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This paper provides the first evidence for sperm chemotaxis in the Scleractinia. Montipora digitata Dana, 1845 (Scleractinia: Coelenterata) is a hermaphroditic coral which reproduces bi-annually, releasing egg-sperm bundles during the mass spawning at Magnetic Island (19°10S; 146°52E) in late spring-early summer, and autumn each year. The buoyant egg-sperm bundles float to the surface where they break apart, releasing eggs and sperm into the ocean. Fertilisation occurs after 30 min. Unfertilized eggs were collected, washed free of sperm, and freeze-dried. The eggs were extracted with dichloromethane, fractionated by chromatography on silica gel, and the fractions assayed for their ability to attract M. digitata sperm. The active fraction was further fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography, resulting in the isolation of three highly unsaturated fatty alcohols: (1) dodeca-2,4-diynol; (2) tetradec-13-ene-2,4-diynol; (3) (14Z)-heptadeca-14,16-diene-2,4-diynol. Of these three compounds, only Compound 1 attracted sperm of M. digitata. Synthetic Compound 1, produced from simple precursors by known reactions, possessed sperm-attracting activity comparable to the naturally derived attractant. Preliminary experiments suggest that the natural mixture of Compounds 1, 2 and 3 in the ratio 1:4:9 is more effective in attracting sperm from M. digitata than sperm from other Montipora species. Sperm attractants may act to reduce the incidence of hybridisation between different species of Montipora.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of 12 reef populations of the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis (Octocorallia, Alcyoniidae) was studied along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) at a maximum separation of 1,300 km to investigate the relative importance of sexual and asexual reproduction, genetic differentiation and gene flow among these populations. S. flexibilis is a widely distributed Indo-Pacific species and a gamete broadcaster that can form large aggregations of colonies on near-shore reefs of the GBR. Up to 60 individuals per reef were collected at a minimum sampling scale of 5 m at two sites per reef, from December 1998 to February 2000. Electrophoretic analyses of nine polymorphic allozymes indicated that genotypic frequencies in most populations and loci did not differ significantly from those expected from Hardy–Weinberg predictions. Analysis of multi-locus genotypes indicated a high number of unique genotypes (N go) relative to the number of individuals sampled (N) in each reef population (range of 0.69–0.95). The maximum number of individuals likely to have been produced sexually (N*) was similar to the number of individuals sampled (i.e. N*:N ˜ 1), suggesting that even repeated genotypes may have been produced sexually. These results demonstrated a dominant role of sexual reproduction in these populations at the scale sampled. Significant genetic differentiation between some populations indicated that gene flow is restricted between some reefs (F ST=0.026, 95% CI= 0.011 − 0.045) and even between sites within reefs (F ST=0.041, 95% CI=0.027 − 0.055). Nevertheless, there was no relationship between geographic separation and genetic differentiation. Analyses comparing groups of populations showed no significant differentiation on a north-south gradient in the GBR. The pattern in the number of significant differences in gene frequencies in pairwise population comparisons, however, suggested that gene flow may be more restricted among inner-shelf reef populations near to the coast than among mid/outer-shelf populations further from the coast. Received: 10 July 2000 / Accepted: 5 October 2000  相似文献   

Effects of sand deposition on scleractinian and alcyonacean corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B. Riegl 《Marine Biology》1995,121(3):517-526
The ability of corals to withstand experimental sand deposition was investigated for two experimental periods (17 h and 6 wk) in eight scleractinia (Favia favus, Favites pentagona, Platygyra daedalea, Gyrosmilia interrupta, Galaxea fascicularis, Cyphastrea chalcidicum, Favites abdita, Goniopora dijboutensis) and five alcyonacea (Lobophytum depressum, L. venustum, Sinularia dura, S. leptoclados, Sarcophyton glaucum) collected in 1992 from Natal, South Africa. Scleractinia were active sediment shedders, alcyonacea passive, relying on water motion and gravity. Short-term sand clearing efficiency was primarily dependent on corallum shape. Sand application led to hydrostatic inflation of polyps in scleractinia and the entire colony in alcyonacea as well as to increased tentacular action in the scleractinian Gyrosmilia interrupta. Under continuous sand application, inflation remained while other activities, such as tentacular motion, ceased completely. In scleractinia and alcyonacea, tissue necroses appeared after the first week of continuous sand application. Death of entire colonies and partial bleaching of continually sandcovered areas were observed in alcyonacea only. Different grain sizes of sand had no influence on clearing reaction or efficiencies.  相似文献   

