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This paper presents a mathematical programming approach to analyze the feasibility of zero liquid discharge option in different industries. Mathematical programming methodologies are applied to four industrial cases—a tricresyl phosphate plant, an ethyl chloride plant, a paper mill and a refinery. In each case study various end of pipe and regeneration configurations using different treatment technologies are explored to determine the possibility of zero liquid discharge and its economical feasibility. The results show that the relationship between the cost of regeneration and the cost of freshwater as well as the discharge concentration of the treatment is the determining factor for the feasibility of zero liquid discharge.  相似文献   

探索和建立排污权交易制度,实现稀缺环境资源的有偿使用,提高环境资源的配置效率,对于内蒙古自治区建立长效减排机制、改善环境质量有着非常现实的意义。本文在借鉴国内外排污权和碳交易理论和经验的基础上,分析内蒙古自治区排污权交易制度设计和实践特点,提出进一步完善和活跃内蒙古自治区排污权交易市场的对策建议。  相似文献   

An evaluation of mercury emissions from the chlor-alkali industry in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 IntroductionThechlorine alkaliindustryisoneofthesubstantialpartsofthechemicalindustry .Now ,threetypesofelectrolyticcellsareusedtoproducechlorinegasandcausticsoda:theHgcell,thediaphragmcell,andthemembranecell.Chinaisusingthediaphragmcellasthemaintype.Na…  相似文献   

Improving our understanding of air pollutant emissions from the asphalt industry is critical for the development and implementation of pollution control policies. In this study, the spatial distribution of potential maximum emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the complete life cycle of asphalt mixtures, as well as the particulate matter (PM), asphalt fume, nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), VOCs, and benzoapyrene (BaP) emissions from typical processes (e.g., asphalt and concrete mixing stations, asphalt heating boilers, and asphalt storage tanks) in asphalt mixing plants, were determined in Beijing in 2017. The results indicated that the potential maximum emissions of VOCs in the complete life cycle of asphalt mixtures were 18,001 ton, with a large contribution from the districts of Daxing, Changping, and Tongzhou. The total emissions of PM, asphalt fume, NMHC, VOCs, and BaP from asphalt mixing plants were 3.1, 12.6, 3.1, 23.5, and 1.9 × 10?3 ton, respectively. The emissions of PM from asphalt and concrete mixing stations contributed the most to the total emissions. The asphalt storage tank was the dominant emission source of VOCs, accounting for 96.1% of the total VOCs emissions in asphalt mixing plants, followed by asphalt heating boilers. The districts of Daxing, Changping, and Shunyi were the dominant regions for the emissions of PM, asphalt fume, NMHC, and BaP, while the districts of Shunyi, Tongzhou, and Changping contributed the most emissions of VOCs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1287-1294
Although there is a pragmatic side of nanotechnology, active and applicable today, its possible applications in the paper industry, especially in emissions reduction and dematerialisation, have attracted only limited consideration.Nanotechnology plays a major role in the development of new products to substitute existing production equipment, materials and chemicals with improved performance resulting in potential environmental and cost savings. Reduced consumption of materials also benefits the environment. Moreover, nanotechnology gives possibilities to organise and develop production processes in a more sustainable way—eventually as close to the zero-emissions approach as possible.This study looks at the current role of nanotechnology in the paper industry and its possible future implications with an analysis of both challenges and opportunities with respect to environmentally sound papermaking and consumer concerns such as health effects.  相似文献   

