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Delhi has the highest cluster of small-scale industries (SSI) in India. There are generally less stringent rules for the treatment of waste in SSI due to less waste generation within each individual industry. This results in SSI disposing of their wastewater untreated into drains and subsequently into the river Yamuna, which is a major source of potable water in Delhi, thus posing a potential health and environmental risk to the people living in Delhi and downstream. To study the quantity, quality and distribution of heavy metals in liquid waste from industrial areas, wastewater, suspended materials and bed sediments were collected from industrial areas and from the river Yamuna in Delhi. This study has also focused on the efficiency of production processes in small-scale industries in India. Heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Co and Pb were detected using a GBC 902 atomic absorption spectrometer. The concentration of heavy metals observed was as follows: Fe 2-212, Mn 0.3-39, Cu 0.2-20, Zn 0.2-5, Ni 0.6-6, Cr 0.2-53, Cd 0.08-0.2, Co 0.013-0.55, Pb 0.3-0.7 mg L(-1) in wastewater; Fe 5842-78 000, Mn 585-10 889, Cu 206-7201, Zn 406-9000, Ni 22-3621, Cr 178-10 533, Co 17-114, Cd 13-141, Pb 67-50 171 mg kg(-1) in suspended material; and Fe 3000-84000, Mn 479-1230, Cu 378-8127, Zn 647-4010, Ni 164-1582, Cr 139-3281, Co 20-54, Cd 37-65, Pb 228-293 mg kg(-1) in bed residues. This indicates that SSI could be one of the point sources of metals pollution in the river system.  相似文献   

Radon measurements have been carried out in groundwater of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab states, India. Radon concentration values in potable water show a wide range of variation from source to source and from place to place. Generally, radon concentration values in thermal springs groundwater have been found to be higher than the values from other sources.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a mathematical model for life-cycle inventory analysis (LCI) of waste incineration in Switzerland. In order to model conventional and new incineration technologies adequately, fundamental aspects of the different technologies relevant for the LCI are discussed. The environmental impact of these technologies strongly depends on the assessment of the long-term emissions of the solid incineration residues and is therefore related to value based decisions about the time horizon considered. The article illustrates that the choice of the landfill model has a significant influence on the results of life-cycle assessment of waste incineration.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) mobilization to the groundwater of Brahmaputra floodplains was investigated in Titabor, Jorhat District, located in the North Eastern part of India. The groundwater and the aquifer geochemistry were characterized in the study area. The range of As concentration in the groundwater varies from 10 to 440 μg/l with mean concentration 210 μg/l. The groundwaters are characterized by high dissolved Fe, Mn, and HCO3 ? and low concentrations of NO3 ? and SO4 2? indicating the reduced conditions prevailing in the groundwater. In order to understand the actual mobilization processes in the area, six core drilling surrounding the two target tube wells (T1 and T2) with high As concentration (three drill-cores surrounds each tube well closely) was done. The sediment was analyzed its chemical, mineralogical, and elemental compositions. A selective sequential extraction suggested that most of the As in the sediment is bound to Fe oxides fractions (32 to 50 %) and the competition for adsorption site by anions (PO4 3?) also accounts to significant fractions of the total arsenic extracted. High variability in the extraction as well as properties of the sediment was observed due to the heterogeneity of the sediment samples with different chemical properties. The SEM and EDX results indicate the presence of Fe, Mn coating along with As for most of the sample, and the presence of As associated minerals were calculated using PHREEQC. The mobilization of As into the groundwater was anticipated to be largely controlled by the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides and partly by the competitive anions viz. PO4 3?.  相似文献   

Sampling can be the source of the greatest errors in the overall results of foliar analysis. This paper reviews the variability in heavy metal concentrations in tree crowns, which is a feature that should be known and understood when designing a suitable leaf sampling procedure. The leaf sampling procedures applied in 75 articles were examined. Most of the environmental studies used a closely related form of the UN/ECE-EC leaf sampling procedure, which was developed for the long-term monitoring of forest condition. Studies with objectives outside the UN/ECE-EC field of application should utilize a sampling procedure that is in accordance with the objectives of the study and based on the observed variation in pilot and similar studies. The inherent sources of heavy metal variability inside the stand, i.e. the crown class, stand management, site properties, crown dimensions, infections, seasons, etc. were discussed, but the underlying causes of this variability are rarely understood. The inherent variability in tree crowns is the reason for using leaf sampling as a tool in pollution studies. The objectives of a pollution study determine which sources of variability are utilized by the researcher.  相似文献   