Reproduction and recruitment in high-latitude coral populations in Japan have been little studied. A comprehensive study of the reproduction and early life history was conducted on nine common scleractinian coral species in Amakusa, southwestern Japan (32°N) from 2001 to 2003 including; (1) fecundity (the proportion of colonies with mature eggs), (2) timing and synchrony of spawning, (3) initial larval settlement pattern, (4) recruitment, (5) post-settlement mortality. The fecundity was high (76.7–100%) in six of seven species examined in 2002 and 2003. Annual spawning of the seven species occurred from mid July to August in 2001–2003, when seawater temperature was at the annual maximum. Spawning was highly synchronised among conspecific colonies and species in 2002 and 2003, with five species spawning five to nine nights after the full moon and another two spawning around the new moon. Temporal patterns of larval settlement of three spawning species during the first 10 days after spawning were similar to those of other spawning species from low latitudes. The number of scleractinian recruits on settlement plates, deployed from July to October (the major recruitment period at the study site), was low (2 recruits/m2) for the three consecutive years. Post-settlement mortality of 1–1.5 month old spat of five species ranged between 88 and 100% over 3–10 months in the field, similar to the values reported for both high and low latitude species (>94–99%). Among the key stages examined, the low recruitment rate may be the most important step in limiting successful reproduction and recruitment of these high-latitude scleractinian populations. The low recruitment rate may be attributable to (1) the reduced influx of larval supply from other coral populations, which are smaller and more isolated at high-latitudes and (2) the longer precompetent larval phase of broadcast-spawning corals which results in an increased chance of larvae being dispersed away from parent populations.  相似文献   

Sea turtles migrate between feeding and nesting areas that are often geographically separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometers. Observations of their aggregations at sea and at nesting beaches have led to the hypothesis that sea turtles migrate in socially structured groups. While this migratory strategy is common to many marine vertebrates, socially facilitated behavior is not well documented in testudines. In 1990 and 1991, we attached satellite transmitters to olive ridleys (Lepidochelys olivacea Eschscholtz) found ovipositing together during a mass nesting at Nancite Beach, Costa Rica, to determine whether they migrate independently or in groups after they leave the nesting beach. Results showed that the turtles were not spatially associated during the internesting period, were capable of re-establishing themselves as a group during a subsequent nesting emergence, and were not spatially associated during their postnesting migrations to oceanic feeding areas. We suggested that what appear to be socially structured groups of L. olivacea are in fact individual turtles simultaneously using the same habitat.  相似文献   

Temperature tolerance in the reef coral Montipora verrucosa (Lamarck) is affected by salinity and light. Low salinity reduces ability of the coral to survive shortterm exposure to elevated temperature. High natural light intensity aggravates damage sustained by corals at high temperature. In long-term growth experiments, high light intensity caused substantial loss of zooxanthellar pigment, higher mortality rates, reduced carbon fixation and lowered growth rate at both upper and lower sublethal temperatures Effects of light at optimal temperature were less dramatic. Interactions between physical environmental factors appear to be most important near the limits of tolerance for a given factor. Acclimation capability was indicated, and was influenced by both thermal history and pigmentation state of stressed corals.Contribution No. 543 of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology.  相似文献   

