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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) education has been a reality for years in many graduate and undergraduate programs worldwide. As EIA has grown as a widely accepted environmental policy tool, several professions have tried to incorporate these skills into their academic training. The main aim of this research was to assess the Portuguese profile of EIA education, measuring the degree of EIA integration in graduate and undergraduate programs. This paper intends to contribute to an understanding of the key factors related to EIA education. A national survey was conducted to obtain data on EIA education programs. More recently, many other programs, both graduate and undergraduate, have established EIA courses. New knowledge, practices, legislation and public policies are fundamental drivers of the application of EIA, which will probably continue to expand to more undergraduate and graduate programs. The association of EIA with other environmental management tools, such as environmental management systems or environmental performance evaluation, and sustainable development initiatives will be a priority challenge for all who are engaged in this domain.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was originally tailored for restructuring rules and values regarding environmental protection, through interdisciplinary work. EIA has developed as a tool for decision-making for the implementation of projects which potentially pose significant environmental impacts. This paper reviews the sustainability and interdisciplinarity assumptions inherent in EIA. It illustrates through a case study of a proposed landfill extension in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, that these principles can arise more from informal knowledge processes than from legal ones. It can be shown that interdisciplinarity is often misunderstood as multidisciplinarity or simple knowledge clustering, and sustainability has no common definition amongst EIA practitioners, but that there predominates an understanding which delivers weak sustainability, driven primarily by social and economic goals. The conclusion is that EIA cannot achieve the original vision set out in the world's first legislation adopted in 1970 unless a learning-organization approach is taken whereby: the critical role of informal knowledge is recognized; informal knowledge is properly managed by EIA teams to engender a common understanding of sustainable development goals; interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary working practices are adopted.  相似文献   

环境影响评价自引入我国以来,经过40多年发展,已形成一套具有我国国情特点的成熟制度框架体系. 为探究过去40年我国环境影响评价研究的发展与演变特征,以1980—2020年科睿唯安(Web of Science)和中国知网收录文献作为研究对象,运用CitesSpace文献分析工具,绘制环境影响评价领域知识图谱,对比分析国内外环境影响评价的研究力量、时空演变特征等信息,重点分析得出我国环境影响评价领域研究热点;结合聚类分析实证结果,从研究方向、指导理念、制度完善、技术体系四个方面总结了我国环境影响评价领域的演变特征和重点领域发展趋势,并提出新时期环境影响评价的展望与设想. 值得注意的是,相较于国际学术界对环境影响评价研究热度持续上升,我国对环境影响评价研究的关注度正在下降,学术影响力不够、学科交叉研究不足,一定程度制约了环境影响评价制度的纠错能力与创新能力的提升. 为切实提高环境影响评价协同推进高质量发展和高水平保护的能力,一方面需进一步发挥制度优势,对标国际先进技术,加强环境影响评价与公共管理等其他学科的交叉融合研究,完善经济、技术政策环境评价顶层设计,加强生物多样性、气候变化等全球性问题在环境影响评价中的融合研究;另一方面,应推动我国环境影响评价实践经验走向国际学术界,提升环境影响评价国际学术话语权,不断创新形成具有“中国特色、世界一流”的环境影响评价体系.   相似文献   

做为火电厂环境影响评价的重点之一,如何才能使环评提出的噪声控制措施更合理,如何才能更科学地评价火电厂噪声对周围环境的影响,尤其是采用直接空冷机组的火电厂,是一个实际工作中常遇到的问题。本文根据近几年从事火电厂环评工作经验,对直接空冷机组噪声控制和环境影响评价方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

区域电网火电厂对水环境影响评价指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
区域电网内所有火电厂对区域水环境影响评价指标是进行区域火电厂规划环评的基础.通过对区域电网内火电厂对区域水环境影响的共性研究,提出了区域电网内火电厂取水影响、排水影响和水污染物影响3项评价指标;在此基础上利用和积法计算各指标的权重,依据权重求得区域水环境综合影响评价指标.评价指标在华东电网火电厂区域水环境影响评价中进行了应用,结果表明,华东电网火电厂对区域水环境的影响程度由大到小依次为黄浦江、太湖、巢湖、淮河、长江和钱塘江.   相似文献   

