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在湿地环境资源开发与保护的过程中,传统行政区划治理机制已不能满足跨行政区划湿地保护系统治理需求。湿地环境的协同治理需要法治化,应重塑司法治理理念,构建新型、全面、高效的司法协同治理机制,形成湿地生态系统的整体治理格局。以江苏省大纵湖湿地为例,分析跨行政区划协同治理的必要性与不足,通过建立生态功能区公益优先制度、完善执法司法配套协作机制的方式探索跨行政区域司法协同保护与治理制度,以期促进湿地治理在生态系统内坚持公益优先,协商共治,促进人与自然和谐发展。  相似文献   

外来物种入侵是威胁国家生物多样性、生态安全和公众健康的重大安全问题。《生物安全法》的通过为防治外来物种入侵提供了综合性的制度规范。我国防治外来物种入侵法治实践长期以行政规制为主导,较少关注司法机关、企事业单位、社会组织和公众等法律主体在治理中的作用。行政规制治理中执法机构及其职能与管理手段的碎片化,亦无法回应高风险社会防治外来物种入侵的需要。我国防治外来物种入侵法治建设应当坚持整体性治理理念,以整体安全观为指导,坚持风险预防、防治结合,明确综合管理程序及责任法律制度和一体化协同执法机制,健全防治外来物种入侵行政规制体系;引入公众参与,形成政府、企事业单位、社会组织和公众协同治理外来物种入侵,鼓励外来物种入侵公益诉讼等,完善防治外来物种入侵的多元共治体系,共促国家生物安全治理体系。  相似文献   

环保社会组织作为政府与公民之间的桥梁成为生物多样性保护多元参与机制的重要一环,生物多样性的内在特性与时代法治特征也推动着环保社会组织的参与。但当前环保社会组织参与生物多样性保护面临着规范体系不健全、规范运行机制不稳固、参与保护效果稳定性不足的困境,主要源于公私主体意识对立、自然资源法律体制机制未完善、环保社会组织持续能力建设有待加强三个因素,其根源在于我国对于生物多样性保护与利用的认识程度以及反映到规范政策与法律运行的适应程度。应将基于自然的解决方案作为生物多样性保护指导思路,综合包容多样利益方,优化生物多样性保护整体规制运行。具体来说,通过优化整合生物多样性保护规范体制中环保社会组织规范结构、参与运行机制、持续性功能发展机制,逐步规范环保社会组织在生物多样性规范机制中的位置与路径,从而实质推进我国生物多样性保护多元参与体制的构建与完善。  相似文献   

中国是一个自然条件极其复杂、生物多样性极其丰富的国家,但同时中国的生物多样性也遭到了极为严重的破坏。所以,履行《生物多样性公约》不仅是中国应当承担的国际义务,也是保护本国生物资源的现实需要。由此可见,生物多样性保护主要包括了两方面的内容:一是以履行国际公约为主导,通过完善国内相关的法律法规,保护和可持续利用中国独特的生物资源与生态服务,确保公平和公正的惠益分享;二是平衡经济发展与生物多样性保护之间的关系,将生物多样性保护纳入各级政府的国民经济与社会发展规划,将生物多样性保护与减少贫困相结合,在保护的过程中实现社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着国家政策导向提出实现生物多样性整体性、系统性保护的要求,新时期背景下的生物多样性保护除了注重实现生物多样性在自然生态系统、生物物种、遗传资源(基因)三方面的协同性整体性保护以外,还强调了实现自然生态系统平衡、维护国家安全等总体性目标。在此背景下,本文建议,生物多样性保护法律体系也应当在推动立法实践、提升国家安全治理能力、整合现有立法资源等方面发挥其应有价值。从系统性的角度出发,明确法律体系贯彻生物多样性整体性保护理念、执行国家战略部署以及平衡多元化利益的应有定位,并在此基础上从整体性目标的树立、网格联动性的体系构建、合理配置现行法律制度等方面探寻系统性法律体系的构建路径,将有效发挥我国生物多样性保护法律体系在服务社会需求、回应国家政策导向等方面的制度支撑价值。  相似文献   

李梅 《中国环境管理》2022,14(4):102-108
网络化治理作为一种不同于科层—集中型和市场—分散型的新型治理方式,在环境治理中有其自身的优势。当前,区域环境公共事务的不断增长已超出政府单个主体的能力范围,需要加强政府与企业、社会组织及公众等多元主体的共同治理,构建以多元主体参与为核心的多重、复杂、交叉的网络化环境治理模式。基于网络化治理产生的背景、演变过程和内涵,围绕多元主体相互作用、行动主体的网络关系结构和模式、治理网络的运行逻辑和机制等方面系统梳理其研究进展,为推进我国现代化环境治理体系提供参考。  相似文献   

生物多样性问题日益严重,依靠单个国家难以解决,而必须依靠国际社会的共同努力。生物多样性是全球治理的一个重要对象和领域。国家是生物多样性全球治理的基本主体,政府间国际组织是生物多样性全球治理的重要主体,非政府组织和跨国公司是生物多样性全球治理的重要补充,它们均在生物多样性的全球治理中发挥着应有的作用。  相似文献   

