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过氧化氢热爆炸研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过氧化氢作为绿色环保的氧化剂,广泛应用于工业的各个领域,同时也因其热分解爆炸危险性导致了一系列严重的火灾爆炸事故。过氧化氢在高温或与一些不兼容化学物质作用下,将会激发其热危险性,进而引发热失控反应,最终导致爆炸事故的发生。结合近年来国内发生的过氧化氢热爆炸事故,简要概述了其热爆炸事故历程,并从理论研究和实验研究两个方面综述了过氧化氢热爆炸的研究进展。理论研究方面,主要介绍了化学反应失控模型和基于热动力学的研究方法,尤其对基于热失控模型的热风险评估进行了详细的阐述。实验研究方面,分析了高温条件下与杂质催化作用下过氧化氢的热危险性,包括无机杂质和有机杂质。最后就过氧化氢热爆炸的研究提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

过氧化氢的不稳定性使得其在生产过程中较容易发生爆炸事故.为了预防事故的发生,需要对其分解爆炸过程有个清晰的认识.本文首次利用典型事故爆炸机理分析结合事故定量计算的方法,揭示了事故案例中过氧化氢化学分解后引起爆炸的两个物理过程,计算了产生事故后果的容器失效压力,了解了其发生爆炸的后果严重度,并运用类比的方法,得到了过氧化氢生产装置或容器爆炸时的压力变化趋势.  相似文献   

双氧水爆炸事故机理分析及预防措施研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了对双氧水引起的爆炸事故的机理进行分析,用加速量热仪对双氧水进行了热危险性测试.通过对数据校正和分析,得到了浓度为30%的双氧水初始热分解温度为34.5 ℃,热分解可达到的最高温度为246 ℃,最大温升速率时间为100 min.结果表明,双氧水极易发生爆炸,并且爆炸威力很大.针对双氧水的爆炸危险,提出采取适当的预防措施,如冷却水法,以避免爆炸事故的发生.  相似文献   

针对一起氧气瓶爆炸事故,进行了详细的实际调查,并以科学理论和数据为依据,进行了多角度的技术分析。  相似文献   

盐酸异地运送多采用碳钢外壳、内衬防腐层的罐体车。根据罐体车内部衬里断裂,外壳底部洒漏盐酸的事实,分析了其内部衬里断裂的各种可能原因。通过聚乙烯(PE)加工冷却收缩、受温度影响收缩等理论计算及内应力实验检测,并经综合分析,确定了罐体盐酸洒漏的原因。由于罐体较长,加工中未对聚乙烯熔体冷凝时产生的内应力进行有效消除,外加使用时温度因素,内衬与外壳分离,并且间隙过大,车体行进中,内衬承受不了强劲的液体盐酸冲击而断裂,盐酸从衬里裂缝进入夹层中,腐蚀碳钢外壳,导致盐酸洒漏。  相似文献   

地下储罐爆炸事故源强估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从能量释放的角度出发,以爆炸理论为基础,利用爆破技术中已得出的结论,着重研究地下储罐爆炸事故源强的估算方法。确定各种伤害效应的安全距离,为预防事故和安全评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   

油罐中油气爆炸规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了油料储罐油气爆炸模拟实验系统,并在模拟实验的基础上,分析了不同因素对爆炸压力的影响及爆炸产物的分布规律.结果表明,油气浓度、罐内初始温度等对油罐油气混合物爆炸过程有重要影响,且存在临界油气浓度(2.5%)及临界初始温度(306 K),在临界值下,油气爆炸最为剧烈.当油气浓度小于临界浓度时,爆炸产物中CO2浓度高于CO浓度,而大于临界浓度时,爆炸产物中CO2浓度小于CO浓度.本研究可为油料储罐油气爆炸灾害事故的防治及安全规程的制定提供参考.  相似文献   

In this research, a 3D tank farm model of a petrochemical plant was built in order to analyze an LPG tank explosion accident. Furthermore, the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) algorithm was also applied to reconstruct the scenario of the accident. With its 3D dynamic abilities, the CFD simulation results can be used to facilitate the understanding of the spatial and transient distribution of different hazardous physical variables, which cannot be observed from the traditional methods.After the maximum physical variables of overpressure, pressure-impulse, and thermal radiation temperature were calculated, the results were adopted to estimate the corresponding 3D individual risk value. With the aid of the CFD simulation and the analysis method of maximum physical variable, the researchers can use the simulation results to scrutinize the possible causes and consequences of a chemical accident.  相似文献   

