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In this study we tested and compared a multiplicative stomatal model and a coupled semi-empirical stomatal-photosynthesis model in their ability to predict stomatal conductance to ozone (gst) using leaf-level data from oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck). For oilseed rape, the multiplicative model and the coupled model were able to explain 72% and 73% of the observed gst variance, respectively. For broccoli, the models were able to explain 53% and 51% of the observed gst variance, respectively. These results support the coupled semi-empirical stomatal-photosynthesis model as a valid alternative to the multiplicative stomatal model for O3 flux modelling, in terms of predictive performance.  相似文献   

Modelling stomatal ozone flux across Europe   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A model has been developed to estimate stomatal ozone flux across Europe for a number of important species. An initial application of this model is illustrated for two species, wheat and beech. The model calculates ozone flux using European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model ozone concentrations in combination with estimates of the atmospheric, boundary layer and stomatal resistances to ozone transfer. The model simulates the effect of phenology, irradiance, temperature, vapour pressure deficit and soil moisture deficit on stomatal conductance. These species-specific microclimatic parameters are derived from meteorological data provided by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI), together with detailed land-use and soil type maps assembled at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). Modelled fluxes are presented as mean monthly flux maps and compared with maps describing equivalent values of AOT40 (accumulated exposure over threshold of 40 ppb or nl l(-1)), highlighting the spatial differences between these two indices. In many cases high ozone fluxes were modelled in association with only moderate AOT40 values. The factors most important in limiting ozone uptake under the model assumptions were vapour pressure deficit (VPD), soil moisture deficit (for Mediterranean regions in particular) and phenology. The limiting effect of VPD on ozone uptake was especially apparent, since high VPDs resulting in stomatal closure tended to co-occur with high ozone concentrations. Although further work is needed to link the ozone uptake and deposition model components, and to validate the model with field measurements, the present results give a clear indication of the possible implications of adopting a flux-based approach for future policy evaluation.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that stomatal flux of ozone would provide a more reliable basis than ozone exposure indices for the assessment of the risk of ozone damage to vegetation across Europe. However, implementation of this approach requires the development of appropriate models which need to be rigorously tested against actual data collected under field conditions. This paper describes such an assessment of the stomatal component of the model described by Emberson et al. (2000. Modelling stomatal ozone flux across Europe. Environmental Pollution 110). Model predictions are compared with field measurements of both stomatal conductance (g(s)) and calculated ozone flux for shoots of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies) growing in the Tyrol Mountains in Austria. The model has been developed to calculate g(s) as a function of leaf phenology and four environmental variables: photosynthetic flux density (PFD), temperature, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and soil moisture deficit (SMD). The model was run using climate data measured on site, although the SMD component was omitted since the necessary data were not available. The model parameterisation for Norway spruce had previously been collected from the scientific literature and therefore established independently from the measurement study. Overall, strong associations were found between model predictions and measured values of stomatal conductance to ozone (GO(3)) and calculated stomatal ozone flux (FO(3)). Average diurnal profiles of GO(3) and FO(3) showed good agreement between the field data and modelled values except during the morning period of 1990. The diurnal pattern of ozone flux was determined primarily by PFD and VPD, as there was little diurnal variation in ozone concentration. In general, the model predicted instances of high ozone flux satisfactorily, indicating its potential applicability in identifying areas of high ozone risk for this species.  相似文献   

The data from a previous experiment carried out in open-top chambers to assess the effects of ozone (O3) exposure on growth and physiology of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) were re-assessed to test the performance of the EMEP O3 stomatal conductance model used to estimate tree O3 uptake at a European scale. Aleppo pine seedlings were exposed during three consecutive years to three different O3 treatments: charcoal filtered air, non-filtered air and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 nl l(-1). The results of the model using the default parameterisation already published for Mediterranean conifers showed a poor performance when compared to measured data. Therefore, modifications of g(max), f(min), and new f(VPD), f(temp) and f(phen) functions were developed according to the observed data. This re-parameterisation resulted in a significant improvement of the performance of the model when compared to its original version.  相似文献   

