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Liquified gas fuels are widely used around the world, and the growth of LNG and LPG consumption continues to increase. However, using these fuels can lead to accidents if they are released to the environment. Consequently, the challenge to control and predict such hazards has become an objective in emergency planning and risk analysis. In a previous article the “Dispersion Safety Factor” (DSF) was proposed, defined as the ratio between the distance at which the lower flammability limit concentration occurs and that corresponding to the visible contour of a vapor cloud. Its interest was demonstrated by applying it to the specific case of an LNG spill. With the appropriate modifications, this factor may be applied to the dispersion of other substances; in this communication it is applied to the atmospheric dispersion of propane, and two expressions are proposed to estimate it. Due to the similarity between the properties of both gases, these expressions could probably be applied as well to the dispersion of propylene.  相似文献   

基于PHAST软件的站场冷放空燃爆事故模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高天然气长输管道阀室冷放空作业的安全性,针对冷放空作业中的意外闪燃、爆燃事故现象,基于UDM模型并运用PHAST计算机软件,先模拟了泄放气体发生闪燃事故的影响域,分析冷放空气体闪燃范围随风速、大气稳定度、放空压力及放空速率4种影响因素而变化的趋势;后又讨论了放空速率对爆燃超压伤害范围的影响。结果表明:闪燃范围随风速、大气稳定度、放空压力及放空速率增加而递增,后两者对其影响较大,应重点关注并控制;在模拟工况下,最远轻伤距离达60 m,因此在实际工程中,控制放空速率对减轻意外燃爆事故的后果极为重要,应注重对放空作业参数的调整。  相似文献   

为合理、高效地治理朱家店煤矿巷道掘进和煤层开采过程中瓦斯浓度多次超限的技术阻力,本文针对该煤矿不同煤层上覆岩层瓦斯卸压范围及流动规律进行了较为深入的研究,建立了其BP神经网络破坏高度的数学预测模型。通过合理地计算,本文确定了该矿开采煤层上覆岩层的走向及倾向卸压长度、卸压上限和卸压范围,最后提出了有效控制上覆岩层瓦斯大量流向工作面及采空区的技术策略,从而达到了遏制矿井瓦斯事故发生的目的。  相似文献   

瓦斯压力对煤与瓦斯射流突出能量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
瓦斯压力是煤与瓦斯突出的主要动力源,其与突出能量的关系尚不明确。将煤与瓦斯突出视为煤-瓦斯气固两相射流突出,在分析煤与瓦斯射流突出过程的基础上,建立了煤与瓦斯射流突出数值模型,给出了突出能量表达式。通过理论分析、数值模拟相结合,得到了瓦斯压力对煤与瓦斯突出能量、突出强度、瓦斯涌出量等参数的影响规律。结果表明,突出发生时,突出能量具有波动性,即以突出口为界存在能量集聚骤升区和能量释放衰减区。能量集聚骤升发生在突出孔洞至突出口段,瓦斯-煤两相流突出速度成倍增大;能量释放主要发生在突出口附近和巷道中,瓦斯-煤两相流突出速度逐渐减小。煤与瓦斯射流突出产生强烈涡旋,在顶板、底板处尤为显著,与现场观察到的突出后顶板有摩擦和划痕、底板突出煤粉有分选现象一致。瓦斯压力与突出能量间呈线性增加关系,与突出强度和瓦斯涌出量均呈幂指数增加关系。计算得到的煤与瓦斯射流突出能量量级与前人结论基本吻合,结果可为煤与瓦斯突出能量预测提供参考。  相似文献   