The nutritional history of corals is known to affect metabolic processes such as inorganic nutrient uptake and photosynthesis, but little is known about how it affects assimilation efficiency of ingested prey items or the partitioning of prey nitrogen between the host and symbiont. The temperate scleractinian coral Oculina arbuscula and its tropical congener Oculina diffusa were acclimated to three nutritional regimes (fed twice weekly, starved, starved with an inorganic nutrient supplement), then fed Artemia nauplii labeled with the stable isotope tracer 15N. Fed corals of both species had the lowest assimilation efficiencies (36–51% for O. arbuscula, 38–57% for O. diffusa), but were not statistically different from the other nutritional regimes. Fed and starved corals also had similar NH4+ excretion rates. This is inconsistent with decreased nitrogen excretion and reduced amino acid catabolism predicted by both the nitrogen recycling and conservation paradigms. In coral host tissue, ~90% of the ingested 15N was in the TCA-insoluble (protein and nucleic acids) and ethanol-soluble (amino acids/low molecular weight compounds) within 4 h of feeding. The TCA-insoluble pool was also the dominant repository of the label in zooxanthellae of both species (40–53% in O. arbuscula, 50–60% in O. diffusa). However, nutritional history had no effect on the distribution of prey 15N within the biochemical pools of the host or the zooxanthellae for either species. This result is consistent with the nitrogen conservation hypothesis, as preferential carbon metabolism would minimize the effects of starvation on nitrogen-containing biochemical pools.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Between 2002 and 2008, samples of the cold-water scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa were collected from the Trondheim Fjord in Norway to examine reproductive periodicity. Collections were made from three locations: Tautra, (63°35.36′N, 10°31.23′E at 40–70 m), Stokkbergneset (63°28.18′N, 09°54.73′E at 110–500 m), and Røberg (63°28.88′N, 09°59.50′E at 250 m). Populations of L. pertusa from the Trondheim Fjord initiated oogenesis in January and spawning occurred from late January to early March the following year. Gametogenic cycles of the female L. pertusa samples overlapped by approximately 2 months, with oogonia visible in January, but this was not evident in the males. This paper provides the most complete gametogenic cycle to date and spawning observations for this important structure-forming species. The results from fjord populations are compared with published and preliminary data from other regions and are discussed in the context of regional differences in physical and biological variables, particularly food supply. Differences in gametogenic cycles within a single species provide a rare opportunity (especially in deep-sea species) to examine potential drivers of reproduction.  相似文献   

Paired flat plates of the hermatypic coral Montipora verrucosa from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, were acclimated to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) only and to full sunlight (PAR+UV) for several weeks in the summer of 1990. After the acclimation period, photosynthesis, both in PAR-only and PAR+UV as well as dark respiration were measured. Levels of the UV-absorbing compounds, S320, density of zooxanthellae, and chlorophyll a concentration were determined. Corals acclimated in PAR+UV had higher levels of the UV-protective compounds and lower areal zooxanthellae densities than corals acclimated in PAR-only. Chlorophyll a per unit volume of coral host and per algal cell did not differ between corals from the two acclimation treatments. Corals acclimated to PAR+UV displayed higher photosynthesis in full sunlight than corals acclimated to PAR-only, but when photosynthesis was measured in the light regime to which the corals had been acclimated, there were no differences in photosynthesis. Dark respiration was the same for corals from the two acclimation treatments regardless of the light quality immediately preceding the dark period.Contribution No. 902 HIMB  相似文献   

Calcification rate in the coral Acropora cervicornis was reduced significantly when exposed for 24 h to 100-ppm kaolin, but was unchanged in corals exposed to 50-ppm kaolin. Calcification rate returned to control levels during a 48-h recovery period. Most free amino acids (FAA) in the FAA pool decreased significantly in corals exposed to 100-ppm kaolin, but were unchanged in corals exposed to 50-ppm kaolin. After a 48-h recovery period, the FAA pool remained considerably below control levels in the 100-ppm exposed corals and dropped below control levels in the 50-ppm exposed corals. Calcification rate dropped less and later during the exposure period in the growing tip than in sections further down the stalk. The reduction in FAA pool size was considerably larger in the growing tip than further down the stalk. Soluble protein concentration remained unchanged during both exposure and recovery. The data are consistent with the interpretation that turbidity not only causes a decrease in photosynthetic rate and the synthesis of small molecules, but also causes a large increase in the utilization of stored organic molecules for such metabolically costly processes as mucus production and sediment removal.  相似文献   

Multispecies assemblages of the coral genus Acropora occur commonly throughout the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Nine species from such an assemblage comprising 41 species of Acropora, at Big Broadhurst Reef on the Great Barrier Reef, were studied during 1981–1983. Similarities and differences in reproductive modes and timing, oocyte dimensions and fecundity, recruitment by larvae and by fragments, and mortality were recorded. All species had an annual gametogenic cycle, were simultaneous hermaphrodites, and had the same arrangement of gonads in polyps. In six species, most colonies released gametes on the same night of the year, in early summer, during a mass spawning event involving many coral genera. A seventh species had colonies spawning at this as well as other times of the year. Another species spawned in late summer, and gametes were not observed to mature in the last species. Eggs were very large (601 to 728 m geometric mean diameter) and fecundity of polyps low, compared with other corals; no reduction in oocyte numbers occurred during oogenesis. Reef-flat species had slightly bigger and fewer eggs than reef-slope species. All species recruited by larvae, but four also multiplied by fragmentation, either year-round or during occasional rough weather. Yearround fragmenters had few larval recruits; non-fragmenters had many, and a rough-weather fragmenter had an intermediate number of larval recruits. It was concluded that larval recruitment largely determined species composition, and that reduced larval recruitment was responsible for sparse distribution of fragmenting species. Subsequent mortality in some species and increase by fragmentation in others probably determined relative abundances.  相似文献   

