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Hersh MH  Vilgalys R  Clark JS 《Ecology》2012,93(3):511-520
Host-specific mortality driven by natural enemies is a widely discussed mechanism for explaining plant diversity. In principle, populations of plant species can be regulated by distinct host-specific natural enemies that have weak or nonexistent effects on heterospecific competitors, preventing any single species from becoming dominant and thus promoting diversity. Two of the first steps in exploring the role of natural enemies in diversity regulation are to (1) identify potential enemies and (2) evaluate their levels of host specificity by determining if interactions between any one host and its enemy have equivalent survival impacts on co-occurring host species. We developed a bioinformatics framework to evaluate impacts of potential pathogens on seedling survival, for both single and multiple infections. Importantly, we consider scenarios not only if there are specialist pathogens for each plant, but also when generalist pathogens have differential effects on multiple host species, and when co-infection has species-specific effects. We then applied this analytical framework to a field experiment using molecular techniques to detect potential fungal pathogens on co-occurring tree seedling hosts. Combinatorial complexity created by 160 plant-fungus interactions was reduced to eight combinations that affect seedling survival. Potential fungal pathogens had broad host ranges, but seedling species were each regulated by different combinations of fungi or by generalist fungi that had differential effects on multiple plant species. Soil moisture can have the potential to shift the nature of the interactions in some plant-fungal combinations from neutral to detrimental. Reassessing the assumption of single-enemy-single-host interactions broadens the mechanisms through which natural enemies can influence plant diversity.  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对土壤磷、钾素动态变化的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
23年定位施肥试验的结果表明,不施肥和单施氮肥的土壤,其有效磷质量分数迅速下降,前3年比播前降低约50%,自第7年开始比播前降低2/3左右,降至4-5μg/g之后处于稳定状态。土壤全磷质量分数始终保持在0.40-0.50g/kg的水平,有机磷略有增加。施有机肥以及有机肥与氮肥配施的土壤,其有效磷和有机磷质量分数增加显著。单施氮肥的土壤,其速效钾、缓效钾质量分数均降低,全钾质量分数变化不明显。在每年每公顷单施含钾150.0kg、300.0kg的有机肥或与138kg、276kg氮素配施的土壤中,以单施含钾300.0kg的有机肥的土壤的钾素盈余量最多,并随配施氮量的增加而盈余量减少。试验23年后的土壤,其钾素盈余量与土壤速效钾、缓效钾质量分数均有极显著的相关性,而与全钾质量分数的相关性小大。  相似文献   

Payette S 《Ecology》2007,88(3):770-780
The northern Québec-Labrador tree lines are the most climatically stressed tree ecosystems of eastern North America. In particular, white spruce (Picea glauca) tree line populations distributed between 56 degrees N and 58 degrees N and 61 degrees W and 66 degrees W show contrasted responses to recent changes in climate according to their geographic position relative to the Labrador Sea. Along the coast, the northernmost latitudinal and altitudinal tree lines responded positively to warming over the last 50 years with invading spruce several tens of meters above the current tree line. In contrast, white spruce tree lines across the wind-exposed Labrador plateau are located much higher in altitude and have receded a few tens of meters beginning around AD 1740-1750 and have not yet recovered. Whereas no field evidence of recent fire and insect damage was found, all inland tree line stands were progressively damaged likely due to mechanical defoliation of wind-exposed trees. Massive tree death in the 19th century caused a reduction in the number of seed-bearing trees, and declining tree lines were not replenished by seedlings. Recent warming reported for northern latitudes has not been strong enough to change the regressive tree line trajectory in interior Labrador. However, white spruce expansion above coastal tree line in the northernmost forest site in Labrador is in line with current climatic trends. It is hypothesized that the species is still advancing toward its potential tree line higher in altitude due to delayed postglacial migration. The slow advance of white spruce in northernmost coastal Labrador is likely caused by the rugged topography of the Torngat-Kaumajet-Kiglapait mountains.  相似文献   

