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The CEGB and the Cathedrals Advisory Commission for England formed a Joint Working Party in 1985 to promote a research programme aimed at improving the understanding of the relationships between stone decay, atmospheric pollution and other factors. The programme has included exposure of limestone samples at York Minster and eight other sites in England and Scotland selected to give a mix of urban, marine and rural locations. All of the sites have comprehensive air pollution and meteorological monitoring and measurement of rainfall chemistry. At two sites samples have been fumigated with controlled levels of sulphur dioxide.Over all sites, there was a significant trend to increased weight loss with increase in average sulphur dioxide concentration, but a negative trend with total nitrogen oxides and with nitrogen dioxide. For sample exposures longer than 200 days, the sulphur dioxide dependence at the inland Liphook fumigation site was about half that found near the coast at Littlehampton. There was no significant trend to increase weight loss with total rainfall amount for the complete data set, but the analysis was dominated by the very wet Scottish site, which experienced the lowest average concentrations of air pollutants.A theoretical model for the chemical dissolution of rainwashed limestone has been derived from consideration of the ion and mass balances between the incident rain water and run-off water. The model has been fitted to the measured loss rates from the stonework field trials. With the exception of the very wet Scottish site, the difference between the stone loss rate, calculated from the model, and the mean measured loss rate for any particular exposure was generally smaller than the variation between the triplicate samples. Variation in the dry deposition velocity between sites and exposure periods does not appear to have been a very significant factor, and no residual effect due to the concentrations of nitrogen oxides was found. The natural solubility of limestone in water was the dominant term in describing the stone loss, and neutralization of the rainfall acidity the least significant. The volume of the intercepted rainfall and the variation in the pH of the run-off water with rainfall intensity have been identified as the two most significant terms which require more precise quantification. The data from the inland fumigation site used in the model predict a stone loss due to sulphur dioxide in the air of less than 1 μm yr−1 surface recession per ppb SO2.  相似文献   

为探讨颗粒物对金昌市高血压门急诊就诊人数影响的暴露反应关系,本文收集甘肃省金昌市2012年1月1日~2015年12月31日大气PM10、SO2、NO2数据及2014年1月1日~2015年12月31日大气PM2.5污染物监测数据及同期气象观测数据,同时收集近年金昌市三家综合医院的高血压门急诊日就诊病例.采用广义相加模型,分析不同大气污染物与高血压门急诊日就诊人数的关联性.结果表明,在单污染物模型中,滞后L07d时PM10平均浓度每升高一个IQR,高血压日门急诊人数增加2.30%(95% CI:1.30%~3.32%),L6d时PM2.5平均浓度每升高一个IQR,高血压日门急诊人数增加2.53%(95% CI:1.45%~3.62%).PM10和PM2.5对男性、65岁以上高血压患者门急诊影响更高.SO2和NO2与颗粒物之间存在协同效应,沙尘天气下PM10对高血压门急诊人数的影响由2.30%增加到2.36%,PM2.5的影响由2.53%减少到2.39%.研究得出颗粒物污染对金昌市高血压门急诊就诊人数具有不同程度的影响,其中细颗粒物(PM2.5)的效应更强.  相似文献   

利用1985~2004年能见度和有烟日观测资料,统计分析了20 a当中,湄洲湾沿海能见度和大气受烟尘污染的变化.结果表明:湄洲湾夏季沿海能见度明显好于冬季,这可能与冬夏盛行风向不同,输送排放污染源地不同以及不同季节天气气候条件相关.湄洲湾冬季和夏季沿海能见度呈显著下降趋势,尤以夏季为突出.污染日在86~199d之间徘徊;1985~1988年是污染"轻微期",年平均污染日101d;1997~2000年是污染"严重期",年平均污染日达186 d.  相似文献   

To spur on quality assurance for models that calculate air pollution, quality criteria for such models have been formulated. By satisfying these criteria the developers of these models and producers of the software packages in this field can assure and account for the quality of their products. In this way critics and users of such (computer) models can gain a clear understanding of the quality of the model. Quality criteria have been formulated for the development of mathematical models, for their programming—including user-friendliness, and for the after-sales service, which is part of the distribution of such software packages. The criteria have been introduced into national and international frameworks to obtain standardization.  相似文献   

在用车污染物排放情况与汽车使用及合理的维护有着密切的关系.本文以检测和维护即I/M制度之中的"M"部分,为主要研究内容,针对影响汽车排放性能的空燃比、点火提前角、燃烧状态、运行工况、负荷状况、大气与压强和发动机构造等多种因素,提出了相应汽车的维护工艺,从而降低汽车的污染物排放.  相似文献   

