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In this paper, a brief history is presented of the development of pollution prevention (P2) programs and policies in both the states and by the federal government in the United States. Current trends are then discussed including the evolution of these programs, difficulties maintaining public support and prospects for the future. The 13 papers in this issue are then briefly described. They are grouped in the following four categories:
  • •Government initiatives to increase use of P2 strategies and technologies
  • •Purchasing initiatives
  • •Sector initiatives
  • •Program evaluation and measurement
The papers in this issue are representative of much larger activities in each of these categories. Most P2 activity occurs in the states and by the private sector. With the available space it is not possible to adequately represent everything that is going on in all its aspects, including academia. For the future, three grand challenges are described: maintaining public support, competing priorities affecting P2 implementation by businesses, and the challenges of documenting P2 progress.  相似文献   

The article provides a summary of a recently completed study by UNEP/DTIE on past investment practices in cleaner production. It also provides a brief on the conclusions and recommendations of the debate that culminated at the parallel session on financing issues at the 6th International High-Level Seminar on CP, held in Montreal in October 2000. The article then extracts the most relevant and topical issues from these papers and outlines the main challenges ahead as perceived in 2001.  相似文献   

Environmental awareness raising, education and training, on a wide scale, are required to ensure societal adoption of sustainable development. ENVIROCARE, an interactive multimedia educational CD-ROM, has been developed by a transnational partnership to provide such environmental education for vocational students. The programme, available in English, Dutch, German and Portuguese, is designed to provide training for students to show the impact that industry can have on the environment and how they can reduce such impacts when they enter the workforce, by implementing the concepts and approaches of Cleaner Production. The paper describes the development of ENVIROCARE, its contents and structure, the lessons learned in its creation and future challenges.  相似文献   

During the last ten years, much progress has been made in initiating Cleaner Production and related Preventive Environmental Management (PEM) training activities within many countries. Much of this work was facilitated through special National Cleaner Production Centers, established through national support or through the facilitation of organizations such as UNEP, UNIDO, The World Bank, and other regional development organizations. Most earlier PEM training was predominantly short-term and was not embedded within a deeper academic framework. Although much has been accomplished as a result of such training, deeper and broader educational programs are needed.The Faculty at IIIEE at Lund University in Sweden decided to develop an innovative “Educate-the-Educators” (ETE) Program on Cleaner Production and on related PEM approaches. This paper summarises the goals, objectives and results of the first ETE program at IIIEE. The three-week educational program was attended by 32 educators from 22 different countries. This included participants from China, India, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand, South Africa, Zambia, Ethiopia, Bahrain, Turkey, Jordan, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad–Tobago, Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia. According to the participants, the intensive educational program was very useful in preparing them to integrate Cleaner Production components into the course(s) and curricula in their home institutions. The participants are now actively engaged in initiating follow-up activities within their academic institutions.  相似文献   

张红玉,张玉冬,顾军,李国学,袁京   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了降低厨余垃圾堆肥过程中H2S和NH3这2种恶臭物质的排放,通过向堆肥原料中添加玉米秸秆、木本泥炭和木屑3种调理剂,同时以厨余垃圾单独堆肥作为对照,研究调理剂添加对H2S和NH3排放的影响.结果表明,3种调理剂的添加均促进了有机物的降解和堆体的快速升温,与对照相比,使堆肥进入高温期的时间提前了3~4d;从电导率和发芽率指数来看,添加玉米秸秆处理的堆肥产品达到完全腐熟的要求,而添加木本泥炭和木屑处理的堆肥产品只是达到了无害化的要求;3种调理剂的添加均不同程度减少了厨余垃圾堆肥中H2S和NH3的排放,与对照相比,添加玉米秸秆、木本泥炭和木屑使厨余垃圾堆肥中H2S的累积排放量分别降低了78.7%,50.3%和89.8%,NH3的累积排放量分别降低了53.8%、87.7%和63.9%,可见木屑更能有效控制H2S的排放,而木本泥炭更能有效控制NH3的排放.  相似文献   