The effect of ozone flux density on leaf conductance to ozone in Phaseolus vulgaris was examined. The change in conductance was measured within the first two hours of fumigation for mature, fruiting 6-week-old plants of an ozone sensitive cultivar (Seafarer); for young, 14-day-old plants of the same cultivar; and for an ozone resistant cultivar (Gold Crop). Young Seafarer plants showed no change in conductance to ozone over a wide range of ozone flux densities. Gold Crop showed a decrease in conductance of −3.1 % /(mgO3 m−2 h−1) whereas mature Seafarer plants exhibited a stronger decrease of −7.7% /(mgO3 m−2 h−1). Diffusion porometer measurements taken on fruiting Seafarer plants in the field illustrated that a decrease in leaf diffusive conductance to water is related to visual ozone injury.  相似文献   

Regional scale modelling of both ozone deposition and the risk of ozone impacts is poorly developed for grassland communities. This paper presents new predictions of stomatal ozone flux to grasslands at five different locations in Europe, using a mechanistic model of canopy development for productive grasslands to generate time series of leaf area index and soil water potential as inputs to the stomatal component of the DO(3)SE ozone deposition model. The parameterisation of both models was based on Lolium perenne, a dominant species of productive pasture in Europe. The modelled seasonal time course of stomatal ozone flux to both the whole canopy and to upper leaves showed large differences between climatic zones, which depended on the timing of the start of the growing season, the effect of soil water potential, and the frequency of hay cuts. Values of modelled accumulated flux indices and the AOT40 index showed a five-fold difference between locations, but the locations with the highest flux differed depending on the index used; the period contributing to the accumulation of AOT40 did not always coincide with the modelled period of active ozone canopy uptake. Use of a fixed seasonal profile of leaf area index in the flux model produced very different estimates of annual accumulated total canopy and leaf ozone flux when compared with the flux model linked to a simulation of canopy growth. Regional scale model estimates of both the risks of ozone impacts and of total ozone deposition will be inaccurate unless the effects of climate and management in modifying grass canopy growth are incorporated.  相似文献   

A simulation model was developed to estimate the stomatal conductance and ozone flux to Norway spruce saplings in open-top chambers. The model was parameterized against needle conductance measurements that were made on 4-6-year-old spruce saplings, grown in open-top chambers, in July-September during three different seasons. The spruce saplings were either maintained well watered or subject to a 7-8 week drought period in July-September each year. The simulated conductance showed a good agreement with the measured conductance for the well-watered as well as the drought stress-treated saplings. The simulations were significantly improved when different vapour pressure deficit (VPD) functions were applied for well-watered and drought-stressed spruce saplings. The cumulated ozone uptake which was calculated from the conductance simulations showed less variation between years, compared to the cumulative ozone exposure index AOT40 (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb or nl l(-1)) for the corresponding time periods. Measurements in May 1995 demonstrated the occurrence of long-term 'memory-effects' from the drought stress treatments on the conductance. Memory-effects need to be considered when simulation models for stomatal conductance are to be applied to long-lived forest trees under a multiple stress situation.  相似文献   

Climate change factors such as elevated CO2 concentrations, warming and changes in precipitation affect the stomatal flux of ozone (O3) into leaves directly or indirectly by altering the stomatal conductance, atmospheric O3 concentrations, frequency and extent of pollution episodes and length of the growing season. Results of a case study for winter wheat indicate that in a future climate the exceedance of the flux-based critical level of O3 might be reduced across Europe, even when taking into account an increase in tropospheric background O3 concentration. In contrast, the exceedance of the concentration-based critical level of O3 will increase with the projected increase in tropospheric background O3 concentration. The influence of climate change should be considered when predicting the future effects of O3 on vegetation. There is a clear need for multi-factorial, open-air experiments to provide more realistic information for O3 flux-effect modelling in a future climate.  相似文献   

