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Pop-up satellite archival tags were implanted into 68 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus), ranging in size from 91 to 295 kg, in the southern Gulf of Maine (n=67) and off the coast of North Carolina (n=1) between July 2002 and January 2003. Individuals tagged in the Gulf of Maine left that area in late fall and overwintered in northern shelf waters, off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, or in offshore waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. In spring, the fish moved either northwards towards the Gulf of Maine or offshore. None of the fish crossed the 45°W management line (separating eastern and western management units) and none traveled towards the Gulf of Mexico or the Straits of Florida (known western Atlantic spawning grounds). The greatest depth recorded was 672 m and the fish experienced temperatures ranging from 3.4 to 28.7°C. Swimming depth was significantly correlated with location, season, size class, time of day, and moon phase. There was also evidence of synchronous vertical behavior and changes in depth distribution in relation to oceanographic features.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Data from 11 pop-up archival transmitting tags attached to opah (Lampris guttatus, F. Lampridae) in the central North Pacific between November 2003 and March 2005 were used to describe their vertical movement and habitat. In the subtropical gyre northwest of the Hawaiian Islands, opah generally inhabited a 50–400 m depth range and 8–22°C temperatures. They were frequently found in depths of 50–150 m at night and in greater depths (100–400 m) during the day, but were constantly moving vertically within this broad range. At night, excursions below 200 m were not uncommon and during the day they were very likely to spend some time at depths <175 m. Their vertical speeds were generally <25 cm s−1 but on one occasion an opah descended at a burst speed of 4 m s−1. Vertical habitat use by individual opah apparently varied with local oceanographic conditions, but over a 24-h period the average temperature experienced was always in the narrow range of 14.7 to 16.5°C.
Jeffrey J. PolovinaEmail:

Large Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) off the eastern coast of Canada were tagged with pop-up satellite archival transmission tags (N = 17) to track movements, determine ambient depth and temperature, and infer spawning activity. Many halibut showed seasonal movements from deepwater slope areas in fall and winter to shallower feeding grounds on the Scotian Shelf and Grand Banks in summer. Halibut depths ranged between 0 and 1,640 m. Mean temperature of occupation was 4.7 °C. Multiple short-term vertical ascents from a consistent baseline depth, characterized as spawning rises, were identified in seven of the tagged halibut south of the Grand Banks. All presumed spawning rises occurred in multiples of 2–6 events at 2- to 9-day intervals between October and January, spanning an average vertical extent of 50–100 m at depths of about 800–1,000 m. Given the direction and velocity of the slope water currents and the duration of the pelagic stage, the calculated 300–500 km drift of the eggs and larvae would take them onto the Scotian Shelf, as well as into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Therefore, the location of the presumed spawning grounds is consistent with expectations based on migration compensation theory, the northeasterly migratory patterns of the juveniles, the relatively static distribution of the adults off southern Newfoundland, and the prevailing currents at depth.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that a large body size and rapid growth rate affect the survival of larval Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis (PBT), and analyzed larval growth in relation to environmental conditions. Seven high density larval patches of PBT were tracked with reference buoys in the northwestern Pacific Ocean for 28–171 h in May–June from 2004 to 2008. The otolith radii and daily growth rates of the survivor larvae (collected on later tracking days of each tracking session) tended to be larger and more rapid, respectively, than those of original larvae (collected on earlier tracking days). A large body size was found to positively affect the survival of larval PBT, as did a rapid growth rate, even at an early larval stage (7 days after hatching). Generalized linear modeling showed that the otolith radius was influenced positively by the sea temperature, stratification parameter and food density, while the growth rate was influenced positively by the sea temperature and food density.  相似文献   

