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The mentoring literature has focused largely on outcomes associated with having been mentored. This study considered informational outcomes associated with being a mentor, viewing the protégé as a source of information for the mentor and vice versa. Survey data were collected across 17 organizations from 161 mentors and 140 protégés. Mentor characteristics and perceptions and characteristics of the relationship were hypothesized to be related to mentors' seeking information from their protégés. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that perceived appropriateness of mentor information seeking, perceived protégé competence, vocational mentoring functions and protégé influence contributed significantly to the prediction of mentor information seeking among the mentor sample; hierarchical distance, perceived appropriateness and mentor self‐monitoring were significant predictors in the protégé sample. Future research directions are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Attributions are causal explanations made by individuals in response to important, novel, and/or unexpected events. Numerous attribution theories have examined how people use information to make attributions and how attributions impact an individual's subsequent emotions and outcomes. However, this research has only recently considered the implications of dyadic‐level attributions (i.e., relational attributions), particularly in the context of leader–follower relationships in organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this theoretical paper is threefold. First, we integrate research on attributional biases into the research on relational attributions. Second, we integrate and extend attribution theory to consider the implications of convergent and divergent internal, external‐person, external‐situational, and relational attributions for leader–member exchange (LMX) quality, relationship work, self‐work, and conflict. Third, we make the implicit ranking of attribution combinations and the resultant levels of relationship work explicit. In doing so, we contribute to attribution theory and research by proposing how attribution combinations produce positive and negative outcomes that are both intrapersonal and interpersonal. Further, we contribute to the LMX literature by explicating how leader–follower attribution combinations influence relationship quality.  相似文献   

前不久,国家安监总局发布的事故“死亡指标”引发了争议,对此国家安监总局有关负责人郑重澄清:下“死亡指标”事实上是为了少死人!这是一个控制性指标,不能超过,越小越好。下指标不是要死亡多少人,而是不能超过和突破这个数。“死亡指标”何以能引起公众的强烈反应,怎样评价它?我们编排了这组文章,有褒有贬,只是希望读者能客观、理智地看待这一“新生事物”,管理者能从中发现问题,避免所述情况的出现,真正地用好这一指标,达到控制的目的。  相似文献   

未婚妻在我所在的县城一中教书育人。他曾经对我说,以前未曾想到过会嫁给一个警察为妻,在和我相识后,她逐渐地晓得“警察”两字的内涵,那就是意味着辛苦劳累,意味着无私奉献,意味着流血流汗,甚至是生命的代价。  相似文献   

1、常常使用大油门对发动机不好,错误。发动机在挡位上转速经常提到4000以上不但无害,还对发动机有一定的好处。常常空挡踩油门或长时间在高转速上才对发动机不好。  相似文献   

自驾游出发前三天,闽赣两省的分水关由于积雪结冰已经封关了.可以想像那时的雪下得多大。虽然冬季到北方出差的机会不算少,但我们还是抛弃了手头所有的琐事,带看火热的心驱车去挑战寒冷的体验。  相似文献   

如今,汽车在很多方面改变着人们的生活。一句“打酱油都要开车去”的玩笑话说明我们的生活越来越离不开汽车。有车,生活变得多姿多彩,但同样,处理不好人车关系,有车也会让你麻烦缠身。归根究底,遵章守法才是有车族正确的驾车态度。以下3则发生在福建省泉州市泉港区的故事,希望人们能由此得到警示。  相似文献   

翻阅历史档案,遍观媒体的报道,使我们深深感到安全生产这个话题的沉重.事故之多,损失之大,令人触目惊心.近5年来,我国道路交通事故造成50多万人死亡,260万人受伤,死亡率居世界第一;煤矿瓦斯爆炸频率之高,伤亡人数之多,也列世界之最.  相似文献   

郑言 《安全与健康》2007,(10):14-15
[事件]好心帮忙反挨了批、扣了奖 前几天,中石化山东胜利油田下属企业的一基层队的李师傅最近有点烦,因为自己帮忙干活不但没有得到表扬,反而挨了批、扣了奖.事情过了好几天,心头的疙瘩还没有解开.  相似文献   