介绍了某天然气站的基本情况,利用道化学指数评价法,对该站储罐区的1个3000m3球罐进行风险评价,评价结果表明:该罐火灾爆炸指数为149.1,危险等级是较大。一旦罐内天然气在储存过程中发生火灾、爆炸,将使半径38.17m内,面积4574.82m2内的设备、设施受到损害,最大可能财产损失为0.66A万元。由于罐区采取了一些安全措施对储罐安全进行补偿,有效地降低了事故损失。为操作管理者更加全面地了解整个罐区的风险状况提供参考,有利于天然气储罐区的规划、管理及事故预防等。  相似文献   

Thermal hazard in a batch process involving hydrogen peroxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile and interesting reagent for many industrial processes; nevertheless, it is very sensitive to impurities that can catalyze its decomposition, so that the desired reaction could be accompanied by undesired parallel and consecutive reactions. As an example, the butadiene free radical polymerization with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of an organic solvent was studied. Batch polymerization occurs in the liquid phase at about 120 °C. Because of the involved reactive compounds and the relatively high temperature, this is an intrinsically dangerous reaction. Therefore calorimetric data can give important information about safety and process optimization during the scale-up. The aim of this research project was to study the influence of impurities on the overall heat of reaction. The experiments were made in a high-pressure reaction calorimeter. The study has revealed that impurities do indeed affect the reaction course. Most importantly, the presence of carboxylic acids and/or ionic iron must be avoided and the recycle of unreacted reagents must be carefully controlled to minimize the build-up of these impurities.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of self-ignition and explosion during discharge of high-pressure hydrogen was investigated. To clarify the ignition conditions of high-pressure hydrogen jets, rapid discharge of the high-pressure hydrogen was examined experimentally. A diaphragm was used to allow rapid discharge of the high-pressure hydrogen. The burst pressure was varied from 4 to 30 MPa. The downstream geometry of the diaphragm was a flange and extension pipes, with the pipe length varying from 3 to 300 mm. The diameter of the nozzle was 5 or 10 mm. When short pipes were used, the hydrogen jet did not ignite. However, the hydrogen jet showed an increasing tendency to ignite in the pipe as the length of the pipe became longer. At higher burst pressures, a diffusion jet flame was formed from the pipe. The blast wave from the fireball formed on self-ignition of the hydrogen jet resulted in an extremely rapid pressure rise.  相似文献   

针对大型油罐火灾爆炸对人员伤亡危害范围的问题,采用PHAST软件模拟定量分析了外部环境(风速、大气稳定度、空气湿度)、初始条件(泄漏点离地高度、泄漏孔直径)和其他因素(防火堤面积)对火灾爆炸伤亡半径的影响,根据模拟结果拟合了外部环境和初始条件与池火灾和蒸气云爆炸危害范围的关系式。结果表明:在相同条件下,软件模拟与实验结果误差较小,该研究具有可信性;池火灾危害范围随风速、泄漏点离地高度、泄漏孔当量直径和防火堤面积的增加而增加,而与大气稳定度的关系不大;蒸气云爆炸危害范围随风速的增加而降低,随大气稳定度和泄漏孔当量直径的增加而增加,而与泄漏点离地高度和空气湿度影响不大;拟合得到的外部环境和初始条件与池火灾和蒸气云爆炸危害范围的关系式可为大型油罐火灾爆炸事故中相关作业人员的应急撤离提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This paper offers an overview of an explosion that occurred in a textile industry, due to the deflagration of a particular nylon fibre called flock. The evidence, the methods and the results of the inquiry are reported. The explosion occurred in a plant that produced a characteristic kind of flocked thread which is entirely made of a synthetic material. The explosion took place inside a dryer and propagated to the connected suction plant. The explosion occurred when the plant was switched on after a long stop due to a process fault. Three workers were injured. The inquiry includes the measurement of the most important properties of the flock such as the minimum ignition energy (MIE) and the lower explosion concentration (LEL), together with an examination the exam of the damage and of the testimony of the witnesses. The dynamics of the event are reconstructed in the paper and the effects, on the accident, of the many mistakes that have been made in the risk analysis are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

