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张新国 《环境保护》1997,(7):37-38,43
根据我国环保产业和环保市场发展状况,结合信托经济的特点和规律,提出在环保投资,环保融资,环保租赁、环保产业合资合营等方面引入信托机制的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

根据我国环保资本市场建立和环保市场化发展的需求,提出在环保产业中引入信托机制的重要性和必要性,并结合信托市场运营的特点和规律,从理论和实践的结合上,建立了具有可操作性的包括环保投资、融资、租赁、合营、交易、转让在内的六大环保信托模型。旨在建立和完善环保信托市场中发挥指导作用。  相似文献   

根据我国环保资本市场建立和环保市场化发展的需求 ,提出在环保产业中引入信托机制的重要性和必要性 ,并结合信托市场运营的特点和规律 ,从理论和实践的结合上 ,建立了具有可操作性的包括环保投资、融资、租赁、合营、交易、转让在内的六大环保信托模型。旨在建立和完善环保信托市场中发挥指导作用  相似文献   

尽管政府正不断加大环保投资数量,但环保行业的资金缺口仍然巨大,迫切需要新的融资渠道。信托凭借制度优势,近年发展成为热门的投融资方式之一。把作为融资手段的信托引入环保行业,建立绿色信托的理念,并分析其可行性,将是探索环保行业融资模式的一条新路。  相似文献   

环保产业存在政策不完善、结构不合理、市场混乱、技术含量不高、企业规模效益低下等诸多问题。环保产业健康发展应结合市场经济体制改革,制定和完善产业政策,合理布局产业结构,培育和调控环保产业市场,提高环保产业技术水平和企业规模经济效益,以利于健康,协调,持续和稳定发展。  相似文献   

重点阐述了环保产业对于保护环境,促进国民经济可持续发展的重要作用,并结合抚顺市环保产业的现状,提出了具体的发展对策和方向。认为可通过确定抚顺市环保产业发展战略和发展规划、大力培育环保市场,鼓励多种所有制企业进入环保领域,促进技术转化,提高环保业水平,制定优惠政策等途径发展抚顺市的环保产业。  相似文献   

环保产业——上海1世纪新的经济增长点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境与经济协调发展已成为世界性主题,环境保护、绿色浪潮的呼声越来越高,许多国家都在瞄准这一全球性的环保大市场,尽管目前上海的环保产业还比较弱,但应当看到其发展的广阔前景和良好条件,只要方方面面重视环保产业的发展,环保产业必将成为上海21世纪新的增长点,该文从环保产业在经济发展中的作用谈起,展望了环保产业发展的市场前景,并就上海环保产业发展的主要方向作了较详细的阐述。  相似文献   

一、环保产业是一个门类繁多、综合发展的产业 环保产业是机械、电气、化工类产品的一个新兴应用领域,是多种学科和技术的交叉和渗透,其技术先进性往往体现在工艺技术物化到产品上,而不单纯是产品加工的精度和难度,所以环保产业有很强的科技包容性。环保产业涵盖一、二、三产业,隶属于机械、城建、农业、环保、科技等各个部门,包括产品生产、工程建设、技术开发、资源综合利用、  相似文献   

加速我国环保产业的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简述了环保产业是未来世纪产业,介绍了国内外环保产业的现状及我国环保产业存在的问题,对发展我国环保产业提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

本文根据环保产业作用和意义及当前我国环保产业发展情况,针对我区环保产业目前现状,提出了发展我区环保产业的思路。  相似文献   

赵雪雁 《自然资源学报》2013,28(8):1318-1327
社会资本作为改善生态环境的先决条件,已引起了全社会的广泛关注,当前急需辨明社会资本与环境影响之间的关系,并依次寻求解决生态环境问题的对策措施。研究基于甘肃省20个村域的调查数据,以网络、信任、规范为指标测度社会资本,以生态足迹为指标测度环境影响,利用计量经济模型分析了村域层面社会资本与环境影响的关系。结果表明:①社会资本差异有助于解释村域之间的环境影响差异;②社会资本的普遍信任维度、制度信任维度与环境影响呈显著正相关,规范维度与环境影响呈显著负相关,网络维度虽与环境影响呈负相关,但统计上不显著;③劳动力受教育程度、非农就业水平与环境影响呈显著负相关,人口规模虽与环境影响呈正相关,但在多数模型中不显著。最后,指出了社会资本对环境影响作用研究中需进一步关注的问题。  相似文献   

明确征收排污费工作程序中对征收排污费的主体适格,有助于理清环境监理工作人员的法定责任。为协调环境监理与环境监测部门的联动运作秩序,有必要对“行政处罚委托”的合法性和可行性及排污量的核定等问题在法律上加以明确。  相似文献   

本文对环境保护的公信体系建设进行了探索。首先,对环境保护公信体系的概念作出了解释;其次,对环境保护公信体系的建设内容、建设框架做出了思考;最后,在对环境保护公信体系的建设方法方面,结合电子政务系统的优势,探索了建立电子环境保护公信体系平台的可能性。  相似文献   