京津冀地区重污染天气过程的污染气象条件数值模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过采用全球再分析格点资料的统计分析和WRF中尺度数值模拟,从天气学和大气边界层气象学角度分析了2013年12月和2014年2月两次重污染过程中京津冀地区天气尺度大气停滞气象条件和大气污染扩散气象条件的特征及其作用,并根据WRF模式精细化模拟结果分析了太行山和燕山对京津冀地区城市大气污染形成的作用.研究结果表明,两次重污染天气过程中京津冀地区500 h Pa等压面上的平均风速均表现为明显的气候异常特征,500 h Pa平均风速较近10年同期分别下降了约30.8%和50.4%,大气停滞系数较近5年同期分别偏高10%和20%以上;京津冀地区发生严重污染时,WRF模式模拟的日平均混合层高度低于200 m,日平均地面10 m风速低于2 m·s-1,日平均通风量可降低到1000 m2·s-1以下,空气质量指数与日平均通风量成负相关,重污染期间的平均通风量比近5年同期平均通风量偏低29.3%~52.8%,这些不利于污染扩散的天气条件持续数日,导致了重污染天气的发生.此外,太行山对西风气流的阻挡是河北中南部地区大气污染加剧的一个重要原因,而当主导风向为偏南风时,偏南气流遇燕山后或转向回流、或爬坡,导致近地面风速减小,不利于污染物扩散,亦加剧了京津冀地区中南部城市的大气污染.  相似文献   

探讨兰州市空气污染对不同性别和年龄的儿童呼吸疾病就诊人数的影响以及季节性变化.通过收集2013~2017年兰州市空气污染物PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO和O38h浓度数据、气象数据及3家三甲医院儿童呼吸疾病门诊资料,采用广义相加模型(GAM)控制星期几效应、气象因素、假期效应等混杂因素,分析空气污染物浓度与儿童呼吸系统疾病日门诊量的关系及滞后效应.研究期间,兰州市3家三甲医院儿童呼吸系统疾病日门诊量平均为387人次,范围1~1413人次.单污染物模型结果显示,PM2.5、NO2、SO2、CO均在累积滞后一天(lag01)时效应量达到最大值,其浓度每增加10μg/m3(CO单位为1mg/m3),儿童呼吸系统疾病就诊人次的超额危险度(ER)及95%可信区间(95% CI)分别为0.245%(95% CI:0.127%~0.363%),0.568%(95% CI:0.327%~0.808%),1.661%(95% CI:1.022%~2.302%),2.245%(95% CI:1.610%~2.883%);PM10和O38h在各滞后天数均无统计学意义.对不同性别、年龄、季节分析发现,性别分层中PM2.5对女童的影响略高于男童,NO2、SO2和CO的影响男童略高于女童;年龄分层发现PM2.5、NO2和CO的影响6~14岁组大于0~5岁组,SO2的影响0~5岁组大于6~14岁组;季节分层中PM2.5、NO2、SO2和CO对门诊量的影响只在冬季有意义,PM10和O38h在各个季节均无意义.双污染物模型结果显示,分别调整其他5种污染物后,PM10和O38h对儿童呼吸系统疾病门诊量的增加均无统计学意义;调整PM10和O38h后,其他污染物呼吸系统疾病门诊量的增加均有统计学意义.兰州空气污染物(PM2.5、NO2、SO2、CO)与呼吸系统疾病门诊量密切相关,并且SO2和CO浓度增加更易增加儿童呼吸系统疾病的发病风险.性别、年龄和季节对空气污染物和呼吸系统疾病门诊就诊人次的关系有影响.  相似文献   

Intercontinental transport of air pollution   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There is an increasing interest on the intercontinental transport of air pollution among the three main emission regions at northern mid-latitudes: North America, Europe, and East Asia. Air pollutants with sufficient long lifetime can be transported from one continent to another. Observations from ground sites, aircraft and satellites have demonstrated this intercontinental-scale transport of air pollutants in the free troposphere. Numerical models have been applied to understand the pathways of the transport and the impact of intercontinental pollution transport. This paper reviews current observational evidence and modeling studies of intercontinental transport of ozone and its precursors, and the resulting impacts on air quality.  相似文献   

济南城区空气污染对呼吸道疾病门诊量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨空气污染对人群呼吸道健康的影响,调查了2002~2005 年济南市历城区空气质量状况及医院每日呼吸道疾病门诊量,采用时间序列方法的非参数广义相加模型(GAM),在控制门诊量变化的长期趋势、“星期几效应”、气象因素等混杂因素的基础上,分析了空气污染对呼吸道疾病日门诊量影响的最佳滞后时间及暴露-反应关系.结果表明,空气污染对呼吸道疾病日门诊量有影响.单污染物模型中,PM10 和NO2 分别滞后0d 和3d 及SO2 滞后0~3d 的移动平均值对人群呼吸道健康的影响具有统计学意义.PM10、SO2 和NO2 日均浓度增加10µg/m3,呼吸道疾病日门诊相对危险度分别为1.004, 1.015,1.008.女性比男性对空气污染更为敏感.  相似文献   

