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我国正逐步完善以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的顶层设计,将国家公园定义为具有国家代表性的"陆域或海域"。但与国外相比,我国现有海洋类自然保护地单个及总体面积都不大,管理上也存在碎块化的问题,没有地域广阔、覆盖更完整生物链的国家海洋公园,离实现海洋生态系统性保护的目标尚有距离。而事实上,我国已经具备相关制度供给,既拥有国际规范支撑,也积累了本国海洋类自然保护地建设的法治成果,只是仍存在一些制度障碍需要克服,需进一步优化、整合原有的海洋类自然保护地体系以匹配新体制。建议明确国家海洋公园的国家公园属性,调整国家公园的监管主体,统筹陆海不同的功能分区,构建中国特色的国家海洋公园管理体制。  相似文献   

以成都市蒲江县为例,在初步识别环境功能生态、农村、城镇一级区的基础上,根据生态保护红线、环境质量底线和资源利用上线"三线"约束评估结果以及现场踏勘,将环境功能一级区划分为7个二级区和31个三级区,形成一套以改善环境质量为核心,将"三线"内容落实到不同的环境管控单元,并建立环境准入负面清单(一单)的环境功能分区管控体系。  相似文献   

开展青海省生态保护红线、环境质量底线、资源利用上线和生态环境准入清单(即"三线一单")的划定和编制,通过青海省区域空间生态环境评价,对青海省空间生态环境基础状况、结构功能属性进行系统评价,衔接经济社会发展战略,以改善生态环境质量为核心,科学确定青海省"三线一单",明晰空间布局、污染物控制、环境风险防控、资源开发利用等管控要求,将行政区域划分为若干环境管控单元,在一张图上落实生态保护、环境质量目标管理、资源利用管控要求,构建符合青海省实际的分区环境管控体系,维护区域生态环境安全,为青海省"一优两高"战略实施提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

构建严格的生态保护红线管控制度体系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
生态保护红线制度是我国今后生态保护工作的核心制度安排,需要以更加严格的配套管控政策与措施予以支撑。本研究在分析生态保护红线管控要求的基础上,尝试提出了包括监测技术管控、监察执法管控、行政许可管控、法律强制管控和社会参与管控在内的生态保护红线管控制度体系,并从加快生态保护红线立法、构建"多规合一"机制、健全自然资源资产产权制度、改革政绩考核评价体系、推动离任审计制度、推进责任追究制度、建立健全生态补偿机制和推动信息公开机制与宣传教育等方面提出了相应配套措施,为严守生态保护红线,维护国家生态安全提供支撑。  相似文献   

在将乌鲁木齐地区划分为七个水环境控制区,并提出了各控制区的目标的基础上,根据各控制区的特点和控制目标对工业污染源实行总量控制采取不同的技术路线,区别对待。对以保护地表水体环境质量为目标的控制区,乌鲁木齐河控制区,柴窝堡湖控制区,水磨河控制区采用以环境容量—总量控制法。对于城市污水汇水区内的控制区卡子湾,  相似文献   

土壤是经济社会可持续发展的物质基础,关系人民群众身体健康,关系美丽中国建设,保护好土壤环境是推进生态文明建设和维护国家生态安全的重要内容。本文系统梳理了20世纪80年代以来中国土壤环境管理政策发展历程,并将其划分为土壤环境基础调查、农用地土壤污染治理、土壤污染状况调查和试点示范、土壤污染风险管控四个阶段,提出了当前基于风险管控的土壤环境管理总体思路,以及土壤污染预防和保护、农用地分类管理、建设用地准入管理等主要制度具体要求。立足土壤污染防治实际和生态环境保护新形势、新要求,分析今后一段时期中国土壤环境管理的发展趋势,并从制度标准完善、分级分类分区差异化防控、风险协同管控、技术创新等方面提出完善对策与建议。  相似文献   

“三线一单”生态环境分区管控体系:历程与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“生态保护红线、环境质量底线、资源利用上线和生态环境准入清单”(以下简称“三线一单”)是加强生态环境源头防控,推动高质量发展和高水平保护的重要制度。目前,全国生态环境分区管控体系初步建立,全面进入落地实施应用阶段。本文在对“三线一单”生态环境分区管控体系的发展历程和建设现状进行系统梳理的基础上,从管理体系、技术体系和应用体系方面厘清了“三线一单”体系建设中存在的主要问题,对下一步“三线一单”体系建设提出针对性建议,以期推动“三线一单”生态环境分区管控体系不断完善。  相似文献   