油罐火灾沸溢发生时间预测模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油罐火灾发生沸溢具有很大的危险性,而沸溢时间的准确预测是目前的一个技术难题。笔者结合宽沸程油品油罐火灾沸溢实验,对油层内部传热过程进行详细分析,认为油罐火灾沸溢事故可近似地看作一无内热源、常物性的非稳态传热问题,其过程包含油水界面不参与换热和参与换热的两个阶段。建立了油罐火灾沸溢发生时间预测模型,对两个不同阶段,分别进行理论分析和数值方法进行求解,并同实验数据对比。结论可信,误差较小,为沸溢机理探讨研究和油罐沸溢火灾的扑救提供了参考依据。计算表明:燃烧速度和油罐底部水层厚度对沸溢时间的影响很大,而降低罐壁温度并不能有效地延迟沸溢的发生。  相似文献   

以重庆市兴隆垃圾填埋场为例,在垃圾场东南侧布设17口监测井,对监测井中填埋气进行监测分析.根据填埋气主要组分CH4和H2S体积分数的变化,研究相似地质条件下垃圾填埋场填埋气的横向迁移现状及影响区域,确定安全控制范围.结果表明,对填埋气体主要在第四系松散堆积层空隙介质中迁移的简易填埋场,填埋气的横向迁移现主要集中在场界外50 m区域内,监测井中CH4体积分数最高达66.42%,H2S最高达10-5;填埋场场界50 m以外区域中填埋气的横向迁移非常微弱.因此,在距填埋场场界50 m处采取控制措施可有效控制填埋气的横向迁移.  相似文献   

Shell-tube type heat exchangers are often used to exchange heat between a high-pressure fluid and a low-pressure fluid, and the pressure difference between the two fluids could be significantly high. If the difference in the design pressure between the low-pressure (LP) and high-pressure sides is greater than that covered by American Petroleum Institute (API 520 and 521) 10/13th rule, dynamic analysis is required to ascertain that the maximum surge pressure that could be reached does not compromise the integrity of the LP side of the exchanger. API guidelines also notes that attention should also be given not only to the shell-side of the heat exchanger under evaluation, but also to the “upstream and downstream systems” This paper offers further insight into the importance of including the surrounding piping systems around the subject heat-exchanger where a tube-rupture scenario is considered, and also directs attention to the importance of correctly specifying the appropriate boundary conditions (B.C.) at the far ends of both the upstream and downstream piping systems. It demonstrates the effects of specifying different B.C. on the maximum pressure surge via a case study of a hot separator vapour condenser in a bitumen hydrotreating unit, where the process fluid on the tube-side is a vapour–liquid mixture at 9660 kPa(g). The vapour mass fraction of the process fluid is approximately 0.5, and is mostly hydrogen. The fluid on the LP side is cooling water connected to the plant supply and return cooling systems as well as another adjacent low pressure condenser. The design pressure for the cooling water piping system and the adjacent condenser is 1380 kPa(g).  相似文献   

管道内瓦斯爆炸温度与压力峰值试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为分析瓦斯爆炸的火焰温度及压力峰值在管道中的传播规律,采用瓦斯管网爆炸测试系统进行试验,通过爆炸压力和爆炸火焰温度采集系统采集数据。在相同点火能量和点火位置的条件下,分析了体积分数对瓦斯爆炸的温度峰值和压力峰值的影响,及温度峰值和压力峰值随管道距离的变化规律。结果表明:当瓦斯体积分数低于9.5%时,温度峰值和压力峰值随瓦斯体积分数增大而增大;同一体积分数下,温度峰值最大值出现在最接近爆源的位置,并呈逐渐下降的趋势,接近爆源的温度峰值下降较明显,随管道延长,温度峰值的下降减慢且趋于平缓;温度峰值与传播距离近似呈三次函数关系;冲击波压力峰值随管道传播呈先上升后下降再上升的波动性变化。  相似文献   

