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Howeth JG  Leibold MA 《Ecology》2010,91(9):2727-2741
Metacommunity theory suggests that relationships between diversity and ecosystem stability can be determined by the rate of species dispersal among local communities. The predicted relationships, however, may depend upon the relative strength of local environmental processes and disturbance. Here we evaluate the role of dispersal frequency and local predation perturbations in affecting patterns of diversity and stability in pond plankton metacommunities. Pond metacommunities were composed of three mesocosm communities: one of the three communities maintained constant "press" predation from a selective predator, bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus); the second community maintained "press" conditions without predation; and the third community experienced recurrent "pulsed" predation from bluegill sunfish. The triads of pond communities were connected at either no, low (0.7%/d), or high (20%/d) planktonic dispersal. Richness and composition of zooplankton and stability of plankton biomass and ecosystem productivity were measured at local and regional spatial scales. Dispersal significantly affected diversity such that local and regional biotas at the low dispersal rate maintained the greatest number of species. The unimodal local dispersal-diversity relationship was predator-dependent, however, as selective press predation excluded species regardless of dispersal. Further, there was no effect of dispersal on beta diversity because predation generated local conditions that selected for distinct community assemblages. Spatial and temporal ecosystem stability responded to dispersal frequency but not predation. Low dispersal destabilized the spatial stability of producer biomass but stabilized temporal ecosystem productivity. The results indicate that selective predation can prevent species augmentation from mass effects but has no apparent influence on stability. Dispersal rates, in contrast, can have significant effects on both species diversity and ecosystem stability at multiple spatial scales in metacommunities.  相似文献   

To know the interrelationship between some metals in different ecosystem components (water, sediment, aquatic plant and fish), many samples from these components were collected from four bights at the Nasser Lake, Egypt, and analyzed for Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co, Cu and Cr using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Different distribution factors (bioaccumulation factor – BF, discrimination factor – DF and enrichment factor – EF) were applied on the results of analysis. Data showed that the relatively high concentration of measured metals in water samples are derived from fish farms, and discharge of tourism and trade ships. Applying single leaching sequential technique on sediment samples, using different extracting solutions, revealed a strong ability of trace metals to adsorb on or co-precipitate with amorphous Fe/Mn oxides. High concentrations of Fe, Mn, Co and Ni were measured in the intestine while high Cd and Cr concentrations were recorded in the stomach in both Tilapia (nilotica and galilea). Tilapia galilea accumulated high Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in their stomach, while in nilotica high concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn were measured in the intestine, liver and muscles, respectively. Myriophyllum spicatum (an aquatic plant) in the lake recorded high concentrations of Fe, Mn and Zn. Bioaccumulation factors of studied elements in the different bights components indicate that the elevated concentration of measured elements in the aquatic plant and Tilapia (nilotica and galilea) are derived from water, reflecting the increase of human activities in Nasser Lake in recent years. However, the present study concluded that all the elements studied were still below the natural back-ground levels, except Zn and Cu.  相似文献   

Urban forests provide important ecosystem services, such as urban air quality improvement by removing pollutants. While robust evidence exists that plant physiology, abundance, and distribution within cities are basic parameters affecting the magnitude and efficiency of air pollution removal, little is known about effects of plant diversity on the stability of this ecosystem service. Here, by means of a spatial analysis integrating system dynamic modeling and geostatistics, we assessed the effects of tree diversity on the removal of tropospheric ozone (O3) in Rome, Italy, in two years (2003 and 2004) that were very different for climatic conditions and ozone levels. Different tree functional groups showed complementary uptake patterns, related to tree physiology and phenology, maintaining a stable community function across different climatic conditions. Our results, although depending on the city-specific conditions of the studied area, suggest a higher function stability at increasing diversity levels in urban ecosystems. In Rome, such ecosystem services, based on published unitary costs of externalities and of mortality associated with O3, can be prudently valued to roughly US$2 and $3 million/year, respectively.  相似文献   