<正>本文基于近期的实践调查和数据,提出国家公园环境教育法律制度在立法体系、公众参与保障与实施监督机制等方面存在的问题,探析充分保障国家公园环境教育功能实现的制度路径。截至2022年,我国已建成首批五个国家公园,计划到2035年基本完成国家公园空间布局建设任务,基本建成全世界最大的国家公园体系。环境教育作为国家公园的生态文明核心功能之一,迎来了又一个重要的制度发展契机。国家公园作为复合型的生态系统,兼有科研、教育、游憩、社区发展功能,是实施环境教育的重要场所,完善国家公园环境教育法律制度体系,有利于国家公园最大限度发挥其环境教育的功能。随着2023年《国家公园法(草案)》公开征求意见,国家公园立法工作正在加速推进,49个国家公园被遴选为候选区,包括环境教育功能实现在内的,一套统一规范高效的管理体制亟待建立。  相似文献   

探讨基于区域地形、气候气象、城市分布、工业布局因素划分大气污染联防联控区,根据污染源模拟贡献结果进一步细化分区单元和管控要求,并在优化布局、统一控制、差异管理、监督考核等方面提出大气污染联防联控思路。通过进一步合理划分区域大气污染联防联控区并落实相应防控措施,可以提升区域大气环境管理效率,是对国家大气污染联防联控机制建设的尝试。  相似文献   

以流域为单元进行水资源综合规划和管理是实现水环境改善的重要途径。本文以太湖流域第二大省界湖泊—淀山湖为例,在综合分析流域水环境质量基础上,利用GIS 分析工具划分流域治理片区并制定分区管控策略。根据流域所含骨干河流流向、骨干河流与淀山湖交汇特点、上中下游不同河段及镇域行政边界,将淀山湖流域分为吴淞江流域、千灯浦- 淀山湖流域、昆南湖荡流域、元荡湖荡流域、太浦河流域五大片区138 个子评价单元。通过水环境容量与压力两类空间叠加分析,构建形成污染重点减排区、污染综合治理区、产业绿色化提升区、生态环境保育区等四个类型区域,并提出差异化的产业准入和环境治理措施。本研究不仅为以流域为治理单元的水环境治理规划提供了较为可行的技术体系,而且为太湖流域水环境综合整治思路创新提供了可借鉴的案例。  相似文献   

日益增加的固体废弃物和工业废弃物已成为主要的社会问题。回收服务相对来说还很不足,导致很多废弃物只能进行简单的填埋、焚烧处理。这将导致严重的环境污染。借鉴国外一些发达国家废物管理领域的政策趋势,我国近年来出台了一系列关于电子废弃物管理的政策法规,但也暴露出正规的废物处理企业无法取得规模收益,入不敷出,电子废弃物处理基金的征收及补贴对象不明确等诸多问题。引入生产者责任延伸制将外部影响内部化,在理念和功能等方面适应了电子废弃物管理的需要。  相似文献   

贸易与环境问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在阐述了贸易与环境关系的基础上,对我国如何正确处理贸易与环境问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper offers a new perspective on the environmental laws in Asian nations affecting the exploration, mining, and reclamation activities of the mineral resource industry: the perspective of the senior government officials in those countries, whose job is to enforce these new environmental laws. The article presents the results of a 1998 survey of national environmental officials in Asia conducted by the Colorado School of Mines and the Metal Mining Agency of Japan. Officials in 10 diverse countries—Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam—responded to a detailed questionnaire covering applicable laws, agencies, protected areas, covered mineral activities, financial assurance, environmental impact assessment, public involvement, environmental standards, permit and reclamation requirements.
The survey confirms that Asian nations are part of the global trend towards national government regulatory structures that balance mineral development objectives with environmental considerations. The survey also shows developing regulatory systems (some embryonic, some more mature) utilizing a combination of mining and environmental acts, and often an 'insider' perspective of the national officials administering the laws. While that perspective is not without its biases (not least the rigor of enforcement), it may nevertheless be of use in company planning. The emerging regulatory picture contradicts the conventional notion that it is the 'lower' level of regulation in Asia that is attracting foreign direct investment in mining.  相似文献   