长江流域南京段河流非使用价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用逻辑回归与相关性分析法,探讨影响公众支付意愿的因素及其影响程度。结果表明,政府信任度、个人经济收入、年龄和环保意识4个变量因子对支付与否具有显著影响;受教育程度和环保意识这两个变量因子对支付意愿的高低具有显著影响。  相似文献   

Science–policy interfaces are avenues for finding solutions for environmental challenges through strengthening collaborations between research disciplines and public administrations. Here we present a methodology for the conduct of science–policy interfaces between scientists and policymakers for addressing day-to-day environmental problems in the southeastern Spanish drylands. A knowledge brokering approach based on six consecutive workshops was used to facilitate mutual understanding and trust between scientists and policymakers. Water policy and biodiversity loss were identified as major environmental concerns in the region, and 12 final environmental problems were agreed as priorities. A graphical tool was used for diagnosing each environmental problem according to the available scientific knowledge, the current regulatory capacity of administrations, and the level of public engagement necessary for addressing the problem. The use of the graphical tool also allowed for (a) the clarification of roles involved in problem solving, and (b) the promotion of a culture of shared responsibility for the implementation of management actions based on collaborative work. We discuss lessons learned and propose recommendations for future experiences.  相似文献   

目前,建设完善的可操作性强且适合重庆的企业环境信用评价体系是健全重庆市市场经济体制、防范经济金融风险的需要,是重庆市社会信用体系建设的重要内容,也是"诚信重庆"建设的重要环节.通过对重庆市企业环境信用评价体系进行分析,指出了评价体系中存在的评价指标不合理、评价周期长、公众参与度不够、评价结果公信力不足等问题,并从建立评价指标与管理成效响应关系、提高评价过程透明度、加大评价结果运用等方面提出了建立完善重庆市企业环境信用评价体系的解决路径.  相似文献   

现行环境影响报告书虽已不堪重负,但环评仅仅作为取得行政手续一纸文书的作用仍然十分明显。环评中还有很多问题受到各方质疑,基层环评人员存在普遍的迷茫。环评对控制项目最终的污染影响到底有多大的作用?环评的数据和结论为什么常常遭到怀疑?公众对环评、企业和政府为什么缺乏信任?本文以基层普通环评人员的视角,概述目前中国环评的情状和疑议,分析以前少有讨论但实际上普遍存在的问题和症结,并试图提出一些改进建议。  相似文献   

水资源管理部门正在面临应对干旱,人口增长和水资源减少,气候变化的预言而仍要保证有足够水供应满足需求的挑战。为了发展有效的家庭需求管理程序,水资源管理者需要了解可能影响家庭水源使用的因素。通过检查和再分析当前的水消费行为模型,我们提出了一个理解家庭水消费的新模型。我们对信任在居民水消费中所发挥的作用进行了讨论,因为如果人们感觉身边的人并没有最小化水的使用那么人们便不会自觉节约用水(人际间的信任)。除此之外,如果人们不信任水资源管理部门,那么人们也不太可能节约用水(对社会公共机构的信任)。本文提出了为完全理解确定居民用水行为所涉及的因素,需要对水消费中信任度的作用进行研究。  相似文献   

Making index insurance attractive to farmers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are several factors that influence whether people will want to participate in index insurance programs. A number of these influence their attractiveness on economic grounds, including both the size and timing of the premium and potential payouts, and the degree of risk aversion of the potential customers. Other factors make programs attractive for reasons that are not economic, but no less valid. These have to do with the trust that people have in the insurance product and the organizations involved in selling and managing it. Indeed, data from India, Africa, and South America show that these factors may be more important than the economic ones in influencing demand. Index insurance pilot projects, in order to estimate demand for alternative products, have typically involved a great deal of interaction with potential customers. It is important to recognize that such interaction is crucial not just as a research tool, but also as a means to build understanding and trust in the products. When scaling up from isolated pilots to operational programs, it is vital to recognize this trust building function by replicating participation efforts in every community. In this paper, we examine the role of field games in establishing and building trust in three important aspects of these projects for participants: trust in the insurance product, trust in the participating organizations, and trust in their own ability to make good decisions. While games have previously been used as a way to gauge interest in the product and to identify design features, we argue that these games are also valuable tools for constructing these kinds of trust.  相似文献   

Motivation plays a powerful role in guiding human decision-making and behaviour, including adaptation to climate change. This study aimed to determine whether community-based governance would increase behavioural support, in the form of donation behaviour, for a climate change adaptation trust fund. A sample of 548 Australians was randomly assigned to view one of two governance scenarios: (1) a community-based scenario in which community members were afforded a high level of autonomy in designing and allocating funding within a trust fund to help their community adapt to climate change, or (2) a government-centred scenario in which decision making regarding the trust fund remained with government officials. Path analysis revealed that the community-based scenario produced significantly higher levels of perceived autonomy support within the study’s participants. High levels of perceived autonomy support predicted higher levels of autonomous motivation (indicating stronger citizenship) and lower levels of amotivation, a motivational pattern, which, in turn, predicted greater willingness to donate to the climate change adaptation trust. Results are interpreted in terms of Self-Determination Theory and Motivational Crowding Theory.  相似文献   

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