Following intense overfishing in the 1970s, the western stock of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) experienced a long period of depressed abundance, which has been attributed to failure of the population to periodically produce large numbers of juveniles, the western stock mixing with the more highly exploited eastern stock (fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea), and regime shift in the population's ecosystem resulting in lower replacement rates. To evaluate the presence of relatively strong years of juvenile production, we analyzed age structure from a recent sample of otoliths (ear stones) collected from the western stock (2011–2013, North Carolina, U.S.A., winter fishery). Mixing levels for the recent sample were analyzed using otolith stable isotopes to test whether age structure might be biased through immigration of eastern stock bluefin tuna. Age structure from historical samples collected from United States and Canadian fisheries (1975–1981) was compared with more recent samples (1996–2007) to examine whether demographic changes had occurred to the western stock that might have disrupted juvenile production. Relatively high juvenile production occurred in 2003, 2005, and 2006. Otolith stable isotope analysis showed that these recruitments were mostly of western stock origin. However, these high recruitments were >2‐fold less than historical recruitment. We found substantial age truncation in the sampled fisheries. Half the historical sample was >20 years old (mean age = 20.1 [SD 3.7]; skewness = ?0.3), whereas <5% of the recent sample was >20 years old (mean age = 13.4 [SD 3.8]; skewness = 1.3). Loss of age structure is consistent with changes in fishing selectivity and trends in the stock assessment used for management. We propose that fishing, as a forcing variable, brought about a threshold shift in the western stock toward lower biomass and production, a shift that emulates the regime shift hypothesis. An abbreviated reproductive life span compromised resilience by reducing the period over which adults spawn and thereby curtailing the stock's ability to sample year‐to‐year variability in conditions that favor offspring survival (i.e., storage effect). Because recruitment dynamics by the western stock exhibit threshold dynamics, returning it to a higher production state will entail greater reductions in exploitation rates.  相似文献   

The vertical movements of six adult male dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) (95–120 cm estimated fork length), caught using standard sportfishing methods, were investigated using high-rate single-point pop-up satellite archival transmitters from 2005 to 2011 in the western central Atlantic. Data revealed a diel activity pattern within the mixed surface layer with dives below the thermocline suggesting temperature is not a barrier to vertical movements for short periods of time. Dolphinfish were tracked for periods of 4.96–30.24 day (Σ = 83.37 day), reaching depths >200 m, and in temperatures ranging from 16.20 to 30.87 °C. The six tags allowed comprehensive vertical movement analyses by time of day, duration at depth, and based on vertical movement patterns. The longest (>60 min), deepest (>30 m), and most extensive vertical movement patterns occurred during night rather than day, with the most time spent near the surface during the day. Dolphinfish spent 66 % of their time in the surface layer (0–9.9 m) and only one individual spent 8 % of the monitoring period diving >8 °C from the maximum surface temperatures recorded while tracked. Two tags were analyzed based on lunar phase and revealed contrasting relationships between vertical movements during new and full phases. Our results suggest dolphinfish vertically shift between surface and at-depth feeding strategies to exploit aggregating epipelagic and mesopelagic prey items leading to predictable diel vertical movements.  相似文献   

Multiplex acoustic transmitters were used to monitor the depth, swimming speeds, body temperature and water temperature preference of six blue marlin, Makaira nigricans (Lacépède), near the Hawaiian islands in July and August 1989. The blue marlin ranged in size from 60 to 220 kg and were tracked for 1 to 5 d. All of the fish moved away from the point of capture and were followed up to 253 km from the island of Hawaii. The blue marlin tracked remained in the top 200 m of the water column, spending half the time in the upper 10 m, and rarely ventured below the thermocline. In the nearsurface waters the temperature was uniformly warm (25 to 27°C). The coldest water temperature, 17°C, was encountered on the deepest descent recorded (209 m). Depth changes occurred rapidly and excursions below 10 m were usually less than 60 min in duration. Muscle temperature was similar to water temperature except for a 2°C elevation in muscle temperature observed at the beginning of tracking one individual. This initial rise in body temperature was associated with the anaerobic muscle activity during capture and is an indication of the physiological stress involved in capture.  相似文献   

