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This article discusses the various phases in petroleum product consumption in India from 1960 to 1996, and analyses the changes in consumption patterns. Consumption is growing rapidly although the intensity of petroleum use and the proportion of petroleum in the overall secondary energy consumption is actually on the decline, especially since the mid-1980s. The proportion of middle distillates in total consumption, especially HSD (High Speed Diesel) which accounts for 45%, is very high mainly because of distortions caused by Government subsidies. The article also analyses expected demand for petroleum products up till the year 2010, emphasizing the need to address the particularly fast growing demand for middle distillates. Further, the article discusses various policy issues pertaining to upstream and downstream activities of oil and gas supply, and emphasizes the need for increased investment in exploration and development, better management of existing reserves, rationalization of pricing policies and the creation of modern infrastructure to meet growing needs.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine corporate environmental communication on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and industry efforts to shape public perception of resource extraction and its impacts on the environment. I look at how the oil and gas industry (OGI) frames fracking to ease public fear by downplaying risk and shifting its scale with rhetoric presenting the benefits of this emergent technology. Contrasting and building on ecological modernisation versus risk society ideas, I use OGI print advertising supplemented by corporate social responsibility statements and other online material to critically evaluate framing in light of the practice of corporate greenwashing. Findings reveal OGI efforts to positively portray fracking in the interest of unfettered resource extraction and profits from energy production. Several themes emerge in OGI framing rhetoric, starting with the establishment of trust through education and claims of transparency and continuing with ideas touting safety and responsibility, scientific progress, economic benefits and jobs, energy security, environmental protection, and sustainability. On the whole, such rhetoric reflects ecological modernisation ideas that shift the perception of risk and its consequences, framing fracking in a way that obscures the negative impacts of dependency on a fossil fuel-based economy.  相似文献   

An important feature of export-oriented production in mineral-rich developing countries for almost three decades after 1960 was the growth of state-owned enterprises. For the phosphate industry, this was reflected in the expansion of companies such as Office Cherifienne des Phosphate (OCP) in Morocco and the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC). There was a strategic importance of the industry for these nations and the large capital outlays necessary for phosphate and fertilizer production expansion often required considerable government assistance because of the perceived high risks of private investment in the industry.  相似文献   

Regions under stress from rapid development require comprehensive planning and management tools, capable of identifying the pace, location and magnitude of growth and assessing social, economic and environmental impacts. Northwest Colorado, endowed with massive rich deposits of oil shale, went through a boom-bust cycle of growth during the early 1980s as US interest in synthetic fuels peaked and then rapidly declined. An innovative resource information system has been developed which has assisted the region in anticipating growth and modifying its consequences. This article reviews the organization and development of the Colorado Resource Information System (CRIS) and evaluates its role and impact in the decisionmaking process. Experience shows that regions which develop and maintain planning and information tools can have significant influence on economic development.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), suggesting the usefulness of adopting a holistic and historical perspective. It underlines the importance of taking into account the evolving regulatory frameworks within which mining activities take place in order to consider the changing roles played by the various actors involved, whether multilateral, national or local, public or private. In this broad context it then becomes possible to revisit issues of legitimacy, responsibility, and accountability, which CSR strategies aim to address. The article draws attention to the shortcomings of strategies, whether bilateral or multilateral, public or private, which, in an attempt to respond to problems of risk and legitimacy faced by mining companies, have put forward measures in the name of CSR that do not address the origins that give rise to such problems and, in so doing, tend to mask the very nature of the difficulties at hand. The analysis leads to quite different conclusions as compared to those that result from the adoption of a shorter term and investment-led perspective.  相似文献   

This article provides a case study of small-scale private sector provision of water supply in Paraguay, where the Government has sought sector policy reforms that would encourage private investment in drinking water supply. Ironically, while the Government has focused almost entirely on garnering the interest of large private international water companies, much smaller local firms have already made significant investments in drinking water services for the poor, all without any participation or encouragement from the Government. Outside Paraguay's two major cities, Asunción and Ciudad del Este, large numbers of aguateros currently provide piped potable water to lower-income people. Though the aguateros have little legal footing — they are in many respects informal and unregulated —they have constructed as much as one third of all the new drinking water connections in these two cities over the past 20 years. The small-scale water systems in Paraguay offer a model of financial, economic, and water-use efficiency. This article asserts that an abundance of groundwater resources, cheap access to electricity for pumping, and a spirit of informal investment, among other variables, has spawned widespread use of this approach. This article documents and analyzes the features of these independent small-scale water providers in Paraguay and the efficiency they bring to the use of water resources in meeting drinking water demands among the poor. It also cautions against policies that may trample on such entrepreneurial spirit in the name of State-managed privatization.  相似文献   