Symbiotic dinoflagellate algae (Symbiodinium sp.) isolated from the scleractinian coral Plesiastrea versipora and incubated in homogenized host tissue released 4 to 7 times as much glycerol (14 to 46 nmol glycerol/106 algae) as those incubated in seawater (3 to 6 nmol glycerol/106 algae) after 4 h incubation in the light. During this period, no release of triglycerides was detected. Intracellular glycerol increased 2- to 3-fold in algae incubated in host homogenate, but remained unchanged in algae incubated in seawater at a concentration of 0.82 ± 0.47 nmol glycerol/106 algae. In each incubation condition, intracellular triglyceride levels increased. However, in algae incubated in host homogenate, the intracellular levels of triglycerides reached only about 75% of the amount reached in algae incubated in seawater (max. 18.55 ± 2.40 nmol glycerol/106 cells). Host homogenate did not stimulate the release of glycerol from algae during dark incubation. These data show that the glycerol released by algae incubated in host-tissue homogenate was derived from increased synthesis of glycerol or from diversion of some glycerol or other photosynthetic intermediates from incorporation into algal triglyceride stores, and did not come from existing stores. Received: 20 December 1996 / Accepted: 9 January 1997  相似文献   

B. Riegl 《Marine Biology》2002,140(1):29-40
Two positive sea-surface temperature anomalies occurred in the Arabian Gulf in short sequence. Between May and August 1996 and 1998, sea-surface temperatures in the southern Arabian Gulf were elevated by 2°C above average. The consequences for coral fauna, coral diseases and coral regeneration were studied in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) between Jebel Ali and Ras Hasyan. In 1996, coral death was widespread, affecting primarily the genus Acropora. In Acropora-dominated areas, live coral cover was reduced from 90% to about 26% in 1996, while in 1998 only a reduction from 26% to 22% of the remaining coral cover occurred. In the study area, all six Acropora species suffered total mortality in 1996, thus the coral fauna was reduced from 34 species to 27. The nearest areas with surviving Acropora were 30 km to the east (Deira) and 20 km to the west (Al Jazira). Massive coral species suffered negligible mortality, and slowly increased in space cover. The Acropora overkill turned 7.9 km2 (19.7% of total coral-covered area) of previously lush coral gardens into a dead framework that was increasingly bioeroded. Acropora recruitment only started in 1998, average recruit size in 1999 was 7Dž cm, and recruits were rare. Prior to the mass mortality event, coral diseases were common and seasonal (14LJ% of corals, mainly Acropora, affected in summer, in winter 7Lj%, mainly massives), after the mortality event seasonality was lost and infection remained below winter levels (6LJ%, only massives infected). In fish, overall species richness decreased from 95 to 64 species in point counts, but frequency only decreased in one species (Pseudochromis persicus). Guild structure changed inasmuch as herbivores and planktivores increased, and invertivores decreased, although differences were not statistically significant. The most abundant family, both prior to and after the coral mass mortality, was Lutjanidae. It appears that even though much of the coral was dead, the maintenance of structural complexity allowed the fish assemblage to avoid a similar catastrophic change to that experienced by the coral assemblage.  相似文献   

The genotypic compositions of two populations of the brooding coral, Pocillopora damicornis, were studied by exhaustive sampling of adult colonies on a fine scale in southern Taiwan. In addition, 100 larvae were randomly selected among more than 1,000 brooded larvae collected from a single broodparent within each population. Using 7 polymorphic microsatellite markers, both populations were found to be highly clonal, and 7 clonal lineages were characterized. One clonal lineage (C1) dominated both study areas and comprises 54.9% of all colonies sampled, while any of the other 6 clonal lineages represented no more than 5%. Among the 100 larvae randomly selected for genotyping from each broodparent, the extent of clonal reproduction was high, and only 29 and 6 larvae, respectively, were found to be genotypically different from their broodparent. Among the 35 genotypically distinct larvae, 33 were thought to be derived from sexual reproduction, and 2 were assumed to be clonal propagules that had undergone somatic mutations. Two genotypically identical larvae were also found in one of the 2 sexually derived larva arrays, indicating the possible existence of polyembryony. The high proportions of clonality in both adult colonies and brooded larvae suggest that asexually produced larvae might significantly contribute to the recruitment of local populations. The dense clonal population of P. damicornis in the study area favors the quick recolonization view of clonal propagules after disturbances.  相似文献   

