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农用地重金属污染植物提取修复技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农用地重金属污染具有污染范围广、风险筛选值和风险管制值相对较低等特点,使常规土壤修复技术如客土法、化学淋洗法、固化稳定化等的应用受到限制,植物提取技术是修复农用地重金属污染的有效手段。介绍了富集植物种类、超富集植物的评判依据、富集植物对重金属提取机制,重点分析了植物提取技术在农用地修复应用中的效果、影响因素、存在的问题及强化措施,最后对植物提取技术修复重金属污染农用地的未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The efficiency of poplar (Populus nigra L.xPopulus maximowiczii Henry.) was assessed during a two-year chemically enhanced phytoextraction of metals from contaminated soils. The tested metal mobilizing agents were EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and NH4Cl. EDTA was more efficient than chlorides in solubilizing metals (especially Pb) from the soil matrix. The application of chlorides only increased the solubility of Cd and Zn. However, the increased uptake of metals after the application of higher concentrations of mobilizing agents was associated with low biomass yields of the poplar plants and the extraction efficiencies after the two vegetation periods were thus comparable to the untreated plants. Additionally, the application of mobilizing agents led to phytotoxicity effects and increased mobility of metals. Higher phytoextraction efficiencies were observed for Cd and Zn compared to Pb and Cu. Poplars are therefore not suitable for chemically enhanced phytoextraction of metals from severely contaminated agricultural soils.  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤中提高植物提取修复功效的探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
随着对重金属超积累植物研究的加深 ,用植物提取修复技术来改良重金属污染的土壤已逐步进入实用阶段。本文所探讨的提高此技术功效的方法基于两个方面 :提高土壤溶液中重金属的浓度 ,促进植物对重金属的吸收 ;根据已了解的超积累的生理机制可能采取的一些措施  相似文献   

Incubation and pot experiments using poplar (Populus nigra L. cv. Wolterson) were performed in order to evaluate the questionable efficiency of EDDS-enhanced phytoextraction of Cu from contaminated soils. Despite the promising conditions of the experiment (low contamination of soils with a single metal with a high affinity for EDDS, metal tolerant poplar species capable of producing high biomass yields, root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi), the phytoextraction efficiency was not sufficient. The EDDS concentrations used in this study (3 and 6 mmol kg−1) enhanced the mobility (up to a 100-fold increase) and plant uptake of Cu (up to a 65-fold increase). However, despite EDDS degradation and the competition of Fe and Al for the chelant, Cu leaching cannot be omitted during the process. Due to the low efficiency, further research should be focused on other environment-friendly methods of soil remediation.  相似文献   

Many sites in the industrial region of Kattedan near Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (AP), India are contaminated with high concentrations of lead. The use of plants to remove toxic metals from soils (phytoremediation) is emerging as a potential strategy for cost-effective and environmentally sound remediation of contaminated soils. We studied remediation of soils contaminated with lead using a lead hyperaccumulating plant, Hemidesmus indicus. The ability of this plant to accumulate lead in shoots and roots was studied with pot experiments. The results showed that accumulation was maximum in roots for the first 1-3 weeks and later for a contact period of three months, the accumulation rate was maximum in shoots. In addition we used various chelating agents such as EDTA, HEDTA, DTPA and CDTA to determine the best chemical modifier for efficient lead removal from contaminated soils. The effect on lead accumulation of plant in the presence of various metal co-ions was also studied. An attempt was made for the decontamination of lead from five different "Real-life" soils of Kattedan using H. indicus.  相似文献   

Leaching of heavy metals from contaminated soils using EDTA   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) extraction of Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb from four contaminated soils was studied using batch and column leaching experiments. In the batch experiment, the heavy metals extracted were virtually all as 1:1 metal-EDTA complexes. The ratios of Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb of the extracted were similar to those in the soils, suggesting that EDTA extracted the four heavy metals with similar efficiency. In contrast, different elution patterns were obtained for Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb in the column leaching experiment using 0.01 M EDTA. Cu was either the most mobile or among the most mobile of the four heavy metals, and its peak concentration corresponded with the arrival of full strength EDTA in the leachate. The mobility of Zn and Cd was usually slightly lower than that of Cu. Pb was the least mobile, and its elution increased after the peaks of Cu and Zn. Sequential fractionations of leached and un-leached soils showed that heavy metals in various operationally defined fractions contributed to the removal by EDTA. Considerable mobilisation of Fe occurred in two of the four soils during EDTA leaching. Decreases in the Fe and Mn oxide fraction of heavy metals after EDTA leaching occurred in both soils, as well as in a third soil that showed little Fe mobilisation. The results suggest that the lability of metals in soil, the kinetics of metal desorption/dissolution and the mode of EDTA addition were the main factors controlling the behaviour of metal leaching with EDTA.  相似文献   

