‐monitoring (HSM) subjects produced self‐ratings significantly higher than their low self‐monitoring (LSM) counterparts. Further, higher agreement among sources occurred for LSM than for HSM subjects. HSMs' tendency to portray themselves differently to various audiences resulted in less rating convergence across sources. Study 2, employing project teams in five corporations, replicated the convergence finding. Implications for use of various sources of appraisal and for understanding the role of self‐monitoring in performance appraisal are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Employees who work periodically in both a traditional office and home office (part‐time teleworkers) face opportunities and risks related to both working locations. As self‐leadership might play a crucial role in this context, we examined within‐person variations in self‐leadership (self‐reward, self‐punishment, self‐cueing, self‐goal setting, imagining successful performance, and evaluation of beliefs and assumptions) on home days and office days. In a typical workweek, 195 part‐time teleworkers filled out daily surveys (729 days), and we examined the relationship between working location (office and home) and self‐leading behavior as well as the mediating role of autonomy. Finally, we investigated whether self‐leading behavior relates to ego depletion and work satisfaction at the end of the working day. Multilevel analyses revealed that part‐time teleworkers reported higher use of self‐reward, self‐goal setting, and visualization of successful performance on home days than on office days. The association between working location and self‐reward, self‐goal setting, visualization of successful performance, and evaluation of beliefs and assumptions was mediated by autonomy. There were no indirect effects of working location on ego depletion through self‐leadership. However, we found that on home days, part‐time teleworkers were more satisfied with their job at the end of the workday through self‐goal setting.  相似文献   

In this study we have attempted to assess the achievement motive of students of small business, considered as having high entrepreneurial orientations, and students of business and economics, considered as having lower entrepreneurial orientations. Based on a facet definition of achievement motive we analyzed the structure of achievement motive for both samples. As hypothesized, results reflected the three facets of achievement motive: type of confrontation, time perspective related to task performance, and behavior modality. As hypothesized, small business students were found to score higher than their business and economics colleagues on most of the achievement items. Considerable differences between the samples were found on four achievement components: the readiness to face uncertainty, calculating risk, undertaking personal responsibility, and solving problems. The discussion focused on the advantages of the multifaceted approach to achievement motive and implications for assessing it in various settings. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Self‐efficacy belief is a significant predictor of behavioral choices in terms of goal setting, the amount of effort devoted to a particular task, and actual performance. This study conceives of formation and change of self‐efficacy as a social and context‐dependent process. We hypothesized that different group factors (discretionary and ambient group stimuli) influence changes in members' self‐efficacy through differing routes (individual‐level and cross‐level processes). We tested our hypotheses using data from individuals in 169 training groups who attended a 5‐day workshop designed to increase participants' job‐search skills and efficacy. Specifically, we examined the degree of change in participants' job‐search efficacy before and after the workshop. The results showed that (a) membership diversity in education was positively related to increases in job‐search efficacy, (b) supportive leadership contributed to job‐search efficacy at the individual level of analysis with no cross‐level effects, and (c) open group climate contributed to job‐search efficacy through both individual‐level and cross‐level processes. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this narrative review, we provide an overview of the self‐monitoring literature as it applies to the workplace context. Our starting point to the review is a meta‐analysis of self‐monitoring literature published in 2002 by Day, Schleicher, Unckless, and Hiller. After providing an overview of the theoretical basis of self‐monitoring and its measurement, we present a summary of the broad literature on self‐monitoring to examine the implications of self‐monitoring for employees and organizations. Based on our review, we identify the main outcomes of self‐monitoring as well as findings of the literature treating self‐monitoring as a moderator. We provide evidence that self‐monitoring has potential downsides, which would benefit from further investigation. We conclude our review by identifying important potential future research directions.  相似文献   

A questionnaire based on a facet definition of achievement motive was devised to assess achievement tendencies amongst managers. The facet definition provided guidelines for the creation of items and the formulation of hypotheses concerning the structural relations among components of achievement motive. The questionnaire was then administered to a sample of 190 middle managers in a large industrial corporation in Israel. As hypothesized, results reflected three facets of achievement motive. (1) type of confrontation. (2) time perspective of task performance and. (3) behavioural modality. Six measures formed from a combination of items related to the first two facets were found to be internally reliable. Moreover, three of these measures dealing with readiness to confront uncertainty, to solve problems and to take calculated risks were found to predict at a significant level actual manager performance. Discussion focused on a multifaceted rather than unitary approach to achievement motive and implications for assessing its relationship to performance in various settings.  相似文献   

