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ABSTRACT: The potentially toxic components in coal ash (ash particles, heavy metals) were evaluated in laboratory static, acute (96 hr) bioassays, both separately and in various combinations with extreme pH (5.0 and 8.5), using rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and bluegifi sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Ash particle morphology and metal distribution anlaysis, using electron microscopy and surface-subsurface analysis by ion microscopy, showed that metals could be either clumped or evenly distributed on the surface of fly ash. Surface enrichment on fly ash particles from electrostatic precipitators, as measured by ion microscopy, was found for cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel, lead, mercury, titanium, arsenic, and selenium. Bottom (heavy) ash was not acutely toxic to either fish species at concentrations of up to 1500 mg/l total suspended solids (TSS) at pH 5.0, 7.5, or 8.5. Fly ash particles were not acutely toxic to blue-gill at levels up to 1360 mg/l TSS. Rainbow trout were highly sensitive to fly ash (25 to 60 percent mortality) at concentrations of 4.3 to 20.5 mg/I TSS when dissolved metal availability was high but were not sensitive at higher particulate concentrations (58 to 638 mg/I TSS) when dissolved metals were low. When metals were acid-leached from fly ash prior to testing, no rainbow trout mortality occurred at TSS concentrations of up to 2,350 mg/l TSS. When the percent of dissolved metal was high (e.g., 50–90 percent of the total), fish mortality was increased. Rainbow trout were nearly two orders of magnitude more sensitive than bluegill when subjected to a blend of cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc. The two species were similar in their acute sensitivity to acidic pH at levels at or below 4.0 and alkaline pH of 9.1. If the pH of coal ash effluent is contained within the range 6.0 to 9.0, acute toxicity to fish can be attributed to trace element availability from fly ash but not heavy ash. Control of holding pond and effluent pH and maximizing pond residence time are important strategies for minimizing effects of ash pond discharges on fish.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Geologic, engineering, and biological investigations of six Pennsylvania coldwater streams were undertaken to determine the impact of channel modifications instituted both prior to and following Hurricane Agnes. The primary focus of the study was on the ecological changes brought about by stream channelization. No long-term deleterious effects on water quality, attached algae, benthic fauna, or forage fish populations were found. Trout, however, were found to be greater in numbers and weight in natural than in channelized stream reaches. Lack of suitable physical habitat appears to be the primary cause of reduced trout populations in stream reaches which have been channelized.  相似文献   

We investigate natural inter-annual variability of fish community measures within streams of the Lake Ontario basin. Given this variability, we examined coefficients of variation (CV) among the community measures and three scenarios pertaining to the capacity of biologists to detect changes in the fish community at the stream site level. Results indicate that Ontario's stream fish communities are highly variable in time. Young-of-the-year rainbow trout growth was the least variable whereas biomass density scored the highest CV of 0.50 among streams (range 0.22-0.99). Given the CVs and relatively equal sample sizes, our measures of the fish community can be ranked from least to most powerful: biomass, density, richness, diversity, and growth of young-of-the-year rainbow trout. Only large changes in measures can typically be detected. For instance, it would take 4-6 years of monitoring before and after a pulse perturbation to detect a 50 % change in species richness or diversity. We suggest that monitoring abundance is unlikely to result in the detection of small impacts within a short period of time and that large effects can be masked by low statistical power. This evidence voices the need for more research into better sampling methods, experimental designs, and choice of indicators to support monitoring programs for flowing waters.  相似文献   

Organochlorine compounds are known to be atmospherically transported to long distances from their original sources. To understand the influence of California's Sierra Nevada range on the air transport and subsequent distribution pattern of some of these residues within the range, we have chosen salmonid fish as an indicator species. Fish were collected from 10 locations throughout the northern and central Sierra Nevada and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), toxaphene, chlordane, and DDT [1,1,1-trichloro, 2,2'-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane] residues in muscle tissue were analyzed. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were found in all sampling locations, and therefore analyses mainly focused on this species. When similar-sized rainbow trout samples from several similar oligotrophic, high-altitude lakes and streams were compared, it became apparent that altitude is one of the factors affecting the residual levels of PCB (r(2) = 0.882), but not for total DDT, toxaphene, or chlordane in trout. Analysis of correlations among these four organochlorine compound residue groups indicated that there are modest correlations in patterns of distribution between chlordane vs. toxaphene (r(2) = 0.345), and chlordane vs. total DDT (r(2) = 0.239), but toxaphene residues are not correlated with PCB or total DDT. In view of significant correlation to the altitude it is concluded that PCB residue in rainbow trout is a good monitoring tool for studying the effect of high-altitude mountain ranges on the long-range transport and distribution of those persistent pollutants.  相似文献   

