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In September 1989 a joint U.S.S.R.-U.S. study of the causes and effects of desert dust on the environment was conducted in the Tadzhik S.S.R. in Soviet Central Asia. The objectives of the study included measurements of optical absorption by suspended material, both windblown dust and aerosol “black” carbon. This latter material is a combustion effluent, prevalent in emissions from poorly controlled burning, with a long atmospheric lifetime and a large cross-section for the absorption of visible radiation. The measurements obtained from the analysis of filter samples indicate that only during periods of active dust production was there a significant contribution of dust to total absorption. At other times, the presence of black carbon from local and regional sources accounted for approximately 90° of the total aerosol optical absorption. The conclusions are that fuel combustion may produce a greater optical impact on the atmosphere in less-developed areas of the world than that arising from the effects of desert dust production.  相似文献   

利用全球气溶胶模式GEM-AQ/EC的1995~2004年10年沙尘气溶胶模拟,探讨了东亚地区沙尘气溶胶源汇分布和垂直结构特征.结果表明,东亚大陆沙尘气溶胶源区主要集中在东亚的沙漠地区,有两大沙尘主要源区:覆盖蒙古国南部及中国内蒙中西部的沙漠地区和南疆的塔克拉玛干沙漠.东亚沙尘排放量春季最大,占全年排放总量的66.81%,四月份达15.29Mt,夏季下降,秋季小幅度回升,冬季最小;东亚沙尘排放量呈现明显的年际变化及增强的趋势.东亚沙尘沉降高值区与源区一致,源区及附近以干沉降为主,远距离传输到中国东北、长江以南及西太平洋包括日本、朝鲜半岛,湿沉降占主导地位;沙尘沉降具有季节变化,其趋势与东亚沙尘排放量的季节变化大致相同,且模拟的10年沉降量呈上升趋势.东亚沙漠地区排放的沙尘主导了东亚沙尘气溶胶的变化,最大的净沙尘汇区集中在紧邻净沙尘源区的黄土高原及华北平原西部.东亚地区春夏秋3个季节均是沙尘的净源区,而冬季强西风急流输入东亚以外的沙尘使东亚整体上为沙尘净接收区.东亚大陆大部分地区,沙尘垂直分布主要集中在对流层低层3km高度以下,在西太平洋地区包括日本、朝鲜半岛沙尘高值中心位于在对流层中层5km高度上下,在沙漠以北地区沙尘垂直廓线的高值出现在对流层中上层6~8km高度.  相似文献   

黄土高原是重要的降尘区还是沙尘源区这一科学问题至今未有确切定论.本文利用北半球气溶胶区域气候模式NARCM,根据1995~2004年10a的模拟数据,分析了中国区域沙尘起沙量、沉降量以及沙尘的盈亏空间分布及风场,得到如下结论:1)沙漠及沙漠化地区是起沙量最大的区域、沉降量高值区集中在沙漠、沙漠化地区及其下风方向.黄土高原起沙量很小,而沉降量远大于起沙量.2)沙尘源区是沙漠及沙漠化地区,其余的地区则是沙尘汇区,降尘量由西北向东南递减.3)黄土高原因太行山和秦岭阻挡,处在最大的沙尘汇区.黄土高原的黄土是冰期和间冰期交替、经过漫长年代沙尘沉降的结果,模拟分析结论为黄土的风成学说提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   

The mass-particle size distributions of up to 17 trace elements in aerosol particle samples from dust storm and non-dust storm periods were determined for three sites in or near the source regions of Chinese dust. The mass of particulate material in the atmosphere at the sites is dominated by mineral aerosol particles. An absolute principal component analysis of the non-dust storm elemental data for the loess region allows the estimation of the mass contributions from two coarse-particle classes (soil dust and dust associated with pollutants), and two fine-particle classes (soil dust and anomalously enriched). For most elements (Al, Si, Ca, Fe, Ti, K, S and As), the mass-particle size distributions (MSDs) were approximately log-normal. The mass-median diameters (MMDs) of the soil-derived elements tended to decrease with distance from the desert region and when the dust storms subsided. Total dry deposition velocities were calculated by fitting a log-normal distribution to the aerosol data and calculating deposition rates for 100 particle-size intervals using a two-layer deposition model. The mean dry-deposition rates and fluxes were highest during dust storms over desert regions. In thloess region, the calculated dry deposition velocities of soil derived elements (Al, Si, Ca, Fe and Ti) during non-dust storm periods were from 3.1 to 3.7 cm s−1. From the estimated mass-particles size distributions, the coarser and finer mineral particles were found to benriched with Ca, Fe, Ti and K relative to Al or Si. On a yearly basis, the dry atmospheric input to the Loess Plateau was mainly attributable to normal transport processes, i.e. non-dust storm conditions. Wet deposition fluxes estimated from scavenging ratios indicate that dry deposition dominated the total atmospheric deposition of mineral aerosol. The deposition of aerosol particles associated with coal burning or other anthropogenic sources also was considerable on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