J. Gilmour 《Marine Biology》1999,135(3):451-462
Laboratory and field experiments were used to determine whether high (≃100 mg l−1), low (≃50 mg l−1) and control (≃0 mg l−1) levels of suspended sediment affected fertilisation, larval survival, and larval settlement in the scleractinian coral Acropora digitifera (Dana, 1846). Both high- and low-sediment treatments significantly decreased fertilisation, but post-fertilisation embryonic development was not inhibited by suspended sediments. Larval survival and larval settlement were significantly reduced in high- and low-sediment treatments. No difference was found between high- and low-sediment treatments in any of the three post-spawning processes investigated, suggesting that they are susceptible to sediment concentrations which are not exceptionally high even under natural conditions (>50 mg l−1). The introduction of an additional stress in the form of high levels of suspended sediments coupled with naturally high variability in recruitment may have a considerable effect on the successful supply and settlement of coral larvae to a reef. Given that many coral communities are open reproductive systems, the consequences of disturbance events are not likely to be restricted to the impact area. Recruitment to a population may be reduced significantly in the presence of high levels of suspended sediments because of effects on larval survival and settlement. Recruitment of larvae to adjacent populations may also be affected due to a decreased fertilisation success and potential increases in mortality of larvae passing through the affected site. Received: 13 August 1998 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations of the corals Pocillopora damicornis and Acropora palifera was examined in three habitats at One Tree Island during March and April 1993, using electrophoretically detectable variation at six allozyme loci. There were significant genetic differences among populations of P. damicornis within each of the reef crest, lagoon and microatoll habitats. The level of differentiation among populations was similar in each of the habitats. Differences between populations of P. damicornis from lagoon and microatolls were no greater than that within habitats, but genetic differentiation of these from crest populations was much higher. There was no difference in the genetic composition of A. palifera populations within or between the lagoon and microatolls, the only habitats where this species was found. Both coral species had observed:expected (G O:GE) genotypic diversity rations >0.80, indicating predominantly sexual reproduction. These data, the high genotype diversity and general conformance of genotype frequencies to those expected under conditions of Hardy-Weinberg, suggested panmixis at each site. The high degree of sexual reproduction in the P. damicornis populations is unusual for a species where asexual reproduction has been the dominant mode of reproduction reported to date. Gene flow in both species was considerable between the lagoon and the closed microatolls. The genetic differences between populations of P. damicornis in these habitats and the reef crest may reflect the relative isolation of all populations within the closed One Tree Lagoon from those outside. However, local currents appear to offer effective means of dispersal between the habitats, suggesting that the genetic differences result from natural selection in the different environments within One Tree Lagoon and the reef crest.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of elevated temperature under different exposure periods on larval settlement and post-settlement survival in scleractinian corals, Acropora solitaryensis and Favites chinensis. In the first experiment with the subtropical coral, A. solitaryensis, the numbers of larvae settling and those dead were examined daily for 5 days at 20, 23 (ambient), 26 and 29°C conditions. Larval settlement of A. solitaryensis was initially greater at higher temperature conditions, but the peak in number of settled larvae shifted from 29 to 26°C by day 5, due to ca. 90% post-settlement mortality at 29°C condition. In order to determine the effects under short-term exposure, larvae of F. chinensis were exposed to 27 (ambient), 31 or 34°C only for one hour in the second experiment. The number of larvae settling for 24 h after the exposure and their survivorship over subsequent week was monitored in the ambient temperature condition. Larvae of F. chinensis exhibited greater settlement at higher temperature treatments and constantly low post-settlement mortalities (< ca. 17%) in all temperature treatments, resulting in the highest number of settled larvae at 34°C treatment. These results suggested two different effects of elevated temperature on the early stages of recruitment process of scleractinian corals; (1) the positive effect on larval settlement and (2) the negative effect on post-settlement survival under prolonged exposure.  相似文献   