食品安全问题是直接关系到人民健康的重大民生问题。随着民众生活质量的不断提升,人们对食物质量的关注度越来越高。目前,重金属污染问题是食品安全的一个重要议题。而且,食物中重金属的生物可给性和生物有效性的测定结果已逐渐代替重金属的全量结果进行评价。因此,本文系统介绍了生物可给性和生物有效性的定义及相关关系,综述了生物可给性和生物有效性的多种研究方法的适用性及优缺点,并着重论述了饮食习惯和肠道微生物对重金属生物可给性和生物有效性的影响。研究结果表明:研究者应根据自己的研究目的选择不同的体外消化方法,饮食习惯和肠道微生物均极大的影响着食物中重金属的生物可给性和生物有效性。最后,本文对食物中重金属的生物可给性和生物有效性的研究提出了几点展望:一、需加强食物中重金属复合污染的研究;二、进一步加强肠道微生物对食物中重金属的生物可给性和生物有效性的影响的研究;三、特别需加强中式饮食习惯下对食物中重金属的生物有效性的影响的研究。  相似文献   

The geochemistry of floodplain sediments is fundamental to monitor environmental changes and to quantify their contribution to natural and anthropic processes. A floodplain sediment composition is a vector of positive elements which sum to a fixed constant. The analysis of high-dimensional compositions requires methods that produce results involving only a small portion of the original variables. On the other hand, the analysis must take into account the additional constraints specific to compositions. With the purpose of studying these problems, a new procedure for sparse PCA is proposed on European floodplain sediment samples.  相似文献   

Ecosystem models must convert a naturally open system into a theoretically closed one. For phytoplankton-herbivore models the form for the parameterization of predation on the herbivores can have a significant effect on the remainder of the model.  相似文献   

Tylianakis JM  Tscharntke T  Klein AM 《Ecology》2006,87(12):3047-3057
Global biodiversity decline has prompted great interest in the effects of habitat modification and diversity on the functioning and stability of ecosystem processes. However, the applicability of previous modeled or mesocosm community studies to real diverse communities in different habitats remains ambiguous. We exposed standardized nesting resources for naturally occurring communities of cavity-nesting bees and wasps and their parasitoids in coastal Ecuador, to test the effects of host and parasitoid diversity on an ecosystem function (parasitism rates) and temporal variability in this function. In accordance with predictions of complementary host use, parasitism rates increased with increasing diversity, not simply abundance, of parasitoids. In contrast, parasitism decreased with increasing host diversity, possibly due to positive prey interactions or increased probability of selecting unpalatable species. Temporal variability in parasitism was lower in plots with high mean parasitoid diversity and higher in plots with temporally variable host and parasitoid diversity. These effects of diversity on parasitism and temporal stability in parasitism rates were sufficiently strong to be visible across five different habitat types, representing a gradient of increasing anthropogenic modification. Habitat type did not directly affect parasitism rates, but host and parasitoid diversity and abundance were higher in highly modified habitats, and parasitoid diversity was positively correlated with rates of parasitism. The slope of the richness-parasitism relationship did not vary significantly across habitats, although that for Simpson's diversity was significant only in rice and pasture. We also show that pooling data over long time periods, as in previous studies, can blur the effect of diversity on parasitism rates, and the appropriate spatiotemporal scale of study must be considered.  相似文献   

A. Bubel 《Marine Biology》1973,23(2):147-164
The fine structure of the opercula of Spirobis borealis Daudin and S. pusilloides Bush, and the primary and secondary operculum of S. granulatus (L) have been examined by electron microscopy. In different regions, the epithelium of the operculum exhibits variations in thickness and fine structure which correspond to transitions from peduncular to opercular wall to opercular plate epithelia. Externally, the peduncle and walls of the operculum are covered by a cuticle which is composed of several layers of fibrils/fibres embedded in an amorphous matrix. It is regularly traversed by microvilli from underlying cells. At the operculum rim, the cuticle changes so that its appearance is thick and solid. It continues across the roof of the operculum as a thin layer overlying a calcareous plate. The secondary operculum of S. granulatus differs from those of the other species in that an internal calcareous plate and solid cuticle line the roof of the operculum. It differs further in possessing an opercular pore. The possibilities are discussed of the cuticle fibrils/fibres of the peduncle and the opercular wall being collagenous in nature, and later being transformed to a solid tanned structure overlying a calcareous plate. The modes of secretion of the cuticle and calcareous plate by underlying cells are also discussed.  相似文献   