Pit lakes are a common reclamation strategy for open pit mines; however, there is a concern about their water quality and suitability as fish habitat because they are often contaminated by metals or metalloids. This study assessed the exposure of fish and invertebrates to selenium (Se) and other metals and metalloids in pit lakes formed by open pit coal mining in Tertiary (thermal coal) and in Cretaceous (metallurgical coal) bedrock. Juvenile hatchery rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, were stocked into two thermal coal pit lakes (water Se < 2 μg/L, low water Se) and two metallurgical coal pit lakes (water Se > 15 μg/L, high water Se). Se accumulation in stocked fish and concentrations in invertebrates were characterized over a period of 2 years. In the metallurgical pits, invertebrates had higher Se concentrations and fish accumulated Se to higher levels (exceeding USEPA tissue Se guidelines) than biota in the thermal pits. Rainbow and brook trout accumulated similar concentrations of Se in their muscle and exhibited a similar relationship between whole-body and muscle Se concentrations. These results may be used by resource managers to assess compliance with whole-body tissue Se guidelines and to determine if pit lakes in coal mining areas pose a significant Se risk to wildlife or human health. The high Se exposure in metallurgical coal pits indicates that under the current mining and reclamation strategy, these lakes are not suitable for management as recreational “put and take” fisheries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A survey of 61 headwater streams and their watersheds on Pennsylvania's Laurel Hill, an area of high hydrogen ion and sulfate deposition, was conducted in May and June 1983. Trout were absent from 12 or 20 percent of the streams. No fish were present in 10 streams. Thirty-three streams appeared to contain viable trout populations, 10 streams had other interferring cultural impacts and 6 streams had nonviable trout populations. Significant differences in water quality were noted among streams with and without fish. The streams having no fish as a group had significantly lower pH and alkalinity and higher dissolved aluminum than those with fish. Attempts were made to correlate soil type and geology with the presence or absence of trout. Watersheds with a major percentage of very stony land soil classifications always contained no trout or were culturally impacted. On the other hand, watersheds with a major percentage of Upshur (limestone derived) soils always supported trout. Watersheds with more than 30 percent Pocono Group bedrock supported trout in every case but two, while in every case but one, watersheds with more than 30 percent Pottsville Group bedrock did not support trout. Acid runoff episode data indicate severe transient acidification attributable to atmospheric deposition. It appears that a combination of very stony land, 30 percent Pottsville Group bedrock and high deposition of hydrogen ions and sulfate may result in transient acidification and absence of fish populations from headwater streams on Pennsylvania's Laurel Hill.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Regression models to predict baseflow alkalinity from basin hydrogeology were developed and verified for headwater streams on the Laurel Hill anticline in southwestern Pennsylvania. Predicted baseflow alkalinities were then used to estimate sensitivity to acidification and presence of trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations for 61 headwater streams. Sensitivity classifications were verified by surveying trout populations. Geologic variables relating to the carbonate rock burial depth, extent of carbonate rock recharge areas, and length of stream channel flowing through effluent carbonate rock outcrops were much more useful in predicting baseflow alkalinity than areal extent of carbonate rocks. Baseflow alkalinity was not well related to status of trout populations on these anticlinal basins, especially on noneffluent basins where bedrock dip exceeded surface slope.  相似文献   

The effect of past distributions of animal populations now extinct in an area from unknown causes is considered relative to their status as exotic or native in national parks. The example is the bison (Bisonbison) on the Copper and Chitina river drainages in Alaska in the USA which was introduced prior to establishment of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. The fossil record suggests that bison were present as recently as 500 years ago in Alaska. The policy of the US National Park Service to maintain natural ecosystems and restrict or eliminate exotic species raises the issue of whether this species should be treated as exotic or native.  相似文献   

