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Based on the most comprehensive field research ever conducted in corporate environmental management, this article reports on the integration of environmental impacts into product costing and cost management practices in organizations. It examines approaches for identifying and tracking current environmental costs related to both current and past production. It also develops the need and prospects for a complete analysis of future environmental impacts, including both costs and benefits, and the integration of these elements into a life-cycle costing or full environmental cost accounting model. The prospects for full environmental cost accounting and the related accounting issues are analyzed. Finally, the importance of full environmental cost accounting for improving corporate environmental performance, reducing corporate environmental impacts, and increasing long-term corporate profitability is discussed.  相似文献   

The Abt study of forty-one mostly Fortune 200 nonservice firms forms a new picture of environmental management. We present data indicating that environmental management is becoming central to corporate strategy and is being managed as an arena of competition rather than as a compliance-driven function. We look at environmental management's new role through four lenses: its relationship to strategic planning; its evolving management structures that show environment increasingly integrated into the main functions of the business; innovation in corporate environmental investments reflecting new drivers beyond compliance; and new management systems and measures of firm-wide performance that demonstrate that environment is being seen increasingly as an arena of competitive concern. We argue that much of the change is driven by three realities. First, as customers integrate environmental values into their conceptions of product quality, they are buying more products with identifiably environmental attributes. This change translates environmental management, historically a cost center, into a potential source of sales revenue, a change which cannot be underestimated. Second, recent life-threatening damage to the global ecosystem and atmosphere reframes environmental management. This moves firms toward a systemic and global approach matched to the globalization of competitive and market concerns, and it places environmental management in the strategic sphere. And third, pollution prevention in its cross-fertilization with total quality management is driving firms to focus on managing environment as an integral part of product management, and is helping them to reassess environmental performance as a contributor to productivity and innovation.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: The following position paper recently released by Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection inaugurates a new column in EQM that will be devoted to exploring the issues, positions, and controversies involving state enforcement policies and actions. We welcome your responses to these columns that will examine how the states are approaching and managing their environmental responsibilities and how various stakeholder groups will be affected.  相似文献   

The present and potential adverse effects of the atmospheric input of acidic and acidifying substances on the environment have been of significant public and scientific concern for the past several decades. This article describes the background, design, implementation, and major accomplishments of a 6-yr integrated multidisciplinary environmental research program designed to address the issue of the regional scale consequences of acidic deposition on the environment and human health in Alberta. The research program was called the Acid Deposition Research Program (ADRP) and was a cooperative undertaking between industry, the Energy Resources Conservation Board, and the government of Alberta, Canada. The research effort was designed and guided by two external science advisory boards, biophysical and human health, to maintain objectivity and continuity from beginning to end. Public input was sought, encouraged, and ensured by a public advisory board. The major conclusions of the ADRP are presented as well as observations on the needs of future integrated multidisciplinary research programs.  相似文献   

Resources to develop proactive environmental programs compete directly with resources dedicated to the fundamental business of the company. Therefore, environmental managers need to prioritize environmental programs using the same criteria as the company as a whole; for many companies, this means measuring how well such programs meet and exceed customer expectations. We must define our customers, measure their expectations, analyze the results, develop programs in response, and finally measure the results of the program implementation. Although Apple has not completed this cycle, our customer definition and measurement systems are taking shape. This article explains how we define our customers, and how we measure their expectations through direct and indirect data collection mechanisms. It also outlines measurement results and our evolving program focus in response to those results.  相似文献   

环境试验作为考核产品相关性能的技术手段,保护产品自身的安全性则需要试验室付出更多的努力。本文主要从三个方面对产品防护进行了论述,分别为:试验过程品质防护、产品试验阶段多余物防控和产品静电防护的三大论块。分别论述了相关论块对产品的危害,并提出了一些试验过程的防护建议。  相似文献   