根据大量的观测分析资料,论述了刚果W5桉树人工林生态系统养分的地球化学循环和生物小循环。研究结果表明,每公顷每年通过地表径流和地下渗漏从生态系统输出的养分质量以K最多,达21.25 kg/(hm2a);其次为N,达17.21 kg/(hm2a)。桉树人工林生态系统养分流通质量的净变化值f(K)、f(Ca)为负值,f(N)、f(P)、f(Mg)为正值;桉树人工林生态系统养分的生物小循环研究表明,在一个轮伐期内,每公顷桉树吸收养分的质量,依次为Ca 429.03 kg/hm2,其次为N 277.01 kg/hm2和K 208.12 kg/hm2。而在一个轮伐期中归还的养分质量,Ca只有99.78 kg/hm2,K为113.04 kg/hm2。在养分循环率方面,与热带半落叶季雨林比较,桉树人工林生态系统的养分循环率要小得多,说明桉树人工林土壤养分趋向于减少。  相似文献   

采用田间试验和定位方法,在标准样地中研究养分的输入、输出和贮存。桉树人工林生态系统的养分贮存,包括土壤、桉树林分和凋落物三者贮存的养分。在田间试验的基础上,获得了大量的分析数据。论述了刚果W5桉树人工林生态系统土壤养分的贮存量、林分的养分贮存量和凋落物层的养分贮存量以及上述分系统内大、中量元素的含量比例。土壤养分的贮存量,全量养分以K最多,其次为N、P;有效养分贮存量大小的顺序为N,K,Ca,P,Mg,Mn,Zn,Cu,B。桉树林分的总养分贮存量,是逐年增加的,但以第2年的增量最大;各元素贮量大小,则每年不同。凋落物层的养分贮存量,总体上逐年增长,但以第4年最多;各元素贮存量大小的顺序为N,Ca,Mg,K,P。这些结果,对于指导桉树施肥,有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

在当地现行的生产技术规程和营林措施的条件下,刚果W5桉树人工林生态系统中,N和K的收支帐为亏损,P、Ca、Mg为盈余。在一个轮伐期内,每公顷养分质量的收入中,N为327.13kg/hm^2,P为110.48kg/hm^2,K为206.13kg/hm^2。,Ca为679.53kg/hm^2,Mg为173.72kg/hm^2;每公顷养分质量的支出中,N为366.59kg/hm^2,P为35_3lkg/hm^2,K为212.22kg/hm^2,Ca为452.77kg/hm^2,Mg为79.52kg/hm^2。但这仅仅是一种表观数字。桉树人工林生态系统养分不平衡的主要原因,是桉树凋落物和采伐剩余物不能回归土壤,以及严重的水土流失。解决问题的关键是转变思想认识,制定有效的措施,使桉树凋落物和采伐剩余物回归土壤,同时在桉树行间间种豆科绿肥牧草。  相似文献   

A. Bubel 《Marine Biology》1973,21(3):245-255
The ultrastructural details of the cells lining the outer surface of the mantle in Mytilus edulis (L), Cardium edule (L), and Nucula sulcata Bronn. are described. Along the length of the outer mantle fold and the general outer surface of the mantle, the epithelial cells differ, with a progressive reduction in the protein synthetic apparatus and an increase in glycogen, while large numbers of mitochondria are evident in the apical and basal regions.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Silicon (Si) is the most abundant element on the earth’s surface after oxygen. Si  can be found in minerals, electronic chips, cosmetic...  相似文献   