We evaluated the cumulative effects of land use disturbance resulting from forest harvesting, and exploration and extraction of oil and gas resources on the occurrence and structure of stream fish assemblages in the Kakwa and Simonette watersheds in Alberta, Canada. Logistic regression models showed that the occurrence of numerically dominant species in both watersheds was related to two metrics defining industrial activity (i.e., percent disturbance and road density), in addition to stream wetted width, elevation, reach slope, and percent fines. Occurrences of bull trout, slimy sculpin, and white sucker were negatively related to percent disturbance and that of Arctic grayling, and mountain whitefish were positively related to percent disturbance and road density. Assessments of individual sites showed that 76% of the 74 and 46 test sites in the Kakwa and Simonette watersheds were possibly impaired or impaired. Impaired sites in the Kakwa Watershed supported lower densities of bull trout, mountain whitefish, and rainbow trout, but higher densities of Arctic grayling compared to appropriate reference sites. Impaired sites in the Simonette Watershed supported lower densities of bull trout, but higher densities of lake chub compared to reference sites. Our data suggest that current levels of land use disturbance alters the occurrence and structure of stream fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Flushing flows are re1eses from dams designed to remove fine sediment from downstream spawning habitat. We evaluated flushing flows on reaches proposed for hydroelectric diversions on seven streams in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, with wild populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta). The stream reaches are steep (average map slopes range from 7 to 17 percent), are dominated by boulder cascades, and afford few opportunities for gravel deposition. Methods for estimating flushing flows from flow records, developed from studies in other localities, produced widely differing results when applied to the study streams, probably reflecting differences in the hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics of the streams on which the methods were developed. Tracer gravel experiments demonstrated that all sampled gravels were washed out by the flows of 1986, a wet year. Size analyses of gravel samples and hydraulic data from field surveys were used in tractive-force calculations in an attempt to specify the flow required to flush the gravels. However, these calculations produced some unrealistic results because the flows were nonuniform in the study reaches. This suggests that the tractive-force approach may not be generally applicable to small, steep streams where nonuniform flow conditions prevail.  相似文献   

Abstract: Airborne thermal remote sensing from four flights on a single day from a single‐engine airplane was used to collect thermal infrared data of a 10.47‐km reach of the upper East Branch Pecatonica River in southwest Wisconsin. The study uses a one‐dimensional stream temperature model calibrated with the longitudinal profiles of stream temperature created from the four thermal imaging flights and validated with three days of continuous stream temperature data from instream data loggers on the days surrounding the thermal remote‐sensing campaign. Model simulations were used to quantify the sensitivity of stream thermal habitat to increases in air and groundwater temperature and changes in base flow. The simulations indicate that stream temperatures may reach critical maximum thresholds for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) mortality, particularly if both air temperature increases and base flow declines. The approach demonstrates that thermal infrared data can greatly assist stream temperature model validation due to its high spatial resolution, and that this spatially continuous stream temperature data can be used to pinpoint spatial heterogeneity in groundwater inflow to streams. With this spatially distributed data on thermal heterogeneity and base‐flow accretion, stream temperature models considering various climate change scenarios are able to identify thermal refugia that will be critical for fisheries management under a changing climate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We evaluated the effectiveness of watershed‐scale implementations of best‐management practices (BMPs) for improving habitat and fish attributes in two coldwater stream systems in Wisconsin. We sampled physical habitat, water temperature, and fish communities in multiple paired treatment and reference streams before and after upland (barnyard runoff controls, manure storage, contour plowing, reduced tillage) and riparian (stream bank fencing, sloping, limited rip‐rapping) BMP installation in the treatment subwatersheds. In Spring Creek, BMPs significantly improved overall stream habitat quality, bank stability, instream cover for fish, abundance of cool‐ and coldwater fishes, and abundance of all fishes. Improvements were most pronounced at sites with riparian BMPs. Water temperatures were consistently cold enough to support coldwater fishes such as trout (Salmonidae) and sculpins (Cottidae) even before BMP installation. We observed the first‐time occurrence of naturally reproduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Spring Creek, indicating that the stream condition had been improved to be able to partially sustain a trout population. In Eagle Creek and its tributary Joos Creek, limited riparian BMPs led to localized gains in overall habitat quality, bank stability, and water depth. However, because few upland BMPs were installed in the subwatershed there were no improvements in water temperature or the quality of the fish community. Temperatures remained marginal for coldwater fish throughout the study. Our results demonstrate that riparian BMPs can improve habitat conditions in Wisconsin streams, but cannot restore coldwater fish communities if there is insufficient upland BMP implementation. Our approach of studying multiple paired treatment and reference streams before and after BMP implementation proved effective in detecting the response of stream ecosystems to watershed management activities.  相似文献   