参考《省级温室气体清单编制指南(试行)》等资料,结合小区域的特点,研制了《小区域温室气体排放清单编制方法》。以无锡市胡埭镇为例,介绍了清单的结构、核算方法、活动水平数据获取要求和排放因子选取方式,通过案例分析,表明该方法适用于城市以下区域的温室气体排放清单编制工作。  相似文献   

In the frame of a process aiming at harmonizing National Forest Inventory (NFI) and ICP Forests Level I Forest Condition Monitoring (FCM) in Italy, we investigated (a) the long-term consistency between FCM sample points (a subsample of the first NFI, 1985, NFI_1) and recent forest area estimates (after the second NFI, 2005, NFI_2) and (b) the effect of tree selection method (tree-based or plot-based) on sample composition and defoliation statistics. The two investigations were carried out on 261 and 252 FCM sites, respectively. Results show that some individual forest categories (larch and stone pine, Norway spruce, other coniferous, beech, temperate oaks and cork oak forests) are over-represented and others (hornbeam and hophornbeam, other deciduous broadleaved and holm oak forests) are under-represented in the FCM sample. This is probably due to a change in forest cover, which has increased by 1,559,200 ha from 1985 to 2005. In case of shift from a tree-based to a plot-based selection method, 3,130 (46.7 %) of the original 6,703 sample trees will be abandoned, and 1,473 new trees will be selected. The balance between exclusion of former sample trees and inclusion of new ones will be particularly unfavourable for conifers (with only 16.4 % of excluded trees replaced by new ones) and less for deciduous broadleaves (with 63.5 % of excluded trees replaced). The total number of tree species surveyed will not be impacted, while the number of trees per species will, and the resulting (plot-based) sample composition will have a much larger frequency of deciduous broadleaved trees. The newly selected trees have—in general—smaller diameter at breast height (DBH) and defoliation scores. Given the larger rate of turnover, the deciduous broadleaved part of the sample will be more impacted. Our results suggest that both a revision of FCM network to account for forest area change and a plot-based approach to permit statistical inference and avoid bias in the tree sample composition in terms of DBH (and likely age and structure) are desirable in Italy. As the adoption of a plot-based approach will keep a large share of the trees formerly selected, direct tree-by-tree comparison will remain possible, thus limiting the impact on the time series comparability. In addition, the plot-based design will favour the integration with NFI_2.  相似文献   

In this study, land use change and its effects on level and volume of groundwater were investigated. Using satellite images and field measurements, change in land uses was determined from 1998 to 2007. By analyzing the observation wells data and preparing the zoning maps in GIS, groundwater level fluctuations were assessed. Considering the area corresponding to these fluctuations, changes in aquifers volume were calculated. The rain gauge and synoptic stations data were used to calculate meteorological parameters and evapotranspiration. The water requirement of the main crops was determined by CROPWAT software. Results showed an increase in average rainfall and crops water requirement. The classification of satellite images showed that 11,800 ha was increased in lands under irrigated crops cultivation, while 27,655 ha of rangeland was declined in the region. Groundwater levels dropped an average of 7 m, equal to 63.4 MCM reductions in volume of water in the aquifer.  相似文献   