During the course of its embryonic development, the European lobster Homarus gammarus Linnaeus exhibits progressive increases in content of water (54.0 to 83.1%), ash (2.7 to 16.7%), protein (47.4 to 50.9%) and non-protein nitrogen (1.0 to 2.4%), and steady decreases in content of fat (43.8 to 25.4%) and energy (6343 to 5431 cal/g dry organic substance). Cumulative yolk utilization efficiency during the total development is 81.8% for dry weight; the corresponding value for energy is 60.1, for protein 75.6 and for fat 47.4%. Energy content of a single egg is 10.49 cal. Of 4.20 cal expended for metabolic processes of the embryo, only 13.3% energy is drawn from protein oxidation; fat oxidation supplies as much as 87.7% energy, that of carbohydrate only 2.3%. Embryonic development results in a remarkable decrease in net yolk utilization efficiency, which falls from 85.5% in the early developmental stages, to less than 70% in later developmental stages. The mean dry weight of a single egg membrane increases from 38 g (2.2% of egg weight) in a freshly laid and attached egg, to 81 g in an egg with an almost completely developed embryo. This result supports the earlier observation of Cheung (1966) that the formation of the inner chitinous egg membrane occurs after the egg is laid and attached to the setum. Protein seems to be the major constituent of the egg membrane (4049 cal/g dry weight), which has the following composition: protein 70.4%, non-protein nitrogen 0.13%, ash 2.83%. Initial permeability of the egg membrane to water (about 6% of the total water requirement is let in) is followed by a period during which the egg membrane is almost impermeable to water (stages I to III); the egg membrane becomes permeable to water again and lets in 85% of the total water requirement (the rest, i.e. 9%, is metabolic water) at a relatively advanced stage of development. These assumed changes in egg membrane permeability appear to be indicative of variations in the egg's osmoconcentration leading to shiftings in net transport of water. Rates of water and salt uptake during embryonic development are essentially parallel (Fig. 1). The egg membrane remains permeable to salts throughout development; salt intake almost doubles after the egg passes through stage III. A single egg, weighing 3.7 mg requires 4.9 mg water for successful completion of embryonic development. The imbibition of water by the developing marine demersal egg seems to (1) serve in osmotic hatching; (2) float the hatched larva by means of specific gravity reduction; (3) aid the larva to quickly adjust its body temperature. The simple osmotic hatching mechanism, proposed by previous workers, seems to be inadequate to account for the events and timing of the hatching process in the lobster. It is suggested that hatching time is determined not solely by increased internal pressure caused by inflow of water and salts, but also by some unknown internal factor. In the lobster egg, as well as in many other marine demersal eggs, protein metabolism is suppressed to a considerable extent, and fat metabolism is geared up Thus, the non-cleidoic lobster eggs exhibit metablic properties which are typical of cleidoic eggs. This finding is discussed in the light of Needham's (1950) concept of cleidoicterrestrial and non cleidoic-aquatic eggs.Dedicated to Professor P. Kochukutta Menon, Montreal, on his 62nd birthday, June 3, 1970.  相似文献   

Calcification, photosynthesis and respiration of the scleractinian coral Astrangia danae were calculated from the changes in total alkalinity, pH, calculated total CO2, and oxygen concentration produced by colonies incubated in glass jars. A correction for changes in ammonia, nitrate and nitrite was taken into account and the method evaluated. The fluxes of oxygen and CO2 were highly correlated (r=0.99). The statistical error of alkalinity determinations was less than 10% of the changes observed in the slowest calcifying samples. Metabolism of polyparium alone was estimated by difference after removal of tissue and reincubation of bare corallum. Zooxanthellae concentration in the polyps was obtained from cell counts made on homogenates of polyp tissue. The calculated photosynthetic rate of the zooxanthellae in vivo was 25 mol O2 (108 cell)-1 h-1 at a light intensity of 120 Ein m-2 s-1. In corals having 0.5x109 zooxanthellae/dm2 of colony area up to 8% of the total photosynthesis was attributed to the corallum microcosm. Polyp respiration, photosynthesis, and CaCO3 uptake rates were all much higher than rates previously reported from A. danae, apparently because in these experiments the organisms were better fed. This increased photosynthesis in turn enhanced calcification still further. The symbiosis therefore appears to provide a growth advantage even to fed corals, under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

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