Choi WJ  Chang SX  Bhatti JS 《Ecology》2007,88(2):443-453
The lowering of the water table resulting from peatland drainage may dramatically alter C and N cycling in peatland ecosystems, which contain one-third of the total terrestrial C. In this study, tree annual ring width and C (delta(13)C) and N (delta(15)N) isotope ratios in soil and plant tissues (tree foliage, growth rings, and understory foliage) in a black spruce-tamarack (Picea mariana-Larix laricina) mixed-wood forest were examined to study the effects of drainage on tree growth and C and N dynamics in a minerotrophic peatland in west-central Alberta, Canada. Drainage increased the delta(15)N of soil NH4+ from a range of +0.6% per hundred to +2.9% per hundred to a range of +4.6% per hundred to +7.0% per hundred most likely through increased nitrification following enhanced mineralization. Plant uptake of 15N-enriched NH4+ in the drained treatment resulted in higher plant delta15N (+0.8% per hundred to +1.8% per hundred in the drained plots and -3.9% per hundred to -5.4% per hundred in the undrained plots), and deposition of litterfall N enriched with 15N increased the delta15N of total soil N in the surface layer in the drained (+2.9% per hundred) as compared with that in the undrained plots (+0.6% per hundred). The effect of drainage on foliar delta(13)C was species-specific, i.e., only tamarack showed a considerably less negative foliar delta(13)C in the drained (-28.1% per hundred) than in the undrained plots (-29.1% per hundred), indicating improved water use efficiency (WUE) by drainage. Tree ring area increments were significantly increased following drainage, and delta(13)C and delta(15)N in tree growth rings of both species showed responses to drainage retrospectively. Tree-ring delta(13)C data suggested that drainage improved WUE of both species, with a greater and more prolonged response in tamarack than in black spruce. Our results indicate that drainage caused the studied minerotrophic peatland to become a more open ecosystem in terms of C and N cycling and loss. The effects of forested peatland drainage or drying on C and N balances deserve further research in order to better understand their roles in future global change.  相似文献   

The micro-ecosystem under consideration consists of three compartments forming a closed chain in which water circulates. Three trophic levels are represented in different compartments: autotrophs (algae, mainly Chlorella vulgaris), herbivores (Daphnia magna) and microbial decomposers. From a 20 years experiment with this system, data has been selected for this study. The dynamics of algae and Daphnia magna in only one of the compartments were modeled by different systems of differential and difference equations. We describe the successive steps in the process of model development, and the fitting of parameters using a Nelder-Mead simplex calibration method. Identification problems were overcome by taking values for physiological parameters in agreement with the literature. It turned out that a logistic type of model gives the best result for the structured Daphnia population because of the set up of the experiment: algae grow and reproduce in the upstream compartment. For this reason well-known plant–herbivore models did not comply with the data. The results of the parameter estimation procedure are discussed. The estimated grazing rate by Daphnia was smaller than expected. Possibly the Daphnia fed also on detritus and decomposing algae which were not measured.  相似文献   

Jenkins DG 《Ecology》2006,87(6):1523-1531
Alternative models of community assembly emphasize regional, stochastic, dispersal-based processes or local, deterministic, niche-based processes. Community ecology's historical focus on local processes implicitly assumes that local processes surpass regional processes over time or across space to derive nonrandom metacommunity structure (i.e., a quorum effect). Quorum effects are expected late in succession among nearby sites, whereas quorum effects are not expected early in succession among distant sites. I conducted a meta-analysis of zooplankton data sets encompassing time scales of one to thousands of years and spatial scales of <1 m to thousands of kilometers. Species co-occurrence analyses statistically evaluated presence/absence patterns relative to random patterns obtained with Monte Carlo null models. A series of weighted analyses was conducted and alternative randomization algorithms and null models were evaluated. Most zooplankton metacommunities were randomly structured in unweighted analyses, and the distribution of significant structure did not follow quorum effect predictions. Weighted analyses (e.g., by habitat area) revealed significant, nonrandom structure in most zooplankton metacommunities, but the distribution of significant structure still did not adhere well to quorum effect predictions. Finally, additional weighting for study scale (number of sites) nullified most significant area-weighted structure, and again, the distribution of significant structure did not follow quorum effect predictions. Overall, a quorum effect was not supported, perhaps related to zooplankton life histories and energetics and/or the quorum effect itself. Results at the presence/absence level of resolution indicated that local processes did not generally override regional processes over time or across space to drive community structure. A full integration of dispersal- and niche-based concepts in metacommunity dynamics will be most fruitful for unraveling community assembly. Species co-occurrence analyses were scale dependent (habitat area and study size). Future analyses should use weights for important factors (e.g., habitat area), and meta-analyses should include study scale as an additional factor contributing to apparent patterns.  相似文献   