Remediation of heavy metals contaminated soils by ball milling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Montinaro S  Concas A  Pisu M  Cao G 《Chemosphere》2007,67(4):631-639
In the present work, the use of ball milling reactors for the remediation of lead contaminated soils was investigated. Lead immobilization was achieved without the use of additional reactants but only through the exploitation of weak transformations induced on the treated soil by mechanical loads taking place during collisions among milling media. The degree of metal immobilization was evaluated by analyzing the leachable fraction of Pb(II) obtained through the "synthetic precipitation leaching procedure". The reduction of leachable Pb(II) from certain synthetic soils, i.e., bentonitic, sandy and kaolinitc ones, was obtained under specific milling regimes. For example, for the case of bentonitic soils characterized by a Pb(II) concentration in the solid phase equal to 954.4 mg kg(-1), leachable Pb(II) was reduced, after 7 h of mechanical treatment, from 1.3 mg l(-1) to a concentration lower than the USEPA regulatory threshold (i.e., 0.015 mg l(-1) for drinkable water). Similar results were obtained for sandy and kaolinitic soils. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, electron dispersive spectroscopy and granulometric analyses revealed no significant alterations of the intrinsic character of sandy and bentonitic soils after milling except for a relatively small increase of particles size and a partial amorphization of the treated soil. On the other hand, the mechanical treatment caused the total amorphization of kaolinitic soil. The increase of immobilization efficiency can be probably ascribed to specific phenomena induced by mechanical treatment such as entrapment of Pb(II) into aggregates due to aggregation, solid diffusion of Pb(II) into crystalline reticulum of soil particles as well as the formation of new fresh surfaces (through particle breakage) onto which Pb(II) may be irreversibly adsorbed.  相似文献   

Sorption of phenanthrene by soils contaminated with heavy metals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Gao Y  Xiong W  Ling W  Xu J 《Chemosphere》2006,65(8):1355-1361
The fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils with co-contaminants of heavy metals has yet to be elucidated. This study examined sorption of phenanthrene as a representative of PAHs by three soils contaminated with Pb, Zn or Cu. Phenanthrene sorption was clearly higher after the addition of heavy metals. The distribution coefficient (K(d)) and the organic carbon-normalized distribution coefficient (K(oc)) for phenanthrene sorption by soils spiked with Pb, Zn or Cu (0-1000 mg kg(-1)) were approximately 24% larger than those by unspiked ones, and the higher contents of heavy metals added into soils resulted in the larger K(d) and K(oc) values. The enhanced sorption of phenanthrene in the case of heavy metal-contaminated soils could be ascribed to the decreased dissolved organic matter (DOM) in solution and increased soil organic matter (SOM) as a consequence of DOM sorption onto soil solids. Concentrations of DOM in equilibrium solution for phenanthrene sorption were lower in the case of the heavy metal-spiked than unspiked soils. However, the decreased DOM in solution contributed little to the enhanced sorption of phenanthrene in the presence of metals. On the other hand, the sorbed DOM on soil solids after the addition of heavy metals in soils was found to be much more reactive and have far stronger capacity of phenanthrene uptake than the inherent SOM. The distribution coefficients of phenanthrene between water and the sorbed DOM on soil solids (K(ph/soc)) were about 2-3 magnitude larger than K(d) between water and inherent SOM, which may be the dominant mechanism of the enhanced sorption of phenanthrene by soils with the addition of heavy metals.  相似文献   

重金属-多氯联苯复合污染土壤同步洗脱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子垃圾拆解区土壤具有重金属与有机物复合污染的特性,尤其以Cu、Pb、Cd和多氯联苯(PCBs)的复合污染较为突出。为了同步脱除土壤中重金属与PCBs,选用增溶物质:Tween 80、TX-100、SDBS、β-环糊精与螯合剂柠檬酸依次组合进行复合污染土壤淋洗实验,应用批量平衡震荡法研究它们对重金属(Cu、Pb、Cd)与PCBs(Aroclor 1254)的洗脱效果。通过比较洗脱效果、环境友好性等方面,得出非离子表面活性剂Tween 80与天然螯合剂柠檬酸2种淋洗剂复合最佳;进一步研究两者的淋洗先后顺序、浓度配比、洗脱时间及淋洗剂pH对污染土壤洗脱效果的影响,结果表明,在Tween 80和柠檬酸均为10 g/L、pH=6、淋洗时间12 h时淋洗效果达到最佳,对Cu、Pb、Cd及PCBs的洗脱率分别达到98.77%、55.92%、66.82%和58.01%。因此,利用Tween80和柠檬酸组合可同时有效去除土壤重金属和PCBs,是复合污染土壤淋洗修复的有效淋洗剂。  相似文献   