Delineating areas susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic sources form an important component of sustainable management of groundwater resources. The present research aims at estimating vulnerability of groundwater by application of DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC models in the southern part of the Gangetic plains in the state of Bihar. The DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC models have considered seven parameters viz. depth to water level, net recharge, aquifer material, soil material, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. A third model, Pesticide DRASTIC LU has been adopted by adding land use as an additional parameter, to assess its impact on vulnerability zonation. The DRASTIC model indicated two vulnerable categories, moderate and high, while the Pesticide DRASTIC model revealed moderate, high and very high vulnerable categories. Out of the parameters used, depth to water level affected the vulnerability most. The parameter caused least impact was topography in DRASTIC, while in case of Pesticide DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC LU models, the parameter was hydraulic conductivity. A linear regression between groundwater NO3 concentrations and the vulnerability zonation revealed better correlation for Pesticide DRASTIC model, emphasising the effectiveness of the model in assessing groundwater vulnerability in the study region. Considering all three models, the most vulnerable areas were found to be concentrated mainly in two zones, (i) in the south-western part along Ekangarsarai-Islampur patch and (ii) around Biharsharif-Nagarnausa area in the central part. Both zones were characterised by intensive vegetable cultivation with urban areas in between.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working with federal, state, local, and non-governmental partners to produce an interactive, spatial inventory of environmental data in the mid-Atlantic region. The inventory will include maps of sampling locations, lists of measurements, and design information for hundreds of research sites and monitoring programs. It will also feature user-defined queries, resulting in customized maps that satisfy search criteria. (For example, "Display the probability-based surveys that measure dry deposition and nutrient availability in soils"). The inventory will be used in an interagency pilot study, instigated by the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources, to integrate environmental monitoring and research activities. The inventory will also provide information for a regional ecological assessment led by EPA Region 3 and the Office of Research and Development. In addition, an interagency consortium will use the inventory to identify suitable field data for assessing the accuracy of satellite imagery. In each of these three applications, the inventory will be tested and evaluated as a potential prototype for completing additional regions of the U.S. Maintained as an Oracle database, the inventory is accessible on the internet at http://www.epa.gov/monitor/. Currently, ten inventory records are on-line for demonstration. The complete federal inventory of approximately 180 records will be accessible on-line by October, 1997; approximately 200 state, local and non-governmental records are scheduled for on-line access by April, 1998.  相似文献   

The purpose of the biomonitoring project in the Nature Conservancy in the Czech Republic is to obtain information on long-term development of some selected living components of ecosystems in protected areas. A survey of methods was conducted to select the monitoring areas as well as to study birds, epigean, vegetation and water communities (a minimal programme). A system for the monitoring areas and data storage and processing (to gather a body of evidence) was established. Simultaneously, close linkage with abiotic factor monitoring is planned. The project has been carried out by the Czech Institute for Nature Conservation.  相似文献   

Urban sprawl is a major issue for sustainable development. It represents a significant contribution to energy consumption of a territory especially due to transportation requirements. However, transport energy consumption is rarely taken into account when the sustainability of suburban structures is studied. In this context, the paper presents a method to estimate transport energy consumption in residential suburban areas. The study aimed, on this basis, at highlighting the most efficient strategies needed to promote awareness and to give practical hints on how to reduce transport energy consumption linked to urban sprawl in existing and future suburban neighborhoods. The method uses data collected by using empirical surveys and GIS. An application of this method is presented concerning the comparison of four suburban districts located in Belgium to demonstrate the advantages of the approach. The influence of several parameters, such as distance to work places and services, use of public transport and performance of the vehicles, are then discussed to allow a range of different development situations to be explored. The results of the case studies highlight that traveled distances, and thus a good mix between activities at the living area scale, are of primordial importance for the energy performance, whereas means of transport used is only of little impact. Improving the performance of the vehicles and favoring home-work give also significant energy savings. The method can be used when planning new areas or retrofitting existing ones, as well as promoting more sustainable lifestyles regarding transport habits.  相似文献   

The considerable deposition of airborne pollutants over Norway has caused concern about the effect on the country's conifer forests. Monitoring of the forest vitality is carried out as an annual assessment of the crown vigour of a representative sample of conifer trees. Crown vigour is a subjective and imprecise indicator, but reasonably precise when change is concerned. A method is described where the expected decline in vitality due to ageing is removed. The remaining, age-adjusted change in crown vigour is then assessed under the prevalent hypothesis of ongoing forest decline. The uncertainties involved with the method are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Two spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of nitrite using dapsone (DAP) with alpha-naphthol and 4-amino-5-hydroxynapthalene-2,7-disulphonic acid monosodium salt (AHNDMS) as chromogenic reagents with maximum absorbance wavelength at 540 and 520 nm respectively. For the method that utilizes dapsone with alpha-naphthol (DAP-alpha-naphthol), the beer's law range is obeyed between 0.05-0.8 microg ml(-1) with molar absorptivity of 5.749 x 104 l mol(-1) cm(-1). The second method that uses dapsone with AHNDMS (DAP-AHNDMS), the beer's law is valid over the range 0.2-1.4 mug ml(-1) and molar absorptivity 2.44 x 104 l mol(-1) cm(-1). The common interfering ions in the analytical procedures have been studied. This proposed methods are reliable, reproducible and have been successfully applied to determine nitrite in various water sources of environmental interest.  相似文献   

