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Indicator system and evaluation framework for sustainable development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IntroductionThenotionofsustainabledevelopmentwasproposedintheWorldConservationStrategy(IUCN,1980).Itispointedoutthattheconservationandthesustainabledevelopmentaremutuallydependentandtheyshouldbeintegrated,wheretheconservationmeansthemanagementofhuman…  相似文献   

Sustainability can only be assured with a human-ecological understanding of the complexinteractions among environmental,economic and social/cultural factors and with careful planningand management grounded in ecological principles. This paper will probe an integrative methodologyfor achieving environmentally sound, economically productive, and ecologically responsibledevelopment in urban and industrial areas of China through ecological regulation. The central objec-tive is to promote highly efficient resource use rather than high speed development,harmonious sys-tem′s relationship rather than inflexible compartmentalization, and robust and vital self-organizationrather than bureaucrstic control. This ecological order is to be regulated through technological inno-vation,institutional reform, and behavioral incentives that promote positive economic dcvelopmentwhile mitigating negative environmental impacts.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIthasbeenarguedthatChinahaspressedagainstorexceededthelimitsofsustainabledevelopmentonmanyoccasionsoverthepast3000yearswithseriousconsequencesfortheenvironment(Elvin,1993).HenceChina○scurrentenvironmentalproblemsarenotanewconstrainttode…  相似文献   

Technological system for sustainable development of Chinese agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TechnologicalsystemforsustainabledevelopmentofChineseagricultureZhangRenwu;JiWenying;ZhangTong(Agro-EnvironmentalProtectionIn...  相似文献   

The risk assessment for new technologies, like the use of GMO in the agricultural production, becomes enormously complex. It cannot be limited to purely natural–scientific analysis. Socio-economic factors need to be considered as well. The active promotion of GMO-free areas is discussed as a means for an alternative path of development. Economically less favoured and at the same time ecologically sensitive areas are suitable for the territorial application of this concept. The state of discussion on the influences of the agricultural use of GMO on the regional development of less favoured and ecologically sensitive regions is presented. The social acceptance of GMO-free areas was tested in a survey, which was conducted in 1999 in Austria. The results suggest that the idea is worth being pursued. A case study for local application is presented: GMO-free areas as part of a biosphere park stimulate economically sustainable endogenous development.  相似文献   

AcomparativeassessmentofalternativeapproachestosustainabledevelopmentPanJiahuaInstituteofWorldEconomicsandPolitics,ChineseAca...  相似文献   

Eco-tourismindustrydevelopment──Analternativetosustainableuseoflandscaperesources¥LuYonglong(ResearchCenterforEco-Environment...  相似文献   

Fromeconomicprosperitytoecologicalsustainability──AtheoreticalandpracticalconcernofsustainabledevelopmentinChinaWangRusong,Hu...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionChinaisendowedwithrichnaturaltouristresourcesandboastsofnumerousnaturalscenicspots.Duringthelongtimedevelopmentofthesescenicareas,scenerycitiesofvarioussizeshavebeenformed.Aboutonefourthofthe300citiesunderprovincialgovernmentarefamousfo…  相似文献   

Strivingforefficiency,harmonyandvitality─AhumanecologicalapproachtourbansustainabledevelopmentWangRusong(ResearchCenterforEco...  相似文献   

PromotingsustainableagriculturedevelopmentbyimprovingtheefficiencyofchemicalfertilizersandsoilnutritionsLiJiyun;LiuXiudi;Zhou...  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on protecting the environment in resource development and not on economic issues even though many obstacles to sustainability include social, political and economic factors. Many stark examples of past failures in resource development serve as grim reminders for future planning. Most of the options will require an evaluation as to their appropriateness as well as to the economic capability and commitment of developing countries and international development institutions to incorporate them into programs.  相似文献   

This article introduces a modified calculation model of the ecological footprint for energy planning. The original footprint model can only evaluate energy savings, but not the substitution of fossil through renewable energy carriers. With the modified calculation model, energy savings as well as substitution potentials can be described. The examination of case studies where this model has been applied in energy planning led to the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the modified calculation model which are discussed subsequently. Hence it follows that the modified calculation model is suitable for energy planning processes from analysis to decision making. Used as a communication tool the model shows whether the principles of sustainable development are being realized on different levels of energy planning.  相似文献   

The growth process of winter wheat was simulated by CERES-wheat model assuming the daily temperature increase -1, 0,1, 2℃ and daily precipitation increase -20, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, and 20 percent, respectively. The case study site is Zhenjiang City of Jiangsu Province in the east China. Simulation results show that the impacts of temperature variation on winter wheat is stronger than that of precipitation. Climate warming would speed development rate and shorten phonological period. In general, the adverse effect of climate change on grain yield is greater than that of its beneficial effect, especially when the climate becoming cooler and dryer. The increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation would reduce the plant extractablc soil water content.  相似文献   

Porous materials applied in environmental remediation have received researchers’ extensive attention recently, but the related green and convenient preparation method is rarely reported. Here, we recommended a green and convenient strategy for the fabrication of porous material via aqueous foam templates, which was synergistically stabilized by Codonopsis pilosula(CP) and clay minerals of attapulgite(APT). The characterization results revealed that the APT was modified by organic molecules leach...  相似文献   

MetbodologyofenvironmentalimpactassessmentforregionaldevelopmentZhuTan;ChenWei(DepartmentofEnvironmentScienceofNankaiUniversi...  相似文献   

Increased international cooperation in the field of contaminated site management has resulted in the formation of numerous networks and fora. The key benefits of increased co-operation are perceived to be in the reduction of duplication in efforts, particularly related to industry, in the co-ordination of contaminated site research, policy development and information dissemination. The paper introduces and briefly discusses key networks and collaborative projects currently in operation throughout the world relating to contaminated site management. The experience shared within these groups should prove useful to the application of such environmental problems in China and the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

Eco-environmentalproblemsandprotectioninTumenRiverdevelopmentYeChangming;YanHai;DingMei(ResearchCenterforEco-EnvironmentalSci...  相似文献   

1 ThegeneralsituationoftheSouthDongtingLakeWetlandLocatedinthenorthofHunanProvinceandthesouthbankoftheYangtzeRivermiddlereaches ,theDongtingLakeisoneofthefivelargestfreshwaterlakesandofthesevenmostimportantlandscapesofinternationallyimportantwetlandsi…  相似文献   

China’senvironmentalscientificresearchandtechnologydevelopment:reviewandenvisageLiuJianBureauofS&TforResourcesandEnvironment,...  相似文献   

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