硬质体构造对煤巷掘进工作面瓦斯压力分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析硬质体构造对煤巷掘进工作面瓦斯压力分布的影响,运用含气-固耦合分析模块的岩石破裂过程分析有限元软件建立正常煤层掘进和含硬质体构造煤层掘进两种物理力学模型,对两种煤巷掘进工作面前方煤体应力和瓦斯压力分布规律进行数值模拟.结果表明,硬质体构造的存在增加了掘进工作面前方煤体的应力集中范围和应力梯度,进一步降低了煤层的透气性,阻碍了工作面深部煤体瓦斯向自由面的正常运移,进而形成了高瓦斯压力梯度.高瓦斯煤层掘进工作面硬质体地质构造直接影响煤巷掘进工作面地应力的分布,间接地影响瓦斯压力的分布.  相似文献   

天然气管道时常受到破坏,并诱发巨大的射流火焰,可能引燃周围建构物体。系统地分析了管道压力对天然气射流火热辐射灾害的影响,以建立天然气射流火热辐射灾害的系统定量分析方法。基于压力管道小孔泄漏模型和权重-多点源热辐射计算模型,建立了目标物体最大入射热辐射通量、管道压力和目标物与泄漏小孔水平距离的定量关系式。进而选定10 k W/m~2和31.5 k W/m~2作为城镇建筑物遭受引燃和机械破坏的热辐射通量阈值,得到了不同管道压力下天然气射流火热辐射灾害范围。计算结果表明,GB 50028—2006《城镇燃气设计规范》依据管道压力所规定的燃气管道与建筑物的安全间距不能完全满足天然气管道破坏时射流火焰的安全要求,与某武汉天然气管道射流火事故后果一致。  相似文献   

滚石冲击作用下埋地高压输气管道的可靠性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地质灾害往往会对高压输气管线造成安全隐患,岩体崩塌引起的滚石冲击是导致埋地输气管道第三方破坏的主要破坏形式之一。通过概率分布求出滚石产生的偶然性载荷对管道的冲击频率,根据可靠性理论,用管线钢自身的强度和撞击产生的工作应力,建立强度应力的安全裕度方程。然后利用LS-DYNA有限元软件,建立滚石冲击管道模型,计算不同条件下埋地输气管道的最大应力Sm,确定Sm的分布规律。最后,根据应力和强度的分布求得管道可靠度指标和失效概率。本研究提供的方法和结论对埋地输气管道的风险评估、管道的设计及施工具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

为了进一步探究瓦斯爆炸压力的传播特性,搭建拱形60°单分岔管道瓦斯爆炸试验平台.在支管道内分别增加阻塞率为20%、40%、60%的拱形环状阻塞板,阻塞率为40%的矩形和圆形通道阻塞板.监测不同位置处测点的压力变化,研究瓦斯爆炸时拱形单分叉管道内测点的压力峰值变化特性,定性分析阻塞板对分叉前管道内不同测点最大压力的影响.结果表明:随距离增加,管道内的测点最大压力呈先增大后减小的变化趋势;在没有阻塞板的条件下,传播管道内瓦斯爆炸的最大压力出现在8 250 mm处,且大于增加拱形环状阻塞板条件下8 250 mm处的压力峰值;随拱形环状阻塞板阻塞率增加,8 250 mm处的最大压力呈现先增加后减小的变化趋势,阻塞率为20%~40%时,8 250 mm处测得的压力峰值变化较小;对比阻塞率60%时与没有阻塞板条件下最大压力,4号测点压力减小40%以上;在支管增加阻塞板,阻碍了管道泄压,在管道11 250 mm、12 200 mm处的压力峰值均大于没有阻塞板条件下压力峰值;圆形通道阻塞板和矩形阻塞板条件下管道内最大压力出现在6 750 mm处;阻塞率为40%时,矩形阻塞板对瓦斯爆炸管道内最大压力的减小最明显.  相似文献   