根据全球沙尘气溶胶气候模式GEM-AQ/EC模拟的1995~2004年的沙尘起沙量和干湿沉降量,分析了沙尘气溶胶源汇的全球时空变化特征.全球沙尘起沙量集中在各个主要沙漠地区,北非对全球沙尘气溶胶贡献最大为66.6%.沙尘气溶胶沉降的高值区分布在沙漠源区及其紧临的下风地区.最大净沙尘气溶胶接收主要分布在沙漠周围地区并形成净接收量大于10t/(km2×a)的位于0°N~60°N之间的北非、欧亚大陆、西太平洋、北印度洋、北美和大西洋的带状分布.在北非、阿拉伯半岛、中亚、东亚和澳大利亚5个主要沙漠地区中,起沙量和沉降量都存在明显的季节变化,除中亚其他4个区域干湿沉降量和起沙的季节变化基本一致;东亚地区沙尘气溶胶起沙量和总沉降量的季节变化最为明显,而北非沙漠起沙量和总沉降量的季节变化最小,其他3个区域的季节变化幅度基本相同.中亚起沙峰值和阿拉伯半岛起沙次峰值出现在夏季,其他区域的峰值均出现在春季.10年间全球陆地年平均起沙量为(1500±94)Mt,保持略微上升趋势.以北非沙漠起沙量年际变化率最低(6.3%), 而以东亚(28.3%)和澳大利亚(45.0%)起沙量年际变化最为明显;全球陆地的沙尘气溶胶沉降量以约9.9Mt/a的速率递减,全球海洋的沙尘气溶胶沉降递增.  相似文献   

张晔  王海兵  左合君  闫敏 《中国环境科学》2019,39(10):4065-4073
以波段亮温差算法(BTD)对中国西北2014~2018年春季460期MODIS L1B数据进行沙尘信息逐日提取,统计分析沙尘频数的空间分布规律,结合地貌特征及地表沉积物细颗粒组分含量进行沙尘源解析.结果表明:(1)中国西北沙尘活动呈"两区三带"分布特征,沙尘频发区主要分布于塔里木盆地和蒙古高原南部沙漠戈壁区;区内存在塔克拉玛干沙漠东南缘荒漠绿洲高频带(270~287次)、库姆塔格沙漠北缘高频带(240~250次)及巴丹吉林沙漠东北边缘荒漠绿洲高频带(240~250次).(2)中重度沙尘高频区主要分布于塔克拉玛干西北部沙漠绿洲.沙尘源主要为富含粉尘的边缘沙漠与冲积洪积扇缘戈壁交错带,内含丰富的干河床、干涸湖泊和绿洲退化地,该区域细物质组分含量高,易释放粉尘微粒并通过局地循环过程向周边地表扩散沉积,为区域高频、高浓度沙尘发生提供丰富的物质基础.  相似文献   

沙漠地区沙尘气溶胶含量变化的原因分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用中国大陆气溶胶指数(TOMS AI)、太阳辐射、沙尘能见度、降水量等观测资料,对中国西北部沙漠地区沙尘气溶胶含量进行分析.结果表明,沙漠地区AI值不但取决于沙尘暴的发生,而且取决于太阳辐射.这表明沙尘暴起沙模型和尘卷风与干热对流的联合起沙模型互为补充,沙漠地区上空的沙尘气溶胶含量是它们共同作用的结果,而由太阳辐射引发的尘卷风与干热对流较沙尘暴过程更为重要.  相似文献   