战略环评与项目环评关联性分析研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
结合国内外战略环境评价研究现状,对战略环境评价和项目环境影响评价的关系进行了较为全面地分析比较。通过分析项目环境影响评价的不足和战略环境评价的优点,指出开展战略环境评价,能完善环境影响评价体系,促进可持续发展战略实施。并就战略环境评价与项目环境影响评价在研究对象、管理体系、技术特点、方法体系和技术手段等方面的区别做了明确阐述,指出战略环境评价在操作上应注意与项目环境影响评价的不同及联系,明确了二者的层次关系及可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

范小杉  何萍 《环境科学研究》2017,30(12):1869-1879
环评技术标准的科学性和完备性是决定环评文件质量及应用价值的关键,但长期以来生态承载力环评技术一直是环评标准体系中最薄弱的环节.通过回顾国内外生态承载力研究发展历程,解析生态承载力概念和内涵,介绍自然植被净第一性生产力评估法、生态足迹法、资源供需平衡法与综合指数法等常用生态承载力评估方法的评价原理、技术流程,指明上述各类方法片面注重“承载力”极值的量化或超载与否的评估,但却忽视人类经济社会发展产生压力指标与区域自然承载能力对应关键指标在指标类型、大小及空间上的矛盾对立性研究,以致评价过程不清晰、评估成果对于优化区域人地关系的参考价值十分有限.在此基础上结合我国生态承载力环评制度、技术导向及研究实践状况论述,指出现有生态承载力环评技术标准存在技术方案不完整、评价内容项目针对性弱、评价空间尺度与项目影响范围不匹配等问题,以此为前提,提出重新界定规划环评领域生态承载力概念,以提升科学性与实用性为目标革新生态承载力环评技术框架体系,针对项目生态压力类型及空间格局确立生态承载力评价内容,充分利用3S等新技术开展生态承载力定量化评估等修正对策建议.研究旨在为开展生态承载力评估技术革新与探索研究提供借鉴.   相似文献   

论可持续发展与水资源工程环境影响评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文在分析传统水资源工程环境影响评价固有模式及存在问题的基础上,对水资源工程环境影响评价赋予了可持续性的内涵,并对其理论和方法进行了新的探索,建立了一套适应我国国情的基于可持续发展的水资源工程环境影响评价模式体系。其内容包括可持续发展的水资源工程环境影响评价理论基础、评价内容、评价方法、评价指标体系及评价准则和工作程序  相似文献   

In recent years, many electronic manufacturing firms have looked upon Cleaner Production (CP) as the means by which they could maintain environmental practice and competitive advantages. CP has been adopted by companies as an important factor in enhancing industrial productivity. Sustainable projects that deal appropriately with environmental and social factors are also more likely to be the most profitable.This paper investigated the criteria and attributes that determine a successful adoption and implementation of CP in reference to PWB manufacture in Taiwan. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) methodology is used to discuss the different decision criteria that include Organizing, Systems and Technologies, Measurement and Feedback, Working environment and Worker's Culture which are all vital factors in an effective CP implementation. AHP is an efficient tool in controlling the fuzziness of the data involved in choosing the most preferred decision variables. The linguistic level of comparisons produced by the manufacturers and experts are tapped and constructed in a form of triangular fuzzy numbers in order to construct fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices. The implementation of the system is demonstrated by a problem involving three stages of hierarchy which contains different criteria and attributes at a wider perspective within an environmental uncertainty. The findings advocate that these enterprises would need to setup the priorities of the CP implementation. The results suggest a generic hierarchical model of organizations of which the highest level is to be prioritized among the CP implementation factors.  相似文献   

