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在以处理超市废水实际工程的基础上,通过对污泥性质中的胞外聚合物(EPS)、溶解性微生物产物(SMPs)、溶解性COD(SCOD)和污泥浓度(MLSS)变化的分析,得出EPS积累的原因是多方面的,而EPS的过度积累对沉降性能有一定的恶化作用;此外,EPS与SMPs有很好的相关性.作者采用SPSS软件对污泥性质与膜污染之间...  相似文献   

在多菌群污水生物处理反应器处理城市污水的试验中,对反应器主反应区内水平中线及垂直中线上所布设取样点位的混合液悬浮固体(MLSS)、混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS)、污泥沉降比(SV30)及污泥容积指数(SVI)进行了检测分析。结果表明,MLSS与MLVSS分布趋势大致相同,在水平方向与垂直方向污泥浓度总体呈现大小交替型分布;SV30与SVI在水平方向总体呈现出周边大、中心小的非对称分布,而在垂直方向由上到下呈现出先增大后减小再增大的分布趋势。污泥浓度与污泥沉降性能的差异分布,对将反应器进水点分布在污泥浓度高值区域、污泥回流点布置在污泥浓度低值区域及出水点选定在污泥浓度较低且沉降性能较好区域有着重要的指导作用,为反应器的优化控制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以上海市2家污水处理厂为对象,对比了SMT法与碱性过硫酸钾消解(APPD)法对污泥总磷(TP)的提取效果,应用SMT法分析了污泥处理流程中磷赋存形态的变化规律,探究了污泥中生物可利用磷与TP的关系。结果表明,SMT法对污泥磷的提取较APPD法更为彻底,深度脱水污泥含磷量明显低于其他污泥。无机磷(IP)为污泥中磷的主要形态,占TP的62%以上;IP中又以磷灰石磷(AP)为主,特别是深度脱水污泥中,AP约占IP的90%。污泥中TP与生物有效磷和非磷灰石磷呈极显著正相关关系。深度脱水污泥中生物有效磷约占TP的20%,明显低于其他污泥的52%~66%。这表明,深度脱水污泥中磷潜在的生物可利用性较低,填埋处置的生态风险较低。  相似文献   

采用中试厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)处理高浓度餐厨废水,多维分析污泥停留时间(SRT为50、30和20 d)对其运行效能的影响。结果显示,AnMBR在各SRT工况下均展现出较好的稳定性,消化罐pH维持在7.2(7.8之间,膜出水COD去除率达到96%以上。缩短SRT虽然能够有效提高有机负荷,但是过低的SRT会显著降低COD转化率。AnMBR在SRT 30 d工况下可获得最佳处理效能,有机负荷达到(8.7±1.3)kg COD·(m3·d)-1,沼气生产强度达到(4.5±0.8)m3·(m3·d)-1,COD转化率为(82.1±7.3)%。厌氧消化液中胶体态和溶解性大分子有机质的累积是导致膜过滤效能下降的主要原因,控制SRT 30 d有效削减了其积累量,从而提高了膜通量并减缓了膜污染趋势。Ca2+会沉积在污泥混合液中,其浓度随着SRT缩短显著降低。此外,SRT缩短会降低长链脂肪酸(LCFA)的转化率;但是未降解的LCFA很可能与Ca2+形成沉淀,会减轻游离LCFA对微生物活性的抑制作用,进而有助于AnMBR的稳定运行。  相似文献   

The accumulation and fraction distribution of Ni(II) in sludge was determined, and their effect on the performance of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) systems was evaluated at laboratory scale. The results showed that the removal efficiencies of substrates decreased significantly with increasing feeding concentration of Ni(II) into SBRs. The concentration of Ni(II) fed into the SBRs was significantly positively correlated with the Ni(II) contents accumulated in the sludge, while it was negatively correlated with the biomass in the SBRs. The accumulated Ni(II) in the sludge was distributed mainly in the available fraction, accounting for 75.8–90.0 % of the total Ni(II) content. The accumulated content of Ni(II) in each sludge fraction could be predicted satisfactorily by the feeding Ni(II) concentrations in the solutions. As compared with the total contents and other chemical fractions, Ni(II) in the oxidizable fraction in sludge exhibited more important inhibition effects on sludge microorganisms in the SBRs.  相似文献   