This paper discusses methodologies that have been employed to give insights into business performance in relation to sustainable development, both at a sectoral and corporate level. From consideration of different sectoral sustainable development methodologies, some key issues and good practice related to their derivation are elaborated. These issues are then further illustrated by a detailed comparison between three sustainable development methodologies that have been used in the UK offshore oil and gas industry. The methodologies chiefly differ in terms of how they address the problem of comparing different impacts across potentially non-commensurable dimensions, one proceeding through explicit monetary valuation, another through implicit valuation of different options and another through presentation of an unaggregated framework of indicators. The paper concludes by identifying the different situations in which use of these different methodologies is appropriate.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework for understanding the contextual factors of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices in the O&G industry. It is based on a literature review of studies related to SSCM of O&G topics. The review reveals that there is a lack of SSCM research specific to the industry. Present studies focus on individual stages of its supply chain and do not consider all dimensions of sustainable development, namely economic, environmental and social factors. In addition, existing frameworks lack important contextual aspects of the industry's business and organizational environment. To address these gaps, our research develops an overarching framework operationalizing the internal and external contextual factors of the O&G industry environment that can influence the outcome of its SSCM practices. The proposed framework is useful as a tool in the formulation and implementation of SSCM strategy that enables alignment of a company's internal capabilities with its external environment.  相似文献   

Mining investment in Indonesia has been at a standstill for a decade. Clearly. international mining companies regard the country as a high risk destination for capital. Yet Indonesia is one of the most highly mineralised countries in the world and has expressed a desire to increase investment in the sector in the coming years. As a first step in this direction the government has introduced a new mineral and coal mining law to replace the highly regarded Contract of Work system. The government argues that this new law will reinvigorate mining investment in the country. This paper suggests that the new mining law will do little to improve the situation. Indeed, it is unlikely that Indonesia will become a preferred destination for mining investment in the foreseeable future. Poor regulatory architecture, endemic corruption, and a lack of institutional capacity continue to be of concern to investors.  相似文献   

The separate effects of 50% increases in the prices of energy, renewable and nonrenewable natural resource inputs on factor demands and production costs are simulated for Canadian total manufacturing and six two-digit industries. Both renewable and nonrenewable natural resource price increases have a substantially greater effect upon the demands for other factors and upon production costs than a parallel energy price increase. These results are important from a policy perspective and justify the further disaggregation of inputs in this and in other models of input demand.  相似文献   

An iron resource efficiency is proposed to define a measure of the natural iron resources saved in the steel manufacturing process. A simplified iron flow diagram is presented for the steel manufacturing process. The influences of various deviations in iron flow from the simplified iron flow diagram on iron resource efficiency are analyzed. The relationships between iron resource efficiency of unit processes and the final product are also discussed. As an example, data from a steel plant are used to analyze the influence of iron flow on its iron resource efficiency of finial product in the steel manufacturing process, the influence of iron resource efficiency of unit process on iron resource efficiency of the final product, and give some measures to improve the iron resource efficiency of the steel manufacturing process.  相似文献   

针对四川石油天然气工业环境统计中存在的非稳定污染源监测数据的统计价值不高,统计调查方法单一,个别统计指标计算未使用国家统一标准等现状,从环境监测站改组入手,改革统计调查方法,建立以必要的周期性普查为基础,以经常性的抽样调查为主体,同时辅之以全面统计报表,重点调查和科学推算综合运用的统计调查方法体系。  相似文献   

While the oil industry along the Atlantic coast of Cameroon has made important contributions to the national economy, this has been accompanied with adverse environmental impacts. There has been significant pollution from oil drilling, refinery waste, oil spillage, gas and flaring. After discussing these impacts, this paper argues that prevailing regulations are inadequate and need overhauling. It proposes that cleaner production requires:
specific laws to protect dwellers in the neighbourhood of oil refineries, filling stations, service stations and pipelines;  相似文献   