Population subdivision was examined in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) through sequencing of the control region of the mitochondrial genome. A total of 178 samples from the spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and Mediterranean Sea were analyzed. Among the samples from these locations were 36 electronically tagged bluefin tuna that were tagged in the North Atlantic and subsequently traveled to one of these known spawning grounds during the spawning season. Bluefin tuna populations from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea were found to be genetically distinct based on Φst, and sequence nearest neighbor analyses, showing that these two major spawning areas support independent stocks. Sequence nearest neighbor analysis indicated significant population subdivision among the Gulf of Mexico, western Mediterranean and eastern Mediterranean Sea. However, it was not possible to find significant pairwise differences between any sampling areas when using all samples. If only samples that had a high likelihood of assignment to a specific spawning site were used (young of the year, spawning adults), the differentiation increased among all sampling areas and the Western Mediterranean Sea was distinct from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. It was not possible to distinguish samples from the Bahamas from those collected at any of the other sampling sites. These data support tagging results that suggested distinctness of the Gulf of Mexico, Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea spawning areas. This level of stock differentiation is only possible if Atlantic bluefin tuna show strong natal homing to individual spawning grounds.  相似文献   

The results presented in this report are based on analyses of 16,721 days of data downloaded from 96 archival tags recovered from bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus; 54–159 cm in length, 0.97–5.44 years of age) at liberty from 31 to 1,508 days in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Analyses of daily timed depth and temperature records resulted in the classification of the data into three daily behavior types: characteristic, associative (associated with floating objects), and other. There is a significant positive correlation between the proportion of time fish exhibit characteristic behavior and increasing length, and significant negative correlations between the proportion of time bigeye exhibit associative and other behavior with increasing length. For the smallest (54–80 cm) to largest (100–159 cm) length classes, the vertical habitats utilized when exhibiting non-associative behaviors were 99 and 98% of the time above the thermocline depth (60 m) during the night, at the same average depth of 34 m, and 60 and 72% of the time below the thermocline during the day at average depths of 163 and 183 m, respectively. For the same smallest to largest length classes, when exhibiting associative behavior, the average nighttime and daytime depths were 25 and 21, and 33 and 37 m, respectively. The apparent effects of the environment on the behavior of the fish are discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive status and body condition of 195 (≥185 cm curved fork length, CFL; assigned age 7 and above) Atlantic bluefin tuna were assessed in the Gulf of Maine during the commercial fishing season of June–October, 2000–2002. Given the distance between known spawning and feeding grounds, the prevailing paradigm for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus, L.) suggests that the most likely histological state for females arriving in the Gulf of Maine after spawning would be a resting or quiescent state with little or no perigonadal fat. Alternatively, the presence of mature or mature-inactive histological states in some females supports a more varied or individualistic model for bluefin reproduction. No relationship was found between body condition and reproductive status. Males were found in all reproductive stages, but were more likely to be in spawning condition (stages 4 and 5) or a mature-inactive state (stage 6) in June and July. Female bluefin tuna were found in stage 1 (immature or non-spawning) and stage 6 (mature-inactive). Stage 6 females were only present in June and July and smaller females (<235 cm CFL) were more likely to be in stage 6 than large females (>235 cm CFL) sampled during those same months. The presence of smaller females in stage 6 arriving at the same time as larger females in stage 1 indicates that Western Atlantic bluefin tuna may have an asynchronous reproductive schedule and may mature at a smaller size than the currently accepted paradigm suggests.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondrial DNA indicated a surprisingly high degree of genetic similarity between skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The present results (1983) support the findings of previous morphological and electrophoretic studies. Evidently, since the uplift of the Panamá land bridge about 3.1 million years ago, there has been continued genetic contact between Atlantic and Pacific skipjack tuna, presumably via the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, (60-135 cm fork length) were caught and released with implanted archival tags offshore off Baja California, Mexico, during October 2002 and October 2003. Thirty-six fish (53%) were recaptured and the data were downloaded from all 36 recovered tags. Time at liberty ranged from 9 to 1,161 days, and the data were analyzed for the 20 fish that were at liberty for 154 or more days. The accuracy in the position estimates, derived from light-level longitude data and sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) based latitude, is about 0.41° in longitude and 0.82° in latitude, in this region. The movement paths, derived from position estimates, for the 20 yellowfin indicated that 19 (95%) remained within 1,445 km of their release locations. The estimated mean velocity along movement paths was 77 km/day. The southern and northern seasonal movement paths observed for yellowfin off Baja California are influenced by the seasonal movements of the 18°C SST isotherm. Cyclical movements to and from suitable spawning habitat (≥24°C SST) was observed only for mature fish. For the 12 fish that demonstrated site fidelity, the mean 95 and 50% utilization distributions were 258,730 km2 and 41,260 km2, respectively. Evaluations of the timed depth records resulted in discrimination of four distinct behaviors. When exhibiting type-1 diving behavior (78.1% of all days at liberty) the fish remained at depths less than 50 m at night and did not dive to depths greater than about 100 m during the day. Type-2 diving behavior (21.2% of all days at liberty) was characterized by ten or more dives in excess of 150 m during the day. Type-2 diving behavior is apparently a foraging strategy for fish targeting prey organisms of the deep-scattering layer during the day, following nighttime foraging within the mixed layer on the same prey. Yellowfin tuna exhibited occasional deep-diving behavior, and some dives exceeded 1,000 m, where ambient temperatures were less than 5°C. Surface-oriented behavior, defined as the time fish remained at depths less than 10 m for more than 10 min, were evaluated. The mean number and duration of surface-oriented events per day for all fish was 14.3 and 28.5 min, respectively. Habitat utilization of yellowfin, presented as monthly composite horizontal and vertical distributions, indicates confined geographical distributions, apparently resulting from an affinity to an area of high prey availability. The vertical distributions indicate greater daytime depths in relation to a seasonally deeper mixed layer and a greater proportion of daytime at shallower depths in relation to a seasonally shallower mixed layer.  相似文献   