云南省大气污染扩散输送特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析各种野外探测资料和常规气象资料,全面讨论了影响云南省大气扩散输送能力的各种特征量的变化和特点,并试图说明高原山区的特殊地形及局地小气候条件对这些特征量的影响,认为云南全省大气扩散输送具有以下特征:大气稳定度以中性类居多,频率占50%以上;风速廓线指数值比平原地区大得多,也比一般山区的大;大气混合层高度春冬季较大,夏秋季较小,下午较大,凌晨较小;滇东和滇西北扩散参数较大,滇南较小;辐射雾出现频繁是一种影响当地大气扩散输送的天气现象。  相似文献   

总结了国内外研究中常用的基于外场观测的臭氧污染成因分析方法。区域传输和本地生成的相对贡献以及臭氧与前体物的非线性关系是研究臭氧污染和制定控制对策的两个关键科学问题。基于对观测数据的分析,常见的量化区域传输和本地生成贡献的方法包括背景点测量法、TCEQ区域背景臭氧估算法和主成分分析区域背景臭氧估算法;用于诊断臭氧光化学生成机制的方法包括光化学指示剂比值法和基于观测的化学模型。本文对上述方法的原理和应用情况进行了总结,并对其优缺点和适用条件进行了评述,以期为环境监测资料的深入科学分析提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Representative driving cycles across the Perth, Western Australia, metropolitan region illustrate a direct relationship to urban land use. Movement away from the central business district results in fewer traffic events, higher speeds, longer cruise periods and shorter stops. The consequent reduction in root mean square acceleration leads to a corresponding reduction in vehicle emission factors. Urban planning implications are pursued and highlight the importance of public transport as an option in reducing urban air pollution.  相似文献   

Information concerning atmospheric stability and turbulence is basic in studies related to air pollution meteorology. In this context a monostatic sodar has been operating at the National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, for many years to probe the thermal structure of the lower atmosphere in real time and space.Various observed thermal structures viz. nocturnal inversion, thermal plumes, formation and break-up of inversion, orographical mixing, multilayered structures and waves etc., are the result of the different atmospheric stabilities and turbulence conditions. These structures have been studied in the light of surface measurements of wind speed and direction for organized indexing of the structural details to infer meteorological conditions concerning Pasquill stability classifications.The height of the ground-based thermal structure has been correlated with the Richardson number, Ri, for quantitative estimation of the turbulence parameter. Estimated values of Ri have been further used to determine the cross wind dispersion coefficient, σy. The results obtained are realistic and can be used as input parameters for air pollution modelling.  相似文献   

客观理解京津冀大气污染传输通道城市(“2+26”城市)空气污染时空格局对于区域大气污染联合防治具有重要意义.本研究采用遥感数据反演的PM2.5浓度产品,利用趋势分析法和重心分析法,揭示了京津冀城市大气污染传输通道区2000~2015年大气污染时空格局演化特征.结果表明:(1)区域PM2.5平均浓度整体呈现出太行山脉区域较低,太行山脉以东较高的格局,城镇地区明显高于周边地区.(2)2000~2015年区域PM2.5年均浓度总体呈增加趋势,主要表现在2000~2007年,呈显著增加趋势的面积占全区的88.48%,之后呈稳定状态.(3)区域PM2.5污染重心位于衡水、邢台和德州3市交界处,区域北部大气污染较严重.本研究可为京津冀及周边地区大气污染防治政策制定和措施实施提供参考与支持.  相似文献   

A study has been made on elements organic constituents, TSP, SO2,NO2 of atmospheric pollutants in Beijing. 17 elements, and some PAHs, e. g. B(a)P, B(b, j, k)P, and B(g, h, i)P, in airborne particles by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and HPLC, GC/MS, have been determined respectively. It has been shown that the elements Pb, Zn, S and Cu were more enriched in fine particles and different valence states of sulfur at various sites. It was found that the concentrations of S6+ and S2-were more than 85% and less than 15% of the total sulfur respectively. Concentrations of major PAHs and sulfur-containing compounds increased in winter and in urban area. High values for Pb and Zn in city, Fe and Mn at industrial area and Cu, Al rural sites were obtained respectively. This implies the functions of different elemental sources of various sites. Thus, elements can be from distingushed anthropogenic and natural sources.The main contribution of SO2 was found of to have same seasonal variation as the anthropogenic el  相似文献   

Vessel emissions have contributed a great deal to air quality deterioration in China. Hence,the Chinese government has promulgated a series of stringent emission regulations. It is in this context that vessel emission control technology research is in full swing. In particular,during the 13th Five-Year Plan, the air pollution control technology of vessels has greatly improved. Vessel emission control has followed two main governance routes: source emission reduction and aftertreatment technology...  相似文献   

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