The nonferrous metal industry (NMI) of China consumes large amounts of energy and associated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2) are very high. Actions to reduce CO 2 emissions and energy consumption are warranted. This study aims to analyze current China NMI trends of CO 2 emissions and energy consumption including the underlying regional driver characteristics. We analyze the changes of CO 2 emissions in the NMI based on the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method from 2000 to 2011. Then, a classification system is used to study the regional differences in emission changes from the NMI. The results show that the emissions of the Chinese NMI increased rapidly at an average annual growth rate of 31 million metric tons. The economic scale and energy intensity are the main driving factors responsible for the change in the emissions, while carbon emission coefficients make only a small contribution toward decreasing the emissions, and the energy structure has a volatile effect. Emissions and energy intensity of 29 China provinces were divided into five categories. The change in the trend of each region is indicated in this paper. Hebei is one of the provinces that achieved the best performance, and Chongqing achieved the worst performance among all of the regions. The analysis suggests that the main emphasis of CO 2 emission mitigation should be focused on controlling the economic scale and improving the energy intensity. Developing the use of clean energy technologies and policies in both the NMI and power industries is important.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to investigate and evaluate opportunities for implementation of pollution prevention and waste minimization in a chemical industrial company producing poly sulfonated naphthalene formaldehyde which is used as a super plasticizer for concrete. Environmental problems encountered were mainly the highly polluted wastewater and a semi-solid cake containing considerable amount of the final product. Possible modules for remedial measures and their cost estimation were investigated. The proposed remedial modules included recycling of retained water discharge in filter press, recycling of washing water of reaction vessels (reactors), closed circuit cooling system for high-pressure pump, good housekeeping through control of leakage of raw material, products and water and finally utilization of retained residual product from the solid waste. The implemented pollution control measures proved to be cost effective and have short payback periods. Also, minimization of the hydraulic and organic loads in the final effluent was achieved.  相似文献   

我国钢铁工业一次颗粒物排放量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国钢铁工业生产工艺以及颗粒物控制技术的分类,建立了一个细化到排放节点的自下而上的颗粒物排放模型.结合我国钢铁工业各地区活动水平以及颗粒物控制技术分布的历史变化趋势分析,利用此模型计算了2006—2012年我国钢铁工业一次颗粒物的排放系数和排放量.模型计算结果显示,2006年以来,我国钢铁工业颗粒物控制水平不断提高,PM_(2.5)、PM_(2.5)~10和PM10的排放系数分别降低了21.2%、19.3%和19.0%.钢铁工业一次颗粒物排放量在2006—2011年间持续增长,2011年TSP排放量为602×104t,PM10排放量为200×104t,PM_(2.5)排放量为124×104t;2012年排放量出现下降,TSP排放量为561×104t,PM10排放量为187×104t,PM_(2.5)排放量为116×104t.2012年我国钢铁工业一次PM_(2.5)排放量中的有组织排放占39.5%,无组织排放占60.5%;除加严有组织源管控之外,减少颗粒物无组织排放,对于钢铁工业颗粒物排放控制也非常重要.我国钢铁工业颗粒物排放量分布不均衡,河北、山东、江苏、辽宁、山西5个省的排放超过全国总排放的50%.  相似文献   

The iron and steel industry is not only an important foundation of the national economy, but also the largest source of industrial air pollution. Due to the current status of emissions in the iron and steel industry, ultra-low pollutant emission control technology has been researched and developed. Liquid-phase proportion control technology has been developed for magnesian fluxed pellets, and a blast furnace smelting demonstration project has been established to use a high proportion of fluxed pellets (80%) for the first time in China to realize source emission reduction of SO2 and NOx. Based on the characteristics of high NOx concentrations and the coexistence of multiple pollutants in coke oven flue gas, low-NOx combustion coupled with multi-pollutant cooperative control technology with activated carbon was developed to achieve efficient removal of multiple pollutants and resource utilization of sulfur. Based on the characteristics of co-existing multiple pollutants in pellet flue gas, selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) coupled with ozone oxidation and spray drying adsorption (SDA) was developed, which significantly reduces the operating cost of the system. In the light of the high humidity and high alkalinity in flue gas, filter materials with high humidity resistance and corrosion resistance were manufactured, and an integrated pre-charged bag dust collector device was developed, which realized ultra-low emission of fine particles and reduced filtration resistance and energy consumption in the system. Through source emission reduction, process control and end-treatment technologies, five demonstration projects were built, providing a full set of technical solutions for ultra-low emissions of dust, SO2, NOx, SO3, mercury and other pollutants, and offering technical support for the green development of the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