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) are highly migratory predators whose abundance, distribution, and somatic condition have changed over the past decades. Prey community composition and abundance have also varied in several foraging grounds. To better understand underlying food webs and regional energy sources, we performed stomach content and stable isotope analyses on mainly juvenile (60–150 cm curved fork length) bluefin tuna captured in foraging grounds in the western (Mid-Atlantic Bight) and eastern (Bay of Biscay) Atlantic Ocean. In the Mid-Atlantic Bight, bluefin tuna diet was mainly sand lance (Ammodytes spp., 29% prey weight), consistent with historic findings. In the Bay of Biscay, krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) made up 39% prey weight, with relative consumption of each reflecting annual changes in prey abundance. Consumption of anchovies apparently declined after the local collapse of this prey resource. In both regions, stable isotope analysis results showed that juvenile bluefin tuna fed at a lower trophic position than indicated by stomach content analysis. In the Mid-Atlantic Bight, stable isotope analyses suggested that >30% of the diet was prey from lower trophic levels that composed <10% of the prey weights based upon traditional stomach content analyses. Trophic position was similar to juvenile fish sampled in the NW Atlantic but lower than juveniles sampled in the Mediterranean Sea in previous studies. Our findings indicate that juvenile bluefin tuna targeted a relatively small range of prey species and regional foraging patterns remained consistent over time in the Mid-Atlantic Bight but changed in relation to local prey availability in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

Stable 13C and 15N isotope analyses of scale, bone, and muscle tissues were used to investigate diet and trophic position of North Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus) during residency in the northwest Atlantic Ocean off the northeast coast of the United States. Adult bluefin tuna scales collected from fish between June and October 2001 were significantly enriched in 13C compared to both muscle and bone across all months, while muscle was significantly enriched in 15N compared to either bone or scale throughout the same period. In muscle tissue, there was evidence of a shift over the summer from prey with 13C values (–17 to –18) that were characteristic of silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) to species with 13C values of –20 to –21 that were similar to Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and sandlance (Ammodytes americanus). Depletion of 15N values in adult scales and bone compared to muscle tissue may be explained by bone and scale samples representing juvenile or life-long feeding habits, isotopic routing, or isotopic differences in amino acid composition of the three tissue types. Adult bluefin tuna were estimated to be feeding at a trophic position similar to pelagic sharks in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, while the trophic positions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga), and juvenile bluefin tuna were indicative of a diet of up to a full trophic position below adult bluefin tuna. The close relationship between the juvenile bluefin 15N values and those of suspension feeders suggests that nektonic crustaceans or zooplankton may contribute significantly to the diet of bluefin tuna, a food source previously overlooked for this species in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