Denoting a fish length or weight at age t by X t , a reference age by t m , and the corresponding fish length or weight by X m , the relation between age and length or weight may be described by a parabola as follows: $$\left| {X_t } \right. - X_m \left| = \right.a + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ or $$X_t = A + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ where a, b and c are constants. Each of the above Eqs. describes one curve at ages older than t m and another one at younger ages, which is made possible by means of the transformation of t to (|t-t m |). In 2 cases out of 10, the parabola takes the form of a cubic equation. Evidence is given that, as the growth data become fewer, the better fit of the parabola or cubic equation will probably be less in comparison to the von Bertalanffy equation (1938, 1949) as developed by Beverton and Holt (1957) and the power-growth equation (Rafail, 1971), and vice versa. This growth equation is used to derive models for estimating the optimum age and yield for fish populations.  相似文献   

Chemical hydrography, nutrients and trace metals in water, sediments and marine organisms were studied in the Bay of Mali Ston and their role in terms of pollution discussed. Results show that the entire study area is very strongly affected by the adjacent land. The overall area is well aerated so that no dangerous accumulation of nutrients with oxygen content reduction was recorded.

Results of analyses of trace metals show that the water and sediments of the bay contain high levels of some metals significantly higher than those from the open sea. This may be attributed to the natural sedimentation processes and the Neretva River and submarine spring runoffs carrying constituents of ignous and limestone rocks.  相似文献   

产业生态系统的构建途径与管理方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
建立产业生态系统是循环经济最终得以实现的关键.国内外学者对产业生态系统的概念、特点、构建原则、管理理念等作了一些研究,但还缺乏对产业生态系统的特点、构建途径与管理方法方而的深入系统研究.文章对此进行了比较深入系统地研究,阐明产业生态系统具有开放性、循环性、层次性、本土性、经济性、演进性、调节性的特点;认为产业生态系统构建的关键在于建立起使物质和能量高效循环利用的生态产业链和生态产业共生网络,并从生态产业链、产业生态系统多样性、关键种企业、产业共生网络、信息网络等方面探讨了产业生态系统的构建途径;提出对产业生态系统的管理要结合区域特点,在生态产业管理理念的指导下,采取生命周期评价、产品生态设计、生态产业园的规划没计、生态产业孵化、生态产业链的风险评价等管理方法,建立起一种新型的产业生态系统管理体系,实现产业生态系统与自然生态系统的协调可持续发展.  相似文献   

Living organisms and ecosystems have been shown to be sensitive to very weak signals originating very far away. The dynamics governing these phenomena is discussed in the framework of Quantum Field Theory. This phenomenon gives an indication on the dynamics responsible for the exchange of information in ecosystems. The peculiar role of coherent water is stressed. It is shown that energy is able to travel in a coherent medium in form of solitons, without any losses.  相似文献   

鼎湖山针阔叶混交林生态系统水文过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尹光彩  周国逸  王旭 《生态环境》2005,14(4):473-477
以鼎湖山针阔叶混交林(以下简称混交林)生态系统为研究对象,探讨了不同降水特征下森林生态系统水文过程,主要研究结果如下:(1)不同的降雨特征决定了不同的降雨过程和穿透雨过程,混交林生态系统穿透雨累积增加曲线与降水量的累积增加曲线变化是同步的;(2)2002年7月27日-28日特大暴雨最大降水量、最大穿透雨量分别为122.8nn和104.9mm,且穿透雨最大值出现的时间滞后于降水强度最大值出现的时间1h;(3)8月18日-20日特大暴雨,穿透雨量累积增加曲线与大气降水的累积增加曲线非常相似,且穿透雨最大值出现的时间略滞后与大气降水最大值出现的时间;(4)中雨时降水累积量达到最大值(59.6mm)与穿透雨累积量达到最大值(43.6mm)的时间一致;(5)树干流和地表径流量与大气降水量的累积变化曲线并不是完全同步的,在一定的降水量范围内,树干流量和地表径流量随着大气降水量的增加而增加;(6)无论是特大暴雨还是中雨发生时,即使在特大暴雨影响下,树干流(2.3~16.4mm)和地表径流(1.6~8.8mm)量都很小,系统具有很强的保水保墒能力;(7)混交林穿透雨强度变化过程基本取决于大气降水强度变化,树干流强度和地表径流强度数值很小且变化过程不明显。  相似文献   

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