累积影响评价:中国内地与香港的问题与实践探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨凯  林健枝 《环境科学》2001,22(1):120-125
将过去、现在和将来的其它活动包括在建议活动的评价范围 ,是累积影响评价区别于传统EIA的重要特征和关键环节 ,也是EIA进一步发展完善的重要趋势 .从法规要求、文本格式、时空范围、重点内容、减缓措施等方面 ,分析了内地和香港在环评实践过程中对累积影响的考虑状况及存在问题 .建议制定累积影响评价的技术方法导则 ,以法规的形式明确提出在项目、区域及策略环评中增加累积影响评价的内容 ,累积影响应在环评报告的摘要、目录及结论中专门列出 ,对累积影响时空范围的界定及重要性的判断应专门提供支持依据 ,评价的重点应较多地关注生态完整性、社会经济影响及全球性环境影响等 ,以更有效地预防累积环境影响问题 .  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) system has been established in China since 1973. In present EIA cases, there are four participants in general: governments, enterprises, EIA organizations and the public. The public has held responsible for both social costs and social duties. The public supervises social costs produced by enterprises discharging pollutant in EIA. However public participation is mostly deputized by governments, which severely weaken the independence of the public as one participant in EIA. In this paper, EIA refers to the different attitudes of the participants whose optional strategies may be described by a proper game model. According to disfigurements in EIA, three sides (governments, enterprises, and EIA organizations) dynamic iterative game theory, dynamic game theory of incomplete information, and perfect Bayesian equilibrium theory to analyze the reciprocity relation among governments, EIA organizations and enterprises. The results show that in a short period, economic benefit is preponderant over social benefit. Governments and enterprises both do not want to take EIA to reveal social costs. EIA organizations’ income comes from enterprises and the collusions are built between them to vindicate economic benefit. In a long run, social benefit loss caused by environmental pollution must be recuperated sooner or later and environmental deterioration will influence the achievements of economic benefit, so both governments and enterprises are certain to pursue high social benefit and willing to take EIA, helpful to increase private benefit. EIA organizations will make fair assessment when their economic benefit are ensured. At present, the public as silent victims can not take actual part in EIA. The EIA system must be improved to break the present equilibrium of three sides, bringing the public to the equilibrium to exert public supervision.  相似文献   

中国环评制度的独特运行机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对比了国内外环境影响评价制度的运行机制发现,发达国家环评制度的有效实施依赖于污染追责制度,而我国环评制度对污染追责制度的依赖性较小,形成了独立发挥作用的运行机制. 我国环评制度的缺陷体现在:①缺乏解决信息成本问题的有效途径;②部门权力边界限制了环境管理的激励约束能力. 据此,建议我国环评制度从2个方向加以改进,一方面完善污染追责制度,建立环评制度对污染追责制度的依赖关系;另一方面,延续过去环评制度的改进方向,继续独立于污染追责制度之外,使环评制度独立、有效地针对项目主体发挥激励和约束作用.   相似文献   

建立完善的、减污降碳相协同的管理制度是支撑全国碳排放高质量达峰的重要保障,有效控制新增碳排放是推动实现重点行业尽早达峰的关键. 环境影响评价是我国源头防控的基础性制度,将温室气体管控要求纳入其中是现阶段推动减污降碳协同增效的可行途径及重要抓手. 综合考虑国内外管理实践经验以及我国制度特点与管理需求,开展了温室气体环境影响评价技术方法研究. 本文提出了系统性、全过程、协同性的三大温室气体评价基本原则,识别建设项目温室气体环境影响评价的主要影响因素,构建了强调高效、低碳、循环的温室气体环境影响评价指标体系,建立了包含项目分析与判断、影响因素识别、影响预测与技术分析、综合环境影响评价的评价方法体系. 基于该方法,以山东省250万吨电解铝产能转移至云南省项目为例,开展碳排放环境影响评价分析,测算结果表明:若不考虑项目对云南省对外输电的影响,全国CO2减排量可达2 574.4×104 t;如考虑项目对跨区输电的影响,则全国CO2净减排量将减至968.3×104 t;进一步考虑技术升级、地方煤炭消费政策等因素影响,还会得到差异明显的评价结果. 研究显示,考虑不同评价目标、评价边界和影响因素可能会对全社会碳排放量环境影响评价结果产生显著影响,由此建议在开展相关评价时应立足实际需求,合理确定评价目标和边界.   相似文献   

通过对近年来我国主要行业和领域规划环评实践经验的系统总结,发现主要存在规划和投资主管部门干预、环评文件质量不高、环评结论与项目建设脱节、环评成果实施缺乏机制保障等几个方面的突出问题。要提高规划环评的有效性,就必须突破上述方面的制约,对整个规划环评管理体制进行系统改革,培育推进规划环评的政策环境,并加强规划环评与现有政策、机制的整合。从目前来看,应通过法制完善和机构改革增进规划环评的执行力,通过利益机制调整增强规划环评的独立性,通过提高环评文件质量来增强决策影响力,通过完善规划保障机制来促进规划环评成果的实施。  相似文献   