Several models have been proposed to understand how so many species can coexist in ecosystems. Despite evidence showing that natural habitats are often patchy and fragmented, these models rarely take into account environmental spatial structure. In this study we investigated the influence of spatial structure in habitat and disturbance regime upon species’ traits and species’ coexistence in a metacommunity. We used a population-based model to simulate competing species in spatially explicit landscapes. The species traits we focused on were dispersal ability, competitiveness, reproductive investment and survival rate. Communities were characterized by their species richness and by the four life-history traits averaged over all the surviving species. Our results show that spatial structure and disturbance have a strong influence on the equilibrium life-history traits within a metacommunity. In the absence of disturbance, spatially structured landscapes favour species investing more in reproduction, but less in dispersal and survival. However, this influence is strongly dependent on the disturbance rate, pointing to an important interaction between spatial structure and disturbance. This interaction also plays a role in species coexistence. While spatial structure tends to reduce diversity in the absence of disturbance, the tendency is reversed when disturbance occurs. In conclusion, the spatial structure of communities is an important determinant of their diversity and characteristic traits. These traits are likely to influence important ecological properties such as resistance to invasion or response to climate change, which in turn will determine the fate of ecosystems facing the current global ecological crisis.  相似文献   

The spatial scale of similarity among fish communities is characteristically large in temperate marine systems: connectivity is enhanced by high rates of dispersal during the larval/juvenile stages and the increased mobility of large-bodied fish. A larger spatial scale of similarity (low beta diversity) is advantageous in heavily exploited systems because locally depleted populations are more likely to be "rescued" by neighboring areas. We explored whether the spatial scale of similarity changed from 1970 to 2006 due to overfishing of dominant, large-bodied groundfish across a 300 000-km2 region of the Northwest Atlantic. Annually, similarities among communities decayed slowly with increasing geographic distance in this open system, but through time the decorrelation distance declined by 33%, concomitant with widespread reductions in biomass, body size, and community evenness. The decline in connectivity stemmed from an erosion of community similarity among local subregions separated by distances as small as 100 km. Larger fish, of the same species, contribute proportionally more viable offspring, so observed body size reductions will have affected maternal output. The cumulative effect of nonlinear maternal influences on egg/larval quality may have compromised the spatial scale of effective larval dispersal, which may account for the delayed recovery of certain member species. Our study adds strong support for using the spatial scale of similarity as an indicator of metacommunity stability both to understand the spatial impacts of exploitation and to refine how spatial structure is used in management plans.  相似文献   

土地利用变化引起的水分条件变化反过来又会影响植被的生长,然而,森林-水分-植物生长之间相互作用关系的研究还很少。以香桂(Cinnamomum subavenium)人工林为例,在盐亭生态试验站开展观测,研究了无枯落物林地(FB)、有枯落物林地(FL)和裸地(BL)的水分动态(土壤水分、径流组成和径流量),比较了FB和FL样地树木高、基径、叶面积、比叶面积(SLA)、地上和地下生物量。研究结果表明:①FL样地的土壤含水量最高,其次是FB样地,而BL样地的土壤含水量最低;②地上径流展现了与土壤水分相反的趋势(FLFB〉BL),3个样地的总径流量则没有表现出一个明确的大小关系。在观测期间,BL、FB和FL的地表径流量分别为284.68、222.93和68.98cm,地下径流分别为57.83、134.00和289.52 cm,总径流量依次为343.16、356.93和358.35 cm;③在观测早期,FL样地和FB样地植物形态学特征、SLA以及地上和地下生物量均没有显著差异(p〉0.05)。在观测期末,虽然两个样地的基径和SLA无显著差异,然而其他指标差异极显著(p〈0.005)。在观测末期,除SLA外,FL样地植物的高、基径、叶面积、地上生物量和地下生物量分别高于FB样地,表明该样地植物生长条件更好。这些结果表明森林改善了自身的水分环境,而水分环境的改善又反过来促进了森林的生长,森林植被-水分条件的这种相互促进作用是森林系统生存策略的一种表现。  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,201(2):127-143
Biological invasions are widely accepted as having a major impact on ecosystem functioning worldwide, giving urgency to a better understanding of the factors that control their spread. Modelling tools have been developed for this purpose but are often discrete-space, discrete-time spatial-mechanistic models that adopt a computer simulation approach and resist mathematical analysis. We constructed a simple demographic matrix model to explore the local population dynamics of an invasive species with a complex life history and whose invasive success depends on resource availability, which occurs stochastically. As a case study we focused on the American black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), a gap-dependent tree able both to constitute a long-living seedling bank under unfavourable light conditions and to resprout vigorously once cut-down, which is invading European temperate forests. The model used was a stage-classified matrix population model (i.e., Lefkovitch matrix), integrating environmental stochasticity. Stochastic matrix projection analysis was combined with elasticity analysis and stochastic simulations to search for the species’ ‘Achille heel’. As expected, the population growth rate (i.e., Lyapunov exponent), which measures the risk of P. serotina invasion at the stand scale, increased with light frequency. There was a critical value above which the population of P. serotina explodes and below which it locally goes extinct. The resprouting capacity usually speed up the invasion but appeared to play a minor role. The mean duration of stand invasion was measured and important life stage transitions that mostly contribute to the local stochastic growth rate were identified. Some relevant management implications are discussed and the interest of such models for the understanding of demographic characteristics of invasive species is stressed.  相似文献   

