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The objective of this research project is to develop, test, validate, and demonstrate an analytical framework for assessing regional-scale forest disturbance in the mid-Atlantic region by linking forest disturbance and forest nitrogen export to surface waters at multiple spatial scales. It is hypothesized that excessive nitrogen (N) leakage (export) from forested watersheds is a potentially useful, integrative "indicator" of a negative change in forest function which occurs in synchrony with changes in forest structure and species composition. Our research focuses mainly on forest disturbance associated with recent defoliations by the gypsy moth larva (Lymantria dispar) at spatial scales ranging from small watersheds to the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed. An approach for assessing the magnitude of forest disturbance and its impact on surface water quality will be based on an empirical model relating forest N leakage and gypsy moth defoliation that will be calibrated using data from 25 intensively-monitored forested watersheds in the region and tested using data from more than 60 other forested watersheds in Virginia. Ultimately, the model will be extended to the region using spatially-extensive data describing: 1) the spatial distribution of dominant forest types in the mid-Atlantic region based on both remote sensing imagery and plot-scale vegetation data; 2) the spatial pattern of gypsy moth defoliation of forested areas from aerial mapping; and 3) measurements of dissolved N concentrations in streams from synoptic water quality surveys.  相似文献   

Moths were collected with a light trap from 15 sites in the Baltimore, Maryland-Washington, D.C. area and analyzed for organochlorine pesticide residues. On the average, the species sampled contained 0.33 ppm heptachlor-chlordane compounds, 0.25 ppm DDE, and 0.11 ppm dieldrin. There were large differences in the concentrations detected in different species. Concentrations were especially high in moths whose larvae were cutworms, and were virtually absent from moths whose larvae fed on tree leaves. It was concluded that at least some species sampled could be an important source of insecticides to insectivorous wildlife. In some instances moths may be useful indicators of environmental contamination, especially when insectivorous wildlife species cannot be collected. However, the differences in residues observed among species means that only similar species should be compared, and this limits their potential for monitoring.  相似文献   

Acoustic Doppler current meters (ADV, ADCP, and ADP) are widely used in water systems to measure flow velocities and velocity profiles. Although these meters are designed for flow velocity measurements, they can also provide information defining the quantity of particulate matter in the water, after appropriate calibration. When an acoustic instrument is calibrated for a water system, no additional sensor is needed to measure suspended sediment concentration (SSC). This provides the simultaneous measurements of velocity and concentration required for most sediment transport studies. The performance of acoustic Doppler current meters for measuring SSC was investigated in different studies where signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and suspended sediment concentration were related using different formulations. However, these studies were each limited to a single study site where neither the effect of particle size nor the effect of temperature was investigated. In this study, different parameters that affect the performance of an ADV for the prediction of SSC are investigated. In order to investigate the reliability of an ADV for SSC measurements in different environments, flow and SSC measurements were made in different streams located in the Aegean region of Turkey having different soil types. Soil samples were collected from all measuring stations and particle size analysis was conducted by mechanical means. Multivariate analysis was utilized to investigate the effect of soil type and water temperature on the measurements. Statistical analysis indicates that SNR readings ob tained from the ADV are affected by water temperature and particle size distribution of the soil, as expected, and a prediction model is presented relating SNR readings to SSC mea surements where both water temperature and sediment characteristics type are incorporated into the model. The coefficients of the suggested model were obtained using the multivariate anal ysis. Effect of high turbidity conditions on ADV performance was also investigated during and after rain events.  相似文献   