笔者常与驾驶员打交道,发现有一种“事前麻痹与事后恐惧”不良的交通心理在驾驶员中普遍存在。有这种心理的人,在行车途中就潜在着不安全的隐患。  相似文献   

说不准我们单位是那一级编制,所以只配备工作用车。可牟主任进出都要车。  相似文献   

立群 《安全与健康》2006,(11):25-25
在公交车站等车的王女士,意外被大风吹落物当场砸昏.事后,她将大风刮落在地的压缩板所有人和管理单位某建筑公司告上法庭.最终,法院适用过错推定原则终审判决:建筑公司赔偿王女士各项损失5700余元.  相似文献   

汽车这一给人们的出行带来极大方便的现代化交通工具越来越难以逃脱胎换骨能源紧缺和环境污染的纠缠,为此,各国的科学家纷纷列出了未来汽车的“饮料”清单。  相似文献   

2005年12月7日15时左右,唐山市开平区刘官屯煤矿井下发生重大爆炸事故.经抢险指挥部进一步核实,共有110人安全升井,74人死亡,32人下落不明.据了解,事故原因被初步认定为瓦斯爆炸.  相似文献   

"电冰箱电人了"、"李某送医院抢救了"……这是前不久发生在杭州市某厂职工宿舍的惊人一幕--五分钟前,女工李某在家中拉开电冰箱欲取食品时,被一股突如其来的强烈电流击倒,当场休克.幸亏家中有人,断电及时,并在邻居的帮助下迅速将其送往医院抢救.  相似文献   

2004年9月,北京市透露要在2007年前对全市出租车进行集体更换:这将是北京近10年来最大的一次“换血”。  相似文献   

IntroductionJob insecurity has been repeatedly linked with poor employee health and safety outcomes. Although research on high quality leader–member exchange (LMX) has demonstrated many beneficial effects, no research to date has examined the extent to which positive LMX might attenuate those adverse health and safety-related consequences of job insecurity. The current study extends research in this area by specifically examining the buffering impact of LMX on the relationship between job insecurity and safety knowledge, reported accidents, and physical health conditions. Furthermore, the study also examines whether positive LMX mitigates the typically seen negative impact of job insecurity on supervisor satisfaction.MethodsThe hypotheses were tested using survey data collected from 212 employees of a mine located in southwestern United States.ResultsAs predicted, job insecurity was related to lower levels of supervisor satisfaction, more health ailments, and more workplace accidents, and was marginally related to lower levels of safety knowledge. Results indicated that LMX significantly attenuated these observed relationships.ConclusionsThe quality of the dyadic relationship between supervisor and subordinate has a significant impact on the extent to which job insecurity is associated with adverse health and safety outcomes.Practical applicationsPractical implications for supervisor behavior and developing high quality LMX are discussed in light of today's pervasive job insecurity.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined how and when transformational leadership affected team knowledge exchange. Taking a goal pursuit perspective, we hypothesized two parallel mediating mechanisms—team knowledge goal generation and team knowledge goal striving—linking transformational leadership to team knowledge exchange. In addition, we investigated whether team-level team-member exchange served as a boundary condition that qualified the effects of transformational leadership on team knowledge goal generation and striving. We tested our hypotheses using time-lagged data from 118 work teams of a large Chinese manufacturing firm. Our findings provided support for the proposed parallel mediating mechanisms (i.e., team knowledge goal generation and team knowledge goal striving) that linked transformational leadership to team knowledge exchange. In addition, we found that team-level team-member exchange could strengthen the positive effect of transformational leadership on team knowledge exchange via team knowledge goal generation. By taking the novel lens of team goal pursuit, this study contributes to the literature on leadership and teams by shedding light on how transformational leadership triggers the goal pursuit process of team knowledge exchange.  相似文献   

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