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Negotiation for permitting and regulatory compliance of energy facilities typically involves complex decision making over multiple planning horizons involving several organizations with possibly competing goals. Delays in compliance negotiation have the potential to undermine or deter the ability for countries and agencies to increase energy capacities and improve overall energy security. There is need for a multi-scale modeling framework with recognition of multiple time horizons, geographies, and organizational entities influencing the system. This paper presents a multi-scale analysis of the review and permitting process for repeated stages of interaction between a private energy operator and an energy regulatory agency. The interaction is modeled as a finitely repeated incomplete information game with identification of steady-state equilibrium conditions. The result is a strategy-guiding tool that can be used to identify potential incentives for cooperation among a variety of decision makers including energy policy decision makers, regulatory agencies, and project developers. The tools are described via a simplified demonstration applied to the permitting of liquefied natural gas terminals in various stages of their lifecycle. There is wide applicability for regulation, approval, deployment, and monitoring of infrastructure and environment in the energy industry.  相似文献   

A comparison is presented between environmental regulations and the regulatory institutions of Chile and the USA. There are two important points to the comparison. First, is one system more efficient than the other? Second, does each system result in a comparable level of environmental protection? While an answer to the latter question requires a baseline of data that is currently unavailable, the question of efficiency can be addressed. The Chilean system is found to be more centralized than that of the USA, with more definitive timelines for the permitting process. The US system is more complex and offers more opportunities for public participation in the permitting process. An unequivocal statement as to which is best or most efficient depends on one's perspective regarding the trade off between economic development and environmental quality.  相似文献   

Marsh creation is currently receiving wide attention in the United States as an important tool for mitigating the impacts of development in coastal wetlands. The perception that there is no net loss in valuable coastal wetlands when development is mitigated by the creation of man-made marshes can have a substantial impact on the permitting and decision-making processes. The effective result may be the trading of natural salt marshes for man-made marshes.Techniques for marsh creation were developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers to enhance and stabilize dredge spoil materials. Most research sponsored by the Corps has been directed at determining whether these goals have been accomplished. A survey of the research indicates that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that man-made marshes function like natural salt marshes or provide the important values of natural marshes. It is necessary, therefore, for decision-makers to understand the limitations of present knowledge about man-made marshes, realistically evaluate the trade-offs involved, and relegate mitigation to its proper role in the permitting process—post facto conditions imposed on developments that clearly meet state qualifications and policies.  相似文献   

While collaborative governance has many benefits for environmental planning and management, those benefits are not politically feasible if they impact on process efficiency. This study assesses collaboration's effect on the duration of water permitting processes, specifically the United States’ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's hydropower relicensing process. Collaboration was measured using a survey of participants in 24 recent hydropower relicensing processes. A Cox proportional hazards model with mixed effects assessed the relationship between collaboration, regulatory framework, hydropower facility characteristics, and relicensing process duration. Collaboration was not associated with time to license. Instead, process duration depended on the regulatory framework (especially the switch to the Integrated Licensing Process and presence of endangered species) and facility characteristics (generating capacity and facility type). The results suggest that agencies should consider engaging collaboratively during planning and permitting, given that collaboration's benefits to decision quality do not incur a cost on overall process time.  相似文献   

美国空气质量许可证制度是美国控制污染的一项重要的环保措施,经过几十年的实践已经形成了完善的框架和丰富的内涵,可为我国在建构和完善排污许可证制度的过程中作一借鉴。美国的空气质量许可证制度有周密细致的法律法规和先进成熟的科学技术作为支持,在理论上其性质定位为一种事先的全面的许可,在实践上许可证的执行强调企业的责任和技术的更新,并引入排污削减指标的交易政策把环保事业推向市场,这些都是我国的排污许可证制度所值得研究和学习的。  相似文献   