Chemical monitoring of aquatic ecosystems describes the chemical exposures of aquatic biota and measures the success of pollution control. However, meeting water quality criteria cannot assure that aquatic biota are protected from the effects of unexpected chemicals, mixtures and interactions between toxicity and environmental stressors.Biological monitoring is an obvious solution since aquatic biota integrate spatial and temporal variations in exposure to many simultaneous stressors. Top predators, typical of specific ecosystems (e.g. lake trout in cold water oligotrophic lakes) indicate whether environmental criteria have been met. The presence of naturally reproducing, self-sustaining and productive stocks of edible fish demonstrates a high quality environment. If these conditions are not met, there is a clear sign of environmental degradation. Specific changes in population structure and performance may also diagnose which life stage is affected and the nature of the stressor.Unfortunately, environmental managers cannot rely solely on populations, communities or ecosystems to indicate chmical effects. The lag between identifying a problem and finding a cause may destroy the resource that we wish to protect, particularly where chemicals are persistent.A solution to this dilemma is the measurement of primary or secondary responses of individual organisms to chemical exposure. Since toxicity at any level of organization must start with a reaction between a chemical and a biological substrate, these responses are the most sensitive and earliest sign of chemical exposure and effect.Application of this idea requires research on molecular mechanisms of chemical toxicity in aquatic biota and adaptation of existing mammalian diagnostic tools. Since relevance of biochemical responses to populations and ecosystems is not obvious, there is a need to study the links between chemical exposure and responses of individuals, populations and ecosystems.The recognition of chemical problems and cause-effect relationships requires the integration of chemical and biological monitoring, using the principles of epidemiology to test the strength of relationships and to identify specific research needs. The contamination of a reservoir with selenium and impacts on fish populations provide an excellent example of this approach.  相似文献   

Hourly measurements of radon level at four houses in Butte, Montana were analyzed. Previous studies suggestes that there are diurnal cycles, spectral analysis confirms this assertion. Moreover, there are also long term trends and weekly cycles at certain locations. The periodical cycles highly suggest that indoor radon level can be dependent on the ventilation condition of the house and the activities of the residents.The relationship of indoor and outdoor radon level was investigated by cross-spectral analysis. In view of the possible different patterns caused by different seasons, data from the winter and summer are analyzed separately. The results shows that winter and summer data do display different patterns.  相似文献   

The use of assimilation tools for satellite validation requires true estimates of the accuracy of the reference data. Since its inception, the Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC) has provided systematic lidar measurements of ozone and temperature at several places around the world that are well adapted for satellite validations. Regular exercises have been organised to ensure the data quality at each individual site. These exercises can be separated into three categories: large scale intercomparisons using multiple instruments, including a mobile lidar; using satellite observations as a geographic transfer standards to compare measurements at different sites; and comparative investigations of the analysis software. NDSC is a research network, so each system has its own history, design, and analysis, and has participated differently in validation campaigns. There are still some technological differences that may explain different accuracies. However, the comparison campaigns performed over the last decade have always proved to be very helpful in improving the measurements. To date, more efforts have been devoted to characterising ozone measurements than to temperature observations. The synthesis of the published works shows that the network can potentially be considered as homogeneous within +/-2% between 20-35 km for ozone and +/-1 K between 35-60 km for temperature. Outside this altitude range, larger biases are reported and more efforts are required. In the lower stratosphere, Raman channels seem to improve comparisons but such capabilities were not systematically compared. At the top of the profiles, more investigations on analysis methodologies are still probably needed. SAGE II and GOMOS appear to be excellent tools for future ozone lidar validations but need to be better coordinated and take more advantage of assimilation tools. Also, temperature validations face major difficulties caused by atmospheric tides and therefore require intercomparisons with the mobile systems, at all sites.  相似文献   

The results of a biodiversity monitoring program conducted in the Ogawa Forest Reserve and its vicinity, situated in a cool temperate region of Japan, identified three different patterns for species richness. Forests of the region are characterized by a mosaic of secondary deciduous stands of various ages scattered among plantations of conifers. The three different types of change in species richness observed in response to the stand age are as follows: Type I (butterflies, tube-renting bees and wasps, hoverflies, fruit flies, and longicorn beetles), the species diversity was highest in open areas, just after clear-cutting, decreasing with the stand age; Type II (mushrooms and mites associated with them), older stands showed greater diversity than younger stands; and, Type III (moths, oribatid mites, collembolas, carabid beetles, and ants), the number of species did not change greatly with the stand age, though ordination analysis revealed that there was variation in species compositions. These results indicate that combinations of stands of different ages, or heterogeneously arranged stands, can contribute to the maintenance of insect biodiversity at the landscape level.  相似文献   