Summary Environmental management is defined as a mechanism for alleviating the worst of environmental damage and reducing the most unacceptable aspects of social inequalities but without really altering the patterns of political and economic power. It is now increasingly regarded as accepted practice in development partly because it is economically and socially counterproductive to ignore it. The purpose of the paper is to illustrate the difficulties involved in incorporating environmental management into economic growth with special reference to development assistance. Much environmental damage in the Third World is a product of the forces of development rather than the fault of the people, and in the past development assistance projects have often inadvertently led to environmental destruction and social distress. Case examples are given. The paper argues that among the many impediments to the full incorporation of environmental management into development are the following: the administrative structure of the agencies involved, suspicions in the past of receiving nation governments and the risky nature, and expensive labour intensity of programmes aimed at integrated rural development and appropriate technology. Some recommendations are advanced involving administrative reorganisation, new training skills and diplomacy, although no major breakthroughs are expected to come quickly.Geography graduate from the University of Edinburgh, Harkness Fellowship and Carnegie Scholarship to study at Cambridge (UK) and Cornell (USA). University appointments in Canada and UK. Authority in the field of Resource Management. Author of Progress in Resource Management and Environmental Planning.  相似文献   

Environmental program and audit procedures primarily focus on solving perceived immediate problems and do not provide a context within which to evaluate the work and its importance for the decision maker. Outcome evaluation offers a theory-based model for designing long-term solutions based on stakeholder expectation and, ultimately, ownership of the performance changes. Problem identification as well as the development of actions and their measurement are done with the full participation of those responsible for the implementation of the changes. Ownership of the results is reinforced and, significantly, the decision maker and other interested parties can measure the value or the importance of the work. This article describes how outcome evaluation can be an important tool for federal environmental managers who must respond to the Government Performance and Results Act (1993) and privatesector companies. Used in combination with traditional environmental practices, outcome evaluation can contribute to both the design and the implementation of a successful environmental management program.  相似文献   

Companies that incorporate Total Quality Management into their operations are placing increased emphasis on identifying the root causes of deficiencies and problems. This is in keeping with the TQM principles identified by Deming in Out of the Crisis. Deming states that quality comes not from inspection or from management by objectives or results, but from improvements made in the process and products in order to meet customer needs. Deming's approach demands a shift in focus from addressing symptoms to addressing causes. In this article, environmental management audits are presented as the best means to assure that adequate management controls are in place to protect the company, its managers and its employees from penalties associated with civil and criminal enforcement actions.  相似文献   

What do General Motors and Ben and Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream have in common? Both companies have endorsed the CERES principles, a model corporate code of environmental conduct developed by the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES). This model code generally goes well beyond what is now typically required of industry to maintain compliance with already stringent requirements established by regulatory agencies. And the CERES principles are not the only game in town. Many other environmental initiatives have surfaced both in the United States and abroad over the past few years. This article discusses six sets of current initiatives and provides managers with a vital tool for discussing these initiatives with top management and others throughout their organizations.  相似文献   

Integrated environmental management: strengthening the conceptualization   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Although espoused by many, integrated environmental management (IEM) has been difficult to accomplish in practice. There are many reasons for this shortfall, but certainly a key factor is the lack of agreement among scholars and practitioners regarding the concept and its defining elements. Our purpose here is to sharpen the conceptual basis for IEM by elaborating and pragmatically characterizing a framework for the practice of more integrated environmental management. We outline four fundamental dimensions of IEM: (1) comprehensive, (2) interconnective, (3) strategic, and (4) interactive/coordinative. IEM efforts in the Black Earth Creek watershed in Wisconsin illustrate specific attributes and examples pertaining to our conceptualization of IEM. Acceptance of the conceptual framework elaborated here should alleviate some of the confusion associated with IEM and help move this widely heralded approach from theory into practice.  相似文献   

Marine product collecting permits are useful management tools for providing information on usage patterns. Unfortunately, usage parameters based on permit issuance are invariably inaccurate because of permit noncompliance. Since noncompliance is a prosecutable offense, any attempt to estimate the rate of noncompliance by direct survey techniques is met with misleading and evasive responses. It has been shown elsewhere that randomized response designs reduce survey response bias to incriminating questions by ensuring respondent anonymity. With the use of the randomized response survey technique, estimates of permit noncompliance were determined for the Capricornia Section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Noncompliance with the requirement to obtain the prescribed permit was found to be low whereas, once a permit was obtained, noncompliance with specific permit conditions was considered high. Reasons for the high rate of noncompliance with specific conditions are presented, and it is recommended that marine park managers should not unreservedly base management decisions on usage data derived simply from permit issuance.  相似文献   

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