In 1990 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began sponsoring several pilot projects in its regional offices to examine the potential benefits of adopting a multimedia approach to facility management. This approach differs from traditional practices at EPA in that facilities (dischargers regulated under permits issued by the agency) are managed based upon their cumulative impacts to all media: air, water, and land. Currently, facilities are managed by separate programs at EPA that evaluate environmental impacts from a single-media perspective. One aspect of discharger management is the necessity to allocate limited financial resources in a way that will minimize risk to human health and the environment. A careful, risk-based prioritization of facilities is one means of providing insight to the most effective strategy of allocating monitoring, inspection, and enforcement resources. Prioritization from a multimedia perspective is particularly difficult, however, since it requires translation and integration of medium-specific facility performances, management objectives, and perceptions of risk into a cumulative rating. A computerized decision support system (DSS) designed to guide management through the prioritization process from a multimedia perspective was identified as a potentially valuable tool for use in the pilot projects. This article describes the development of such a prototype, outlines the features of the completed system, and discusses its potential for use at EPA.  相似文献   

Evolving policies to regulate pollution from animal feeding operations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to concentrations of animals at large facilities, animal feeding operations (AFOs) have emerged as a major potential source of water pollution. The federal government regulates concentrated animal feeding operations under its point-source pollution permitting regulations. A major determinant of whether an operation must apply for a permit is the number of animals at an individual lot or facility. This paper examines federal mandatory controls and voluntary guidelines that seek to reduce contaminant pollution from AFOs. Land treatment practices are delineated due to their importance in reducing the injurious by-products of agricultural production. An evaluation of proposed revisions to federal regulations on confined animal feeding operations suggests they diverge from their goal of controlling water pollution. Federal regulations focus on the size of operation and amount of manure governed by the permitting process to the exclusion of other criteria related to the impairment of water quality. Given the uncertainties about the amount of pollution from AFOs, lack of enforcement of existing regulations, localization of problems, and possible alternatives for addressing the pollution, more demanding federal regulations may not form an appropriate response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Under the riparian doctrine of eastern states, transfers of water to nonriparian lands and, thus, to different river basins, are only possible if the natural flow theory has been modified to allow for reasonable use. Even this adaptation is too nebulous to provide water managers and water users with certainty regarding water transfers. To provide a more precise mechanism for allocating water, 14 eastern states have adopted some form of administrative permitting process. Of these, five states statutorily allow for interbasin transfers of water. Thus far, no states have successfully issued permits for interbasin water transfers but Georgia and South Carolina are positioned to do so. Whether the permitting process will deter court action may rest on the ability of affected parties to negotiate an equitable agreement.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of performance benchmarking of traditional beet sugar plants, by considering Best Available Techniques (BAT) for beet sugar production, as determined by the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive. A Fuzzy Logic Model, based on fuzzy set theory, was constructed for this purpose, in order to compare the performances of sugar plants within the sector's best standards, as expressed in the Reference Document on BAT.The effectiveness of the model was tested in the case study, in which three sugar plants were benchmarked against the BAT regarding the consumption of energy, water, raw materials and the production of wastes, wastewater, by-products and the main product. The model was recognized as helpful for the benchmarking needs of sugar plants. In addition, by integrating BAT Reference Document analysis into the model, it provides IPPC permitting authorities with an objective method and uniform BAT benchmarks to manage permitting process.  相似文献   

多媒体教学在现代教学中非常普遍,以教师为主导、学生为制作主体,利用Flash、Photoshop、AutoCAD、3Dsmax等软件,按照布置任务、学生分组、制定课件框架、收集资料、筛选资料、课件制作的过程来完成多媒体课件,通过融汇多门课程的教学内容进行多媒体课件开发,既丰富了实践课教学,增强了学生对知识的理解和运用,促进了课程考试改革和课程间的融合,而且成为学生之间的交流平台,对高职人才培养模式的建设起到了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

The paper reviews the environmental, health and safety permitting/regulatory issues presented by CO2 capture and storage (CCS) operations across the full project cycle, and reviews existing regulations in the EU, North America and Australia to assess their applicability to CCS, and identify regulatory gaps.  相似文献   

The problem of management of industrial residuals can be reduced through a rational system for siting and planning major industrial facilities. In the United States, Wyoming has moved in the direction of establishing a one-stop permitting system that provides important information for air and water quality planning and solid waste management with a minimum of regulatory overlap. This paper describes Wyoming's Industrial Development Information and Siting Act of 1975 and suggests ways in which the Wyoming permitting system can be improved and applied elsewhere.  相似文献   