天燃气安全不仅仅局限在企业内部,而是面向全社会,关系到社会稳定和市民生命财产安全。随着天然气市场开拓和广泛利用,庞大的管网系统和多样的用气环境给安全工作提出了更高的要求。采用理论分析、实验研究相结合的方法研究了管道内天然气爆炸火焰及压力波的传播规律。应用直径为700mm,长度为93m的管道进行了三次天然气爆炸传播实验。得出爆源点最大压力值并不是整个爆炸过程的最大值;压力波最大压力值在爆源点附近先降低,然后上升到某一峰值之后再逐渐衰减;最大压力值在衰减过程中不是单调衰减,有点起伏;随着天然气浓度的增大,其爆炸平均升压速率反而减小;随着天然气浓度的增大,其爆炸平均升压速率反而在减小;爆源附近火焰传播速度较小,上升到某一峰值后逐渐衰减。  相似文献   

点火能对液化石油气爆炸压力影响的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨点火能对多元爆炸性混合气体爆炸威力的影响.以密闭爆炸筒(20 L)内液化石油气(体积分数为5%)-空气混合气体为研究对象,逐步提高点火能量引爆混合气体,分析气体爆炸压力波形图的变化.结果表明,点火能量对气体爆炸压力的影响存在一定规律性,即液化石油气最大爆炸压力的上升速率和爆炸场中的负压峰值都随着点火源能量的增强而增加,但爆炸场中正压峰值的变化不大.本研究对深入认识多元爆炸性混合气体的爆炸特性,以及丰富和完善气体爆炸理论具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

As part of the EC funded Naturalhy project, two large scale experiments were conducted to study the hazard presented by the rupture of high pressure transmission pipelines conveying natural gas or a natural gas/hydrogen mixture containing approximately 22% hydrogen by volume. The experiments involved complete rupture of a 150 mm diameter pipeline pressurised to nominally 70 bar. The released gas was ignited and formed a fireball which rose upwards and then burned out. It was followed by a jet fire which continued to increase in length, reaching a maximum of about 100 m before steadily declining as the pipeline depressurised. During the experiments, the flame length and the incident radiation field produced around the fire were measured. Measurements of the overpressure due to pipeline rupture and gas ignition were also recorded. The results showed that the addition of the hydrogen to the natural gas made little difference to radiative characteristics of the fires. However, the fraction of heat radiated by these pipeline fires was significantly higher than that observed for above ground high pressure jet fires (also conducted as part of the Naturalhy project) which achieved flame lengths up to 50 m. Due to the lower density, the natural gas/hydrogen mixture depressurised more quickly and also had a slightly reduced power. Hence, the pipeline conveying the natural gas/hydrogen mixture resulted in a slightly lower hazard in terms of thermal dose compared to the natural gas pipeline, when operating at the same pressure.  相似文献   

In the present study, the hazard range of the natural gas (NG) jet released from a high-pressure pipeline was investigated. A one-dimensional integral model was combined with a release model to calculate the length and width (i.e., size), and the shape of NG jet release. The physical parameters affecting the jet release of NG were categorized into three types: source release, environmental and time parameters. The effects of each type of parameters on the gas jet release rate, size and shape were evaluated systematically. The results show that all of these parameters have important influence on the hazard range of NG jet release. The source release parameters, including the pipeline length, the operation pressure of the pipeline, the release hole diameter and the pipe diameter, dominate the gas release rate through a hole and therefore the length and width of gas jet release. The gas jet release rate and size are found to be highly correlative with these parameters in terms of power curve regression analysis. The environmental parameters including the atmospheric stability, the ambient wind speed and the source height, have no influence on the gas jet release rate but have influence on the hazard range of gas jet by the turbulent mixing and dilution of NG with air. The time parameters including the concentration averaged time and the valve closing time which are related to the unsteady state jet release of NG, also show the influence on the hazard range of gas jet release. The results show that the decreasing valve closing time and increasing gas concentration averaged time are in favor of reducing the length and width of gas jet release. In addition, these computational parametric studies indicate that the parameters of source release and time have no significant influence on the shape of gas jet release (i.e., jet length/width ratio, LWR) which can maintain the values between 7 and 8. However, the environmental parameters have influence on the shape of gas jet release. These comprehensive investigations provide useful database of evaluating the hazard range for NG jet released from a hole on a high-pressure pipeline and also provide the foundation of decision-making for further fire and/or explosion evaluation and people evacuation.  相似文献   