CO(2) assimilation rate, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content of current and previous years' needles of Norway spruce were measured in May 1988, 205 days after the cessation of ozone fumigation during the summer of 1987. Rates of assimilation were consistently higher for both needle year age classes for ozone fumigated trees in comparison to control trees, although only statistically significant for part of the day for current year's needles. A 26% and 48% stimulation, overall, in mean daily rates of assimilation for current and previous years' needles of ozone fumigated trees was observed. This was due to an enhanced apparent quantum yield and light saturated rate of assimilation of ozone fumigated trees. The temperature response regression of assimilation versus temperature was also greater, such that at any given temperature, assimilation was higher for ozone treated trees than control trees. Stomatal conductance was greater for ozone fumigated trees than the controls, but this was only marginally statistically significant. Moreover, there was a consistent increase in chlorophyll content in both year classes in ozone-treated trees. These results are discussed in relation to a possible long term effect of ozone fumigation upon the processes of conifer winter hardening and spring de-hardening.  相似文献   

Two-year-old beech and Norway spruce seedlings were exposed to a combination of ozone and acid mist treatments in open-top chambers in Scotland during the months of July through to September 1988. Replicate pairs of chambers received charcoal-filtered air (control), ozone-enriched air (140 nl ozone litre(-1)) or 140 nl ozone litre(-1) plus a synthetic acid mist (pH 2.5) composed of ammonium nitrate and sulphuric acid. Field measurements of assimilation and stomatal conductance were made during August. In addition, measurements of assimilation and conductance were made during September in the laboratory. Light response curves of assimilation and conductance were determined using a GENSTAT nonrectangular hyperbolic model. During February 1988/9 the Norway spruce were subject to a four day warming period at 12 degrees C and the light response of assimilation determined. The same plants were then subject to a 3-h night-time frost of -10 degrees C. The following day the time-course of the recovery of assimilation was determined. It was found that ozone fumigation did not influence the light response of assimilation of beech trees in the field, although stomatal conductance was reduced in the ozone-fumigated trees. The rate of light-saturated assimilation of Norway spruce was increased by ozone fumigation when measured in the field. Measurements of assimilation of Norway spruce made during the winter showed that prior to rewarming there was no difference in the rate of light-saturated assimilation for control and ozone-fumigated trees. However, the ozone plus acid mist-treated trees exhibited a significantly higher rate. The 4-day period of warming to 12 degrees C increased the rate of light-saturated assimilation in all treatments but only the ozone plus acid mist-treated trees showed a significant increase. Following a 3-h frost to -10 degrees C the control trees exhibited a reduction in the rate of light-saturated assimilation (Amax) to 80% of the pre-frost value. In comparison, following the frost, the ozone-fumigated trees showed an Amax of 74% of the pre-frost value. The ozone plus acid mist-treated trees showed an Amax of 64% of the pre-frost trees. The time taken for Amax to attain 50% of the pre-frost value increased from 30 min (control) to 85 min for ozone-fumigated trees to 190 min (ozone plus acid mist). These results are discussed in relation to the impact of mild, short-term frosts, which are known to occur with greater frequency than extreme, more catastrophic frost events. A simple conceptual framework is proposed to explain the variable results obtained in the literature with respect to the impact of ozone upon tree physiology.  相似文献   