分别以FeSO2·7H2O、单质S粉为底物,对污泥中的重金属进行生物沥滤试验.通过分析生物沥滤过程中pH、Fe2+、SO22-的变化及Cu、Zn的滤出率.探讨不同底物对重金属生物沥滤的影响.试验结果表明,以FeSO2·7H2O或单质S粉为底物.利用污泥中固有的硫杆菌可以降低污泥的pH.从而使重金属滤出.以单质S粉为底物的处理中,污泥pH最低下降到2.1;以FeSO2·7H2O为底物的处理中,pH最低下降到2.6.经14 d的生物沥滤,以单质S粉为底物时,底物为6 g/L的污泥样品Cu、Zn滤出率最高,分别为18.8%和34.8%;以FeSO2·7H2O为底物时,底物为25 g/L的污泥样品Cu、Zn滤出率最高,分别为29.1%和36.8%.优于以单质S粉为底物的滤出效果.  相似文献   

污泥土地利用是目前国内外污泥处置的主要方式和鼓励方向,在中国西北黄土地区更有前景和意义.污泥富含有机质和营养元素可弥补黄土的贫瘠缺陷,改善黄土肥力、增加植物产量.污泥施入黄土后,灌溉水对污泥重金属的淋滤迁移和污染风险是值得研究的课题之一.研究旨在了解重金属Cu、Zn、Cd在黄土层中的淋滤迁移特征,为黄土地区污泥的土地利用及重金属污染控制提供实验依据.实验选择污泥中含量或毒性大的Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属作为研究对象,通过室内模拟土柱对表层堆肥污泥中2种源强的重金属进行1年灌溉用水量的淋滤对比实验,测定淋滤前后土柱中和渗出液的Cu、Zn、Cd总量、有机质及pH值,以期分析重金属在黄土中的淋滤、迁移特征.结果表明,淋滤作用可使堆肥污泥Cu、Zn、Cd发生少量迁移并富集于土柱中、上部,大部分或绝大部分重金属仍滞留于耕作层(0~20 cm);淋滤使堆肥污泥Cd与Cu向下迁移约30 cm,Zn向下迁移约20 cm;渗出液呈弱碱性,其中Cu、Zn、Cd 3种重金属的浓度较入渗水均有增多,但随渗出液从黄土柱中溶出的重金属量极少.实验表明,耕作层重金属源强对Cu、Zn、Cd在土柱剖面中的淋滤、迁移和滞留作用以及溶出量均有不同程度的影响,堆肥污泥土地利用可以明显改善黄土肥力,灌溉对耕作层污泥有机质的淋滤损失量较小.并得出,堆肥污泥在黄土地区的土地利用是可行的.  相似文献   



To protect the environmental quality of soil, groundwater, and surface water near the landfill site, it is necessary to make an accurate assessment of the heavy metal mobility. This study aims to present the bio-immobilization behavior of heavy metals in landfill and provide some reference suggestion for the manipulation of heavy metal pollution control after closure.  相似文献   

猪场养殖废水是一类有机污染物浓度高、悬浮物多、性质复杂的废水,在传统厌氧处理中存在消化污泥流失及处理效率低等问题。本研究采用中试规模外部浸没式厌氧膜生物反应器处理猪场实际废水,设计处理水量为1 m3·d−1,在HRT分别为8、5、3 d的3个阶段连续运行4个多月,考察了厌氧膜生物反应器的沼气产量、运行稳定性、污染物去除效果及膜组件运行性能和清洗效果。结果表明,系统运行期间ORP在−486~−545 mV;随着HRT缩短,有机负荷由0.5~1.88 kg·(m3·d)−1升高到5 kg·(m3·d)−1,沼气产量逐渐增大,产率为0.38~0.45 m3·kg−1。在整个运行过程中,VFA/ALK始终小于0.1,系统运行稳定。对TCOD、溶解性COD、氨氮、TN、TP去除率分别达到74%~86%、48%~68%、7%~12.8%、4.6%~16.7%、5%,其中溶解性COD去除率占总COD去除率的55%左右。系统运行期间初始膜通量设定为5 L·(m2·h)−1,在HRT=8 d时,清洗周期为20 d,随后不断缩短,当HRT为3 d时,清洗周期仅为10 d。通过水冲洗与化学清洗相结合的方式可有效缓解膜污染,进而恢复膜通量。以上研究结果可以为厌氧膜生物反应器处理猪场养殖废水工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