尘卷风对沙尘气溶胶的贡献及其与太阳辐射的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用塔克拉玛干沙漠及周边地区观测资料,依据尘卷风热力学理论和方法,估算出在塔克拉玛干沙漠地区尘卷风对沙尘气溶胶贡献的年平均量为4.0× 106t,年最大量为5.0×106t,与该地区沙尘暴的沙尘气溶胶年均贡献量相当.依赖于太阳辐射强度季节变化,尘卷风的起沙量具有与地面温度同步的季节变化规律.  相似文献   

影响北京沙尘源地的气候特征与北京沙尘天气分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
分析并找出了影响北京沙尘暴天气的源地,该源地主要位于北京北部的浑善达克沙地的西北部边缘,内蒙古中西部、河套以西地区的沙漠、荒漠化地区以及干旱、半干旱地区广大的农业开垦区,指出影响北京的沙尘传输路径有3条,即西路、北路和西北路.对源地的气候特征做进一步分析表明,源地的气候特征为温暖干旱、降水不足,这些因素加速了沙尘天气的发生.同时将源地春季降水和北京沙尘天气相比较,发现北路和西北路源地春季降水和北京沙尘暴天气有较好的负相关,西路源地春季降水和北京浮尘天气有较好的负相关.   相似文献   

利用中国大陆气溶胶指数(TOMS AI)、天文总辐射、地面太阳总辐射和沙尘能见度等观测和理论计算资料,对中国北方沙漠戈壁区沙尘气溶胶与太阳辐射的关系进行了分析.结果表明:沙漠地区太阳辐射和沙尘气溶胶指数有非常高的相关性,且变化趋势一致.表明由太阳辐射触发的热对流是影响沙漠地区沙尘气溶胶最主要的因子;沙尘气溶胶进入大气中,必然也会对太阳辐射产生重大的影响.晴日时沙尘气溶胶吸收和散射辐射可达沙尘暴(含扬沙)天气时的60%以上.  相似文献   

This paper compares published data on the complex refractive index of atmospheric dust aerosols, for different geographical regions, with data obtained for dust aerosol samples collected during the joint U.S.S.R.—U.S. experiment in Tadzhikistan, 1989. The disadvantages of methods used for estimation of the imaginary part, æ, of the refractive index are discussed. There is a considerable range of values of æ for dust aerosols, which is crucial for optical characteristic simulation. The existing discrepancy in æ can be due to uncertainties in methods used as well as due to the specific chemical composition of dust aerosols from various geographic locations.  相似文献   

Coarse (>2 μm) and fine (<2 μm) atmospheric particulate material was collected in the Zabadani Valley, near Damascus, in August 1985, and analyzed for sulfate, nitrate, and about 40 elements. Individual particles were analyzed for chemical and morphological parameters. Particle number concentrations and size distributions were also measured. The physical aerosol characteristics, and particularly the chemical composition indicate that the airborne particles in this arid region are predominantly due to desert soil dispersion, but that there is also some contribution from anthropogenic sources. The crustal elements exhibit atmospheric concentrations which are comparable to those in urban and industrial areas. The anthropogenic elements, on the other hand, are clearly less abundant in the Zabadani Valley than in industrialized regions. The individual particle analysis indicated that there are two major soil dust components with respectively a shale-like and a limestone composition. The data set with the bulk atmospheric concentrations (sum of coarse and fine) was subjected to chemical mass balance receptor modeling in order to assess the impact of the various plausible aerosol sources. It was found that desert soil dispersion is responsible for at least 90% of the total suspended particulate mass concentration, and that the shale and limestone components contribute in about equal proportions.  相似文献   

A dust aerosol optical model is proposed as a result of analysis of the data obtained during the U.S.S.R.-U.S. experiment in Tadzhikistan, 1989. The model consists of spectral dependencies of the single scattering albedo, ω, the asymmetry parameter of the scattering phase function, g, and of possible values of the aerosol optical thickness, τ, for background conditions and for dust storms. This model and available published optical models of dust aerosols were used to perform simulations of radiative forcing in the dusty atmosphere. Results obtained are compared with corresponding results for Saharan aerosol. It is shown that atmospheric dust strongly decreases the total radiative balance of the underlying surface and at the same time induces general warming of the underlying surface-atmosphere system due to a decrease in the system albedo over the arid zones. The calculated heating/cooling rates in the atmosphere are analysed together with data from aerological soundings and radiation measurements.  相似文献   