Using Leventhal's rules as well as the group‐value model of procedural justice, we first examined how the negative effects of perceived racial discrimination on procedural justice judgments can be attenuated by perceived organizational efforts to support diversity. Secondly, we examine how these effects ultimately impact affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. We found that employees who believe some individuals in the workplace are discriminating against them on the basis of race tend to report lower levels of procedural justice from the organization. However, this negative relationship was attenuated when employees perceived that their organization was making efforts to support diversity. Results suggest that individuals' perceptions of organizational efforts to support diversity can help restore perceptions of procedural justice for employees who experience racial discrimination at work. Improving procedural justice also positively impacts affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior directed at the organization. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Across 3 studies, we apply a self‐protection perspective of observed mistreatment to examine a moderated mediation model on “when” and “why” third parties are motivated by peer abusive supervision. We hypothesize that prevention‐focused third parties will increase their performance effort as a response to peer abusive supervision, and this effect is mediated by performance instrumentality. In a field study of working adults (Study 1) and an experimental study that manipulated peer abusive supervision (Study 2), we found that peer abusive supervision interacted with third parties' prevention focus to predict their performance effort such that peer abuse was positively related to third parties' performance effort only for those high on prevention focus. Results were replicated in a second field study of working adults (Study 3). Further, we found support for the mediating effect of performance instrumentality. The theoretical and practical implications of our results are discussed.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effectiveness of family‐friendly policies (FFPs) in reducing interrole conflicts involving work and family. The present study examined the influence of FFPs, work‐family culture, and family characteristics on salient job outcomes, and multiple dimensions of work‐family conflict (WFC) and family‐work conflict (FWC). Results from a survey of 564 workers, indicate that FFPs exert minimal effects on felt conflict, and that a positive work‐family culture and family support may be more instrumental in helping employees balance work and home roles. Findings also suggest that sources of conflict varied among workers, as did the mechanisms used to address WFC and FWC. This study underscores the importance of examining WFC as a multi‐dimensional phenomenon affecting employees in a variety of family structures, as well as considering the impact of FFPs in conjunction with work‐family culture. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research on influence tactics has focused on the benefits that accrue as a result of using such tactics. The current study utilizes meta‐analytic techniques to estimate the true population correlations between various influence tactics and work‐related outcomes. Results indicate that ingratiation and rationality have positive effects on work outcomes. Additional analyses suggest that these and other influence tactics have significant effects in certain situations and on specific work outcomes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present the results of two empirical studies of the relocation decision‐making process of dual‐earner couples. The first study is a quantitative survey of 155 management‐level employees and focuses on the variables likely to moderate the influence of the spouse (partner) on the probability of accepting or turning down geographical mobility. The second complementary study is qualitative, consisting of 11 in‐depth interviews of dual‐earner couples; it attempts to identify the dynamics within the couple when making relocation decisions. We found that the couple's decision‐making process in the face of a transfer proposition is above all a search for compromise solutions that are a function of the respective occupational and family roles within the couple as well as their expectations of how to organize their life as a couple. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how the interaction between an individual's work‐home segmentation preference and the perceived segmentation provided by the workplace affects work‐home conflict (WHC), stress, and job satisfaction. Using a person‐environment (P‐E) fit theoretical base and methodology, data from 325 employees in a wide variety of occupations and organizations illustrate significant fit effects on these outcomes. Results from polynomial regression and response surface methodology highlight important asymmetric effects found in these P‐E fit relationships. By demonstrating the asymmetric results of fit effects, the findings challenge previous research, which has typically advocated an integration of work and home in order to ameliorate role conflict and stress. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, this study contrasted employees' job stress perceptions and their relationships to strains in China and the United States. Significant job stressor–strain correlations were found in both countries. However, hierarchical regression analyses revealed significant interactions of country by job stressors in predicting job strains, indicating the unique patterns of stressor–strain relationships in China and the United States. In the qualitative analyses, American employees reported significantly more incidents of lack of job control, direct interpersonal conflict, lack of team coordination, anger, frustration, feeling overwhelmed, and stomach problems than the Chinese. Chinese employees reported significantly more incidents of job evaluations, work mistakes, indirect conflict, employment conditions, lack of training, anxiety, helplessness, sleep problems, and feeling hot than the Americans. The qualitative approach contributed above and beyond the quantitative results in that it revealed culture‐specific job stressors of job evaluations, work mistakes, and indirect conflict that had been overlooked in western‐based stress research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A meta‐analysis was conducted to estimate the true correlation between attitudinal organizational commitment and job performance and to identify moderators of this correlation. One‐hundred and eleven samples from 93 published studies were included. The corrected mean correlation was 0.20. The correlation was at least marginally significantly stronger for: (a) extra‐role performance as opposed to in‐role performance; (b) white‐collar workers as opposed to blue‐collar workers; and (c) performance assessed by self ratings as opposed to supervisor ratings or objective indicators. Four other assumed moderators (commitment measure: Affective Commitment Scale versus Organizational Commitment Questionnaire, job level, age, and tenure) did not have at least marginally significant effects. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Pygmalion effect, a type of self‐fulfilling prophecy, has been demonstrated in educational settings with empirical studies, qualitative reviews and meta‐analyses. It has also been studied in organizational settings. This meta‐analysis provides a review of the Pygmalion literature, an analysis of findings to date, and a deeper look into the nature of the effect. The present analysis of 13 effect sizes revealed an overall d for the Pygmalion effect in work organizations of 0.81. Moderator analyses revealed stronger effects when the initial level of performance was low and when the experiment took place in a military rather than a business setting. Implications of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evidence suggesting that job satisfaction is caused by individual dispositions is reviewed, and stability coefficients for job satisfaction in previous studies are analysed with a meta‐analytic procedure. Previous longitudinal studies analysing job changer samples imply an upper limit estimate of 0.51 for direct dispositional influences on job satisfaction. A study of job changers considering the stability of working conditions suggests that this estimate has to be considerably corrected downwards. At present, it is concluded that it is more likely that dispositions indirectly affect job satisfaction via selection and self‐selection processes. Implications for job satisfaction as a tool for organizational assessment are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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