The formation of O3 and other photochemically generated compounds has been modelled for the region downwind of London, during the slow easterly airflow and other conditions associated with a midsummer anticyclone. The model contains a comprehensive chemical mechanism, including the emissions of 37 hydrocarbons (HCs) and treats HC degradation explicitly in over 300 reactions. As a result it has been possible to disaggregate the production of O3 amongst the various HCs present in the model, and the percentage of the O3 production which can be attributed to each HC is therefore known. These results have been used, in conjunction with the emissions inventory, to attribute the O3 production to the various sources of HCs. By further study the number of molecules of O3 which are produced by each HC molecule have also been elucidated. The significance of the results both to control strategies for O3 formation and to the representation of photochemical O3 production in computational models is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper summarises some of the main results of a two-year experiment carried out in an Open-Top Chambers facility in Northern Italy. Seedlings of Populus nigra, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior have been subjected to different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered and non-filtered air) and soil moisture regimes (irrigated and non-irrigated plots). Stomatal conductance models were applied and parameterised under South Alpine environmental conditions and stomatal ozone fluxes have been calculated.The flux-based approach provided a better performance than AOT40 in predicting the onset of foliar visible injuries. Critical flux levels, related to visible leaf injury, are proposed for P. nigra and F. sylvatica (ranging between 30 and 33 mmol O3 m−2). Soil water stress delayed visible injury appearance and development by limiting ozone uptake. Data from charcoal-filtered treatments suggest the existence of an hourly flux threshold, below which may occur a complete ozone detoxification.  相似文献   

The reaction of ozone (O3) with α-pinene has been studied as a function of temperature and relative humidity and in the presence of wax surfaces that simulate a leaf surface. The objective was to determine whether the presence of a wax surface, in which α-pinene could dissolve and form a high surface concentration, would lead to enhanced reaction with O3. The reaction of O3 itself with the empty stainless steel reactor and with aluminium and wax surfaces demonstrated an apparent activation energy of around 30 kJ mol?1 for all the surfaces, similar to that observed in long-term field measurements of O3 fluxes to vegetation. However, the absolute reaction rate was 14 times greater for aluminium foil and saturated hydrocarbon wax surfaces than for stainless steel, and a further 5 times greater for beeswax than hydrocarbon wax. There was no systematic dependence on either relative or absolute humidity for these surface reactions over the range studied (20–100% RH). Reaction of O3 with α-pinene occurred at rates close to those predicted for the homogeneous gas-phase reaction, and was similar for both the empty reactor and in the presence of wax surfaces. The hypothesis of enhanced reaction at leaf surfaces caused by enhanced surface concentrations of α-pinene was therefore rejected. Comparison of surface decomposition reactions on different surfaces as reported in the literature with the results obtained here demonstrates that the loss of ozone at the earth's surface by decomposition to molecular oxygen (i.e. without oxidative reaction with a substrate) can account for measured ‘non-stomatal’ deposition velocities of a few mm s?1. In order to quantify such removal, the effective molecular surface area of the vegetation/soil canopy must be known. Such knowledge, combined with the observed temperature-dependence, provides necessary input to global-scale models of O3 removal from the troposphere at the earth's surface.  相似文献   

Designing air quality management strategies is complicated by the difficulty in simultaneously considering large amounts of relevant data, sophisticated air quality models, competing design objectives, and unquantifiable issues. For many problems, mathematical optimization can be used to simplify the design process by identifying cost-effective solutions. Optimization applications for controlling nonlinearly reactive pollutants such as tropospheric ozone, however, have been lacking because of the difficulty in representing nonlinear chemistry in mathematical programming models. We discuss the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) as an alternative optimization approach for developing ozone control strategies. A GA formulation is described and demonstrated for an urban-scale ozone control problem in which controls are considered for thousands of pollutant sources simultaneously. A simple air quality model is integrated into the GA to represent ozone transport and chemistry. Variations of the GA formulation for multiobjective and chance-constrained optimization are also presented. The paper concludes with a discussion of the practically of using more sophisticated, regulatory-scale air quality models with the GA. We anticipate that such an approach will be practical in the near term for supporting regulatory decision-making.  相似文献   

This study describes a quantitative relationship between mean O3 flux density and the length of exposure needed for the occurrence of visual injury to Phaseolus vulgaris L. Similar relationships were found for 14 day old and 6 week old plants using a whole leaf gas exchange cuvette system. Cultivars Seafarer (O3 sensitive) and Gold Crop (O3 resistant) exhibited similar responses at flux densities > 3 mg m−2 h−1 but only Seafarer was injured below this flux density. O3 concentration and length of exposure period alone did not contain sufficient information to describe the onset of visual foliar injury. The use of O3 concentrations in excess of normal ambient conditions compensated for low leaf conductances so that flux densities in the cuvette were similar to those found in the field.  相似文献   