沙尘天气对环境空气中PM_(10)影响分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用2002年沈阳市沙尘天气时的环境监测资料和气象资料进行分析得出浮尘天气时环境空气中PM10浓度最大,空气污染最严重,空气中的尘主要来源于我国西北沙漠地区;沙尘暴出现频率低,持续时间短,但强度大,空气中PM10主要来源科尔沁沙漠、省内荒漠地带及本市地表沙尘;扬沙天气污染相对较轻,空气的PM10以本地地表尘为主。  相似文献   

Introduction Soil dust derived from the w ind erosion process in arid and sem i-arid region is an im portant factor on the clim ate forcing(Tegen etal., 1996; Sokolik and Toon, 1996). D esert regions in East A sia w ere considered as the m ajor sources fo…  相似文献   

The heterogeneous uptake processes of sulfur dioxide on two types of Chinese mineral dust(Inner Mongolia desert dust and Xinjiang sierozem) were investigated using both Knudsen cell and smog chamber system. The temperature dependence of the uptake coefficients was studied over a range from 253 to 313 K using the Knudsen cell reactor, the initial uptake coefficients decreased with the increasing of temperature for these two mineral dust samples, whereas the steady state uptake coefficients of the Xinjiang sierozem increased with the temperature increasing, and these temperature dependence functions were obtained for the first time. In the smog chamber experiments at room temperature, the steady state uptake coefficients of SO2 decreased evidently with the increasing of sulfur dioxide initial concentration from 1.72 × 1012 to 6.15 × 1012mol/cm3. Humid air had effect on the steady state uptake coefficients of SO2 onto Inner Mongolia desert dust.Consequences about the understanding of the uptake processes onto mineral dust samples and the environmental implication were also discussed.  相似文献   

株洲市大气降尘中元素特征及来源分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究湖南省株洲市大气降尘中多种元素的分布特征以及来源,于2012年1~12月对株洲市12个点的大气降尘样品进行采集并对其中28种元素的含量进行分析.结果表明,株洲市城区各采样点大气降尘年沉降量为23.14~114.67 g·m~(-2),其中工业区和商住混合区年均值分别为89.46 g·m~(-2)和33.20 g·m~(-2),低于其它工业城市;工业区和商住混合区降尘中分别有10种元素(Na、Mg、Al、K、Ca、Ti、Mn、Fe、Zn、Pb)和8种元素(Na、Mg、Al、K、Ca、Ti、Fe、Zn)含量大于1 000 mg·kg~(-1),其中工业区2种重金属元素(Zn、Pb)含量超过10 000 mg·kg~(-1),远高于地壳中的含量.株洲市大气降尘主要来源为金属冶炼、地表扬尘、汽车尾气、建筑粉尘和与Mo、Ba元素相关的工业生产.相关性分析、主因子分析和迁移特征分析表明降尘中Mn、Fe、Co、Cu、Zn、As、Se、Ag、Cd、Sn、Sb、Tl、Pb等13种元素主要来自株洲市工业区废气排放,其中Cu、Zn、As、Ag、Cd、Se和Pb等7种元素污染严重,工业区重金属元素含量是土壤背景值中含量的7.4~4 079.4倍,商住混合区是土壤背景值的3.6~1 413.4倍,背景比值最高的为Cd元素.工业区的污染程度明显高于商住混合区.  相似文献   

The results of studies on dust aerosol optical properties obtained during the U.S.S.R.-U.S. experiment are discussed. The ground-based and aircraft measurements carried out during the experiment allow the estimation of characteristic values of aerosol optical depth, aerosol light-scattering coefficients, the degree of linear polarization, and aureole phase functions for different atmospheric conditions in Central Soviet Asia. Two dust storms were observed for which the recorded aerosol optical depth at λ = 0.55 μm {τa(0.55)} reached 1.5 on 16 and 17 September 1989, and 3.5 on 20 and 21 September 1989. The optical characteristics (spectral dependence of the optical depth, degree of linear polarization) were similar for two dust episodes.  相似文献   

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