将采集的环境样品分作 3份 ,1份用于高分辨色质联用多离子检测测定二噁的毒性当量浓度 TEQ,另 2份分别用 7-乙氧基 -异吩噁唑酮 -脱乙基酶 ( EROD)活力诱导法和酶免疫法 ( Enzyme Immuno Assay,EIA)进行生物测试 .结果表明 EIA和EROD这 2种生物试验方法均具有较好的准确性和很宽的线性范围 .比较 Micro- EROD分析结果与化学分析结果以及 EIA分析结果与化学分析结果 ,发现 Micro- EROD生物试验所测得的 TEQ值均高于化学分析法的 TEQ值 .其比值 1.83~ 3.06,平均比值 2.54± 0.59.而 EIA所测得的 TEQ值与化学结果的比率 0.5~1.4,平均比率为 0.83±0.40.显然由 EIA所测得的 TEQ的平均值比由 Micro- EROD所测得的结果更接近化学分析结果 .因此 EIA法更适合于对环境样品中二噁类化合物进行快速定量筛选 .  相似文献   

中法环境影响评价制度比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用比较分析法,对中国与法国环境影响评价制度的法律依据,评价适用范围,评价单位,评价内容及评价的工作与管理程序进行了比较,两国均在环境法律在确立了环境影响评价制度,评价对象主要是具体的工程或项目,评价内容都包括影响预测和评价,减缓措施分析等主要内容,中国的评价必须由具备评价资格证书的评价单位实施,法国对此无严格要求,中间环境影响评价工作和管理程序较法国的复杂,但法国的报告书一般要进行公众调查,还要  相似文献   

This paper summarises developments in the promotion and implementation of cleaner production (CP) and eco-efficiency (EE) in Western Australia (WA), in four stages: groundwork (1996–1999), experimentation (1999–2002), roll out (2002–2004) and reorientation (2004 onward). The remoteness of WA and the dominance of the minerals, energy and agribusiness industries, contributed to the late interest in CP and relatively slow start. Pioneers in government, industry and academia started to come together in 1998–1999. Subsequent clarification of concepts and design of programs resulted in a two-pronged strategy to create both a supply and demand for CP services. This enabled a rapid increase in interest in CP, which started to level in 2004. Although this is partially due to external circumstances, it also appears that the limits of current CP and EE theory and practice have been reached. These limits appear to be at least two fold. First, current policies and program designs appear not yet able to achieve a step-increase in the number of businesses involved in CP. Insights from innovation and social marketing theory and practice are now being incorporated in the design and delivery of the next generation of CP programs. Second, it appears that mainstream CP tools are insufficiently catered to the technological and organisational complexity of many industries. Greater engineering and management depth in CP tools might be required to mainstream CP in routine process design, continuous improvement and change management practices.  相似文献   

Cleaner production (CP) working methods should facilitate the search for feasible CP options and contribute to their on-going implementation in a company. Over the past decade, numerous working methods have been developed in order to cater for specific segments of industry. This paper describes, compares and analyses the core components of six Dutch working methods to develop a framework for CP methodologies, to draft guidelines for the selection of an appropriate working method for a certain industry, and to identify areas which require additional methodology development. A division is proposed between four types of CP working methods: indicators, scan, pre-assessment and assessment. Each of these has its strengths and weaknesses, which calls for a careful selection of the working method, which in turn could be based on size of the company, material- and energy-intensity of the production, and complexity of the production processes. This comparative evaluation further proves that the working methods are still weak in stimulating the corporate transition process from ‘end-ofpipe’ to CP thinking and acting. It is tentatively concluded that an ‘assessment’ is superior in identifying comparatively radical environmental improvements (‘innovations’) as well as in fostering the integration of CP into the daily operation and management of a company. The use of simplified working methods in selected industries, is, however, justified given their ability to contribute to the implementation of relatively obvious CP options.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on lessons learnt from Cleaner Production (CP) experiences in textile bleaching and dyeing (hosiery) clusters in India. The regional and industry contexts for CP are demonstrated by outlining the interaction and interdependency between the urban and rural environment, and an industry cluster centered on Tirupur City. A policy for fostering water use productivity in the industry cluster is discussed, which shows how that in order for resource productivity to be maintained, regional and industry CP strategies should be aligned. This is illustrated by a discussion on CP lessons in water and chemicals conservation. The paper also recommends future areas of CP investigations required in the industry to make it ecologically sustainable in the long-term.  相似文献   

分析环境影响评价和环境管理体系之间的差异性及内在相关性特征,提出在保护环境工作中将两者有机结合的重要意义,阐明了环境保护工作新的思路。  相似文献   

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