This study explores the feasibility and utility of integrating environmental DNA (eDNA) assessments of species occurrences into the United States (U.S.) Geological Survey’s national streamgage network. We used an existing network of five gages in southwest Idaho to explore the type of information that could be gained as well as the associated costs and limitations. Hydrologic technicians were trained in eDNA sampling protocols and they collected samples during routine monthly visits to streamgages over an entire water year (2016). We analyzed the eDNA in the filtered water samples to determine the presence of two fish species: bull trout and rainbow trout. We then modeled the spatiotemporal distribution of each species using discharge and temperature data. To assess the influence of the spatial distribution of the gages on the biological information obtained, we also collected eDNA samples from locations between the gages three times during the water year. We found eDNA monitoring at the five gages provided meaningful information about the distribution of both species, especially when detection probabilities accounted for variations in temperature and discharge. Sampling between the gages provided additional information about bull trout distribution — the rarer of the two species. Our study suggests the integration of eDNA sampling into a streamgage network is feasible and could provide a novel and powerful source of biological information for riverine ecosystems in the U.S.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The fish communities in three sewage receiving Illinois streams were monitored by electrofishing as treatment changed from secondary with chlorination to secondary without chlorination to tertiary without chlorination over a 40-month period. Degradation of the fish communities was severe during the secondary treatment/chlorination period. When treatment was changed to secondary without chlorination, strong improvements occurred in the fish communities of all streams, and degradation could no longer be demonstrated on the basis of species number. The onset of tertiary treatment resulted in few additional changes in the fish communities, with the possible exception of increased abundance of several species of minnows. Tertiary treatment consisted of nitrification, sand filtration, and, in two streams, phosphorus removal.  相似文献   

Stream fish bioassessment methods assume that fish assemblages observed in sample sites reflect responses to local stressors, but fish assemblages are influenced by local factors as well as regional dispersal to and from connected streams. We hypothesized that fish movement to and from refugia and source populations in connected rivers (i.e., riverine dispersal) would weaken or decouple relations between fish community metrics and local environmental conditions. We compared fish-environment relations between streams that flow into large rivers (mainstem tributaries) and streams that lack riverine confluences (headwater tributaries) at multiple spatial grains using data from the USEPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program in the mid-Atlantic highlands, USA (n = 157 sites). Headwater and mainstem tributaries were not different in local environmental conditions, but showed important differences in fish metric responses to environmental quality gradients. Stream sites flowing into mainstem channels within 10 fluvial km showed consistently weaker relations to local environmental conditions than stream sites that lacked such mainstem connections. Moreover, these patterns diminished at longer distances from riverine confluences, consistent with the hypothesis of riverine dispersal. Our results suggest that (1) the precision of fish bioassessment metrics may be improved by calibrating scoring criteria based on the spatial position of sites within stream networks and (2) the spatial grain of fish bioassessment studies may be manipulated to suit objectives by including or excluding fishes exhibiting riverine dispersal.  相似文献   