液氯槽罐车公路运输事故原因分析及建议措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,液氯槽罐车公路运输事故频发,对社会及环境造成了极大负面影响。本文结合“3.29”液氯泄漏事故等典型事故,从人、车辆及罐体、道路环境和管理四个方面分析归纳了导致液氯槽罐车公路运输事故的主要原因,并提出相应的建议措施。  相似文献   

故障诊断在保证危险化学品汽车罐车运输安全方面具有重要意义。从国内交通运输安全的实际要求出发,依据液氨汽车罐车的结构特点及国家法律法规的要求,比较全面、系统地分析了液氨汽车罐车故障特征的相关参数,并将其作为概率神经网络的输入结点。根据实际可能发生的故障分类模式,考虑到故障诊断的容错能力和自适应能力,提出了基于概率神经网络的复合故障诊断模型。利用指标参数作为网络训练样本,对未知故障模式进行诊断,并以广西地区压力容器检验所液氨检测数据为例进行说明。理论分析和实例计算表明,该模型物理概念清晰,计算结果合理,精度较高,在危险化学品汽车罐车故障诊断中有很好的适用性。该项工作可为我国危险化学品汽车罐车故障智能诊断的深入开展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

通过介绍自制土锅炉的结构及制造过程,分析了其发生爆炸事故的原因。  相似文献   

The occurrence of leakage in large tank farms or oil deposits can lead to fire or explosion accidents. Coupling effects of fire and explosion loadings can cause considerably more damage to adjacent tanks or buildings than either loading individually does. In this study, the combined loadings of the explosion shock wave and heat radiation from a pool fire on a neighboring empty fixed-roof tank were numerically investigated. The effects of the explosion shock wave intensity and relative height of the explosion center [the ratio of the height of the explosion center to the height of the tank (hr)] were analyzed. The results indicate that tanks damaged by explosion shock waves have decreased fire resistance and critical buckling temperature. Moreover, the thermal buckling deformation of the predamaged tank largely depends on the explosion shock wave. With an increase in the explosion shock wave intensity or a decrease in hr, the explosion shock wave has greater influence on the fire resistance of the tank, and the critical buckling temperature decreases. This paper can provide an understanding of the dynamics of a tank under explosion shock wave loading, and of the critical failure criterion and failure modes of a target tank under the coupled loading of the explosion shock wave and an adjacent pool fire.  相似文献   

吴金福  邓辉明 《安全》2004,25(5):29-29,28
1概况 某单位有一台型号为FR-12T-16/3.82与12万吨/年硫铁矿,铁矿制酸工艺流程配套的中压余热锅炉,产生过热蒸汽压力为3.82MPa,过热蒸汽温度450℃.  相似文献   

为了防止过氧化氢在生产、储存、运输和使用过程中因为混入杂质导致火灾爆炸事故,利用绝热加速量热仪对过氧化氢及其掺杂醇类物质后的放热分解过程进行了试验研究.结果表明,醇使过氧化氢的初始放热分解温度、活化能和SADT均降低,热危险性增加;正丙醇对过氧化氢热分解的促进作用大于无水甲醇和无水乙醇.  相似文献   

The dicumyl peroxide (DCP) is widely used as a polymerization initiator, catalyst and vulcanizing agent in the chemical industry. A number of accidents have been caused by its thermal instability in storage or manufacturing process. Thus, its hazard characteristics have to be clearly identified. First of all, the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) is used to measure the heat of decomposition reaction, which can contribute to understanding the reaction characteristics of DCP. The accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) is used to measure the rates of temperature and pressure rises of decomposition reaction, and then the kinetics parameters are estimated. Furthermore, the MIKE 3 apparatus and the 20-l-Apparatus are used to measure and analyze the dust explosion characteristics of DCP at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Finally, Semenov's thermal explosion theory is applied to investigate the critical runaway condition and the stability criterion of decomposition reaction, and to build the relationship of critical temperature, convective heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer surface area and ambient temperature. These results contribute to improving the safety in the reaction, transportation and storage processes of DCP.  相似文献   

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