Clemente R  Bernal MP 《Chemosphere》2006,64(8):1264-1273
The effects of humic acids (HAs) extracted from two different organic materials on the distribution of heavy metals and on organic-C mineralisation in two contaminated soils were studied in incubation experiments. Humic acids isolated from a mature compost (HAC) and a commercial Spaghnum peat (HAP) were added to an acid soil (pH 3.4; 966 mg kg(-1) Zn and 9,229 mg kg(-1) Pb as main contaminants) and to a calcareous soil (pH 7.7; 2,602 mg kg(-1) Zn and 1,572 mg kg(-1) Pb as main contaminants) at a rate of 1.1g organic-C added per 100g soil. The mineralisation of organic-C was determined by the CO(2) released during the experiment. After 2, 8 and 28 weeks of incubation the heavy metals of the soils were fractionated by a sequential extraction procedure. After 28 weeks of incubation, the mineralisation of the organic-C added was rather low in the soils studied (<8% of TOC in the acid soil; <10% of TOC in the calcareous soil). Both humic acids caused significant Zn and Pb immobilisation (increased proportion of the residual fraction, extractable only with aqua regia) in the acid soil, while Cu and Fe were slightly mobilised (increased concentrations extractable with 0.1M CaCl(2) and/or 0.5M NaOH). In the calcareous soil there were lesser effects, and at the end of the experiment only the fraction mainly related to carbonates (EDTA-extractable) was significantly increased for Zn and decreased for Fe in the humic acids treated samples. However, HA-metal interactions provoked the flocculation of these substances, as suggested by the association of the humic acids with the sand fraction of the soil. These results indicate that humic acid-rich materials can be useful amendments for soil remediation involving stabilisation, although a concomitant slight mobilisation of Zn, Pb and Cu can be provoked in acid soils.  相似文献   

The term "assisted phytoextraction" usually refers to the process of applying a chemical additive to contaminated soil in order to increase the metal uptake by crop plants. In this study three commercially available plant growth regulators (PGRs) based on cytokinins (CKs) were used to boost the assisted phytoextraction of Pb and Zn in contaminated soil collected from a former manufactured gas-plant site. The effects of EDTA treatment in soil and PGR treatment in leaves of Helianthus annuus were investigated in terms of dry weight biomass, Pb and Zn accumulation in the upper parts of the plants, Pb and Zn phytoextraction efficiency and transpiration rate. Metal solubility in soil and its subsequent accumulation in shoots were markedly enhanced by EDTA. The combined effects of EDTA and cytokine resulted in an increase in the Pb and Zn phytoextraction efficiency (up to 890% and 330%, respectively, compared to untreated plants) and up to a 50% increase in foliar transpiration. Our results indicate that exogenous PGRs based on CKs can positively assist the phytoextraction increasing the biomass production, the metal accumulation in shoots and the plant transpiration. The observed increase in biomass could be related to its action in stimulation of cell division and shoot initiation. On the other hand, the increase in metal accumulation in upper parts of plant could be related to both the role of PGRs in the enhancement of plant resistance to stress (as toxic metals) and the increase in transpiration rate, i.e. flux of water-soluble soil components and contaminants by the regulation of stomatal opening.  相似文献   

Low-grade MgO used to stabilize heavy metals in highly contaminated soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Low-grade MgO may be an economically feasible alternative in the stabilization of heavy metals from heavily contaminated soils. The use of MgO is described acting as a buffering agent within the pH 9-11 range, minimizing heavy metals solubility and avoiding the redissolution that occurs when lime is used. The effectiveness of LG-MgO has been studied as stabilizer agent of heavily polluted soils mainly contaminated by the flue-dust of the pyrite roasting. The use of LG-MgO as a reactive medium ensures that significant rates of metal fixation, greater than 80%, are achieved. The heavy metals leachate from the stabilized soil samples show a concentration lower than the limit set to classify the waste as non-special residue. Regardless of the quantity of stabilizer employed (greater than 10%), LG-MgO provides an alkali reservoir that allows guaranteeing long-term stabilization without varying the pH conditions.  相似文献   