动态膜-生物反应器处理城市污水的运行特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考察了孔径108μm左右的不锈钢丝网动态膜组件处理城市生活污水的特性,并研究了出水水头和曝气强度对动态膜泥饼层形成的影响.结果表明,稳定运行情况下出水平均浊度1.2NTU,COD平均去除率90%,NH<,3>-N平均去除率97%,与传统膜-生物反应器处理效果接近.同时发现,在20、40mm的出水水头下,动态膜运行初期膜通量衰减规律均符合泥饼阻力模型.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background This paper is a part of the research work on ‘Integrated treatment of industrial wastes towards prevention of regional water resources contamination — INTREAT’ the project. It addresses the environmental pollution problems associated with solid and liquid waste/effluents produced by sulfide ore mining and metallurgical activities in the Copper Mining and Smelting Complex Bor (RTB-BOR), Serbia. However, since the minimum solubility for the different metals usually found in the polluted water occurs at different pH values and the hydroxide precipitates are amphoteric in nature, selective removal of mixed metals could be achieved as the multiple stage precipitation. For this reason, acid mine water had to be treated in multiple stages in a continuous precipitation system-cascade line reactor. Materials and Methods All experiments were performed using synthetic metal-bearing effluent with chemical a composition similar to the effluent from open pit, Copper Mining and Smelting Complex Bor (RTB-BOR). That effluent is characterized by low pH (1.78) due to the content of sulfuric acid and heavy metals, such as Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Zn with concentrations of 76.680, 26.130, 0.113, 11.490, 1.020 mg/dm3, respectively. The cascade line reactor is equipped with the following components: for feeding of effluents, for injection of the precipitation agent, for pH measurements and control, and for removal of the process gases. The precipitation agent was 1M NaOH. In each of the three reactors, a changing of pH and temperature was observed. In order to verify efficiency of heavy metals removal, chemical analyses of samples taken at different pH was done using AES-ICP. Results Consumption of NaOH in reactors was 370 cm3, 40 cm3 and 80 cm3, respectively. Total time of the experiment was 4 h including feeding of the first reactor. The time necessary to achieve the defined pH value was 25 min for the first reactor and 13 min for both second and third reactors. Taking into account the complete process in the cascade line reactor, the difference between maximum and minimum temperature was as low as 6°C. The quantity of solid residue in reactors respectively was 0.62 g, 2.05 g and 3.91 g. In the case of copper, minimum achieved concentration was 0.62 mg/dm3 at pH = 10.4. At pH = 4.50 content of iron has rapidly decreased to < 0.1 mg/dm3 and maintained constant at all higher pH values. That means that precipitation has already ended at pH=4.5 and maximum efficiency of iron removal was 99.53%. The concentration of manganese was minimum at pH value of 11.0. Minimum obtained concentration of Zn was 2.18 mg/dm3 at a pH value of 11. If pH value is higher than 11, Zn can be re-dissolved. The maximum efficiency of Ni removal reached 76.30% at a pH value of 10.4. Discussion Obtained results show that efficiency of copper, iron and manganese removal is very satisfactory (higher than 90%). The obtained efficiency of Zn and Ni removal is lower (72.30% and 76.31%, respectively). The treated effluent met discharge water standard according to The Council Directive 76/464/EEC on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances into the aquatic environment of the Community. Maximum changing of temperature during the whole process was 6°C. Conclusion This technology, which was based on inducing chemical precipitation of heavy metals is viable for selective removal of heavy metals from metal-bearing effluents in three reactor systems in a cascade line. Recommendations and Perspectives The worldwide increasing concern for the environment and guidelines regarding effluent discharge make their treatment necessary for safe discharge in water receivers. In the case where the effluents contain valuable metals, there is also an additional economic interest to recover these metals and to recycle them as secondary raw materials in different production routes. ESS-Submission Editor: PhD Hailong Wang, hailong.wang@ensisjv.com  相似文献   