为提升废酸处置利用行业的整体水平,江苏省环境保护厅于2016年对全省废无机酸处置利用行业开展了环境专项调查,调查对象覆盖江苏省9个地级市内已登记注册的49家废酸处置企业,对企业管理的规范性、工艺的合理性、生产的安全性和环保措施的有效性进行了评价,并按等级对企业进行评分。根据调查资料总结了江苏省不同表面处理行业废酸的产生规模、集中地区和危险特性等现状,探讨了省内表面处理废酸再生工艺及综合利用方法的特点和问题,并对江苏省废酸处置行业的规范和相关部门的管理提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

纳米零价铁(nZVI)作为最常用的纳米颗粒之一,在去除环境水体中的污染物方面开展了大量的研究.本篇综述通过系统全面地总结nZVI的相关进展,介绍nZVI的各个方面进而指导其发展方向.其中,研究内容主要包括制备方法、改性方式、去除不同水中污染物的作用机理和催化机理、在场地研究中的应用以及毒性作用机制.本文发现,纳米零价铁仍存在缺少综合评价方法、应用受限、各项研究不同步等问题.nZVI未来的发展,应具备考虑反应性、稳定性、迁移性、毒性的评价方法,避免同一改性材料在不同研究方向的时间差异性,让nZVI的应用更好地适用实地研究.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区煤炭储量位居全国首位,同时又属于严重缺水地区,煤化工、盐化工等化工废水零排放为成了热点话题。浓盐水的处理成为制约化工废水零排放的关键技术。介绍了浓盐水的处理技术及存在的问题同时对主要处理技术的投资行进了比较分析。  相似文献   

中国污水处理厂甲烷排放研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于实测排放因子矩阵和排放源(污水处理厂)层面的活动水平,较为彻底地自下而上核算了中国2012年所有污水处理厂的CH4排放量.结果表明,中国污水处理厂总CH4排放为52642t,其中生活污水处理厂排放39921t,占75.84%,工业污水处理厂排放12721t,占24.16%.福建、江苏、浙江等省的CH4排放量最高,宁夏、青海、西藏等省的排放量最低.生活污水处理厂的CH4排放占主体,主要原因是全国生活污水处理厂去除的COD量远高于工业污水处理厂的去除量.全国仅福建和江苏两省的工业污水处理厂的CH4排放量超过了生活污水处理厂的排放量.相比国家信息通报2005年排放结果,本研究的结果比其低,主要是由活动水平和排放因子的差异造成.中国99.93%的城市污水处理厂年平均COD进口浓度都低于1000mg/L,85.94%的工业污水处理厂年平均COD进口浓度低于1000mg/L,导致厌氧工艺处理的COD量较少.中国污水处理厂去除掉的COD量仅是全国COD总去除量的小部分,而大多数(64.98%)的COD是在工业企业内部被去除掉的,而这部分废水的COD浓度较高,故企业内部的废水处理应该是污水处理部门主要的CH4排放源.此外,还有相当于全国COD产生量三分之一的COD排入自然环境,这一环节的排放因子研究较为缺乏.  相似文献   

With increasing concerns about rising energy demand and cost, diminishing oil reserves, and climate change, Central American and Caribbean (CAC) nations have the opportunity to become producers of low-carbon sustainable biofuels for domestic consumption and foreign exchange earnings. While the region has a number of comparative advantages for developing a vibrant biofuels sector, including favorable climate and significant agricultural experience, the experience under the favorable Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) has exposed significant technical and non-technical barriers that must be overcome. Using information compiled through interviews with industry executives, government policy makers and civil society stakeholders, we provide a critical analysis of this experience focusing on non-technical barriers to investment. Survey results suggest that political uncertainty, poor regulatory frameworks, and lack of institutional commitment and business incentives are the main non-technical barriers. Having laid out the challenges, we propose potential policy positions to stimulate growth of the regional biofuels sector. Results point to the need to prioritize enhancing national legislation, developing risk prevention plans, creating supply and demand side incentives and increasing multilateral collaboration. While these findings are derived from the Caribbean Basin experience, they may also be applicable to small economies in other regions that are considering policies for biofuels industry development.  相似文献   