根据国家环保局关于区域环境噪声环境划分的规定,提出了区域环境噪声标准定量化划分的模型,该模型综合了自然因素和噪声污染因素,模型在南通市区域环境噪声标准划分中得到了验证。  相似文献   

This study aims to obtain a reliable inventory of the emission rates of the principal air pollutants including PM, SO2, NOx) and CO in Kocaeli, Turkey. In the first stage, the pollutant sources classified as point, area and line sources are determined in the area. Then the annual emission rates of the pollutants released from these sources are estimated by the emission factors given by USEPA and CORINAIR. Results show that the annual emission rates for PM, SO2, NOx) and CO are 2195 tons, 5342 tons, 14632 tons and 23095 tons, respectively. On the other hand, the pollutant group with the highest contribution to total emission rate is determined as the point sources for NOx, which is responsible for 73% of total NOx emission, while it is the area sources for PM, SO2 and CO with the contribution percentages of 75, 76 and 69, respectively.  相似文献   

Haloethanoic (haloacetic) acids (HAAs) are formed as disinfection byproducts (DBPs) during the chlorination of natural water to make it fit for consumption. Sundry analytical techniques have been applied in order to determine the concentrations of the HAAs in potable water supplies: gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-ECD); capillary electrophoresis (CE); liquid chromatography (LC), including ion chromatography (IC); and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Detection limits required to analyze potable water samples can be regularly achieved only by GC-ECD and ESI-MS. Without improvements in preconcentration or detector sensitivity, CE and LC will not find application to potable water supplies. The predominant GC-ECD methods use either diazomethane or acidified methanol to esterify (methylate) the carboxylic acid moiety. For HAA5 analytes, regulated under the EPA's Stage 1 DBP Rule, diazomethane is satisfactory. For HAA9 data gathered under the Information Collection Rule, acidified methanol outperforms diazomethane, which suffers from photo-promoted side reactions, especially for the brominated trihaloacetic acids. Although ESI-MS can meet sensitivity and selectivity requirements, limited instrumentation availability means this technique will not be widely used for the time being. However, ESI-MS can provide valuable confirmatory information when coupled with GC-ECD in a research setting.  相似文献   

环境管理与大气污染源清单对接的基础是环境管理数据体系。选取京津冀大气污染传输通道"2+26"城市中的14个城市实施访谈与问卷调查,普遍认为大气污染源清单的主要用途为大气污染应急、预警以及污染源解析,但由于环境统计、污染源监测和排污许可三大环境管理数据体系差异较大,导致环境管理数据的行业和工艺过程针对性不强,无法满足污染源清单的需求。造成该问题的主要原因在于基层生态环境部门技术储备不足、污染源信息分散以及数据管理任务分工不明确。促进环境管理与大气污染源清单的对接,重点在于污染源数据定期更新和环境管理数据的一体化,应着重形成多部门数据共享、全面和全过程环境管理以及人才和技术保障机制。  相似文献   

Although anthropogenic impacts could be assessed in any environment, coastal areas pose a particular challenge because of their special nature as the interface between land and sea. Therefore, this study evaluates the environmental regulatory framework for coastal interventions in Colombia, as an archetype of medium income countries (MICs), to derive implications for the environmental licensing procedure (ELP). The methods comprised two simultaneous pathways: a. An inventory of human interventions at the large scale area of the Colombian Caribbean Coast, with an estimation of the overall environmental impact; b. An analysis of the ELP in Colombia during the last 25 years. The study evidences several weaknesses, such as a consistent reduction in the number of works and activities covered in each new legislative. Moreover, the Colombian ELP currently regulates only four of the ten types of interventions with greater effect in its coastal zones. The discussions highlight some policy implications for the ELP in MICs, mainly based on how the impact of a type of intervention can be magnified in proportion to its frequency of occurrence, and the need to articulate instruments of environmental management and territorial planning. At last, the need to evolve the impact assessment of human interventions from environmental factors toward socio-natural processes is evidenced and further addressed, by the introduction of a susceptibility approach inspired on geomorphological processes. Overall, this study highlights important gaps of the Colombian ELP for coastal environments, which entails valuable lessons for MICs.  相似文献   

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