泄爆导管对球形容器内气体爆炸泄放过程影响的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了球形容器内气体爆炸通过导管泄爆的试验系统,选用体积分数为10%(特殊说明除外)的甲烷和空气预混气体开展试验,研究了泄爆导管长度、容器容积、点火位置、气体体积分数、破膜压力等因素的影响。结果表明:泄爆导管越长,容器内的正压力峰值和负压力峰值越大;密闭爆炸时,球形容器的容积对爆炸压力峰值几乎无影响;不同容积球形容器内气体爆炸通过相同导管泄爆时(导管长度均为6 m,直径均为0.06 m),容积大的容器内的压力锋值为小容器压力值的3.3倍,且大容器内的压力上升速率也明显高于密闭爆炸的情况;有泄爆导管存在时,尾部点火容器内的压力峰值高于中心点火;泄爆导管的存在使得容器内的压力峰值高于直接泄爆时的压力峰值;无论有、无泄爆导管,容器内的压力峰值均随破膜压力增加而增加,但差值越来越小,说明导管的存在对容器爆炸泄爆过程的影响趋向缓和,但导管的存在总是阻碍了泄爆过程,增加了爆炸的严重程度,因此,在泄爆设计时要充分考虑导管的影响,适当提高容器自身的耐压强度。  相似文献   

运用自主研制的含瓦斯煤热流固耦合三轴伺服渗流试验装置,以原煤煤样作为研究对象,进行了含瓦斯煤固定轴向压力、卸围压的渗流试验,研究了卸围压过程中瓦斯压力对煤样力学特性和能量特征的影响。结果表明:在轴压加载阶段,煤样的变形模量基本不变,泊松比逐渐减小;在定轴压卸围压阶段,煤样的变形模量先小幅度增加,然后逐渐减小,泊松比则逐渐增大。瓦斯压力越高,煤样的承载能力越低,煤样发生破坏时相应的轴向应变和围压卸荷量百分比越小,而煤样破坏时的径向变形和扩容量越大。各应变围压柔量Δεi与瓦斯压力呈线性关系且线性相关性良好。随瓦斯压力升高,轴向应变的围压敏感性降低,径向应变和体积应变的围压敏感性显著升高。随瓦斯压力升高,煤样发生破坏时存储的弹性应变能Ue减小,而总能量U、耗散能Ud和耗散能比例Ud/U都增大。  相似文献   

构造煤具有瓦斯含量高、渗透率低等特征,是瓦斯抽采和灾害预防的难点。在采用“二次成型”法制取原煤样试件的基础上使用自行设计的“三轴应力瓦斯渗透性模拟实验装置”通过“应力-渗透性”实验,针对构造煤原煤试件不同瓦斯压力条件下的应力加、卸载过程的瓦斯渗透规律进行了研究。实验结果表明:加载阶段,随着加载应力的增大渗透率降低,初期阶段降幅最为急剧,围压升到3 MPa时,渗透率均下降近65%;卸载阶段渗透率随着应力的减小而增大,围压完全卸载后渗透率只恢复到初始值的25%;同样的应力条件下,煤基质收缩对构造煤的影响作用大于有效应力的增加,渗透率随着其内部瓦斯压力的降低而增大。实验结果可为构造煤“卸压增透”效果最佳化提供参考,进一步完善低渗透率煤层的瓦斯抽采理论及方法体系。  相似文献   

Based on the second Fick’s law, the theoretical equation of gas desorption of particle coal under the non-uniform pressure condition was developed in this paper. The analytical solution of the theoretical equation and the method of gas desorption quantity of particle coal under non-uniform pressure condition were obtained.  相似文献   

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