Ambient aerosol number concentrations and size distributions were measured in both indoor and outdoor environments using two identical co-located and concurrently operated optical particle counters (OPCs). Indoor measurements were performed in a research laboratory, whereas two different locations were used for outdoor measurements; the sampling duration exceeded 12 hours and one hour respectively. Results from the two OPCs have been presented for eight size classes between 0.5 and 20 [micro sign]m, represented by central value diameters 0.875, 1.5, 2.75, 4.25, 6.25, 8.75, 12.5 and 15 microm. Overall, for the six indoor and outdoor experiments conducted at different times of day, the mean particle count ratios from the two OPCs for the individual samples showed +/-20% variation for indoor experiments and +/-50% variations for outdoor experiments. Significant random departures of the mean ratios from unity at all size classes were noticed even for indoor sample periods exceeding 20 hours. However, the coefficient of determination (R(2)) for the plots of readings from the two OPCs indicated higher consistency for "fine" particles (0.5-3.5 microm) than for "coarse" particles (10-20 microm), with average R(2) > 0.8 and R(2) < 0.5 respectively. Poisson counting statistics help to explain the divergence in the latter case where number concentrations were very low for the outdoor experiments. However, it cannot explain the divergence for indoor measurements where the concentrations were much higher. Increasing the averaging period reduced the scatter, especially in size classes with low number concentration. However, this procedure may lead to over-smoothing of data for environments with rapidly changing number concentration. These results indicate that, when two such analysers are used for comparative studies, the divergence between their responses may generate significant values of source contribution or deposition flux, even for nominally similar aerosol populations.  相似文献   

Temperature measurements were taken at three pilot-scale facultative ponds located at Esholt wastewater treatment works in West Yorkshire, UK over two one-year periods. The measurements were taken at different depths using a technology called Thermochron iButton. The iButton readings were compared with temperature measurements taken by a YSI sonde probe and maximum/minimum thermometers: they were found to be within 1 .C. In the temperature range 3.18 .C the mean weekly and monthly air temperatures were found to be good predictors for the mean weekly and monthly pond water-column temperatures. The level of stratification in the ponds under UK climatic conditions was assessed; the data revealed that the ponds remained thermally stratified for significant periods during the year despite their shallow depth.  相似文献   

Biogenic hydrocarbon emission rates from individual plant species have been estimated experimentally placing small plants or branches in enclosures and measuring the emission rates of the compounds. All-Teflon chambers (cuvettes) where air samples are drawn through tubes packed with adsorbents, have been commonly used for plant enclosure. Sampling of carbonyl compounds emitted from plants has been done using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine coated particles and the derivative carbonyl compounds have been analyzed by HPLC-UV. In this work, the enclosure technique using a cuvette for measurements of carbonyl compound emissions from plants was evaluated. Blank measurements in an empty cuvette have revealed quite different results for experiments performed under laboratory and field conditions. Rigorous univariate statistical analysis of the data obtained indicate that the analytical procedure to determine carbonyl compounds at trace levels in emission samples using the cuvette may lead to positive artifacts during field sampling. This analysis applied to laboratory measurements showed no difference in the results for the cuvette and external lines. Multivariate statistical calculations point out that solar light intensity accounts for the high carbonyl compound levels, especially for acetaldehyde, in the empty cuvette.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of different monitoring methods in detecting temporal changes in water quality depends on the achievable sampling intervals, and how these relate to the extent of temporal variation. However, water quality sampling frequencies are rarely adjusted to the actual variation of the monitoring area. Manual sampling, for example, is often limited by the level of funding and not by the optimal timing to take samples. Restrictions in monitoring methods therefore often determine their ability to estimate the true mean and variance values for a certain time period or season. Consequently, we estimated how different sampling intervals determine the mean and standard deviation in a specific monitoring area by using high frequency data from in situ automated monitoring stations. Raw fluorescence measurements of chlorophyll a for three automated monitoring stations were calibrated by using phycocyanin fluorescence measurements and chlorophyll a analyzed from manual water samples in a laboratory. A moving block bootstrap simulation was then used to estimate the standard errors of the mean and standard deviations for different sample sizes. Our results showed that in a temperate, meso-eutrophic lake, relatively high errors in seasonal statistics can be expected from monthly sampling. Moreover, weekly sampling yielded relatively small accuracy benefits compared to a fortnightly sampling. The presented method for temporal representation analysis can be used as a tool in sampling design by adjusting the sampling interval to suit the actual temporal variation in the monitoring area, in addition to being used for estimating the usefulness of previously collected data.  相似文献   