With energy crises looming, conflicts over resource extraction and production are on the rise. For communities lacking voice to participate in these conflicts, community-based organisations and local non-governmental organisations help to unite, communicate, and negotiate with other stakeholders. In this paper we compare two cases that demonstrate the roles of organisations in providing voice to citizenry impacted by environmental justice issues. We use Senecah's concept of Trinity of Voice for the purposes of evaluation. These cases provide contrasting examples of how local/regional organisations chose to either expand their organisation's mission to intervene or stick to a strict reading of their mission thus excluding involvement. In both examples we found that organisational involvement, or lack thereof, influenced how citizens were involved in decision-making with one case leading to legislation protecting property owners from industrial activities, and the other leading to a lack of effective involvement and negatively impacted citizens.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation options in the Russian forest sector include: afforestation and reforestation of unforested/degraded land area; enhanced forest productivity; incorporation of nondestructive methods of wood harvesting in the forest industry; establishment of land protective forest stands; increase in stand age of final harvest in the European part of Russia; increased fire control; increased disease and pest control; and preservation of old growth forests in the Russian Far-East, which are presently threatened. Considering the implementation of all of the options presented, the GHG mitigation potential within the forest and agroforestry sectors of Russia is approximately 0.6–0.7 Pg C/yr or one half of the industrial carbon emissions of the United States. The difference between the GHG mitigation potential and the actual level of GHGs mitigated in the Russian forest sector will depend to a great degree on external financing that may be available. One possibility for external financing is through joint implementation (JI). However, under the JI process, each project will be evaluated by considering a number of criteria including also the difference between the carbon emissions or sequestration for the baseline (or reference) and the project case, the permanence of the project, and leakage. Consequently, a project level assessment must appreciate the near-term constraints that will face practitioners who attempt to realize the GHG mitigation potential in the forest and agroforestry sectors of their countries.  相似文献   

The scale, duration and intensity of conflicts over mineral resources vary greatly. However, they always involve, in varying proportions, the triad stakeholder model—corporation, state, community—each element of which is internally heterogeneous. Increasingly, new players are entering the scene: international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), environmental grassroots groups, indigenous transnational networks, international aid and development agencies. Nevertheless, conflicts and arrangements around access to and control over mineral resources can take the apparent form of dyadic relationships between companies and local communities, resulting in negotiated company-community agreements, often called “Impact and Benefit Agreements” (IBAs). In our analysis, local agreements on mineral resource governance are seen as building blocks in the production of mining policy “from below”, even though they seem at first sight to exclude the state. This paper argues that these agreements, and the negotiations surrounding them, inform debates around mining through both “horizontal diffusion” (influence on other localities facing similar situations) and “vertical diffusion” (influence on policy design and implementation at upper political and administrative levels). This diffusion may occur in a “positive” sense, effecting further change in line with the intent of the original agreement, or in a “negative” one, actually making substantive change less likely, whether at a community or policy level. We build this argument through two case studies from New Caledonia, in the south-west Pacific, where mining has long been a key issue, especially in the current context of “negotiated decolonization” launched by the 1998 Nouméa Accord.  相似文献   

With the continued growth in demand for mineral resources and China's efforts in increasing investment in geological prospecting, economic impact evaluation of geological exploration becomes a research hotspot.  相似文献   


Greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation options in the Russian forest sector include: afforestation and reforestation of unforested/degraded land area; enhanced forest productivity; incorporation of nondestructive methods of wood harvesting in the forest industry; establishment of land protective forest stands; increase in stand age of final harvest in the European part of Russia; increased fire control; increased disease and pest control; and preservation of old growth forests in the Russian Far-East, which are presently threatened. Considering the implementation of all of the options presented, the GHG mitigation potential within the forest and agroforestry sectors of Russia is approximately 0.6–0.7 Pg C/yr or one half of the industrial carbon emissions of the United States. The difference between the GHG mitigation potential and the actual level of GHGs mitigated in the Russian forest sector will depend to a great degree on external financing that may be available. One possibility for external financing is through joint implementation (JI). However, under the JI process, each project will be evaluated by considering a number of criteria including also the difference between the carbon emissions or sequestration for the baseline (or reference) and the project case, the permanence of the project, and leakage. Consequently, a project level assessment must appreciate the near-term constraints that will face practitioners who attempt to realize the GHG mitigation potential in the forest and agroforestry sectors of their countries.


Climate change communication to the Public is in general presented in a negative fashion and often depicts the resultant costs and impacts as distant. Its substantial gloom together with the less immediate consequences significantly weaken responses. Narratives and stories are potent arbiters of meaningful communication and are an important vehicle for communication in our information-rich lives. Importantly, they reduce jargon, gather and translate information, provide insight, reframe evidence and engage audiences. It has been argued by many observers that stories are potentially useful in driving change; presenting a way to value what is gone, expressing emotions, and helping us assert our determination to salvage something and work towards the future. This paper details the methods utilised by the authors to generate stories and case studies in a community in Ireland over a 4-year research period. The aim of the work was to identify and assess the salience and potency of storytelling – as part of a “co-creation” process – with regard to galvanising local action in the generation of sustainable models of lifestyle practice for residents. In this paper, co-creation includes the planning phase of co-design and the implementation phase of co-production. The demonstration of these sustainable lifestyle practices was a strong driver for the sustainable transition of this community supporting the reduction of its ecological footprint by 28% over 4 years, evidence of which is highlighted in this paper.  相似文献   

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