Applications of a parameterised Jarvis-type multiplicative stomatal conductance model with data collated from open-top chamber experiments on field grown wheat and potato were used to derive relationships between relative yield and stomatal ozone uptake. The relationships were based on thirteen experiments from four European countries for wheat and seven experiments from four European countries for potato. The parameterisation of the conductance model was based both on an extensive literature review and primary data. Application of the stomatal conductance models to the open-top chamber experiments resulted in improved linear regressions between relative yield and ozone uptake compared to earlier stomatal conductance models, both for wheat (r2=0.83) and potato (r2=0.76). The improvement was largest for potato. The relationships with the highest correlation were obtained using a stomatal ozone flux threshold. For both wheat and potato the best performing exposure index was AFst6 (accumulated stomatal flux of ozone above a flux rate threshold of 6 nmol ozone m−2 projected sunlit leaf area, based on hourly values of ozone flux). The results demonstrate that flux-based models are now sufficiently well calibrated to be used with confidence to predict the effects of ozone on yield loss of major arable crops across Europe. Further studies, using innovations in stomatal conductance modelling and plant exposure experimentation, are needed if these models are to be further improved.  相似文献   

The aim was to compare the ozone risk for agricultural crops in Switzerland during the hot and dry year 2003 with the more 'normal' situation in 2000. An improved version of the Ozone DEposition Model ODEM was used at a 2 x 2 km resolution. The distribution of the index AOT40 was compared with the accumulated stomatal ozone flux, AF(st). Averaged AOT40 at 2 m and at canopy height was much higher in 2003 than in 2000, but inter-annual differences in AF(st) for wheat and grasslands were small due to the limiting effect of low soil water contents in 2003. AOT40 suggested larger potential yield losses in wheat in 2003, while using AF(st) with a threshold of 6 nmol m(-2) s(-1) (AF(st)6) yielded similar estimates for both years. The data show that modelling of AF(st) can be used to differentiate ozone risks between regions and years at a national scale.  相似文献   

Intra-genus and intra-specific variation and the influence of nitrogen enrichment on net assimilation and stomatal conductance of some annual Trifolium species of Mediterranean dehesa grasslands were assessed under experimental conditions. Also gas exchange rates were compared between some Leguminosae and Poaceae species growing in the field in a dehesa ecosystem in central Spain. The results showed that the previously reported different O3 sensitivity of some Trifolium species growing in pots does not seem to be related to different maximum g(s) values. In addition, no clear differences on gas exchange rates could be attributed to Leguminosae and Poaceae families growing in the field, with intra-genus variation being more important than differences found between families. Further studies are needed to increase the database for developing a flux-based approach for setting O3 critical levels for semi-natural Mediterranean species.  相似文献   

Treatments with ethylenediurea (EDU) protect plants from ozone foliar injury, but the processes underlying this protection are poorly understood. Adult ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior), with or without foliar ozone symptoms in previous years, were treated with EDU at 450ppm by gravitational trunk infusion in May-September 2005 (32.5ppmh AOT40). At 30-day intervals, shoot growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence, and water potential were determined. In September, several biochemical parameters were measured. The protective influence of EDU was supported by enhancement in the number of leaflets. EDU did not contribute its nitrogen to leaf tissue as a fertiliser, as determined from lack of difference in foliar N between treatments. Both biochemical (increase in ascorbate-peroxidase and ascorbic acid, and decrease in apoplastic hydrogen peroxide) and biophysical (decrease in stomatal conductance) processes regulated EDU action. As total ascorbic acid increased only in the asymptomatic trees, its role in alleviating O(3) effects on leaf growth and visible injury is controversial.  相似文献   

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