EDTA及其回收溶液治理重金属污染土壤的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验结果表明,EDTA能够有效地萃取土壤重金属,由于其价格较贵和不易被降解等特点,限制了它的广泛运用.在运用MINTEQA2模型对萃取液中重金属离子形态分析的基础上,选用Na2S沉淀法将重金属从EDTA萃取液中有效分离.同时将回收的EDTA连续进行萃取土壤重金属,由于回收EDTA浓度下降的原因,其效果比新鲜EDTA的要稍微差一点,但从经济和效率上来说,仍旧可以用来治理重金属污染的土壤.  相似文献   

柠檬酸浸出土壤中铜、锌的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某工业废弃地土壤为供试材料,采用批次实验方法,研究了柠檬酸对重金属Cu、Zn的浸出效果。并在单因素实验基础上,探讨不同pH值、柠檬酸浓度、固液比和浸提时间等对浸出效果的影响,进而对实验条件进行正交优化组合,确定优化工艺参数为:pH值为3.2,柠檬酸浓度为0.4 mol/L,壤土固液比为1/10,土壤中Cu、Zn接近平衡的时间分别为1 h和1.5 h。结果表明,在此条件下,对这2种金属来说,Cu较Zn易释放,Cu、Zn的最大浸出率分别为74.8%和65.3%。柠檬酸浸提前后,土壤中有机质含量下降范围为0.61%~3.16%。单从土壤有机质含量来看,柠檬酸对土壤质量影响较小,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

A Cd and Zn contaminated soil was mixed and equilibrated with an uncontaminated, but otherwise similar soil to establish a gradient in soil contamination levels. Growth of Thlaspi caerulescens (Ganges ecotype) significantly decreased the metal concentrations in soil solution. Plant uptake of Cd and Zn exceeded the decrease of the soluble metal concentrations by several orders of magnitude. Hence, desorption of metals must have occurred to maintain the soil solution concentrations. A coupled regression model was developed to describe the transfer of metals from soil to solution and plant shoots. This model was applied to estimate the phytoextraction duration required to decrease the soil Cd concentration from 10 to 0.5 mg kg−1. A biomass production of 1 and 5 t dm ha−1 yr−1 yields a duration of 42 and 11 yr, respectively. Successful phytoextraction operations based on T. caerulescens require an increased biomass production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of heavy metals on microbial decomposition of cellulose in heavy metal-contaminated soils using a cotton strip assay. The assay is a measure of the potential of soil microorganisms to decompose the plant polymer, cellulose. Cellulolytic activity in soil was assessed by determining the reduction in tensile strength of the buried cotton strips over a 25- and 45-day period. Soils were obtained from a rifle range that contain high levels of lead, copper and zinc. The site has been used for approximately 50 years, resulting in metal levels of up to 30,000 mg/kg of lead, 4000 mg/kg of copper and 600 mg/kg of zinc in the most contaminated soils. All the metal-contaminated soils had lower degradation rates than the uncontaminated soils tested. Among the contaminated soils, however, the heavy metal concentration was not the major factor in determining the loss in tensile strength of the cotton strips, where cellulose decomposition was governed by other soil physicochemical properties. Soil with a higher cation exchange capacity, readily oxidisable material and volatile solids content had the greatest loss in tensile strength of cotton strips. Microbial adaptation to the presence of high concentrations of soil heavy metals and reduced bioavailability of metals is the likely explanation for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

利用超声强化茶皂素修复土壤重金属,研究了淋洗剂浓度、淋洗方式及淋洗时间对土壤中重金属Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的修复效果及修复前后土壤重金属的形态变化。结果表明:茶皂素对土壤Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的解吸率随着茶皂素浓度升高而增大,最大解吸率分别为48.60%、35.10%、28.10% 和45.60%。单独采用超声导致低解吸率,而超声辅助振荡能增加重金属的解吸率(26.3%~61.6%)并缩短达到平衡状态的时间。双常数方程和Elovich方程均能较好描述3种淋洗方式下重金属的解吸动力学过程,重金属的解吸过程是非均相扩散。超声辅助作用下可以活化土壤中的重金属,并通过振荡减少重金属的酸提取态和可还原态,从而减少重金属可迁移性和生物可利用性。  相似文献   