互联网正在极大地改变人们的生活方式、生产方式及行为模式,要确保一个安全健康的网络环境为我们服务,需要从立法上加以保证。本文从我国网络立法的现状,存在的问题及立法时应注意的问题几个方面对我国的网络立法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

日本建筑垃圾再资源化相关法规介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了日本建筑垃圾的分类方法和种类以及与建筑垃圾再资源化有关的法律法规。  相似文献   

Mining of construction aggregate is often unwelcome near communities because of its disamenities or because it can destroy prime farmland and displace other desirable land uses. Such conflicts have led to prohibitions against mining near cities or on high-value farmland, causing these operations to be relocated to more distant locations. The cost of this relocation may go unnoticed if they are indirect, diffused and rise gradually over time, but they may be significant due to the high transportation cost of moving these materials long distances.  相似文献   

我国土壤修复行业现状及亟待解决的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要:我国土壤污染形势严峻,在《土壤环境保护法》出台前的过渡期,政策、法规、标准都存在不确定性,尽管土壤修复技术门类众多,但适合中国国情且经济有效的技术路线尚未形成;指出现阶段我国土壤修复行业需要解决的五个问题,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

The limit value of 0.1 μg/liter for “substances used in plant treatment and pest control including their main toxic degradation products” (PBSM) established in the German Drinking Water Regulations (Trinkwasserverordnung) serves comprehensively to protect drinking water from unexpected toxicological risks and thus corresponds to theaxiom of concern (Besorgnisgrundsatz) contained in §11,2 of the Federal Communicable Disease Control Act (Bundesseuchengesetz), which is an essential cornerstone of the Drinking Water Regulations. Furthermore, precautionary values that are specific to the particular substance and near the valid limit can be found for about 10% of all registered active substances. The goal of the PBSM Recommendations of the Federal Health Office (BGA) issued in July 1989 is to preserve and restore groundwater and drinking water through measures to be taken by the causal party, while reducing consumer health risks to the greatest extent possible. The EC commission's drawbacks on these recommendations and the imminent EC-wide directive for the uniform registration of pesticides being based solely on Article 43 of the European Treaty would seriously endanger this goal. Therefore, a situation threatens in Europe similar to that in the United States, where at least 18 active ingredients have been detected in groundwater in concentrations of up to 1000 times the toxicologically established limits for drinking water. This article appeared first in the German journal?ffentliches Gesundheitswesen 52(8–9); 372–379, 1990. We thank the editor (Georg Thieme Verlag, D-7000 Stuttgart) for the kind permission to publish this slightly revised English version inEnvironmental Management.  相似文献   

Abstract: The synthetic biocides triclosan (5‐chloro‐2‐(2,4‐dichlorophenoxy)phenol) and triclocarban (3,4,4′‐trichlorocarbanilide) are routinely added to a wide array of antimicrobial personal care products and consumer articles. Both compounds can persist in the environment and exhibit toxicity toward a number of biological receptors. Recent reports of toxicological effects in wildlife, human cell cultures, and laboratory animals have heightened the interest in the occurrence of these biocide and related toxic effects. The present study aimed to summarize published environmental concentrations of biocides and contrast them with toxicity threshold values of susceptible organisms. Environmental occurrences and toxicity threshold values span more than six orders of magnitude in concentration. The highest biocide levels, measured in the mid parts‐per‐million range, were determined to occur in aquatic sediments and in municipal biosolids destined for land application. Crustacea and algae were identified as the most sensitive species, susceptible to adverse effects from biocide exposures in the parts‐per‐trillion range. An overlap of environmental concentrations and toxicity threshold values was noted for these more sensitive organisms, suggesting potential adverse ecological effects in aquatic environments. Affirmative evidence for this is lacking, however, since studies examining environmental occurrences of biocides vis‐à‐vis the health and diversity of aquatic species have not yet been conducted.  相似文献   

论述了生态工业园区政策法规建设中存在的问题,并提出了建立健全生态工业园区政策法规的建议。  相似文献   

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