The northeastern offshore population of the pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) in the eastern tropical Pacific remains listed as depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and recent estimates of abundance show that recovery has been slow. One hypothesis for the slow recovery is that continued chase and encirclement by the tuna fishery negatively affects reproduction. Insufficient life-history sampling in this region over the last two decades makes traditional estimates of reproductive rates impossible. Here, we examine the current reproductive patterns of these dolphins by measuring blubber progesterone (BP) concentrations in biopsy samples to assess pregnancy state. BP was quantified in 212 biopsies from female offshore spotted dolphins sampled between 1998 and 2003 in the northeastern tropical Pacific, and we found that 11.5 % of the biopsied females (mature and immature) were pregnant. The relationship between pregnancy and fishery exposure was analyzed, and we found that pregnant females were exposed to significantly less fishery activity than non-pregnant ones (p = 0.022), suggesting that the fishery may have an inhibitive effect on pregnancy. Spatial analysis indicated that pregnancy was more aggregated than random (p < 0.05) at a scale up to 180-nmi, with the highest proportion pregnant in the mouth of the Gulf of California, an area with relatively low reported fishery activity.  相似文献   

Small-scale movement behavior of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) in the Arabian Gulf was evaluated between April 2002 and April 2004 using temperature- and pressure-sensitive ultrasonic telemetry. Of nine sailfish tagged, eight were successfully tracked for periods ranging from 3 h 33 min to 52 h 6 min. Total tracked distances ranged from 5.5 to 78.7 km, while maximum linear displacement from tagging locations ranged from 4.6 to 37.0 km. Average speed based on vessel positioning ranged from 0.29 to 0.75 m s–1. The cumulative mean vertical distributions showed that 84.3% of time was spent above 10-m depth, even though water temperature altered little with increased depth. Data from two pop-up satellite archival tags deployed in 2002 were used to compare time spent at 5-m depth intervals with data from ultrasonic tags. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) in preferred depths between ultrasonic and pop-up tags for day or night, suggesting that the sailfish in this study recovered from capture stress and returned to normal behavior in relatively short times. Information on vertical and horizontal distribution can reveal preferential habitat that benefits fishery management practices relating to time/area closures, as well as determining optimal gear selection that reduces incidental bycatch and promotes conservation of sailfish in the Arabian Gulf.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The depth distribution and temperature preferences of wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) were quantified in the eastern North Pacific using archival tags. One hundred and eight data-loggers were deployed on wahoo (105?C165-cm fork length) from 2005 to 2008 at three locations off of the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico (Alijos Rocks, 25°00??N/115°45??W; Magdalena Bay Ridge, 25°55??N/113°21??W; Hurricane Bank, 16°51??N/117°29??W). Twenty-five tagged individuals (23%) were recaptured within close proximity (<20?km) of their release sites. Collectively, depth and temperature data from 499?days revealed a predominant distribution within the upper mixed layer, with an average (±SD) depth of 18?±?4?m during the day and 17?±?6?m at night. Wahoo spent 99.2% of the daytime and 97.9% of night above the thermocline, and the greatest depth achieved by any fish was 253?m. Mean dive duration (3.8?±?2.9 vs. 2.3?±?0.8?min) and the vertical rate of movement (3.8?±?1.3 vs. 3.0?±?0.5?m?min?1) were greater at night when compared to day. Ambient temperatures obtained from tag records ranged from 11.1 to 27.9°C, with an average of 25.0?±?1.1°C. These data identify the importance of the warm, upper mixed layer for the wahoo. High recapture rates proximal to the deployment sites suggest seasonal site fidelity and reveal the economic importance of this resource to both commercial and recreational fisheries of the region.  相似文献   

Most fish farming waste output models provide gross waste rates as a function of stocked or produced biomass for a year or total culture cycle, but without contemplating the temporality of the discharges. This work aims to ascertain the temporal pattern of waste loads by coupling available growth and waste production models and developing simulation under real production rearing conditions, considering the overlapping of batches and management of stocks for three widely cultured species in the Mediterranean Sea: gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). For a similar annual biomass production, the simulations showed that waste output and temporal dumping patterns differ between the three species as a result of the disparities in growth velocity, nutrient digestibility, maintenance metabolic budget and husbandry. The simulations allowed the temporal patterns including the periods of maximum discharge and the dissolved and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus content in the wastes released to be determined, both of which were seen to be species-specific.  相似文献   

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