采用膜生物反应器进行含酚废水的处理,探讨投加好氧颗粒污泥对反应器中污泥性能的影响。结果表明,在膜生物反应器中投加好氧颗粒污泥能有效改善污泥性能,提高处理效果。从采用絮状污泥到逐渐增加好氧颗粒污泥投加量为100%的过程中,反应器中污泥浓度明显提高,MLSS由5 582 mg/L增加到8 168 mg/L;沉降性能得到改善,SVI由135.85 mL/g下降到29.36 mL/g;疏水性增强,Zeta电位由-20.302 mV升高到-4.325 mV;对含酚废水中COD、NH3-N的降解能力明显提高,COD、NH3-N、NO3-N去除率分别由87.3%、83.2%、55.3%增加到99.2%、94.9%、66.3%。改善了膜污染现象,膜通量衰减率由63.3%降低到42.8%。用二元多项式三维回归分析,得到污染物去除率关于好氧颗粒污泥投加量和反应器运行时间的二元方程,对指导好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器的连续运行具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生物质活性炭的制备及其染料废水中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以城市污水厂活性污泥为原料,用3 mol/L ZnCl2溶液活化,通入水蒸气作活化气制备活性炭吸附剂.实验结果表明,温度为600℃条件下,活化时间为1 h,制得的活性炭其碘吸附值为374.10 mg/g,比表面积为381.62 m2/g,孔容积为0.25 cm3/g,微孔容积为0.11cm3/g.并进一步将生物质活性炭应用于染料废水的处理,考察了吸附时间、活性炭投加量和pH对色度及TOC的脱除效果的影响.室温下,酸性大红GR染料废水初始浓度为300 mg/L,污泥活性炭的最佳投加量为2%(质量分数),吸附15min,废水色度脱除率可达99.6%,TOC去除率可达99.7%,利用等温吸附实验作吸附等温线,吸附等温线可以用Freundlich或Langmuir方程描述.  相似文献   

Ma LM  Ding ZG  Gao TY  Zhou RF  Xu WY  Liu J 《Chemosphere》2004,55(9):1207-1212
Using a Fe/Cu bimetallic system (Fe/Cu system), the discoloration of both methylene blue in aqueous solution and the colored wastewater from a plant was investigated under the anaerobic condition in batch or continuous reactors. Results show that the Fe/Cu system effectively removed the color with over 88% of color removal efficiency for both methylene blue solution and the wastewater from the plant in batch test. Color removal efficiencies increased rapidly with Fe/Cu dosage and reaction time, respectively, at initial time and slowly to stable values. Optimum pH was neutral range. In addition, in continuous test it also removed the color of the wastewater from the plant with 63% of discoloring efficiency under the condition of 2 h of hydraulic retention time and neutral range of pH (7.0-8.3). High discoloring efficiencies with low chemical oxygen demand removal efficiencies were found in all experiments. The reduction of chromophores in pollutants was the main mechanism of the discoloration in the Fe/Cu system.  相似文献   

The chromium distribution and transportation in the anaerobic activated sludge was investigated using a sequential extraction method. The results showed that Cr(VI) in aqueous solution was reduced by the metabolic product of SRB and form indissoluble Cr(OH)3 in a solid phase. More than 99% of Cr(III) in the sludge was in a stable residual form (RES) of bio-reduction. The Cr(VI) was mainly present in RES and organic form (OR). With increasing Cr(VI) concentration, Cr(VI) was transferred from RES into OR and even exchangeable form (EXCH). Meanwhile, sulphate and co-existing metal ions affected the occurrence form of Cr(VI).  相似文献   

Juvenile Helix aspersa snails exposed in field microcosms were used to assess the transfer of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn from forest soils amended with liquid and composted sewage sludge. Zn concentrations and contents were significantly higher in snails exposed to liquid and composted sludge after 5 and 7 weeks of exposure, when compared with control. Trends were less clear for the other metals. Present results show that Zn, among the cocktail of metallic trace elements (MTE) coming from sewage sludge disposal, represents the principal concern for food chain transfer and secondary poisoning risks. The microcosm design used in this experiment was well suited for relatively long-term (about 2 months) active biomonitoring with H. aspersa snails. The snails quickly indicated the variations of MTE concentrations in their immediate environment. Therefore, the present study provides a simple but efficient field tool to evaluate MTE bioavailability and transfer.  相似文献   