为加强生物多样性的保护,湖北省近日成立了生物多样性保护战略领导小组,正式启动《湖北省生物多样性保护战略与行动计划》的编制工作,这标志着湖北将全面构建生物多样性保护网络,全省丰富的生物多样性资源将得到更有效的保护。  相似文献   

正制定一部综合性的"生物多样性保护法"是加强生物多样性保护顶层设计、形成生物多样性保护法律制度体系的必然要求,同时也是履行有关国际承诺、更好推进我国生态文明建设的需要。本文在回顾我国生物多样性保护立法现状的基础上,分析了当前我国生物多样性保护单行立法模式的不足,从而提出设立综合性"生  相似文献   

经过近60年的探索和实践,我国海洋生态环境管理机制体制不断完善,海洋生态环境综合管理能力显著提升。本文立足我国海洋生态环境管理现状,重点从强化制度约束性、机制协同性和政策指导性等角度分析了存在的主要问题,阐述了陆海统筹的海洋生态环境管理体系框架,并提出了构建以生物多样性保护为核心的海洋生态环境管理分区、建立以氮磷污染物为重点的陆海协同排放管控制度、完善以监测评估为核心的海洋生态监管制度、建立以入海河流和海湾为重点的区域联防联控机制和完善以海洋生态补偿和赔偿为核心的财政政策等重点任务,可为建立陆海统筹的生态环境治理制度提供参考。  相似文献   

PACE2016中国环境治理国际研讨会就中国环境政府治理、环境市场治理、环境社会治理以及环境治理结构展开了深入研讨并达成以下共识:大国模式下的环境政府治理面临着突出的"污染避难所效应"、"公平与效率的两难"和"多层次治理体系"等问题;不成熟市场经济条件下环境市场治理必然面临"要不要走环境治理市场化之路"的疑虑,相关研究表明市场手段作为有效的环境治理方式正在逐渐地打消此等疑虑;中国环境治理最主要的短板在于社会治理,提高公众参与度的主要挑战在于改变地方政府的态度,然而社会企业家是环境社会治理的希望;多元环境治理结构是中国环境治理的必然选择,政府引领、企业自觉、公众参与的制衡机制是关键。  相似文献   

This special issue contributes to scholarly debates about the role of cities in global climate governance, reflecting on the promise, limits, and politics of cities as agents of change. It takes an empirically-informed approach drawing on multiple diverse geographical and political contexts. Overall, the special issue aims to stimulate reflection and debate about where understanding and practice needs improvement to advance the role of cities in global climate governance. Key questions that are addressed in the special issue include: To what extent do real world experiences confirm or disconfirm the high expectations of cities as agents and sites of change in addressing global climate change as expressed in urban climate governance literature? In what ways do internal political dynamics of cities enable or constrain urban climate governance? How is climate governance in cities enabled and constrained by interactions with broader governance levels? In what ways can climate governance in cities be advanced through critical attention to the previous issues?  相似文献   

为跟踪各地落实《关于构建现代环境治理体系的指导意见》的实践进展,本文通过比较各地发布的相关实施意见文本,结合实地调研座谈,总结典型案例,分析发现:(1)由于各地对现代环境治理体系内涵的理解存在差异,关注的重点领域有所不同,部分地方突破了“七大体系”。(2)实践中,在推动企业落实主体责任、优化政府监管服务、规范市场化建设、协同推进区域共建共保、激活基层治理效能、增强科学精准治理能力等方面形成了一些富有特色的实践经验。(3)《关于构建现代环境治理体系的指导意见》中的“七大体系”推进程度不均衡,政府、企业、社会组织和公众三大主体的力量结构失衡状态改善不明显,主要体现为“三多三少”,即政府责任体系和监管体系建设多,企业环境责任体系和社会治理体系建设少;关注规范第三方环境服务、落实“放管服”多,运用市场调节机制的案例少;社会治理以宣传活动和网格员机制多,践行绿色生活的全民行动体系成果少。为此,本文提出,加快建立环境治理体系现代化的评价体系,针对环境治理薄弱环节,协调推进“七大体系”建设等建议。  相似文献   