As part of a comparative watershed project investigating land-cover/land-use disturbance gradients for streams in the western Lake Superior Basin, we examined general relationships between landscape character and fish assemblage structure and function. We also examined the shape of those relationships to identify discontinuity thresholds where small changes in landscape character were associated with marked shifts in the fish assemblages. After completing a geographic analysis of second- and third-order watersheds in the western Lake Superior drainage, we randomly selected 48 streams along mature forest and watershed storage gradients in 2 hydrogeomorphic regions as our study sites. During the summers of 1997 and 1998, we used electrofishing to sample fish assemblages from each stream. Each of the landscape factors was significantly associated with fish assemblage structure and function based on analysis of covariance. Watershed storage was related to the greatest number of fish assemblage characteristics, but hydrogeopmorphic region and mature forest cover were strongly associated as well. The hydrogeomorphic region also mediated relationships between watershed character and fish assemblages. Discontinuity thresholds for our fish assemblages averaged 11% for watershed storage and 50% for watershed mature forest cover based on piecewise regression analysis. Although many of the landscape–fish relationships might have been manifest through effects on in-stream habitat, our results highlight the importance of management and land-use planning decisions at the watershed and landscape scales.Published online  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The decline of many fish populations within the mid-Appalachian region has been attributed to stream acidification as a result of acid precipitation. Many previous attempts to examine relationships between fish occurrence and acidification have been hindered by a lack of data on water quality and fish distributions. To assess relationships between water quality and bedrock type in the upper Cheat River drainage, we used EPA STORET water quality data (1969–1993) and calculated mean pH and mean alkalinity of streams associated with four bedrock types (Hampshire, Chemung, Mauch Chunk, and Pottsville). We examined the relationship between fish occurrence and bedrock type for 53 headwater streams. We found that acidity in headwater streams associated with Pottsville and Mauch Chunk groups often exceeded biological thresholds for acid-sensitive fish species (pH < 5.5). Streams associated with the Pottsville group typically had fewer cyprinid species and fewer total species than those associated with Mauch Chunk, Chemung, and Hampshire bedrock types. The congruent occurrence of streams with low buffering capacity, streams with pH > 5.5, and streams with low fish species richness indicate that acidification has influenced fish distributions in the upper Cheat River drainage.  相似文献   

With economic development in China, human-induced pressures on aquatic environments have grown and created an urgent need for tools measuring the ecological condition of aquatic systems. However, biological indicators for wadeable streams in China were poorly developed. This study developed and validated a multi-metric index of fish assemblages for wadeable streams of southern China to meet the requirement of the water project which has been carried on in China in recent years. Fifty-seven stream sites were sampled in April–May and November–December 2010 to develop an index of biotic integrity. A set of 45 candidate metrics were evaluated for range, responsiveness and redundancy, resulting in the selection of six metrics for the index: number of native species, number of rheophilic species, proportion of benthic riffle individuals, number of lithophilic species, number of omnivore species, and number of fish per hour sampling. The publicly available census data were used as independent data set to validate our method. Twenty-three sites were assessed as subject to significant (SP) or non-significant pressures (NSP) based on anthropogenic pressure evaluation. Our index performed well in discriminating NSP and SP sites, which suggested that our method could provide an accurate measure for wadeable streams ecosystem condition. We believe this integrated approach would meet the requirements for the water projects of China, and the process of developing the method could be used as reference for managing the subtropical streams in other areas of China or other states.  相似文献   

分析了国内外虹鳟鱼的发展状况,以及云南虹鳟鱼的产业化前景,提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

Modifications to stream hydrologic regimes can have a profound influence on the dynamics of their fish populations. Using hierarchical linear models, we examined the relations between flow regime and young-of-year fish density using fish sampling and discharge data from three different warmwater streams in Illinois, Alabama, and Georgia. We used an information theoretic approach to evaluate the relative support for models describing hypothesized influences of five flow regime components representing: short-term high and low flows; short-term flow stability; and long-term mean flows and flow stability on fish reproductive success during fish spawning and rearing periods. We also evaluated the influence of ten fish species traits on fish reproductive success. Species traits included spawning duration, reproductive strategy, egg incubation rate, swimming locomotion morphology, general habitat preference, and food habits. Model selection results indicated that young-of-year fish density was positively related to short-term high flows during the spawning period and negatively related to flow variability during the rearing period. However, the effect of the flow regime components varied substantially among species, but was related to species traits. The effect of short-term high flows on the reproductive success was lower for species that broadcast their eggs during spawning. Species with cruiser swimming locomotion morphologies (e.g., Micropterus) also were more vulnerable to variable flows during the rearing period. Our models provide insight into the conditions and timing of flows that influence the reproductive success of warmwater stream fishes and may guide decisions related to stream regulation and management.  相似文献   

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