还原焙烧电镀污泥中的金属形态和浸出性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别以煤粉和稻杆为还原剂对电镀污泥进行还原焙烧,并通过酸浸回收焙烧渣中的金属。研究了焙烧温度、焙烧时间和还原剂投加量对目标金属Cu浸出率的影响以及主要杂质金属的浸出性,并采用BCR逐级提取法分析了焙烧前后污泥中的金属形态分布。结果表明,当在电镀污泥中投加30%的煤粉在600℃下焙烧1h后Cu的浸出率达到97.78%,当投加50%的稻杆时浸出率为89.47%,而氧化焙烧后浸出率仅为37.71%;并且还原焙烧渣中多数杂质金属的浸出率较低,从而可以实现Cu与杂质金属的初步分离。氧化焙烧容易导致金属从易浸出的非残渣态向难浸出的残渣态转化,而还原焙烧则能抑制这种转化过程,金属形态是决定其浸出性的重要因素。  相似文献   

采用实时控制序批式膜生物反应器(sequencing batch membrane bioreactor,SMBR)工艺处理某种猪场的养殖粪尿污水,通过pH实时曲线上的"氨谷点"对曝气时间进行实时控制实现短程硝化。小试反应器10个月的连续运行结果表明,利用曝气时间实时控制实现了稳定的亚硝态氮累积。短程硝化启动后,SMBR对COD和TN的平均去除率分别达到95.5%和92.4%,亚硝态氮积累率可维持在85%以上。高通量测序与OTU分类的结果表明,实时控制下SMBR内NOB逐渐被淘洗,而AOB得到了富集。从反应器启动初期到获得稳定短程硝化(反应器运行200 d),AOB丰度提高了55倍,而对应的NOB丰度降低了2倍。此外,AOB的绝对数量与DO呈显著负相关(r=-0.846,0.01 p 4+-N浓度呈显著正相关(r=0.45,0.01p 4+-N的积累有利于AOB的富集。因此,利用曝气时间实时控制实现短程硝化是一种面向群落结构优化的控制方法,有利于短程硝化系统长期稳定的运行,具有实际应用价值和工程意义。  相似文献   

李红  郑敏  刘庆梅  昝丽  刘丹 《环境工程学报》2016,10(12):7001-7006
以厌氧(AN)-准好氧(SA)联合生物反应器中渗滤液pH、COD、UV254、NH3-N以及铁离子浓度的监测结果为依据,研究了厌氧-准好氧联合生物反应器处理农村生活垃圾产生的渗滤液中Fe的变化规律。结果表明,渗滤液中Fe的浓度随时间变化规律为先上升后下降,在填埋第76天左右,厌氧和准好氧单元中Fe的浓度先后达到最大值73.44和78.71 mg·L-1;在第350天,厌氧和准好氧单元中Fe的浓度分别降至17.84和8.52 mg·L-1。Pearson相关分析显示渗滤液中铁离子的浓度与COD之间存在显著的正相关关系;与pH、NH3-N之间存在负相关关系;而与UV254之间的相关关系较弱。  相似文献   

在升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)反应器内以厌氧氨氧化(Anammox)颗粒污泥为基础,通过先添加乙酸钠再逐步替换为苯酚的方式,启动厌氧氨氧化耦合异养反硝化(SAD)工艺;考察启动过程中耦合系统的脱氮除碳性能及颗粒污泥性状。结果表明:系统启动成功时,TN、COD及苯酚的去除率分别为84.78%、85.23%和84.09%,总氮去除负荷(NRR)及碳去除负荷(CRR)分别为0.73、0.31 kg·(m3·d)−1;苯酚对Anammox菌的抑制作用更强,反硝化菌在Anammox颗粒污泥表面增殖;溶解性微生物产物(SMP)和胞外聚合物(EPS)含量增多,FT-IR和3D-EEM分析进一步证实,蛋白质(PN)是SMP、EPS的主要成分,色氨酸和酪氨酸类物质在抵抗苯酚毒性、维持颗粒污泥稳定中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

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