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韩晶  陈超凡 《绿叶》2013,(6):91-96
巴西通过发展绿色能源不仅使得工业发展转型,同时在更大程度上改变了人们的消费结构,使得绿色生活在巴西成为主流,从而真正起到引领经济社会绿色转型的核心作用。依靠提高能源资源的综合利用效率和维持生态环境的稳定平衡来推动经济转型,这种发展模式是实现绿色增长的必由之路。巴西的绿色发展经验,启示我们要加强对环保的投入  相似文献   

明晰生态补偿的价值目标,既是健全我国生态补偿政策体系、体现公共政策属性的关键,也是调动各方生态保护积极性、提升自然生态系统稳定性与生态产品供给能力的现实需要。本文首先评述了关于生态补偿价值目标的研究进展,认为国内对该领域的研究比较欠缺,亟须补充;其次对于国际上生态补偿的价值目标选择,从维护和提升生态系统服务功能、农民减贫脱贫、推动城乡生态公正以及提高农民生态参与意识等四个方面进行了介绍。反思国内生态补偿价值目标的问题,本文提出生态补偿机制完善与价值目标导向:①以“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念面向多元价值目标构建生态补偿机制;②通过生态补偿机制建设提升生态系统服务功能;③通过生态补偿机制接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴的有效衔接;④通过生态补偿机制建设促进城乡生态公正;⑤加强生态补偿政策宣传激发公民生态意识。  相似文献   

补偿资金“从何而来”已成为制约流域生态补偿可持续运行的突出问题。“搭便车”诱惑、生态要素产权界定不清以及生态补偿项目本身的局限性阻碍了多元融资,致使流域生态补偿面临内生性资金供应不足与外部性资金支持增长受限的“资金筹措难题”。本文运用案例分析法与归纳法,总结国外生态补偿融资以及补偿资金使用的经验,以此凝练出有益启示。基于中国本土国情,构建起内生性资金供应与外部性资金支持“协同发力”的流域生态补偿多元融资体系已成为必然。通过优化流域生态补偿多元融资的市场化运作环境,明确界定流域生态资源的产权归属,维护多元融资主体的利益诉求,搭建流域生态补偿项目的内生性资金供应链与丰富获取外部性资金支持的融资方式,完善资金使用评估与信用体系建设等具体内容与手段,提供流域生态保护可持续的资金支持。  相似文献   

张永民 《环境教育》2013,(12):75-76
建议根据我国的基本国情和水情,借鉴国际经验从确定生态系统的水需求、水权制度建设、提高公众对决策制定过程的参与效果,激发河流流域组织的作用,以及健全水资源监管体系等方面科学实施最严格水资源管理制度。  相似文献   

以绿色发展推动生态文明建设将会是我国长期面临的重大课题。"一带一路"是我国新时期的对外开放国家战略,涵盖范围广泛,涉及国内18个省域和沿线65个国家,研究"一带一路"战略背景下的中国省域绿色发展,意义重大。本文通过对"一带一路"战略的基本回顾认为,建设绿色"一带一路"是促进我国经济绿色转型、消除国际社会担忧、推进战略顺利实施的必然选择。"一带一路"战略涉及国内18个省份之间的环境污染状况和绿色发展水平差异较大,东部沿海省份的经济发展水平远高于中西部省份,绿色发展水平相对领先,但同时污染物排放量也明显较大。本文进一步探讨了我国省域绿色发展过程中存在的四个问题,即中国绿色经济发展整体水平不高、地区间同质化竞争严重、污染性产业向中西部省份梯度转移、生态环境脆弱,并分别给出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

经济增长目标作为中国政府宏观经济管理的一个重要手段,不仅会影响宏观经济绩效,还会显著影响微观经济主体的行为和绩效。本研究借助中国2004—2019年沪深A股上市污染企业数据,采用固定效应模型,从绿色技术创新视角考察了经济增长目标对微观企业的影响效应,并检验了融资约束在经济增长目标与污染企业绿色技术创新活动之间的中介效应。结果显示,经济增长目标会加剧融资约束,进而抑制企业绿色技术创新。同时,在“硬约束”情形、重污染企业和非国有企业中,经济增长目标对企业绿色技术创新的抑制效应更显著,而环境目标会弱化这种负向作用。本文丰富了经济增长目标影响微观企业绩效的相关研究,并为地方政府科学设定经济增长目标、更好平衡经济增长目标与环境目标之间关系以及促进污染企业绿色转型升级提供了理论依据和政策参考。  相似文献   

高质量发展是对我国经济发展阶段变化和现在所处关口作出的一个重大判断,本文科学阐释了高质量发展的内涵和外延,系统梳理了高质量发展的现实意义和重要基础,提出了高质量发展的关键环节和思路举措,突出强调了创新驱动、绿色发展、民生福祉对于高质量发展的重要性。  相似文献   

The module performance is an important consideration for selecting PV technologies for electricity production, as well as the economic aspect. Also, PV energy yield under varying environmental conditions is largely dependent on the type of technology used. Therefore, this article presents a comparative analysis of different PV modules, of the same power, namely, monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous silicon and hybrid, based on performance, cost and space requirement. The performance is evaluated in terms of module power output, yield, capture losses, fill factor and efficiency, according to the IEC 61724 standards, using Gwako, Nigeria as a case study. A novel technique called Fundamental PV Module Performance Analysis is used to analyze and compare the performance of the PV modules. The performance of a single module is then employed to calculate the overall performance of a PV array designed for a small off-grid house, and a suitable module is determined amongst the modules under study. Results provide insights into the behaviors of the different technologies with the environmental factors of the location, which have an impact on their power and kWh/kW outputs and the efficiency. This knowledge, coupled with the understanding of the constraints of cost and the module space requirements would be useful to researchers, engineers, installers etc. in Nigeria, for planning and developing photovoltaic electric systems for off-grid applications.  相似文献   

Green infrastructure (GI) is quickly gaining ground as a less costly, greener alternative to traditional methods of stormwater management. One popular form of GI is the use of rain gardens to capture and treat stormwater. We used life cycle assessment (LCA) to compare environmental impacts of residential rain gardens constructed in the Shepherd's Creek watershed of Cincinnati, Ohio to those from a typical detain and treat system. LCA is an internationally standardized framework for analyzing the potential environmental performance of a product or service by including all stages in its life cycle, including material extraction, manufacturing, use, and disposal. Complementary to the life cycle environmental impact assessment, the life cycle costing approach was adopted to compare the equivalent annual costs of each of these systems. These analyses were supplemented by modeling alternative scenarios to capture the variability in implementing a GI strategy. Our LCA models suggest rain garden costs and impacts are determined by labor requirement; the traditional alternative's impacts are determined largely by the efficiency of wastewater treatment, while costs are determined by the expense of tunnel construction. Gardens were found to be the favorable option, both financially (~42% cost reduction) and environmentally (62‐98% impact reduction). Wastewater utilities may find significant life cycle cost and environmental impact reductions in implementing a rain garden plan.  相似文献   

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