垃圾处理产业体系的构建应从实际出发,坚持“政府引导,社区组织、企业参与、自产自消、因地制宜、源头控制、资源回收利用”的原则和“物质利用先于能量利用,物质再利用先于物质再生利用”的资源回收利用原则,并按部就班实施。  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1205-1216
With respect to the philosophy of the preventive approach, the bottom line has often been illustrated with the saying: ‘…a gram of prevention is better than a kilogram of cure…’ But you cannot manage a problem that you do not know. In case of cleaner production, the approach is not to solve the problem but to prevent it. This is a deduction in two ways. Firstly, a new problem has to be present in order to be recognised, also for prevention. Secondly, the problem that has to be prevented is connected to the life-cycle of the capital and technology investments in production processes, products and services. A dilemma for new concepts in general is that pilot studies never meet the full conditions that are needed. When the obstacles of routines are overcome, often the momentum for fully conditioned approaches is passed and watered-down definitions and applications are introduced.  相似文献   

The agricultural sector and primarily its cotton subsector are of great importance for Greece, due to the intensive agricultural activities. The wastes from cotton ginning plants are also considerable and can be valorized for bioenergy production. The substitution of conventional by green fuels, which can be produced from cotton ginning wastes, is a step towards: (a) economic and environmental sustainability for the textile industry and (b) the development of alternative energy supplies, contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions. Furthermore, it consists an especially attractive opportunity to invest in rural areas. The present paper concerns the feasibility study for energy recovery from cotton ginning waste with GHG emissions reduction in a textile plant located in Northern Greece. The aim was to replace part of heavy fuel oil used for the thermal needs of the plant by biomass. The results showed that the most economically interesting energy option for a bioenergy unit in the above textile plant is 5 MW for the coverage of the 52% of the plant's thermal requirements.  相似文献   

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Turkey ranked seventh among cement-producing countries in the world, and the country is also one of the extensive producers in the world...  相似文献   

探讨了零价铁(ZVI)活化过一硫酸盐(PMS)联合单宁酸(TA)调理对市政污泥高压压滤深度脱水的影响;通过单因素试验,考察了TA、ZVI和PMS投加量及初始pH值对污泥脱水性能的影响,并深入探究实现污泥深度脱水的潜在机理.结果表明,初始pH值为6.0,ZVI投加量为120 mg·g-1干污泥量(DS),PMS投加量为100 mg·g-1DS,TA投加量为0.06 mmol·L-1·g-1DS时,污泥的脱水效果达到最佳,比阻(SRF)和结合水去除率分别高达88.60%和53.17%.经调理联合高压压滤系统处理后,污泥泥饼含水率由89.75%降低至45.17%.进一步研究表明,联合调理实现污泥深度脱水分为3个阶段,包括氧化、絮凝和蛋白质沉淀.最终,ZVI/PMS联合TA调理可大幅提高污泥的脱水性能.该研究结果可为ZVI/PMS联合TA调理技术在市政污泥深度脱水中的应用提供一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

This paper applies an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to examine and prioritize underlying barriers to adoption of cleaner production (CP) by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China from the perspectives of government, industry and expert stakeholder groups. First, on the basis of the findings of previous research and literature review, 20 barriers are identified and grouped into four categories: (1) policy and market barriers; (2) financial and economic barriers; (3) technical and information barriers; and (4) managerial and organizational barriers. Second, an AHP model is developed and a survey questionnaire was designed, tested, and refined. Third, the questionnaire was distributed to the representatives of three stakeholders of CP, i.e. enterprise managers, government officials, and experts. The returned questionnaires were validated in terms of consistency and in some cases followed up for verification. Fourth, the 20 barriers were rated by analyzing the valid questionnaires through the AHP model. The top three barriers to CP adoption by Chinese SMEs were found to be: (a) lack of economic incentive policies; (b) lax environmental enforcement, and (c) high initial capital cost. The researches conclude that current governmental policy should give higher priority to lessening those external policy and financial barriers rather than internal technical and managerial barriers. The findings shed some new light on readjusting public policy in order to help to facilitate widespread CP implementation in SMEs in China.  相似文献   

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