Effects of Scale and Logging on Landscape Structure in a Forest Mosaic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Landscape structure in a forest mosaic changes with spatial scale (i.e. spatial extent) and thresholds may occur where structure changes markedly. Forest management alters landscapestructure and may affect the intensity and location of thresholds. Our purpose was to examine landscape structure at different scales to determine thresholds where landscape structure changes markedly in managed forest mosaics of the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States. We also investigated how logging influences landscape structure and whether these management activities change threshold values. Using threshold and autocorrelation analyses, we found that thresholds in landscape indices exist at 400, 500, and 800 m intervals from the outer edge of management units in our studyregion. For landscape indices that consider all landcovercategories, such as dominance and contagion, landscape structureand thresholds did not change after logging occurred. Measurements for these overall landscape indices were stronglyinfluenced by midsuccessional deciduous forest, the most commonlandcover category in the landscape. When restricting analysesfor mean patch size and percent cover to individual forest types,thresholds for early-successional forests changed after logging. However, logging changed the landscape structure at small spatialscale, but did not alter the structure of the entire forestmosaic. Previous forest management may already have increasedthe heterogeneity of the landscape beyond the point whereadditional small cuts alter the overall structure of the forest. Because measurements for landscape indices yield very differentresults at different spatial scales, it is important first toidentify thresholds in order to determine the appropriate scalesfor landscape ecological studies. We found that threshold andautocorrelation analyses were simple but powerful tools for thedetection of appropriate scales in the managed forest mosaicunder study.  相似文献   

Changes in population size and structure depend not only on the internal dynamics of populations, but also on environmental coupling, human exploitation, and interaction with other species. Some of these factors are cyclic and predictable, while others are random. In some cases the effect of interactions is to destabilise the system and produce catastrophic changes, which are manifested as discontinuities. This paper reviews several models of marine populations which generate long‐term population changes, typically much longer than the generation time of the species involved. The output of these models is realistic and agrees with existing data, but in the absence of adequate time series it is not always possible to test or validate such models in a rigorous statistical sense. The paper concludes with a discussion of the role of such models in our understanding of long‐term changes in marine populations, and the practical implications of not always being able either to validate or falsify models needed for effective decisionmaking.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic stressors, such as pollution and habitat degradation, have affected natural fish populations (and other species) by increased mortality and/or impaired reproduction. Depending on the life history of a population, the sensitivity to a particular stress varies. Demographic population models can be used to evaluate these differences and determine which populations are most sensitive to a specific impact. In the present study, five populations of roach (Rutilus rutilus) with different life histories were modeled and compared for sensitivities to reductions in fecundity or survival. The five populations reflected a north–south gradient with increasing life span, delayed maturity, and reduced fecundity at higher latitudes. Furthermore, three types of population models were used and compared. The population models were an unstructured model, a two-stage model with juveniles and adults and an age-structured model with age-dependent fecundity. The results of the population models showed that populations at higher latitudes are more sensitive to a reduction in survival but less sensitive to a reduction in fecundity. Current methods in ecological risk assessment are based on oversimplifications due to a lack of ecological theory. The use of population models may increase the ecological relevance and help produce better risk assessments. The two-stage model provided results that were similar to the results of the more complex age-structured model in most cases. The unstructured model, however, deviated significantly from the other two models.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship of local air pollution pattern with urban land use and with urban thermal landscape using a GIS approach. Ambient air quality measurements for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, total suspended particles, and dust level were obtained for Guangzhou City in South China between 1981 and 2000. Landsat TM images and aerial photo derived maps were used to examine city's land use and land cover at different times and changes. Landsat thermal infrared data were employed to compute land surface temperatures and to assess urban thermal patterns. Relationships among the spatial patterns of air pollution, land use, and thermal landscape were sought through GIS and correlation analyses. Results show that the spatial patterns of air pollutants probed were positively correlated with urban built-up density, and with satellite derived land surface temperature values, particularly with measurements taken during the summer. It is suggested that further studies investigate the mechanisms of this linkage, and that remote sensing of air pollution delves into how the energy interacts with the atmosphere and the environment and how sensors see pollutants. Thermal infrared imagery could play a unique role in monitoring and modeling atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