本文阐述了林业资源多媒体信息管理系统的开发环境、组织结构和功能.  相似文献   

Today, U.S. corporations are discovering the merit of combining the principles of total quality environmental management (TQEM) into their measurement and communications programs. This approach has been particularly productive in the permitting process that is necessary for starting, expanding, or sustaining plant operations—a procedure that can easily be thwarted in the absence of a prominent and aggressive communications component. The need to benchmark and measure such a communication program'S progress is critical both for internal management and for environmental regulators concerned that an applicant demonstrate a high degree of public involvement.  相似文献   

Florida’s coasts have been transformed over the past three decades as population growth and unprecedented demand for individual shore access to bays and estuaries led to the creation of residential canal developments. Thousands of miles of channels and basins were dredged as a by-product of this urbanization process. The navigable waterways that resulted are now being stressed by increasing boat traffic and canal-side activities. Recognizing their common goal to preserve the recreational and ecological value of southwest Florida waterways, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the four-county West Coast Inland Navigation District, and the University of Florida Sea Grant College Program signed a Memorandum of Agreement. The signatories agreed to develop a science-based Regional Waterway Management System (RWMS), which is a new approach to waterway planning and permitting based on carefully mapped channel depths, a census of actual boat populations, and the spatial extent of natural resources. The RWMS provides a comprehensive, regional overview of channel conditions and the geographic distribution and severity of existing impediments to safe navigation and resource protection. RWMS information and analyses result in regional-scale permitting to accommodate water-dependent uses while minimizing environmental impacts and reducing public expenditures. Compared with traditional approaches to waterway management, the science-based RWMS is relatively unbiased, objective, transparent, ecologically sound, and fiscally prudent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Scarcity combined with differences in values, beliefs, and attitudes can lead to behavior differences and conflicts over water. This paper develops an index for measuring potential conflict using survey information about water attitudes and beliefs of individuals in three groups in a Florida case study. The index helps in assessing the current capability of the institution to reduce conflict. The results suggest that the current institution is effective, but changes may help to streamline the consumptive-use permitting process, to improve educational programs, and to seek improved institutional arrangements to reduce future conflict over economic uses of water.  相似文献   

Corporate America will spend $52.2 billion on formal training in 1995,1 of which 72 percent will be spent on training staff salaries. The classroom has been the main training format for decades. Within the last decade, however, training videos and audio tapes have captured some of the training market. However, none of these tools has the capability to be as effective as interactive multimedia training. Computer-based interactive multimedia training (IMT) is emerging as a powerful tool in the training field. The ability to provide consistent delivery on a timely basis without impacting work schedules makes this tool very attractive. Although IMT is not a solution to all training problems, it has been shown to increase the effectiveness of training significantly when used appropriately. This article introduces the concept of IMT and its application to TQEM.  相似文献   

When a mining company selects a site for development, the company begins a dialogue with the local community about receiving the necessary approvals for the mining permits. The dialogue focuses on how well the company can use science and technology to manage risk to the local environment, and on how much economic benefit will be gained by the local community for accepting the risk. A useful approach to better understand how the debate affects the outcome of the permitting effort is to use the method of “discourse communities and analysis”. This paper analyzes two efforts by Kennecott (Rio Tinto) and one by Exxon to develop base metal mine sites in the Upper Midwest of the USA. As the three case studies show, the local pro- and anti-mining discourse community members will not be changing their basic positions as the permitting of a new mine is debated. Accordingly, both communities are trying to convince undecided stakeholders rather than talking to each other. Both sides are using ever more sophisticated media methods to communicate their message to the undecided residents of the community. By winning the support of the majority of the undecided residents, political pressure can be used to sway the decision.  相似文献   

Since the adoption of EC Directive (85/337) in the UK in 1988, potential environmental impacts of certain proposed road schemes must be assessed before development consent can be given. This paper focuses specifically on the ecological effects of road developments. A review of Environmental Statements produced for road development schemes is described, and the methods used to assess ecological effects are summarized. Many statements failed to provide the data necessary to predict potential ecological impacts, and very few attempted to quantify these impacts. It is suggested that ecological assessments should be carried out earlier in the planning and design of new roads, thereby permitting more thorough assessments to be made.  相似文献   

GIS在琅琊山摩崖石刻及碑刻文物资源保护和管理中,能够支持数字化地图并对文物进行精确定位、文物点的多媒体信息管理、文物时空分布规律研究、文物点周边环境的综合分析以及文物保护和管理的日常办公等。  相似文献   

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