China has experienced a rapid urbanisation, especially since the 1980s; however, the environmental impacts of this process are not fully investigated. Hanyang (Hubei Province, south China) was selected as a typical case to investigate runoff and non-point source (NPS) pollution impacts of urbanisation. A water quality simulation model (L-THIA) was applied to determine the long-term implications of different degrees of regional urbanisation impacts on NPS pollutants. Land-use patterns in 1987, 1998 and 2003 were analysed to evaluate the temporal variation of urbanisation, and the precipitation dataset from 1975 to 2003 was used to estimate the mean annual runoff and NPS pollutants. The contributions of different land-use categories to average annual runoff and NPS pollutant production were assessed by the means of a regression model. Results show that urban/impervious lands increased by 30.4% between 1987 and 2003, with the most increase occurring in 1998–2003. Industrial and forestlands have the most and least impact, respectively, on mean annual runoff and NPS pollutants. A combination of L-THIA and the regression model was found to be useful as a decision support tool for regional and urban planning from the perspectives of water quality control.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,188(1):76-92
Mechanistic theories of plant competition developed to explain changes in community structure and dynamics along resource availability gradients have been mostly applied to temperate forests and grasslands where light and nutrients are the two main limiting resources. In contrast, the mechanisms underlying the structure and dynamics of water-limited plant communities have been little explored. Also previous mechanistic models rely either on complex simulators, which are difficult to interpret or on simple conceptual models, which ignore too many critical details. In this study, we develop a model of stand dynamics for light and water-limited forests of intermediate complexity and we provide an analytical framework for its analyses. The model is an individual-based simulator that describes the feedback between transpiration, stomatal function and soil water dynamics with asymmetrical competition for light and water. Trees allocate carbon to three main compartments: shoot, stem and roots. We use the model to explore general patterns that may emerge across levels of biological organization from the leaf to the stand. Model predictions are consistent with a number of features of Mediterranean forests structure and dynamics. At the plant-level the leaf-based tradeoff between carbon gain and water loss expresses as a tradeoff between mortality and growth. This tradeoff explains plant morphological changes in above-ground biomass and root to shoot allocation along a water availability gradient. At the community-level, tradeoffs among carbon acquisition and water loss govern the sign of plant interactions along the gradient. Coexistence among morphological types was not observed for the range of parameters and environmental conditions explored. Overall the model provides an unifying explanation for the observed changes in the sign of plant to plant interactions along environmental gradients as well as a process-based formulation that can be linked to empirical studies.  相似文献   

Costanzo KS  Kesavaraju B  Juliano SA 《Ecology》2005,86(12):3289-3295
Condition-specific competition, wherein competitive superiority varies with the abiotic environment, can determine species' distributions in a spatially heterogeneous environment. We investigated this phenomenon with two competing container-dwelling mosquitoes. We tested the hypothesis that habitat drying alters the outcome of interspecific competition, predicting that the competitive impact of Aedes albopictus on Aedes aegypti would be severe in wetter environments, but greatly reduced in drier environments. We tested these predictions in a laboratory experiment within cages, with aquatic larvae residing in water-filled cups within the cage, and adults emerging within the cage and ovipositing on the cups. We raised each species alone or with the competitor. Environmental treatments were fluctuating (water in cups evaporated to 50% of the original volume and then cups were refilled), and drying (water in cups evaporated completely and cups remained dry for two weeks before refilling). There was a significant interaction between treatment and species combination for adult populations of both species. Interspecific competition was highly asymmetrical. In the wetter fluctuating environment, interspecific competition had a large negative effect on A. aegypti, but in the drying environment, interspecific competition had a large negative effect on A. albopictus, and relatively little impact on A. aegypti. The main cause of the shift in competitive advantage appeared to be a greater increase in egg mortality for A. albopictus under dry conditions, compared to A. aegypti. Thus, mortality impinging on noncompeting life cycle stages can alter the population level impact of interspecific competition. The hypothesis that dry conditions shift competitive advantage away from A. albopictus is supported in this experiment.  相似文献   