自从1973年第一次全国环境保护会议之后,迄今已经十年.十年来,我国的环境保护工作,取得了很大成就.但是,在我们回顾与展望这一工作时,应该看到,环境保护领域同其他经济和社会生活的各个领域一样,长期受到"左"倾错误的影响,远远没有彻底清除.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, literature on the “greening” of industry and environmental policy has provided numerous important insights into the determinants of the firm’s innovative behaviour in cleaner technologies. However, this literature still lacks empirically tested theoretical models. This paper contributes to fill this gap proposing a definitional system that enables the testing of hypotheses of dependence between willingness to innovate in cleaner technologies and its determinants, and to explore the conditions under which the firms’ innovative behaviour could be fostered. Regression and simulation outcomes indicate, against the general wisdom, that stringent environmental regulation without consideration to the dynamics of technical change, and environmental and economic risk perceptions in the part of firms would play against the promotion of innovation in cleaner production.  相似文献   

从食品中微量元素分析测定研究入手,论述了某些食品中微量元素的Se,Ge,Co,Mo,V,Cr的存在情况,并论述了这些微量元素与人体健康的关系。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义建设事业的迅猛发展,工农业和城市建设对水的需要量越来越大,对水质的要求也越来越高。如何保护水资源,合理用水,节约用水,使我国丰富的水资源有计划地为我国日益发展的工农业和城市建设服务,是我国社会主义建设进程中必须妥善解决  相似文献   

渤海江豚组织中钠,钙,锶,镁,磷,钾的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1990年,作者于辽东湾采集了10头江豚标本,分别测定了其骨骼、皮肤、肌肉、肝脏、肺、肾、心、胃、肠、胰、脾、肾上腺及生殖腺等13种组织中Ca、Sr、Mg、P、K、Na6种元素的含量,详细分析了骨骼及其他各组织中的Ca/Mg值、Ca/K值、Ca/P值、Ca/Na值和Ca/Sr×100值。结果表明,Ca、Sr、Mg、P,K在骨骼中累积率最高,钾在肌肉中具有高累积,Sr、Ca在肌肉中累积率最低;Mg累积率最低的组织是生殖腺,P累积率最低的组织是肠,而K在骨骼中,Na在肌肉中的累积率均高于其他组织。分析结果还显示,Ca/Mg值最高的是骨骼,最低为肌肉,Ca/P值最高的是骨骼,最低的是肌肉和胰脏,Ca/K值最高为骨骼,最低为脾Ca/Sr×100值最高为肺、最低为肠,而K/Na值最高为肌肉,最低为骨骼,在骨中Ca/P值大约为1,类同于猫和人类。  相似文献   

李锦华 《环境》2010,(11):24-27
你是否已经厌倦了广州街头拥堵的汽车长龙?你是否为每天呼入汽车尾气而惴惴不安?你是否为时常听到轰轰的汽车噪音而烦躁?每想至此,你是否很向往曾经的一种比较畅顺、无废气、噪音小的公共交通工具——人力车呢?在十九世纪末至二十世纪初的中国,人力车可谓曾风靡一时!  相似文献   

Emma.z 《环境》2005,(2):48-49
爱情在你的心里有多重要?在某一个清闲的下午,有否在心里清点着爱过的人?那年,那地,那人,是否颜面依然?  相似文献   

情是心灵的密码,爱是教育的基础。教师的情感对学生有直接的感染作用。很难想象,一个没有真情实感、只是把教师这个职业当成谋生工具的教师,能真正引起学生内心深处的共鸣。没有爱就没有教育,这已经成为教育工作者的共识。本文拟就结合班主任工作实践中的真实案例,包括播放教育视频、撰写真情文章、学生感恩回馈等,来探讨紧张充实的高三生活中并不麻木的真情。  相似文献   

正韩国是一个历史悠久的国家。经过几千年的历史洗涤,如今的韩国是一个现代文明与历史文化有机结合的国家,在这里既可以看到现代都市的繁华,又可以看到历史建筑的威严。济州岛是韩国乃至全世界都赫赫有名的旅游胜地。济州岛占韩国总面积较少,人口也较少。济州岛上有许多的火山,可以说火山铸就了济州岛。济州岛由于独特的地理位置,气温较高,降水较多,可能就是  相似文献   

国家标准及有关资料采用的水中微量汞、铅、镉、锌、铀的分光光度法测定中,均规定了用卤代烃进行萃取分离。其共同的缺点是操作繁琐,且卤代烃均为易挥发的有毒溶剂,造成分析室环境污染。接触和吸入这些溶剂,会使人体产生急、慢性中毒,损害呼吸道和心、肝、肾,其中以CCl_4为最甚,TJ36--79规定工作环境CCl_4最高允许浓度为25mg/m_3。  相似文献   

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