生态文明治理现代化是国家治理现代化的重要组成部分,本文从国家治理现代化出发,分析了我国生态文明治理体系和治理能力现代化的概念与内涵,针对当前生态文明治理体系和治理能力存在的五个方面问题,提出了生态文明治理体系现代化需要坚持完善的生态环境保护、资源高效利用、生态保护修复、生态环保责任等四个重点方向,提出了生态文明治理能力现代化需要改革创新的领导能力、决策能力、法治能力、科学精准治理能力、基础保障能力、市场化治理能力、公众参与能力等七大关键领域,这是加快推进生态文明治理体系和治理能力现代化的迫切需求。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether ambitions to open up the traditional Swedish model of top-down conservation methods to local influences are indicative of an actual transition in governance of Swedish national park policy (NPP), and examines whether such a shift entails an increase in local influence over local interests and needs. Methodologically, we analyse a combination of governance types and incorporate theoretical definitions of power and accountability. The establishment of new governance arrangements – where power is shared, interactions promoted and accountability is directed downwards – indicates that Sweden's NPP is undergoing a change in its mode of governance. This change also seems to include ceding some influence to local interests, and the possibility of combining conservation with the utilisation of certain natural resources. The results of our research also provide valuable insights into when the establishment of shared-governance arrangements are likely to succeed; in short, this seems more likely when there are established sectors sited in a robust legal framework and where strong international commitments potentially play a role. In conclusion, we contend that when seeking diversified governance arrangements it is not enough simply to take local practices and customs into consideration – they have to be strengthened.  相似文献   

A plethora of terms are used to describe the form of governance of complex social‐ecological systems, such as multi‐level governance, polycentricity and network governance. This plethora of terms is associated with a diffuse literature from which it can be challenging to identify which variables are important for investigation of the governance system and what questions could be asked. The purpose of this article is to present the development of a guide for the analysis of the complex governance systems of renewable natural resources, informed by a breadth of literature from which key characteristics, challenges and concepts are identified. The guide consists of three dimensions: multiplicities of levels, actors and institutions; the existence, opportunities for, and challenges of, interactions within and between levels (vertical and horizontal interactions); and an assessment of governance performance through application of governance principles. The guide is applied to a case study of mangrove forests in Kenya, to illustrate its utility in generating understanding and identification of challenges and opportunities for more effective multi‐level governance. It is proposed that the guide could be beneficial to researchers and practitioners seeking to develop an understanding of structures, performance and outcomes of multi‐level governance.  相似文献   


As federal, state, and local governments and agencies respond to calls to make decisions and implement programs according to tenets of ‘good governance’, a need exists to develop methods for systematically evaluating performance. ‘Good governance’ has been characterized as including a wide array of principles, which vary across literatures. Comparatively little scholarship has sought to systematically quantify program achievement in accordance with these principles. We develop and present a scale for measuring program achievement in accordance with eight main principles of good governance: inclusivity, fairness, transparency, accountability, legitimacy, direction, performance, and capability. We present the results of a pilot implementation of the scale within the context of two community-based deer management programs. Our results suggest that these principles of good governance may not sort into distinct dimensions in a real-world context.  相似文献   

城市品质化发展与现代化治理的时代进程,迫切要求政府持续深化“邻避”风险防范化解。对城市“邻避”风险情境要素的考察发现,当前“邻避”风险的环境敏感性、经济相关性同近年来低烈度的区域扩散趋势叠加,政府“邻避”风险决策的地方性特征与治理议题的多元化趋势叠加,媒体在风险扩散中的高动员性与网络社群的分散化趋势叠加,公众“邻避”行动的抗争性与动机的多重性叠加。面对“邻避”风险情境演变所施加的治理压力,政府需从“增长逻辑”向“发展逻辑”转变,重新明确“邻避”风险治理中的政府角色。进而,本文从常态治理机制、提升决策品质、推动“去污名化”的知识生产、全面保障公众利益等方面具体探讨政府的治理应对。  相似文献   


Conceptualizing and analyzing collective policy learning processes is a major ongoing theoretical and empirical challenge. A key gap concerns the role of exogenous factors, which remains under-theorized in the policy learning literature. In this paper, we aim to advance the understanding of the role that exogenous factors play in collective learning processes. We propose a typology of exogenous factors (i.e. material, socioeconomic, institutional, discursive), and subsequently apply this in a comparative study of flood risk policymaking in two municipalities in the Netherlands. We find that exogenous factors are indeed essential for understanding collective learning in these cases, as the combined influence with endogenous factors can steer similar learning processes towards different learning products. We conclude our contribution by identifying two opportunities for further developing the collective learning framework, namely regarding the distinction of varying learning products, and the dynamics of exogenous factors over time.  相似文献   


Theory on participatory and collaborative governance maintains that learning is essential to achieve good environmental outcomes. Empirical research has mostly produced individual case studies, and reliable evidence on both antecedents and environmental outcomes of learning remains sparse. Given conceptual ambiguities in the literature, we define governance-related learning in a threefold way: learning as deliberation; as knowledge- and capacity-building; and as informing environmental outputs. We develop nine propositions that explain learning through factors characterizing governance process and context, and three propositions explaining environmental outcomes of learning. We test these propositions drawing on the ‘SCAPE’ database of 307 published case studies of environmental decision-making, using multiple regression models. Results show that learning in all three modes is explained to some extent by a combination of process- and context-related factors. Most factors matter for learning, but with stark differences across the three modes of learning, thus demonstrating the relevance of this differentiated approach. Learning modes build on one another: Deliberation is seen to explain both capacity building and informed outputs, while informed outputs are also explained by capacity building. Contrary to our expectations, none of the learning variables was found to significantly affect environmental outcomes when considered alongside the process- and context-related variables.  相似文献   

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