Positive interactions are widely recognized as playing a major role in the organization of community structure and diversity. As such, recent theoretical and empirical works have revealed the significant contribution of positive interactions in shaping species’ geographical distributions, particularly in harsh abiotic conditions. In this report, we explore the joint influence of local dispersal and an environmental gradient on the spatial distribution, structure and function of communities containing positive interactions. While most previous theoretical efforts were limited to modelling the dynamics of single pairs of associated species being mutualist or competitor, here we employ a spatially explicit multi-species metacommunity model covering a rich range of interspecific interactions (mutualism, competition and exploitation) along an environmental gradient. We find that mutualistic interactions dominate in communities with low diversity characterized by limited species dispersal and poor habitat quality. On the other hand, the fraction of mutualistic interactions decreases at the expense of exploitation and competition with the increase in diversity caused by higher dispersal and/or habitat quality. Our multi-species model exemplifies the ubiquitous presence of mutualistic interactions and the role of mutualistic species as facilitators for the further establishment of species during ecosystem assembly. We therefore argue that mutualism is an essential component driving the origination of complex and diverse communities.  相似文献   

Augmenting gene flow is a powerful tool for the conservation of small, isolated populations. However, genetic rescue attempts have largely been limited to populations at the brink of extinction, in part due to concerns over negative outcomes (e.g., outbreeding depression). Increasing habitat fragmentation may necessitate more proactive genetic management. Broader application of augmented gene flow will, in turn, require rigorous evaluation to increase confidence and identify pitfalls in this approach. To date, there has been no assessment of best monitoring practices for genetic rescue attempts. We used genomically explicit, individual-based simulations to examine the effectiveness of common approaches (i.e., tests for increases in fitness, migrant ancestry, heterozygosity, and abundance) for determining whether genetic rescue or outbreeding depression occurred. Statistical power to detect the effects of gene flow on fitness was high (≥0.8) when effect sizes were large, a finding consistent with those from previous studies on severely inbred populations. However, smaller effects of gene flow on fitness can appreciably affect persistence probability but current evaluation approaches fail to provide results from which reliable inferences can be drawn. The power of the metrics we examined to evaluate genetic rescue attempts depended on the time since gene flow and whether gene flow was beneficial or deleterious. Encouragingly, the use of multiple metrics provided nonredundant information and improved inference reliability, highlighting the importance of intensive monitoring efforts. Further development of best practices for evaluating genetic rescue attempts will be crucial for a responsible transition to increased use of translocations to decrease extinction risk.  相似文献   

Forest stand management often depends on data from a single fixed area inventory plot located at random in a forest stand. The plot provides detailed information about tree size distribution but not about per unit area tree frequency distribution unless one assumes a Poisson (POI) distribution. The POI assumption ignores any relationship between a tree's size and its demand for growing space. This study argues for the Inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution as a more realistic model. Maximum likelihood estimates of the IG parameters are obtained from a transformation of tree size data (diameter) to proxies of tree counts. Data from two stands indicated that an IG model was better at predicting the tree frequency distribution than a POI model.  相似文献   

Evaluating Costs of Conservation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Entomological studies conducted during monsoon and post-monsoon season in Manipur State revealed the presence of fifty-five species of mosquitoes under ten genera. Out of the seventeen Anopheles species recorded, Anopheles aconitus, An. dirus and An. nivipes were recorded for the first time from the state. The present study has confirmed the existence of An. dirus, the major malaria vector in the Northeast from a selected area of the state. Among Culicines, four species viz., Aedes nigrostriatus, Malaya genurostris, Aediomyia catasticta and Toxorhynchites splendens which were not reported earlier from this state have been recorded in the present study. With the addition of these seven species of mosquitoes to the earlier record of mosquitoes so far reported from Manipur, the mosquito fauna swells up to one hundred and eleven including the major vectors of malaria of the Northeast and the potential vectors of Japanese encephalitis and dengue virus transmission in India.  相似文献   

Antarctic specially protected areas (ASPAs) are a key regulatory mechanism for protecting Antarctic environmental values. Previous evaluations of the effectiveness of the ASPA system focused on its representativeness and design characteristics, presenting a compelling rationale for its systematic revision. Upgrading the system could increase the representation of values within ASPAs, but representation alone does not guarantee the avoided loss or improvement of those values. Identifying factors that influence the effectiveness of ASPAs would inform the design and management of an ASPA system with the greatest capacity to deliver its intended conservation outcomes. To facilitate evaluations of ASPA effectiveness, we devised a research and policy agenda that includes articulating a theory of change for what outcomes ASPAs generate and how; building evaluation principles into ASPA design and designation processes; employing complementary approaches to evaluate multiple dimensions of effectiveness; and extending evaluation findings to identify and exploit drivers of positive conservation impact. Implementing these approaches will enhance the efficacy of ASPAs as a management tool, potentially leading to improved outcomes for Antarctic natural values in an era of rapid global change. Evaluación del impacto de conservación de las áreas protegidas de la Antártida  相似文献   

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