In environmental monitoring, environmental impact assessments and environmental audits, topographical maps play an essential role in providing a means by which the locations of sampling sites may be selected, in assisting with the interpretation of physical features, and in indicating the impact or potential impact on an area due to changes in the system being monitored (e.g., spatially changing features such as wetlands). Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are hereby presented as a rapid method for monitoring spatial changes to support environmental monitoring decisions and policies. To validate the GNSS-based method, a comparison is made of results from a small-scale topographic survey using radio-based real-time kinematic GNSS (GNSS-RTK) and total station survey methods at Jack Finnery Lake, Perth, Australia. The accuracies achieved by the total station in this study were 2 cm horizontally and 6 cm vertically, while the GNSS-RTK also achieved an accuracy of 2 cm horizontally, but only 28 cm vertically. While the GNSS-RTK measurements were less accurate in the height component compared to those from the total station method, it is still capable of achieving accuracies sufficient for a topographic map at a scale of 1:1,750 that could support environmental monitoring tasks such as identifying spatial changes in small water bodies or wetlands. The time taken to perform the survey using GNSS-RTK, however, was much shorter compared to the total station method, thereby making it quite suitable for monitoring spatial changes within an environmental context, e.g., dynamic mining activities that require rapid surveys and the updating of the monitored data at regular intervals.  相似文献   

Persistence behavior of insecticides chlorpyriphos, profenofos, triazophos, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin following the use of three combination formulations Action 505 (chlorpyriphos?+?cypermethrin), Roket 44EC (profenofos?+?cypermethrin), and Anaconda Plus (triazophos?+?deltamethrin) was studied in cabbage following the spray application at the recommended and double doses. Bio-efficacy of these formulations was also evaluated against mustard aphids (Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach) and diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.). The residues of different insecticides persisted for 5–8 days at low dose and 8–12 days at high dose. The residues dissipated with time and 87–100 % dissipation was recorded on the 8th day. The half-life values varied from 0.4 to 1.6 days. Based on the acceptable daily intake (ADI) values, a safe waiting period of 1 day has been suggested for the formulations Action 505 and Roket 44EC and 3 days for Anaconda Plus at the recommended dose of application. Action (1.6 L/ha) treatment was found to be the best as it significantly reduced the diamondback moth (DBM) (~60 %) and aphid population (~70 %) besides giving the highest yield (170 % increase over control).  相似文献   

A diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique for measuring methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in natural waters was developed using 3-mercaptopropyl-functionalized silica gel to preconcentrate the methylmercury. The new resin was characterized and calibrated. Methylmercury is efficiently accumulated at a pH range of 3-9. Basic performance tests of the new DGT device confirmed the applicability of Fick's first law for such DGT measurements. The diffusion coefficient of methylmercury in polyacrylamide gel was 5 x 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). Methylmercury concentrations determined by DGT deployed for different time periods in the field are statistically not different from results obtained through direct measurements. The DGT technique represents therefore an alternative in situ sampling method for methylmercury. The detection limit of the overall method is 1 pg of MeHg, which correspond to approximately 30 pg L(-1) of MeHg in a water sample, when deploying a typical DGT device for 24 hours. Lower MeHg concentrations are measurable using longer deployment times or thinner diffusive gel layers.  相似文献   

Ozone air pollution is a serious problem in several cities of the world. Hence, to analyse the behaviour of this pollutant is a very important issue. One problem of interest is to study the behaviour of the inter-occurrences times between two ozone exceedances, i.e. between two days in which the pollutant’s measurement surpasses a given threshold. Another interest resides in comparing the behaviour of ozone measurements in different seasons of the year. In this paper we use some Poisson models to analyse this problem. The time interval at which the ozone measurements were taken is split into subintervals corresponding roughly to the seasons of the year. We consider three parametric forms for the mean of the Poisson model, and consequently for the mean of the inter-occurrences times. In each model, the parameters describing its mean are estimated using Bayesian inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The models are applied to the ozone measurements provided by the Mexico City monitoring network. Theoretical results suggest that an increase has occurred in the mean inter-exceedances times and this is corroborated by the observed data. Differences between the behaviour of the pollutant during different seasons of the year are also detected as well as similarities in the same season in different years. Besides estimating the mean of the Poisson models, inference for the possible presence and location of change-points indicating change of parameters of the model is also performed.  相似文献   

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