Soil washing is a treatment process that can be used to remediate both organic and inorganic pollutants from contaminated soils, sludges, and sediments. A soil washing procedure was evaluated utilizing about 100 g samples of soil that had been field-contaminated with arsenic, chromium, copper, pentachlorophenol (PCP), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). The highest level of mobilization/detoxification was achieved in three soil washes with a mixture of 0.1M [S,S]-ethyelnediaminedisuccinate ([S,S]-EDDS) and 2% Brij 98 at pH 9 with 20 min of ultrasonication treatment at room temperature. This combination mobilized 70% of arsenic, 75% of chromium, 80% of copper, 90% of PCP, and 79% of PCDDs and PCDFs, so that the decontaminated soil met the maximum acceptable concentrations of the generic C-level criteria regulated by the Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs for the Province of Québec, Canada.The organic pollutants were back-extracted from the aqueous suspension with hexane. Heavy metals were virtually completely precipitated from the aqueous washing suspension with Mg0 particles at room temperature. The PCP was detoxified by catalytic hydrodechlorination with a stream of 5% (v/v) H2-supercritical CO2 that transported the organosoluble fraction through a reaction chamber containing 2% Pd/γ-Al2O3.In toto, this soil washing procedure demonstrates that persistent organic pollutants and selected heavy metals can be co-extracted efficiently from a field-contaminated soil with three successive washes with the same soil washing solution containing [S,S]-EDDS and a non-ionic surfactant (Brij 98) in admixture. An industrial-scale ex situ soil washing procedure with a combination of a non-ionic surfactant and a complexing reagent seems to be a plausible remediation technique for this former wooden utility pole storage facility.  相似文献   

Remediation of soil pollution is one of the many current environmental challenges. Anthropogenic activity has resulted in the contamination of extended areas of land, the remediation of which is both invasive and expensive by conventional means. Phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils has the prospect of being a more economic in situ alternative. In addition, phytoextraction targets ecotoxicologically the most relevant soil fraction of these metals, i.e. the bioavailable fraction. Greenhouse experiments were carried out to evaluate the potential of four high biomass crop species in their potential for phytoextraction of heavy metals, with or without with the use of soil amendments (EDTA or EDDS). A calcareous dredged sediment derived surface soil, with high organic matter and clay content and moderate levels of heavy metal pollution, was used in the experiments. No growth depression was observed in EDTA or EDDS treated pots in comparison to untreated controls. Metal accumulation was considered to be low for phytoextraction purposes, despite the use of chelating agents. The low observed shoot concentrations of heavy metals were attributed to the low phytoavailability of heavy metals in this particular soil substrate. The mobilising effects induced by EDTA in the soil were found to be too long-lived for application as a soil amendment in phytoextraction. Although EDDS was found to be more biodegradable, higher effect half lives were observed than reported in literature or observed in previous experiments. These findings caution against the use of any amendment, biodegradable or otherwise, without proper investigation of its effects and the longevity thereof.  相似文献   

Luo C  Shen Z  Li X  Baker AJ 《Chemosphere》2006,63(10):1773-1784
Chemically enhanced phytoextraction is achieved by the application of chelates to soils. Using pot experiments, the effect of the combined application of EDTA and EDDS on the uptake of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd by Zea mays L. was studied. Among the tested application ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1 (EDTA/EDDS), 2:1 of EDTA:EDDS was the most efficient ratio for increasing the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in the shoots. The combined application of 3.33 mmol kg(-1) soil of EDTA+1.67 mmol kg(-1) soil of EDDS produced 650 mg kg(-1) of Pb in the shoots, which was 2.4 and 5.9 times the concentration of Pb in the shoots treated with 5 mmol kg(-1) of EDTA and EDDS alone, respectively. The total phytoextraction of Pb reached 1710 microg kg(-1) soil, which was 2.1 and 6.1 times the total Pb from 5 mmol kg(-1) EDTA and EDDS alone, respectively. The combined application of EDTA and EDDS also significantly increased the translocation of Pb from the roots to the shoots. The mechanism of enhancing the phytoextraction of Pb by the combined application of EDTA+EDDS did not involve a change in the pH of the soil. The increase in the phytoextraction of Pb by the shoots of Z. mays L. was more pronounced than the increase of Pb in the soil solution with the combined application of EDTA and EDDS. It was thought that the major role of EDDS might be to increase the uptake and translocation of Pb from the roots to the shoots of plants.  相似文献   

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